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Hilda rubbed her eyes as she stepped down the stairs leading out of the plane she'd been riding on for the last roughly half a day and resisted the urge to yawn.

It was so hard to get comfortable flying coach. All the first class tickets had already been booked up and she only had the chance to get one of the dregs with how spontaneous her travel plans were.

But here she was, finally back in Unova.

Much sooner than she anticipated at that.

'I wonder what Jord is doing right now?' she idly wondered, following along with the throngs of people leaving the landing pad.

Knowing him, it was one of three things. He was either training until his muscles cried out in agony and begged for mercy, and then training some more, picking a fight with somebody and or hitting on some girl.

She grimaced at that last one.

He hadn't noticed at all, he was pretty oblivious actually a lot of the time and had total tunnel vision, but he attracted a lot of attention.

Quite a few girls had their eyes on him in Hollywood, and even two had tried to get her out of the way during the short time they were at the Vermillion Pokemon Centre.

His reputation and earnings didn't even need to be broadcasted for interest to be turned to him. He talked so openly about his pokemon, anyone overhearing would stop and gape at him.

Especially his gushing over Milotic and Charmeleon constantly. Even she, a native to Unova knew well how temperamental Charmeleon were after they evolved from Charmander. Most trainers that started with a Charmander, and few got the honour, ended up giving them up after they evolved because they couldn't control their Charmeleon's, never mind a Charizard that tended to be even more unruly.

The casual boasting of Charmeleon with no problems, plus the incredibly super rare Milotic were both enough alone to draw a mass of interest in him.

And he didn't even notice.

Hilda resisted the urge to sigh.

It hadn't even been a full day since she parted with him, but her mind was already fretting over him.

She really hoped he didn't go pick a fight with a legendary pokemon or something without her keeping an eye on him.

'Right, gotta stop thinking about that little twerp.' Hilda slapped her cheeks, both to take her mind off of him and to wake herself up a bit.

With that, she marched her way into the airport and made for the exit. She had no need to wait for any luggage since she just took her bag with her and stuffed it above her seat.

To her surprise though, someone was already waiting for her.

"Hey cuz!" Rosa waved her over eagerly, the twin tailed girl excitedly hopping up and down to greet her over the assembled crowd of people entering or leaving the airport, "Good to see ya!"

Hilda rolled her eyes and resisted the urge to tell her that her bouncing up and down like that, was making her chest bounce up and down noticeably and quite a few guys had stopped to stare.

It wasn't like Rosa would care anyway.

She had no delicacy whatsoever.

Actually, if she didn't know any better, she'd think Rosa was a female version of Jord, just less horny.

"Hey Rosa," Hilda gave her a half smile as she walked over, "I told you I'd get you back home didn't I? You didn't need to come get me, especially after what happened."

"Pshaw!" Rosa huffed, waving her off, "As if! I just wasn't expecting them before, but I'm ready now, me and Serperior are itching for one of them to skulk around, then we'll beat the location out of Eevee from them!" a fierce smile spread across her face and she waved a fist threateningly in the air as if daring one of these 'Team Plasma' weirdo's to drop in from the sky.

Hilda snorted, shaking her head in amusement, "Same old Rosa." she huffed. Even losing a pokemon wouldn't keep her down for long, not when the chance remained to get it back, however slim.

"Hah, damn straight!" Rosa nodded vigorously, before blinking and giving Hilda an odd look, "Hey Hilda…?"

"Yeah?" Hilda asked, eyebrow raising at the sudden change in tone, going from fierce, to confused.

"…Is that hickeys on your neck?" Rosa asked blankly, pointing at her neck.

Hilda froze, "…No?" she denied.

"It is!" Rosa's eyes widened in shock, before a massive grin spread across her face, "Who gave you that? The guy you said you were travelling with? Who is he anyway?" a rapid fire of questions left her slightly younger cousins mouth.

Rosa was actually only her junior by a few months.

Hilda sighed in defeat, guess there was no hiding it, "Yeah, I guess we kinda hit it off a bit, and it just kind of happened." she admitted.

Rosa just stared at her for a moment before outright guffawing, "You totally fucked him!" she erupted.

Hilda's eyes widened and she felt dozens of pairs of eyes settle on her. She lunged forward, slapping her hand over her cousins mouth, "Quiet, don't just shout that!" she hissed, feeling her cheeks heat up.

"…Holy crap you actually did," Rosa pulled her hand away and goggled, "Who even is this guy?"

Hilda opened her mouth to respond, but just as she was about to, her cross-transceiver vibrated.

It was halfway hanging from her shorts pocket, but before she could reach for it, Rosa was already moving, she was always the more physically fit and active of the two.

"Yoink!" she giggled, dancing out of the way of Hilda's instinctive grab for it, "It's a text, from someone named Jord? Odd name, who is he?" Rosa grinned at her, teasingly wiggling the phone.

"None of your business!" Hilda glared, "Now gimme it back!" she demanded.

"Mmm, okay, just lemme see what this guy has to say first," Rosa shrugged and pressed a button on the device, and deftly stepped aside as Hilda lunged for her cross-transceiver, "Go to the pokemon centre when you land and call me from one of their phones on this number XXXX-XXXX, huh, that's it? And no message history before it either? Lame~!"

Pouting in disappointment, Rosa handed the phone over to Hilda who snatched it with a glare, "Don't you have any sense of shame just reading other peoples private conversations?" Hilda rolled her eyes and groused in annoyance.

"Shame? What's that?" Rosa cocked her head to the side and gave her a 'confused' look in return, "Can you eat it?"

Hilda sighed once again and ignored her, looking down to read the message, 'Why does he want me to call from a pokecentre phone?' she wondered idly.

Well at least it wasn't a dick pic. That was something she'd expect of him, to give her something to 'remember him' by.


Thankfully for Hilda, making the call she was instructed to, wouldn't take long. There was a Pokemon Centre right across the street from the airport.

So a quick stop there was fine before heading home to decide how they would deal with this Plasma nonsense.

"Huh, you actually must like this guy," Rosa commented as they entered the pokemon centre, arms crossed idly behind her head as she followed Hilda, "Especially if you're so quick to do what he says like this."

"Shut up, I'm still not talking to you." Hilda sniffed, making a beeline straight for the phone booths.

Besides, she was actually a bit worried now. If he was asking him to call her, and it specifically being a phone not his own from a pokemon centre, who knew what he had gotten up to.

'Please tell me he really didn't go pick a fight with a legendary pokemon and got seriously injured.' she pleaded mentally.

She'd take him bombing Surge's gym over that.

And what did that say about him when that thought was the lesser worry? And not at all something beyond him.

"…It was just a joke." Rosa pouted, looking away from her.

Hilda ignored her, sitting down at one of the phones and ringing up the number Jord had texted to her.

It rang a few times, then a few more, and a pit actually grew in Hilda's stomach at how long it was taking-

But blessedly the screen blipped on just as she was beginning to feel a teeny tiny bit of panic, a familiar younger teen appearing on the screen.

A familiar, shirtless teen that was running a towel over his wet hair, "Oh hey, that was quick Hilda, wasn't expecting you to call for a few hours yet." Jord idly greeted her.

Before she could greet him back and quickly ask what he wanted her for, there was a gasp behind her, "That's him!?" Rosa leaned over her shoulder to peer at the screen and the boy on it, "Hilda, you're a total cradle robber!"

"It…It's not like it's illegal!" she sputtered on instinct. His age was both one of the most impressive things about his accomplishments…and at the same time, one of the most problematic.

"And you're totally not denying it!" Rose's eyebrows rose in surprise, before looking the teen on the screen over, specifically his torso, "Nice abs though, I can see the appeal, and those arms to, you look like you were born with a set of weights in hand, Jord was it?"

"That's the name, don't wear it out," he shrugged and replied, "And you're Rosa yeah?"

"Hehe, yup that's me! Heard of me have ya?" Rosa puffed her chest out proudly and pointed a thumb at herself her face.

"Hilda mentioned you once or twice," Jord shrugged, "She said I'd probably hit it off with you quite well if we met."

"Huh, really? Wonder why," Rose tapped her chin before shrugging, "So anyway, what's the stitch with you guy? You a trainer? You look to young though unless you're just a midget. Actually, how old are you even?"

"You're a real motormouth huh?" Jord smirked, "Yeah, I'm a trainer, an amazing one at that, soon to be best there ever was actually, been one two months and I've got two badges. And I'm thirteen."

Hilda sighed as he revealed his age, just waiting for the explosion of shock from her cousin.

To her surprise though, it never came.

She looked to find Rosa goggling at the boy, before ever so slowly her head turned to look Hilda in the eye, "I figured he was at least fifteen or around there, got that baby face and all, but those muscles are killer," she idly spoke before a wide wide wide ever so freaking annoyingly wide smirk spread across her face, "But you really are a cradle robber huh? It's not even legal to bang someone that age unless they're actually some hot shot prodigy that got their trainer license early."

Hilda felt her cheeks heat up and burn crimson, "…It's not like that." she feebly defended herself.

"Yeah what she said," Jord cut in, "The age thing isn't really a factor with how badass and awesome I am, tons of chicks want a piece of the beast that is me, unlike them I wore Hilda down with my loveable personality, she isn't a gold digger after all." he casually boasted.

"Loveable?" she gaped at him, her thankfulness at his defence being overruled by incredulous disbelief.

In reply, Rosa just shrugged, "Well you do you cuz, I won't judge…much," she gave a half smirk, "So, why did you want Hilda to call you anyway?"

Hilda perked up, sobering as she remembered that he had wanted her to call her actually.

"She's pretty tight lipped about why she needed to go back to Unova so suddenly, seems fishy to me, but I won't pry," Jord shrugged, "Still, something seems off about it to me, so I went and got her a present, a little bit of insurance and a gift for her to remember me by, well, beyond rocking her world and giving her the night of her life."

Rosa frowned briefly at Hilda and she looked away, before turning her attention back to Jord, "Oh-ho, rocking her world huh?" she mused, "So you two did screw!" she crowed victoriously.

"All night long, woulda kept going but she couldn't keep up, hot as Hilda is, she's gotta work on that stamina, she didn't even last ten hours" Jord confirmed without an ounce of shame and shook his head, "Anyway, I'll send it over now so gimme a sec." he added and stepped out of the view of the screen.

As he did, Rosa's head turned to Hilda and she smiled widely, "So, is he just boasting or was he actually being truthful?" her cousin asked eyes dancing with a mischievous light.

Hilda sighed, she was doing that a lot today she noticed, "He's not lying, he's a total stamina freak, but then he trains multiple times a day alongside his pokemon and those muscles aren't for show." she admitted, swallowing heavily as she remembered last night, or the night before, it was hard to tell what with the time differences and everything.

'I'd like to see her try and handle him!' Hilda growled mentally, annoyance beginning to flair with being on the spot so much right now. Hmm, actually-

She caught Rosa's eyes and pointedly looked down to her hands as she brought them up clasped together, making her cousin look at them.

And then she spread her hands apart, inch by inch until she had a pretty rough estimation on his size.

Rosa's eyes widened and she coughed, "S-seriously!?" she sputtered, losing her composure in her shock.

In response, Hilda smirked and nodded, saying nothing else.

"Well no wonder he's so cocky, he's apparently got an abundance of cock." Rosa snorted out a very un-ladylike laughter.

"Yep, I totally do." Jord's voice suddenly cut in, drawing both of their attention back to the phone, a smirk on his face.

And of course he had to come back just at the right time to see her styling on Rosa.

She noticed he was carrying a pokeball in his hand now as well. Was that one of his own, or the insurance he was talking about.

'Is he going to send me one of his pokemon?' she wondered idly, but no, that didn't make sense. He positively doted on his pokemon.

He did say he would get one for her, she now remembered, just before she left. But, it hadn't even been a day yet, not exactly a lot of time to catch anything significantly strong, even for Jord.

"And you're so humble about it," Rosa snorted, and crossed her arms under her bust, pushing her abundant chest up noticeably, "I dunno if I believe it though. How about you prove it?" she challenged with a taunting smirk.

Jord gave a slow blink at her words, before shrugging, "Okay, sure." he replied, and then promptly, yanked his shorts down, allowing his manhood to spring free, not even half heard, but still flopping down to slap against his thigh with a meaty thud.

He totally called her bluff!

Hilda gaped and then face palmed, while Rosa's face turned crimson red, "Y-you actually did it!" she sputtered, eyes locked on the screen, "Holy crap you weren't kidding about that size either!"

"I mean why would I?" he crossed his arms and gave the twin tailed girl an odd look, "You'd find out if I ever bedded you right? Lying about it would bite me in the ass on that front."

"I…guess so?" Rosa nodded slowly, agreeing with his logic, "Still…good on you, cuz' I mean damn, look at the size of that thing." she repeated in a daze.

"Thanks, I grew it myself," Jord beamed proudly, "Nice tits by the way."

"Thanks I guess?" A surprised chuckle escaped from her cousin at the blatant compliment, "Grew them myself." she repeated his words back at him.

"Alright, enough of this!" Hilda growled, she finally had enough, "Put your damn shorts back on Jord and get to the point, we're kind of busy right now and I don't need you slapping your dick at me through a video call."

"…I'll slap you in the face with it." he muttered, looking away.

Not low enough that the receiver didn't make up on it though.

"What was that?" she narrowed her eyes at him, and she noticed him visibly restrain himself from outright repeating his previous words.

Besides, that wasn't exactly much of a threat, he'd already did that quite a few times during the night they spent together.

"Nothing, nothing," Jord waved her off and bent down, pulling his shorts back up, "Anyway, I won't keep you long then if you're busy, I'll just send this guy over to you. The pokeball is unregistered, you know what to do from there, and the guy inside is pretty damn strong and actually interested in that movie biz stuff after I mentioned it, so he should be a big help to you."


It was about twenty minutes later when Hilda finally left the Pokemon Centre behind, her cousin Rosa at her side. After Jord transferred the pokeball over, which explained why he wanted to call them from the Pokemon Centre, they only made a bit of small talk, him explaining that he was surprisingly already at Cinnabar Island having flown there on his Fearow and him fliring with Rosa blatantly before bidding them goodbye.

"Well, he was fun," Rosa mused, a wide grin on his face, "I can see why you banged him."

"It wasn't just some booty call," Hilda defended herself, "I'm not that easy." she added. There was a lot more to it than that.

Rosa shrugged, "If you say so cuz," she replied. "Though I understand why you figured I'd get along with him, he's got the kind of spirit I can mesh well with and bounce off of y'know?"

"…I think he'd prefer a different kind of bouncing with you." Hilda pointed out dryly.

"Well he definitely didn't hide the interest in it," Rosa laughed, "So, what kind of pokemon did he send you I wonder? Probably a water type I'm guessing if he flew from Vermillion City to Cinnabar Island, that or some kind of flying type, but I'm betting water type."

Hilda paused in her steps, forcing her twin tailed cousin to do the same, "I may as well check right now." she mused, reaching for the pokeball she'd just registered to herself mere minutes ago after receiving it.

"Alright, let's see it!" Rosa clapped her hands excitedly.

Pressing the button on the middle of the ball, Hilda released the pokemon lurking within with a burst of bright silvery light that materialized into a physical form that grew, and then grew…and grew some more.

Hilda found herself gaping up at the form of a towering Dragonite as it appeared in front of her.

A Dragonite!?

It blinked open its eyes and then smiled at her and gave her a wave when it noticed her, "Droo." it greeted her warmly.

He sent her a Dragonite!?




Where even did he find a Dragonite!?

This was absurd…even for him!

Dragonite were easily worth in excess of five million pokedollars easily!

"He gave you a Dragonite…?" Rosa gaped right alongside her, before mechanically her head turned to Hilda, "Hey, do you think he'd get me one If I fucked him?" she asked, voice deadpan.

"No." Hilda denied her flatly, even as butterfree fluttered in her belly.

…He actually cared that much about her, that on the off chance she was dealing with something dangerous without him around, he went and caught her a Dragonite to keep her safe…?

Hilda swallowed heavily.

"Don't be so stingy cuz!" Rosa whined.



If giving someone a Squirtle is a marriage proposal, Arceus only knows what giving someone a Dragonite is...

Robert Stevens

just thought i'd through this out there but with all the systematic fics your making how about a percy jackson one, something like systematic demigod