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Finding a Frog Shooter wasn't hard at all.

While the dungeon seemed to as a whole get wider and larger each floor one progressively went down, the upper floors were nothing like that lower ones passed the eighteenth floor, and were still for the most part caverns as opposed to what amounted to areas topside akin to the size of small villages and growing.

So as it was, I merely progressed through the sixth floor, following the map I'd purchased at the guild of the upper floors, and with a few turns, I found myself coming across a whole group of them.

Four of them in total just minding their own business milling away in a large hallway.

As soon as I stepped into the hallway, a set of red eyes locked on top me, belonging to a large green frog-like beast that would come up over my waist in height/

A loud warbling croak left its throat, drawing the eyes of its companions to me, before it tensed its back legs and leaped through the air towards me.

Its cheeks bulged while it was mid-air and a moment later it spat towards me, its tongue massive in length stretching out towards me, thicker than my head.

I tilted my head, letting the tongue flash past and slam into the wall behind me, the force of the tongue lashing cracking the stone wall.

My hand flashed up, clawed gauntlet slicing through the air and I grabbed the slimy appendage and pulled.

The frog shooter gave a panicked warble as it was yanked even faster through the air towards me, my other fist coming up before it could do anything and slamming into its skull.

I both felt and heard the crunch from the impact as the frog shooter's eyes rolled up into the back of its head and it died.

Before it could fall to the ground I let go of its tongue and grabbed its throat, before bodily tossing it towards the other three frog monsters hopping towards me.

The corpse slammed into the one in the middle, burying it beneath the weight of its once comrade and I rushed forward, jumping as twin tongues from the remaining two lashed out at me like whips and avoiding the hits.

I landed between them and narrowed my hands into a knife edge, the claws of my gauntlets pointed out and shoved my hand through ones eye, straight into its brain, killing it, then spun and launched a roundhouse kick that caught the other one in the temple.

Once again, a skull went crunch.

Just then, the middle one managed to shake the corpse off of itself and it let loose a rage filled croak and launched towards me.

And once again a tongue lashed out towards me like a whip, slashing diagonally through the air, trying to cut me off.

Thinking quick, I dropped flush to the ground letting it pass over me, before pushing up into all fours and like a beast pushing off with my back legs and rushing it.

Before it could retract its tongue, I was already upon it, another knife strike flashing out. Blood splashed through the air as my clawed gauntlet fingers pierced straight through it eye up into its brain and it went limp.

"Hmm, their tongues are way faster than anything I've fought so far." I mused, pulling my hand free and eyeing the corpse.

Up until now, the fastest thing I'd fought had been the progressively getting stronger kobolds. But these whip like tongues were way faster.

Pretty easy to predict the pathing of, but still way faster than the kobolds.


I wasted no time in extracting the magic stones from the frog shooters corpses and continued on my way to the seventh floor.

For all intents and purposes, it didn't take me long. Between the map of the upper floors I had, my stats that were way higher than your typical level one adventurer skulking around these parts and my enhanced senses, finding my way was a breeze.

I was attacked a few times along the way, by both frog shooters and war shadows, but it wasn't much of a challenge to deal with them.

Especially when they all rushed me in a straight forward group once. They were easy pickings with my fire breath ability.

Really, I think I spent the most time digging out their magic stones and devouring them.

Which was why I really needed a supporter that could take care of them while I tore through the monsters.

A supporter that knew what they were doing would really speed up my kill rate and progress.

Interestingly, as I made my down the stairs, deeper into the dungeon and entered the seventh floor, the area darkened once again, the only lighting being dim blue crystals lining the walls.

There was a big difference though. The seventh floor spread out much wider at the entrance, forming into a massive cavern that had to be at least a hundred feet or more wide, and dozens of stalagmites erupted up out of the ground into pointed spiky shapes.

A chittering sound echoed through the wide cavernous room and my ears twitched beneath my helmet.

A moment later, the chittering got louder, joined by a chorus of similar sounds and from out behind the large stalagmites, large four legged beasts edged their way into my sight. Each a bit bigger than the frog shooters I came across, with sturdy red carapaces.

A group of giant ants surrounded me.

But that wasn't all.

Flittering in the air above one of them, was a large purple moth.

A flash of movement caught my eye to my right, and I looked over just in time to see a white blur land on top of one of the huge ants, before launching through the air towards me.

A white rabbit with glowing red eyes and a spiky horn on its head, aimed straight for me.

It was fast, faster than the Kobolds and as fast as a frog shooters whip like tongue.

I punched it out of the air regardless though, slamming it into the ground, before stomping on its head and killing it.

That seemed to be the starting signal.

The chittering got louder, and the group of killer ants rushed me.

I focused on the one being followed by the purple moth. I flicked the face guard of my helmet up and breathed in deep before exhaling, unleashing a torrent of flame that washed over both the killer ant and the purple moth, roasting the pair of monsters alive.

Then I turned my attention to the rest of the killer ants rushing me, five in total now that one of them were dead.

They weren't as fast as the rabbit monster, a needle rabbit if I remember right, but they weren't slow by any means.

They just weren't close to as fast as me, and my armour is tougher than their own.

I sprang forward to meet them. My knee came up and caught one under the chin, blowing its head up, where I proceeded to grab it around its thin neck and twist with all my strength.

A savage grin spread across my face as its neck snapped, "Rah!" with a shout, I spun, using my grip on the corpses neck to lift the dead killer ant up bodily and slam it down like a hammer atop one of its companions, crushing it to death.

Excitement thrummed in my veins and I felt my blood pounding in my ears, my heart thundering in my chest.

I couldn't contain the laughter that bubbled up out of my throat at all.

Three left.

My ears twitched and I juked to the side as one them of launched at me like a bullet, pincers at its mouth trying to disembowel me.

It caught the side of my crystal armour and grinded against it as it went passed, but that was all.

Before it went fully past, I reached out and grabbed its legs and rapidly rotated like a tornado, slamming it into the other two killer ants and blowing them back into a set of stalagmites.

This was so much fun!

The killer ant in my arms writhed and roiled against me, wiggling widely, but it couldn't break free from my grip.

It chittered in surprise in panic as I heaved it up into the air like a hammer and sprang forward and then brought it down atop one of its brethren.

Crunch went their carapaces as I slammed it down with all my strength. The ant in my arms went limp, and I Iet it go.

In the direction of its remaining buddy that is. I slung it through the air towards the last killer ant struggling to its four feet.

The corpse slammed into it and smacked it back into the ground. Grin almost splitting my face in two, I rushed forward and jumped into the air.

And landed atop its head before it could recover, slamming down atop it with all my strength and weight.

"Well, that was fun." I chuckled, stepping off the killer ants now crushed head. As tough as its carapace was, my strength, combined with the durability and weight of my body and armour…meant it stood no chance.

I noticed then, that my gleaming crystal blue armour, was covered in a multitude of blood splatters, staining it. It was almost like a rainbow. Red blood, green blood, purple blood and the light blue of the armour itself.

Looks like it will need a good washing.

I could just grow another set of armour when I need a new set, but I made sure I had an easy way to take the armour off and put it back on for a reason. It's gonna get sold after all.

I'll be making a set of this armour every day to stock up on it for when I manage to get that store in tower of Babel.

"Well for now, best get a move on." I mused, turning towards the sizzling corpse of the first killer ant I killed, alongside the dead charred moth laying across its back.

That was another two targets down. Alongside the war shadow and frog shooter, that left only one more target in the seventh floor.

The blue papilion.

Though they were apparently quite rare down here, or at least uncommon, 'Best bet will be to head towards the pantry.' I thought, before getting to work extracting the magic stones of my kills.


I have to admit.

So far, I'm liking the seventh floor way more than any of the other floors I've been to.

Not only is it bigger and more spacious, but there were a lot more monsters out and about on the way to the pantry, and the monsters spawned much quicker as well.

Mostly killer ants mind you, which were usually a problem for a lot of level one adventurers because of their tough bodies, ability to take a hit and call for back up.

Not so for me.

With my armour, that of a peak level two monster on par with a Minotaur, I could kill them with a single hit to the head.

Even grouping up against me did them little to no good because of the sheer fact that my armour was just that damn sturdy.

It took me a good half an hour to find the seventh floor pantry. Much bigger than the pantries of the other floors.

As expected though, the vast majority of the monsters in it were killer ants, followed by needle rabbits and killer moths to a lesser extent.

There was around thirty or so monsters in total chowing down, slurping up on that sustenance.

'Looks like I'll have to play the waiting game a b-' I paused in my thoughts as a glimmer of blue in amongst the purple moths caught my eye.

Ah, there was one.

There were around eight purple moths, or rather, seven, one of them I had glanced over and not noticed, was a light blue in colour, easy to miss in amongst the purple.

That'll do.

I stepped into the pantry, sliding the face guard of my full crystal helmet up, "It's time to burn baby burn~" I sang, a smirk spreading across my face as I inhaled deeply.

One by one monstrous red eyes snapped towards me, the heavy foot falls of my armour alerting them to my presence.

It was to late for them though.

I compressed a mass amount of my magic power into my throat, sparking it into raw blistering heat and then exhaled massively, unleashing a wide spread wave of flame.

The smell of burning flesh and corpses as abundant moments later and I let the flames from my mouth dwindled away and eyed my handy work.

"I love the smell of napalm in the morning." I chuckled, making my way over to the corpses of the dead purple moths and the blue papilin all grouped together.

…I couldn't tell which was which to be honest. With them charred black, they didn't look different at all.

Which just meant I had to eat all of their magic stones.

I already planned on eating the magic stones of every monster I killed down here anyway. I would have plenty of valis from the golden egg of the Jack Bird I killed to last for a decent while.

Which meant I could focus on just increasing my stats through having a good monster meal.

So that was what I did. I ripped apart the corpses of the moths with my clawed gauntlets and ate all their magic stones, before moving on to the rest of the monsters and repeating the action.

It took me a good twenty or so minutes to finish. But by time I did, the corpses of all the monsters had dispersed the the yoinking of their magic stones.

"That should be me about done now." I mused, stretching out my arms and shoulders. I've gotten what I came for, though while my muscles are hurting and I'm breathing a bit deeply from lugging this heavy armour around, I kind of want to stay a bit more, but there would be no point-

A chittering sound broke me through my thoughts and I looked over to see a single killer ant making its way into the pantry.

Obviously it was coming to get some good grub.

It paused when it saw me, only for a moment before it chittered threateningly at me and rushed towards me.

I was about to just blast it with a shot of flame from my mouth and roast it, before a thought occurred.

'Monsters don't spawn in the pantry, that means the entrance is a bottle neck.' I thought.

And a killer ant, could draw in multiple of dozens of its species with its ability.

I closed my mouth and rushed forward to meet the ant, dodging to the side as it lunged at me before bringing my foot down on one of the joints of its legs.

A sickening crack rang out as the join broke from my blow and the beast chittered in pain, falling to the ground.

Quickly, I got to work while it was down and immobile. I reached out, grabbing the two other legs on this side of its body and ripped them clean off.

Green blood arced through the air, splattering me with it and the insectoid monster shrieked even louder.

And again when I repeated the motion on the other side, ripping the three legs on its other side.

It twitched in agony, but couldn't move at all, more or less now due to being legless.

…Well it had one left, but it was broken.

And now that it had no way of fighting back and was immobile-

A loud warbling sound began to ring from its mouth, the ant tilting its head up, and my nose twitched as I smelled a pungent scent coming from the beast.

Hmm, I can smell its pheromones due to my enhances senses, interesting.

Also, yuck, it's fucking rank.

"Hopefully this doesn't take long." I mused, taking a seat on the ants back itself and waiting for its comrades to come.


As it turned out, I wasn't waiting long, just a few minutes. I heard a mass of chittering echoing through the cavernous floor, followed by the sound of cracking walls.

And not long later, killer ants began to pour into the pantry in the dozens. Excitement flared through my veins once more and I relished in the red haze of combat that fell over my vision as I met them head on, leaping into battle and slaughtered my way through them all.

In the end, by the time the rabid rampant group of monster ants dwindled down into nothing, I'd torn my way through fifty five of them. Usually in groups of ten or so they rushed into the pantry.

And died together en masse.

By time I reached the end though, it was in much smaller groups they came in. Starting at ten or so, by time I hit thirty, the groups dwindled until it was groups of six, then four, then two.

Until only stragglers came chittering along into the pantry alone.

"That…that was a good time." I laughed to myself while panting deeply. Corpses of killer ants were piled up all around me, and I was caked from head to toe in their smelly green blood.

Wiping sweat from my brow, I turned to the final ant, and the first one, the legless one that had started this all, "Thanks for the assist mate." I pat it fondly on the head.

Then snapped its neck.

It wasn't really cruelty. After all, the ant and its fellows would live on in me as my precious excelia. They had forsaken the dungeon and were now going to be my comrades, forever.

Now came the less fun part though.

Extracting the magic stones from all fifty six of the dead killer ants.


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