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Yarden looked over at the voice calling out to his…girlfriend? Fiance? Concubine?…Lover, yeah lover he supposed.

He blinked as he found himself looking at a petite older girl dressed in what amounted to a black sports bra hanging over one shoulder, a green mantle over her shoulders, and a pair of small denim shorts that barely came down to her mid-thighs. Under the shorts she wore what looked like a tight pair of black spats that, while a pair of white thigh highs stretched from her feetup to the beginning of her thighs, leaving only a teasing glimpse of the skin of her legs in view.

Wasn't that what they called the absolute territory?

She was dreadfully lacking up top, but as she made a beeline over to them, specifically Darkness, Yarden had to admit, she had some real nice hips on her, and her thighs looked deliciously full.

"Oh, Chris, I was wondering where you'd gotten to." Darkness greeted the girl as she approached.

"What do you mean, wondered where I'd gotten, to, I asked you to wait outside for me while I turned in a mission, and you just disappeared on me!" the now named Chris goggled at her.

Despite her scanty outfit that left her slim stomach in full view, Yarden found that his gaze was more focused on her face. She had a cute, cherubic face, that only seemed to be enhanced by a small scar on her cheek, while she had bright purple gem like eyes and the most eye catching of all, short silvery white hair.

…He was always a big fan of that hair colour on anime girls. And now here he was, seeing it in real life and god did it look good.

"Oh, you did do that now that I think back," Darkness gave a sheepish smile and rubbed the back of her head, "Oops, sorry Chris."

Chris sighed, "…No, it's fine I'm used to this kind of thing with you," she shook her head, "Still, I'm glad you're alright, I've been hearing all kinds of rumours about you since yesterday."

"Rumours?" Darkness cocked her head to the side, looking confused.

"Yeah, everyone is talking about how some evil brute guy had snatched you up and forced you into being his sex slave!" the ivory haired girl retorted hotly.

Darkness blinked, before a small warped smile spread across her face, "…Ooh, to think I have such a reputation now~" she breathed hotly.

Chris gave her a blank look, "…And yet you seem the same as ever," she sighed, shaking her head. The older girl then turned to look at Yarden, "So, who's this then, a new friend?"

Yarden smirked, "I would be the evil brute that forced her to be his sex slave," he replied without an ounce of shame, "Yarden Odhar, nice to meet the cute friend of my first woman here."

Chris blinked, "…What?" she uttered blankly.

"You heard right." he shrugged.

"That really happened?" she gaped, head whipping to Darkness who shuddered and allowed her warped smile to grow even larger, a small shivering wracking her body.

"More or less," Yarden shrugged again, "To be exact, she showed off her true colours to me, I decided I wanted her, she was all for it, we fucked like crazy, carried her back to town over my shoulder, then we fucked like crazy again all night."

"Eh…?" Chris stared at him blankly, before her cheeks began to glow red at the upfront admittance.


A few minutes later, after Chris managed to regain her composure, she took a seat across the table from Yarden and Darkness, palming her face.

"…You know, I should have expected something like this to happen eventually," the thief class girl, as she introduced herself as admitted with a groan, "Nobody ever really cottoned on to what she's actually like though despite how upfront she is about it."

"Hey now! That's just rude," Darkness pouted, "You make me out to be some slovenly woman that only cared about pursuing her own fantasies."

"You are though, everyone else around here is just too dumb to realise," Chris deadpanned, causing Darkness to shiver once more, "I guess it just took someone from outside the area to catch on right away." she gave Yarden an odd look.

"I don't get the clowns here to be honest," he rolled his eyes, winding his arm around Darkness' waist and pulling her into his side, "They had something as gorgeous as this ready and willing for the taking, and they just didn't. I wasn't going to pass up the chance."

"H-hey, while I'm pleased with the compliment, you shouldn't treat me like an object." Darkness stuttered, even as her cheeks burned red.

A totally fake objection, she actually like that.

…He hadn't even meant it like that.

This woman was a real pervert.

Chris ignored her and looked Yarden in the eye, "So Yarden right, and you said you're the Dragoon class? That's impressive."

"I'm a pretty impressive guy," he shrugged, before leaning forward over the table, "By the way Chris, have I mentioned you have really pretty hair?"

She raised an eyebrow, "You haven't, but thank you for the compliment," she replied, "Though should you really be attempting to flirt with me in front of Darkness now that you're together?"

"She already knows what I'm about," he shrugged, "Right?" he squeezed Darkness' waist.

The blonde blinked, coming out of he stupor, "Mmm, yes, we've already discussed it and I understand his desire for a harem of powerful women to carry his children," she nodded, before releasing a deep shaky breath and giving another warped smile, "Also…isn't he just the perfect man? Taking me as he pleases yet already showing I'm not enough and planning on conquering more woman to make his broodmares?"

Chris gave him a dry look.

He smirked unrepentantly, "Well, it isn't quite like that, but I suppose she isn't wrong either," Yarden said, "My goal isn't quite that simple after all."

"Is that so?" the ivory haired woman mused dryly, "And what is your goal exactly?"

"To become a god." he revealed with a shrug.


Chris and Darkness went totally quiet and just stared open mouthed at him. And even in the immediate vicinity around him, he heard all conversation cease.

"A…god?" Darkness trailed off, "But I thought you wanted to revive your bloodline?"

"That's step one," he nodded, "I'm going after a harem of beautiful and competent women and going to impregnate them all and have them give birth to my children."

"Eh…okay?" Chris cocked her head to the side, looking confused, "But how does that help you become a god."

"It doesn't," Yarden shrugged, "That's just me being the generous guy I am. After all, you all have been plagued by this Demon King for hundreds of years or whatever, I'll kill within the year. And I'll be leaving a bunch of my descendants behind to make sure actual tough people are around to smack down any upstarts like this Demon King if they ever pop up again."

Darkness' eyes lit up in realization, "I see, I understand!" she gasped, nodding in understanding.

His first conquest after all, had seen his status card and knew that he had no level cap and that his stats were far above the norm, far above even nobles of the same level.

Even if his descendants only kept one percent of his sheer badassery, any future Demon Kings would get fucked right up the ass and slapped around.

"What?" Chris gaped at Darkness before shaking her head and turning her attention back to Yarden, "Alright, weird, totally weird, but I can see some of the logic…I suppose. But how do you plan on becoming a god, and why even do you want to become one?"

"Once I kill the Demon King, I'm set," Yarden replied with a shrug, "Should be easy enough. As for why? Well, why wouldn't I want to be a god? Besides, once I become a god, I've already decided what I'm gonna do."

"Uh-hu?" Chris gave him a dubious look.

Silly cute ivory haired lady.

"I'm going to impregnate the goddess Aqua, after pounding that ass of hers silly." he revealed, crossing his arms and grinning smugly.

"…HAH!?" Chris' eyes flew wide open with absolutely shock.

"Actually hmm," Yarden cocked his head to the side in thought as something occurred to him, "Can goddesses even get pregnant?" he wondered.

"….They can." Chris confirmed for him drily.

Huh, neat, "Good to know, tha-"

Yarden didn't get to finish before a loud smashing sound echoed through the guild. He, alongside everyone else in the guild looked over to the source of the noise.

And found it to be a blonde guy dressed in expensive looking and finely crafted full body plate armour.

Though he was without a helmet showing off his hair, and instead wore a circlet. Hanging from his back was an impressively large broadsword, the blade a midnight black while it had a large exotic looking golden handle.

The armoured man had smashed his fist into and through the table he was sitting at, while two others, his companions probably looked on in worry, a pair of older girls looking to be around their early twenties at most, one tall and svelte with pale blonde hair, dressed in a boob tube and what looked akin to a loin cloth, while the other, was a shorter curvier redhead with her hair in a pair of pigtails, wearing a cleavage bearing crop top and short skirt.

'That's a nice looking sword.' Yarden mused, and the girls were pretty nice looking as well.

The guy seemed to be doing pretty well for himself.

Just then, the blonde pushed himself up to his feet and swung his head around, his eyes meeting Yarden's own, narrowed into an angry glare.

'Who the fuck does this punk think he's growling at?' Yarden narrowed his eyes.

And now that he got a look at the guy. He noticed, for one, he was a total pretty boy, handsome he supposed, if not for looking like he had a glass chin, and as such fell more on the pretty side by Yarden's estimates.

…Also, those eyes of his.

The shape of them were familiar.

Asian looking.

'A Jap boy?' he wondered.

"I have had enough," the armoured blonde announced, stepping over his seat and stalking towards Yarden, "The rumours circulating of your poor attitude, and then listening to you filthy hedonistic nonsense was almost too much, but now you have crossed the line."

"And who the fuck are you supposed to be, clown?" Yarden snorted, un-impressed.

"Ah, Yarden, that's the hero Kyouya Mitsurugi," Darkness tugged on his arm and informed, "He appeared only a few months ago and is said to already be over level thirty and was chosen by the legendary cursed sword, Gram."


As in the sword from Norse Mythology?

'Ah.' Yarden suddenly understood.

His Asian features made total sense now.

This guy was another reincarnator, just like him, and if he was right, he picked that sword as his cheat item.

"And?" Yarden snorted, looking the guy in the eye, distinctly un-impressed, "Hero or whatever, I don't give a shit, what I do is none of your business, so toddle off."

"Such blatant disrespect," the 'hero' huffed angrily, reaching behind himself to draw his sword and point it at Yarden, "Not only in the way you treat others, but even in the way you talk of the esteemed Aqua-Sama. I will have you take back your words, a thug like yourself isn't even worthy of speaking the goddesses name, never mind being in her presence or that filth you spoke of."

"Shut your pie hole and get that sword out of my face before I shove it up your arse you pansy wimpy Jap," Yarden growled, smoke trailing out from the corners of his lips, "What business is it of yours if I want to fuck Aqua's holy fat ass?"

"It is my business as the hero chosen by Aqua-Sama, and I will not allow you to speak of her in that manner or harbour such disgusting plans!" Kyouya roared at him.

"So you're just her simp then?" Yarden scoffed, "I don't give a shit, now last warning or I'm gonna put the hurt on you bitch."

The sword in Kyouya's grip trembled from sheer fury wracking his body, "I have had enough, let us settle this outside," he declared, "And once I win, I will have you agree to give up on your disgusting plans for Aqua-sama and repent."

…The hell was this fucker on?

"Go Kyouya, you're the best!"

"Beat that vulgar boy down Kyouya!"

His eyes flickered over to the armoured man's companions as they cheered him on.


Who the fuck did these clowns think they were? Interrupting him and making demands of him!?

In what world did a wimpy Jap simp think they could take on a mighty Scotsman?

'They've pissed me off now,' he snarled inwardly, "Fine, but it'll be me that wins, and I'll be making a demand of you since you want to make one of me, to give up my grand ambition no less."

"I suppose it's only fair, not that a ruffian like yourself deserves such courtesy though." Kyouya sniffed.

"Ruffian, huh?" Yarden's lips curved into a malicious grin and he pointed at the two women who were previously cheering him on, "When I win, I'll be taking your little girlfriends for myself, they can join my harem."

"Fine!" Kyouya agreed instantly, so quickly even Yarden was surprised.

"Kyouya!?" the pair of them sputtered, eyes goingh wide and the pair of them looking betrayed.

He looked over to them and flashed them a comforting smile, "Have no fear Clemea, Fio, have you forgotten who I am? I'm the hero, there is no way this boy could ever defeat m-"

He was cut off by Yarden's fist being deposited into his cheek, his jaw going crunch and being bodily lifted up into the air and sent flying.

He slammed into the wall of the guild and then right through it, landing in a heap outside.

"Talking isn't a free action simp boy!" Yarden roared, racing after him.


Robert Williams

Ha! I have been missing the Scottish crazy! More please!


Thanks for the chapter and if you could post the second half of Danmachi I would appreciate that.


It's been a minute since you've updated this story and it was worth the wait. Man I can't wait to see Yarden fuck kyouya up!


Yay I’ve been missing konosuba, hopefully eris will come round.

Nuka Man

Yes!! I've been waitin for this to get updated! Keep up the great work!!


Good lord I missed this story lol. Looking forward to the next chapter!


Nice chapter, you should update infinite ice ring next.

0 Jordinio 0

I'm thinking of re-working that actually. I feel like I gave him way too much to start off with.

Robert Stevens

you could, that normally is your formula for story's with the mc starting weak but exploiting prior knowledge to gain power, or you could use this as a different way to start by making him op from the start


This was amazing thank you


Yeah you have a quite magnetic formula for your stories, there's a lot of stories who i want to be updated, but i think your Boku no Hero stories are the most i want. The quanity of goody two shoes sick me, also youre the only one who use Ochaco so as a man of culture know she is the best girl.


I hope the fallout of the duel makes Yarden’s reputation look better, it would be the reverse of what happens to kazuma where everything he does makes him look worse.


Amen to that, honestly to sum up kyouya's personality and character; well in the words of the infamous Jord "a soy boy tom aolo."


I'm kinda curious if Yarden just one hit KO'd kyouya.


Or a code Geass one called systematic knightmare


I'd hate to play in his dnd campaign. I quite like playing a talkative bard lol 😆 😅


This store is suite fun.


Kyouya always did irritate me so I approve

0 Jordinio 0

Yes and no. Yes, in that if he leaves him, he's down, but he won't be getting off that easily.


Not going to lie, I feel kinda cheated. I got hyped for that beat down, only to be cut off. Thanks for the chapter bud

James French

Love the dnd joke lol