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So, since I'm still getting my ass kicked by this cold, I decided to get a new laptop so I could work on shit from bed. I got a pretty good laptop, one that generally costs £800 but I got for £260 with a Black Friday deal. You'd think one that price would be really good, right? Well, you're not wrong...more or less. See, the thing is, the keys on it are well, way more bunched together than I'm used to, so it's throwing me off trying to use it cuz I'm generally used to being able to type without even looking at the keyboard, with this one, my instincts are off and I keep hitting a key to the side instead of the one I want like x instead of z, d instead of s etc. So, it'll take a bit before I get used to it fully. Oh well.

Anyway, I have a question for you guys. What do you prefer? The pokemon anime or the pokemon specials manga?



Neither. It's best as a card game you play with your friends.

Anthony Maxwell

I've known there was a manga for a long time and I checked out a few chapters and I was honestly confused 🤔 as what I remember seeing was extremely different from the anime and the games that I can no why tie it into the Pokemon that I was familiar with. As it just seemed very alien 👽.