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So, finally got a title down for the original story. I decided to go with Ascent Of A Rogue Summoner.

Very catchy, much wow, yes?


Sad face. :( =(

Anyway, the planned amount for the first book of it is 25 chapters, though I may go over that. Currently, I've finished 6 out of those 25 chapters. I would have been farther ahead actually but I had some family drama to deal with that slowed me down a bit.

Currently they're with my proof reader at the moment since I'm planning on hopefully getting this published eventually. Once he's given them a look over, I'll upload them here.

I think I'll give another four days to this, before focusing on my fanfics for a little bit. Crank out a chapter or two of them within a day or two then get back to the original story for a few days, then the fanfics again and repeat till I finish the first book and then focus on the fanfics for a while after that.

After all, I'm writing the first book out in advance to try and get onto Rising Stars and get traction with it on Royal Road. If it doesn't get traction, then it's a flop that won't get published and I'll focus on fanfics for a while as I go back to the drawing board.

Speaking of, I hope I can count on you guys to follow/favourite me and my stories on Royal Road if you have an account there...assuming you like my stories. Though, I don't know why you'd be a patron of mine if you didn't like what I'm writing.

Unless you're just here to laugh at the random nonsense I spout. To which I say...fair enough. I art funny Scottish man.

Anyway, here's my Royal Road profile if you want to follow/favourite me in advance before I upload the original stuff there.


Also, have another waifu planned for the story;

She's a queen.


And a MILF!


edgar azcuaga

Hope to see it soon. Please let us know when it is ready.


felecidades por tu historia original y suerte con ello; escribo para preguntar si vas a continuar en el corto plazo con el fanfic Systematic Shinobi, me registre por esa historia y si te vas a concentrar en otras esta bien, pero talves me vuelva a registrar en unos meses para ver