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Right, sorry for the delay in updates the last few days guys, been dealing with a pain in the arse toothache. While on my way to the gym about 4-5 days ago now, a guy targeting my sister and her boyfriend alongside his 'muscle' if you can call a 6'4 huge fat ass muscle caught sight of me with my buddy and just attacked me. Big fucker just rushed me and punched me out of nowhere, almost knocked me the fuck out right then and there. Would have gotten my shit kicked in if my friend wasn't there and went swinging at the big guy. Gave me enough time to give myself a shake and get up, so I jumped up and grabbed the guy in a headlock and sunk my teeth into his neck, got him low where my friend just hammered his face in till he went down and the little bitch that instigated it ran off.

....Well, to make a long story short, fucker cracked my tooth and I can't get into see my dentist anytime soon cuz y'know, Christmas and they're busy as all fuck.

Anyway yeah that was what was slowing me down. The pain...and the strong ass pain killers I'm taking for it making me kinda light headed.

But moving on, one thing that I'm facepalming over, is a series that is so obvious for the Beyond Critical multi-cross but completely slipped my mind. so I'm leaving it up to you guys to include it or not.

That series, is Testament of New Sister Devil.



Jord, why is it that every time you talk about your personal life, I feel more and more like you live in a GTA themed au? Seriously man you have a crazy sounding life from the small bits we hear.

Jeffery Wright

Dang man, that sucks. Hope you do okay, don't forget Orajel is your friend in this annoying time.