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He needed a plan.

Multiple plans.

…All the plans.

That was why, instead of joining his fellow marines out in the practice arena or in the mess hall, Kaden secreted himself back to his bedroom.

It was a simple small, narrow place less than ten feet wide and twenty in length and barely had enough room for the single bed, closet and table and chair he had within the place.

The marine branch he was with before, had large barracks where the soldiers slept. But, G5 was different.

In the sense that the amount of marines stationed here, was pitifully small in comparison. Less than a hundred compared to most that had well over a thousand.

Not to mention, the chain of command was sloppy and terrible. Very little discipline was enforced by Vice Admiral Vergo who just let the marines do as they pleased as long as they weren't killing each other and honestly, the man barely interacted with any of them beyond dropping some orders and the like.

Which was why Kaden didn't need to worry about anyone bothering him, they simply wouldn't care unless it came to fighting pirates and he didn't show up.

As such, the blonde teen found himself sitting at his desk, a small journal opened up in front of him and tapping his pen to it.

Atop the page, multiple notes were jotted down.


Soru - Yes

Tekkai - ?

Shigan - Maybe?

Kami-E - ?

Geppo - Yes

Rankyaku - Maybe?

At the forefront of equalizers for him, were the six powers. The Rokushiki were incredible techniques. The problem was…while he knew how a few were achieved, the others not so much.

Soru and Geppo were the most important bar none for sure and the ones that were thankfully from what he knew were rather simple in practice. Kicking the ground multiple times to push off with Soru and kicking the very air surface had enough to generate enough force to propel the user without a physical foothold with Geppo.

Simple in explanation, in practice however, they'd be insanely difficult. The others though, while he had vague explanations on how they were done, he wasn't really sure how to put them into practice.

'Kick fast and hard enough to create an air blade, tense your muscles hard enough to make them like an iron wall, thrust your finger fast and hard enough to puncture a target like a bullet….and make your body and muscles go entirely limp to limplessly move and dodge like paper.' Kaden nodded to himself.

Before slamming his head into the table with a groan, "That's fucking bullshit." he huffed in annoyance.

That was retarded and monstrous and didn't even make fucking sense. How did making your body and muscles go limp make one move like paper?

The others at least sounded slightly…feasible in explanation.

'Though Vergo knows the Rokushiki, do I wanna even chance asking him though?' he thought.

Personally, Kaden would rather not ever interact with the man ever again. Vergo could snap him in half right now in the blink of an eye.

But that brought him to the second part written down on the page. Notes over Haki.

He apparently had all three forms of Haki, but he had no idea what to do with Armament or Conquerors, only that great stress and threats to his life could bring them up to the surface apparently.

Observation he had a slight idea on how to train…some. Rayleigh taught Luffy by swinging sticks at him from behind while he was blindfolded.

Any of the meat head monkeys around G5 would happily take his place and do the same to Kaden if he asked.

He wasn't exactly looking forward to the idea of getting smashed over the head repeatedly though.

'…I could pull from other places though as well.' he mused. Like, there was one specific character from another series that he knew trained a similar power, with a blindfold as well at that.

What they did was tie a bunch of large logs to a huge tree and get in amongst them while they swung back and forth.

Still didn't sound like a pleasant time though.

Third on the list of notes, was-


Meito - ?

Sea Stone - ?

Seven Star Sword - ?

He only had three entries, all he wasn't sure what to do with. If he was getting a weapon, he'd be going after a high grade one. Ones like the common cutlass he currently had possession of as a marine, alongside two flintlock pistols, wouldn't last long in any fight against anyone actually strong. If he wanted one to last, he'd need a meito.

He only knew of two up for grabs. One was being wielded by a weakling in Baroque Works, Mr 11, while the other was in the possession of a sword store owner in Logue Town.

Which brought him to the next thing, sea stone tipped weapons. Would it be worth getting one? Or making one at least. Sea stone could weaken devil fruit users, drain their power and even hurt Logia's, which he wouldn't be able to touch otherwise without Armament Haki.

Sea Stone was at least simple for him to get his hands on, he could chip some off the bottom of any of the battle ships, they were all lined at the bottom with sea stone to hide the ships from the Sea Kings within the ocean waters.

Though he had no idea how that worked.

It was just that, edging his current blade with sea stone, would be a huge waste if it was just broken in any old fight. So he either had to get a hold of some and hold on to for later, or play it safe in case he ran into a devil fruit user he needed a sea stone blade for before he was ready.

'And then there's you.' his eyes settled on the last listed weapon. The Seven Star Sword.

An obscenely powerful weapon he remembered from one of the movies. It enhanced the users physical abilities, allowed them to create mystical green fire and fire off shock waves and even bestowed upon them a low tier regeneration.

But the sword itself was possessed and would possess the user and turn them into a killing machine.

Yeah…he'd already found himself in a second body not by choice, he didn't quite want this one stolen from him either.

'Maybe if I could actually use Conqueror's Haki….' he mused wistfully. If he did, he could possibly just crush the will within the sword with his own.

Without that though, there was no point in even thinking about going for that weapon.

Which brought him to the final entry on the page.

Well, there was five originally, but he crossed off Fishman Karate. Since he highly doubted any fishman within their kingdom would happily teach him even if he did visit and the only thing that came to mind to learn it, was to head to East Blue, slaughter Arlong and his crew and force Kurobi to teach him the basics under threat of death.

Not something at all viable right now, even if Fishman Karate was one of the few abilities capable of harming Kaido due to the shockwaves one could produce with it and bypass physical toughness.

Alas, just not viable for him right now.

Which brought him to the most obvious on the list.

Devil Fruits


Devil Fruits, the ultimate equalizer in this world. With some luck, a complete weakling could go from trash to being able to crush anyone without Armament Haki or sea stone weapons.

The problem being, getting his hands on one. If he wanted to buy one, they were ludicrously pricey. Even the weakest or ones with unknown effects, went for at least two hundred million beri.

That was literally one thousand times the amount he got paid by month. So unless he managed to claim the bounty on some hot shot pirates with high bounties, that wasn't happening.

Beyond that, was the option for killing the holder of a devil fruit and grabbing the devil fruit when it reincarnated.

Only, the type of fruit a devil fruit reincarnated in varied and from what he knew had to be healthy and ripe to begin with. He'd literally need to carry around an assortment of fruit while being on the lookout for devil fruit users and they wouldn't last very long at all.

Honestly, he only knew of one single devil fruit that reincarnated into a specific fruit from his memories. The Axolotl zoan devil fruit reincarnated into apples.

So if he killed the user of it and had a ripe apple on hand, he could get it for himself. Which wasn't a bad idea in practice. Because zoan fruits even in the base form, enhanced the users physical abilities. And Axolotl's could regenerate.

'Except the Axolotl devil fruit is currently being used by a now sentient giant blob of toxic corrosive gas.' he snorted, then laughed despite feeling no amusement over it.

Like how the fuck was he supposed to deal with that?


Speaking of Smiley, there was a devil fruit he knew the location of and a particularly powerful one at that.

The clone of the Mythical Zoan devil fruit - Fish Fish Fruit: Model: Azure Dragon.

Momonosuke and the red scabbards hadn't appeared in the timeline yet again and wasn't due to for a while yet.

…And coincidentally, Punk Hazard was not far from here. In fact, it was a known location if thought abandoned place by marines as a whole where they used to store prisoners for experimentation.

That should be great. Why not? Literally a few days sail from where he was, he could find and get his hands on the equivalent of a mythical zoan devil fruit and one of the most powerful in existence.

Only, the thought abandoned research facility was currently being used by a meglomaniac with a powerful logia devil fruit, who was being attended by a woman with a snow logia. Who had a giant toxic sentient Axolotl pet at his command.

And was currently working for Doflamingo to produce fake zoan devil fruits known as 'SMILE'.

And was selling them….to Kaido.

Who would want his head if Kaden in any single way messed with that operation.

"Fucking annoying." he groaned.

There was not a single, simple answer for him at all. Honestly, if he could get his hands on that dragon devil fruit, he could use the flame cloud ability of it, to literally just fly away.

He could go anywhere he wanted with it, even a sky island and just avoid everything.

To get it though, he'd need to slip in, avoid everyone there, and there was quite a few pirates turned prisoner that had been 'helped' by Caesar Clown, the resident meglomaniac producing SMILE. They had forces numbering in the hundreds, most of them from the New World, if fodder that didn't last long.

Still far stronger than your typical person though.

After all, he struggled with just a few New World fodder from his memories and he was considered pretty damn strong in his old marine base.

"Guess I can literally only do one thing…" he sighed, running a hand through his hair in defeat.

He would have to train.

And train.

And train.

And if he wanted to make any headway quickly with the Rokushiki or Haki, he'd most likely….need to talk to Vergo and ask him.

"Peachy, just fucking peachy."

….He was freaking talking to himself now.

Well, at the very least, he liked working out and relished in the feeling of his body getting stronger. He was an avid sports player and even trained in martial arts in his own life and one of the few things he and the Kaden who originally had this body of his seemed to similar on, was training their bodies and getting stronger.

And maybe their taste in women.

But…who didn't like a curvy, voluptuous babe?


Joshua Leahy

Looking forward to more!

Juan Correa Sandoval

Great star but when are you gonna write naruto systematic shinobi

0 Jordinio 0

Probably soon. Though it's been like, less than two weeks since I last updated it with a bunch of chapters.