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Despite the rampant desire to make Irina his woman, on both their parts in fact, Kaito decided self control was the better part of valour.

He'd said it once and he'd say it again, "Being a good guy fucking sucks." he muttered to himself as he stared at his reflection in the bathroom the next morning and ran his fingers coated with gel through his hair.

Sadly, his spiky, wavy, awesome hair style, wasn't natural. And he needed to use cheap gel to keep it up all day.

He sighed.

If he wasn't a good guy, he wouldn't currently be getting ready for school. And would instead be laying naked in his futon with a bodacious, voluptuous twin tailed babe cuddled up against him…with her own utterly naked amazing body.

Though, he supposed if he wasn't such a good guy, he wouldn't have been in the position for it to be a chance anyway.

And Irina would be dead.

"Guess it has some merit," he mused, "Speaking of Satanael though…" he trailed off as he focused on his magic power.

The growth of his magic power had increased noticably since last night. It wasn't some massive, massive jump in power or anything. But rather, an effect from the evolution his Sacred Gear went through.

'Twice Critical - The Fallen Dragon Wings.'

That was what Azazel had decide to dub his new sub-species variant of Twice Critical. A chuuni ass name, as expected of him, but Kaito had been a bit too out of it at the time to tell him no…so he was stuck with it now.

He hadn't managed to discover fully what it did, since he'd just gotten it. But, Azazel had managed to help him test some things about it and draw out some basic functions.

The main ability his Twice Critical had gained, was using Satanael's light energy and it had kept its boost function of course. Through the wings, he could generate and control that light. Which really wouldn't be all that ground breaking, considering how pitiful his magic power was compared to Satanael's…if not for one single thing.

His own magic was used as the spark to create the light energy and then amplified by the magic power of Satanael that was now a natural part of his Sacred Gear. It meant, he could punch far above his weight class magically with it, at least when it came to Satanael's light.

There was a secondary effect from that ability though. Because of Satanael's magic power amplifying his own, the Sacred Gear was constantly leaking part of Satanael's magic into his own.

Mixing with his own.

And it had slightly increased the speed at which his own magic power grew. Which was already passively growing day by day even without using it because of his stunt against Satanael in the first place with his organs.

"Which means not only will it take longer to drain, but it'll recover even quicker too." he groaned.

Which would make it even harder to stop himself from having any fire breathing related incidents. Soon, it was going to be way too hard to keep this hidden from the devils.

…Well, he could put that thought on the back burner for now.

What was truly important was what he decided on with Irina lasted night. He was going to talk to Yanagi today.

About everything. About her wanting to date him, where he stood now. And of course, in the process, he would have to be absolutely truthful with her.

He couldn't date the girl in full if she accepted the crazy that was his life, without her at the very least knowing what she would be getting herself into.

Kaito sighed.

He turned and opened the bathroom door a moment later, only to pause as he found himself staring at a familiar full, round bounce ass, bodacious cheeks swallowing up familiar pink panties.

"Hm hm hm!" Irina hummed a cheerful tune as she bent over in front of the fridge, looking inside it, wiggling her hips all the while.

…Did she not notice him opening the bathroom door?

Kaito withheld a sigh and stared at the view presented to him, 'Man, my self control is amazing.' he had to take the time to praise himself as he admired the ass he could have been pounding all night long if not for it.

He nodded to himself.

And slapped Irina on the ass, a loud clap ringing through the apartment.

He admired the way it jiggled deliciously even as Irina yelped and jumped up, whirling around to face him, cheeks flush.

She pouted at him, "What was that for Kaito-kun?" she asked, rubbing her backside.

It was kind of hot.

"Temptation, thy name is Irina." Kaito replied simply.

Her pout was replaced by a pretty smile.

He shook his head, amused in spite of himself. At the very least, she had zipped up her pink hoodie. And while with how big her breasts were, they were still incredibly noticeable, it was a lot easier to control his lust when he couldn't see the vast canyon of her cleavage contained in a frilly pink bra.

"So, how are you feeling?" he asked, "That annoying guy told me to give him a call if anything felt off."

To be exact, Azazel, while Kaito had been deep within his own soul had decided to yoink his phone and stick his contact number in it.

"Mmm,"Irina pursed her lips for a moment, before shrugging, "Not really? Though, is it supposed to be this easy to bring out?" she asked.

And as she said that, she closed her eyes and seemed to focus. After a few seconds, there was a ripple in the air around her bare legs and suddenly they were covered by tight, thigh high black armour held by black traps wrapped around her thighs. Though oddly, there was some form of pink veil wrapped around her stomach as well, the strap of it that held it up looking reminiscent of a thong.

If it was large, it could have passed for the kind of veiled skirt a harem girl or belly dancer would wear.

…Freaking Azazel, Kaito bet he designed it like that on purpose, the damn pervert.

'Not that it doesn't look good on her.' Kaito couldn't help but note, before banishing the thought, the horny had to wait, "I dunno to be honest, it's been years since I first summoned my Sacred Gear, but I vaguely remember it being super easy to do after I did it the first time."

It was like, as soon as he knew it was there, it was akin to a limb he'd never noticed before but had full control over. He just had to learn its limits on his own.

Still, he'd only given it to her last night, going exactly by Azazel's instructions in the process. But here she was, the very next morning, not even twelve hours later, able to summon her Sacred Gear as she pleased, even if it took a few seconds.

Honestly, it had been…very simple. Azazel had pulled the Sacred Gear out of his storage space, because of course he had one as well, of his own making of course and then did…something to it. When he passed it over to Kaito, the Sacred Gear, had been contained in a green orb of magic, and he'd simply told him to have the girl envelop it with her magic and the green orb would do the rest.

"Is it alright?" he asked after another moment as she admired the armour on her legs. "No problems with it, really?" he pressed, just in case, he didn't want her to just tough it out if there were any problems.

"No, I love it!" Irina gave him a beaming smile, "It's your first gift to me after confessing. It's kind of like an engagement present right?"

….That was not at all what he meant.

Man, he thought it last night, but church girls really did move fast.

But considering how happy she was with it, it seemed there weren't any real problems. So, he'd let her believe that.

"Alright, I'm glad you like it." Kaito huffed in amusement.

"Not like, love it," Irina corrected him with a chirp and leaned over to peck him quickly on the lips before hopping back and admiring her armour clad legs once more, "And it has such a cute name too, Moon Rabbit, hehehe." she giggled.

Kaito smothered a smirk imagining Azazel's reaction to her calling it that. Because no way was he going to constantly have to say or think of a stupidly convoluted name like Procellarum Phantom every time he brought it up with Irina.

"Right, well, putting that on hold for the moment," he decided to change subjects, "Can you help me with my magic again, I need to leave soon."

"Mmm, no problem Kaito-kun." Irina flashed him a thumbs up and reached over to grasp his hand and tug him along with her over to the chairs.

He sat down just like every other time he had on the chair, with the voluptuous twin tailed girl dropping to her knees in front of him.

Irina reached for his hand, before pausing, "You know Kaito-kun…it doesn't need to be just your finger I drain the magic out of." she informed him, looking up at him with cheeks suddenly all flushed once more.

Kaito blinked, "…?"

"…Any physical point of your body works…like your tongue or even…" Irina trailed off and placed her hand on his thigh, before shifting it up towards his crotch, "Even…your….thing."

Kaito blinked again, before his eyes widened and he gaped at her, "Are you offering to suck my cock?" he couldn't help but blurt out.

Her cheeks burned a darker red, "I mean…yes? Though you don't need to put it so…crudely." she looked away.

Holy shit.

"Church girls are super lewd." he couldn't help but laugh aloud.

"No we're…I'm not!" Irina sputtered in denial, whipping her head around to pout up at him, "I just know…guys like that kind of thing."

This girl really was something else.

Shaking his head in amusement, he reached down and grasped the hand on his thigh and used it to pull her up into into his lap, "No need to rush Irina," Kaito assured her, cupping her cheek, "But I wouldn't mind kissing you for now at least."

As much as he really wanted to accept that initial offer, he'd already decided to wait until he talked to Yanagi.

Once he did that though, one way or another, he'd accept everything Irina had to offer. And see about leaving a groove of her ass cheeks engraved in his floor.

"Fine with me." Irina replied, wrapping her arms around his neck and bringing her face closer to his own, pretty pink lips pressing against his own, before she promptly pulled back and blinked, "Ah wait, we have to do this a little differently, since I need to suck the magic out I guess I need to suck on your tongue?"


But also, "You really are a lewd girl aren't you?" he couldn't help but tease her, his hands coming down to cup her perky, doughy ass cheeks,

Irina mewled as he cupped her ass and her lips involuntarily tugged up, "Well…just for you I guess Kaito-kun." she admitted.

Damn right.


In the end, they ended up getting a little bit carried away. So, by time they had actually fully got down to business and Irina had taken the time to drain his magic power…through his tongue, with her lips clad with holy power.

He was late to school. And the gates were shut, denying any late comers entrance to school for the day and they would be marked down as absent.

Kuoh Academy was pretty strict like that.

It was a good thing for Kaito Evander, that he was superhuman. Or was that super dragon nowadays?

'Hopefully, nobody saw that.' he mused as he made his way into the school. He'd looked around to see if anybody was around and watching and found none.

But his sensing abilities were stills terrible. Actually, non-existent, so it wouldn't surprise him if he was spotted by one of the devils.

…Kaito found he didn't care as much as usual though.


Broke 50k words with this chapter already. Honestly, went pretty hard with this. And to think I was actually gonna go slow with it and just use the first few chapters a a way to ease back into things after they slowed down from that annoying bug I had. Funny how things work out. Though I'm wondering, how are you guys feeling about this story? I wanna work a bit more on Systematic Shinobi and Jordinio Version, but at the same time, I'd like to keep the momentum up with this and churn out as much as possible with it early on and switching gears for other fics might slow it down a bit. Lemme know how you guys feel about it.



Dude, how exactly a healer useless Also, if you’ve read the the light novel, you know she gets even more powerful so by my definition you’re an idiot.


This story has been great so far. Hope you start including Rias and Akeno more and have them be included in the MC's harem. Leave Issei with only Asia as she is a useless girl.


This one's pretty damn good. Only problem is that the chapters are way too short for my taste. Apart from that, excellent work, my dude.