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Looks like I gave a few of you a scare by not posting the last few days, sorry about that. Just been dealing with a few irl issues. Like cancelling with my gym to go to another because the owner kept taking whole weeks off and making it so people could only enter the gym with a code, but he never bothered to send me any codes and got into a big row and such with him. Not to mention looking after my nephew, helping my cousin move house, dealing with the police putting in my sisters door and absolutely ruining her house because they suspected she was a drug dealer, a dude trying to break into houses in the area, who even tried my door the other night at like 2Am, this same dude who attacked my friend with a machete like a month back and pulled a knife on me like 3-4 months ago before I beat his ass with a metal baseball bat.

.....So yeah, it's been a pretty busy week. I honestly hadn't even noticed how many days have went by, my bad.

Made it a bit hard to get any writing done, but I'm aiming to finish the prelims for Shinobi and get a bunch written for it in the next few days.


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