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Once Pa left back home to enjoy his…maggot stew, it was time for Daiki to leave the Hokage training ground behind for the first time in a week.

It was the first time he saw sunlight in that week, and would have strained his eyes a bit…if not for the fact his eyes were special and saw bright lights every second of every day regardless of if it was day or not.

Sadly, while Daiki would have loved to head home for a little bit, he had a deal to pay out on.

And so out into the forests with Jiraiya he went, to meet a familiar spiky haired blonde.

"Ero-sennin, where the hell have you bee-!?" Naruto, right in the middle of a set of push ups with multiple bags of what appeared to be sand tied all over his body began to demand as they appeared, only to pause and blink when he saw Daiki with him, "The hell are you doin' here?" he asked, pushing himself up and crossing his arms.

He'd discarded his orange jacket and so was only wearing a mesh shirt and orange pants, which meant he could see much of his bare torso. The boy while short, was packed with rigid powerful muscle.

Not as powerful and glorious as his own of course, but the hard training the boy put himself through showed.

Though, the sand bags were much less efficient than his own method of weight training.

"I went looking for this brat here, shrimpy brat," Jiraiya shrugged, "I figured he'd be able to teach you something much better than me."

"Huh!? The hell you on about?" Naruto scowled, crossing his arms, it was easy to see the boy was still upset with him about his attitude regarding Lee, "I thought you were some super Sannin like that snake face bastard? Some great shinobi you are if you need some kid my own age to teach me something."

"Ah shut up kid, I'm the Gallant Jiraiya, you won't ever find another shinobi as badass and cool as me," Jiraiya waved the boy off, "The little muscle head beside me just has something in common with you that I don't."

Naruto snorted at him, "Yeah, and what's that pervert?"

"I'm a Jinchuuriki like you," Daiki cut in, time was wasting after all, "I'm here to teach you how to use the Kyuubi's chakra properly."

Naruto's bright blue eyes instantly widened in horror, "You…know?" he swallowed heavily, his shoulders trembling for a moment, "...Wait…like me? You have a monster in you too?"

In response, Daiki scoffed, "The bijuu aren't monsters moron, they're huge masses of chakra that people stuffed in guys you to make super shinobi that can use their power," he replied, "In that response we're nothing alike. You're a pansy that that got the strongest of them all handed to you at birth, where as I went out and found the Sanbi myself and sealed it in myself."

He'd already long since played a situation like this out in his head before. And he'd come to the simple realisation, that angering Naruto instead of letting him wallow in his self pity over it, would be the best course of action.

Jiraiya face palmed.

"…W-what…?" Naruto gaped at him, "…Why…why would you do that? How…did you do that?"

For once, he'd rendered Naruto quiet through sheer shock.

"Why wouldn't I?" Daiki crossed his arms and smirked cockily, "Being a Jinchuuriki makes me superior to any normal ninja. Not only do I get the Sanbi's special abilities and he has a ton, but I also heal faster, my chakra grows massively and recovers faster and I can draw on its strength. Did you think I was talking bullshit when I said I could easily crush all of you back at the prelims?"

Naruto outright grimaced, "Just for power? Everyone has always hated me, I've been alone all this time with no parents or anything because of the Kyuubi inside me…and you want the same thing, just for power?"

"Oh grow up Naruto, seriously, it's for your own good," Daiki shot back, "Why the hell would you care what your lessars think of you? The only ones that cared at all were weaklings and civilians, an easy trade off in my opinion. You've got more chakra than ten thousand of those weaklings put together, you've got more chakra than me! Do you understand how absurd that is?"

"Kids…kids, calm down a bit won't you?" Jiraiya sighed and felt the need to step in, "This really wasn't what I had in mind…"

But no, Daiki wasn't having it. He wanted him to help Naruto? He would. And the blonde would be all the better off for it, both physically and mentally. Hell, he'd be happier in the end.

"Buzz off old man, go set up a barrier to stop anyone from sensing chakra within this area and leave us to it," Daiki jutted his chin at him, "I'll be making Naruto see sense, but if anyone senses the Kyuubi's chakra they'll freak out."

Jiraiya hesitated, but Daiki narrowed his eyes at him and then with a mental tug, he called upon his closet allies power.

Almost casually, a bubbling cloak of sizzling red chakra formed around his body, splitting into three huge, thick tails at his back and waving languidly in the air.

He was making a point.

Jiraiya grimaced, understanding, "Fine, but I won't be far." he conceded and disappeared in a blur using a shunshin.

Only then did Naruto speak up, "…That chakra…"

"Like it?" Daiki spread his arms wide and invitingly, massive grin on his face, "This is what is called the Version 1 Bijuu Cloak. It's the step up from that little aura you can call on right now. You can draw right up to as many tails as your bijuu has. In your case, that would be nine." As he finished speaking, he saw the air ripple above them as a clear translucent barrier formed.

"…I don't even know what's going on, but I can tell it's super strong," Naruto grudgingly admitted, "I still don't get it Daiki. Sure it's strong, but why would you want it? Don't you remember, the Kyuubi attacked the village, it killed so many people! It's why I grew up hated and without parents! I don't want to use its power unless I need to!"

"…And?" Daiki replied, "The Kyuubi killed my parents too. My dad died in its initial attack and my mom two years later because of its chakra that infected her. But you don't see me whining about it."

That did it.

Naruto's eyes narrowed in anger, "It killed your parents…and you don't care?" he demanded, baring his teeth.

"Don't put words in my mouth loser," Daiki scoffed at him, "I didn't say I didn't care. I just don't blame the fox for it."

"You don't blame it? How, it killed them!" Naruto snarled, rage beginning to overtake him, his eyes bleeding red and his pups elongating into feral slits.

As expected, Naruto because of his own lack of parents, was very big on the whole family thing. Him besmirching his own in anyway, made him seem entitled even if they were dead.

How predictable.

"We're shinobi idiot," Daiki shot back, "We fight, we kill and we die. If you decided to become a shinobi and chase after being the Hokage hat without even realising that simple fact, then you're even further below me than I thought."

Naruto trembled in his spot, sheer anger enveloping his body in a literal red haze of chakra.

Just a little bit more.

"It's no wonder the old man has decided to make me the next Hokage after him while you aren't even a footnote despite having the strongest being in the world to draw strength from." Daiki jutted his chin out arrogantly and looked down on the boy.

And thus, it began.

"Liar!" a beastly roar tore its way from Naruto's throat and the blonde rushed him in a blur of speed most Jonin would have trouble keeping up with.

And was promptly batted aside by a single tail that whipped out faster than the blonde could react, sending him flying through multiple trees.

The blonde was buried under multiple large fallen trees within moments. A pile of trees that were promptly blown high into the air as if they were made of paper when the boy shot to his feet and spread his arms wide.

With a snarl, Naruto once again shot towards Daiki in a blur of speed that tore a trench in the ground at his feet.

Not even a blink of an eye later, the boy was upon him and lashing out with a rapid barrage of clawed swipes, punches and kicks, each one capable of shattering a boulder.

Yet with ease, Daiki parried his blows, hopped over them, dodged with the smallest of motions.

"Look at you," Daiki laughed as he spun around Naruto's next blow and buried his elbow in the blonde's face, breaking his nose with an audible crunch and sending him tumbling backwards in multiple rolls, "Only the very bare minimum of the Kyuubi's chakra and you're already at the point where you'd demolish Sasuke, your big rival, yet you whine about it so much." he goaded.

"SHUT UP!" Naruto bounced to his feet, nose already healed and roared. The sheer power put into his voice conjured a pure on shock wave that blasted out towards him, tearing up thick trees over fifty feet tall as if they were little sticks caught in a hurricane.

Only to be rent asunder as he swiped one of his three chakra tails up over his head and down in a blade like motion.

"Really Naruto, a shock wave against me? That's my thing bro." Daiki laughed at him.

Naruto growled, bringing his hands up into a familiar cross seal, "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" he shouted and a moment later, three clones enshrouded with the same sizzling red chakra cloak puffed into existence beside him.

And together they rushed him.

And Daiki rushed them.

His three tails tore out from behind in, flashing through the air like a trio of crimson Yondaime's and smashed into the three clones before they could do even make it half way towards him.

And then he was physically in Naruto's face, faster than he himself could react to and his hand wrapped around the blonde's throat and hefted him up into the air.

And then, he began draining the boys chakra.


With his chakra armour, the chakra absorbing seal added to his Dimension Force Seal and the chakra absorption jutsu he'd stolen from that sunglasses wearing fool that simped for Orochimaru.

Naruto's eyes widened and he began to trash in his grip, arms and legs kicking out violently, his sizzling red cloak of chakra burning at his own.

But managing nothing in the end,

Before long, the boy went limp in his grip and the cloak of chakra around him dwindled away bit by bit.

'Store that in the seal will you.' he said inwardly. He already had quite the collection of Sasuke's chakra from all the times they'd sparred.

Now, he had Naruto's as well. And quite a lot of it actually. And he'd take the time to cultivate both for his own uses.

'Already on it.' Isobu replied.


"Sorry about this Naruto, but it's necessary." he apologised to the blonde boy in his grip, the boys bright blue eyes dim and half lidded.

He was on the edge of losing consciousness.

In the first place, the likelihood of Naruto having any true mental defences were slim at best. Sasuke slipped right on in with just the Sharingan after all.

But it was better to be safe than sorry.

Besides, this little slapathon they just had, proved the point of his strength and why jinchuuriki were superior than normal people.

He narrowed his eyes onto Naruto's own and with his eyes, slipped into his mind, projecting his consciousness into his own just as he did before with Anko.

And moments later, Daiki left the physical world behind and found himself standing ankle deep in murky water, within a huge metallic hallway.

Beside him, Naruto sat on his backside in the water, staring up at him in shock.

"So this is your seal huh?" Daiki commented, looking around idly, "Should have guessed the guy who came up with the Sexy Jutsu would have a gutter for a mind."

"…This is my seal thing…how did you get in here?" the blonde, now much more subdued after the ass kicking he'd received asked in shock.

"Eh, I've got special eyes, better than Sasuke's by the way," he replied and added, "Now, let's go talk to a big fluffy fox shall we?" he grinned down at Naruto, holding his hand out for him to take it.


Brennan Tubbs

Great chapters. So glad to see some updates on this story.


You should use something similar to the "wear what you are like armor," that Tyrion from GoT said when trying to convince Naruto not to be afraid/ashamed of being the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki.