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Right, so finally my cold is beginning to clear up enough to really get into things again. The replacement of Class Extended, wasn't supposed to be for a while yet, I was just using the first chapter to get back into the swing of things. With my bitch ass bug almost done for, my exzema under management with that once again and me set to get back to the gym tomorrow and re-ignite the grind, it all culminates in time to write properly again. Gonna work on Systematic Shinobi today and possibly some Jordinio Version.

Speaking of pokemon though, a continuation of the poll questions from before. The anime was the more popular choice between it and the manga, and the more popular choice for region was Sinnoh with Dawn, followed by May with Hoenn in second.

But let me ask you this. A choice between these two starter pokemon and the first captures that would come after them.

1. Hoenn - A simple wild Poochyena, nothing special, though with a decent starting move set like Tackle, Bite, Double Kick and an elemental fang. The second capture, well third technically would be a Treecko. The second by technicality would be a picked up fossil of 'Roaring Moon.' The ancient Salamence. Which would not come into player until later.

2. Sinnoh - Azumarill with the ability Huge Power, knowing Water Gun, Hydro Pump, Rollout and Defense Curl. A decently strong pokemon already capable of holding its own in a gym battle, and dumped by a bit of a dick, a purple haired dick because it lost a battle. The second capture, would be Aerodactyl.



I'm really surprised with how many people are voting for Poochyena, unless it's for the Hoenn region itself. I personally wish the starter was not locked to the region because I love Hoenn but really dislike the Poochyena line.


I mean entirely fair, just didn't know there was a demand for that pokemon in the first place

0 Jordinio 0

The demand is more in the starting off strength. Since the main rival would be Ash. And while Pikachu at the beginning of Hoenn is a league level pokemon, in Sinnoh it's a legendary defeating pokemon that isn't just powerful, but a physically tough beast, not to mention he starts with Aipom as well.


Initially, was gonna pick Sinnoh, cuz not a Poochyena fan... but you got me at Roaring Moon. (That said, I don't really read the series anyways, so take my thoughts w a grain of salt)


That's the part that confused me, Poochyena is not a strong pokemon on its own merit. It only gets some utility after it evolves with its hidden ability or with intimidate. Otherwise it's just kinda below average with a shallow movepool. This makes sense with the line being a pack hunter focused pokemon, it doesn't matter if your not very strong so long as you and your five buddies kick someones ass at the same time.

0 Jordinio 0

It's actually got a pretty decent move pool now, for the anime at least. Fire,Ice,Thunder,Poison Fang, Double Kick, Play Rough, Iron Tail, Lunge, Shadow Ball, Dig etc. I was initially gonna go with Absol as the starter but felt it was too powerful and cliche.