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After finishing up speaking with Misty, I stowed my phone away, clipped my new Dragonite's pokeball to my belt and sent out Milotic.

Despite the roiling waves all around us, she easily rose up out of the water and steadily waited for me to climb off of Fearow's back onto her own and return the large bird.

Going straight through the storming tornado itself, was a no go. Oh, no doubt Fearow, or Pidgeot actually would love to challenge it head on and break through, and I wouldn't put it past either of them them.

But the safer and smarter option, was just going straight under the tornado and avoiding it altogether.

"Ready girl?" I asked her as I reached into one of the side pockets on my backpack and pulled out a re-breather. It was a small spherical breathing apparatus the likes that came from a scuba-tank. But, instead of being connected to an air tank, it had two tubes coming out of each side, each around seven or so inches long and about two of my fingers thick.

This little baby, cost me five thousand pokedollars. Pricy as all hell to be honest. But, there's a reason why. One would think that with how small it is, it couldn't contain much oxygen.

They'd be wrong. For one thing, this, like my backpack, has some of the same storage technology from pokeballs implemented in it, it can hold a lot more than its size implies. And on top of that, it had a feature where it could draw in air.

I'd bought this back in Hollywood, not long after dealing with that clown Goh, they were being sold at the beach-river place where I caught my Krabby.

It even had a little waterproof screen on the inside just beside one of the bars, that told me how much oxygen it contained.

A real marvel of technology, and hell'a convenient.

Currently, I had over ten hours of oxygen saved up. Well enough to get what I needed done, and it had barely taken any effort at all. And all that effort amounting to taking it out of my bag, and leaving it sitting for a while after pressing a button.

Milotic trilled happily and nodded eagerly. Grinning, I inched myself forward and wrapped my arms around her long, graceful serpentine neck, feeling her soft smooth scales under my fingertips.

Milotic glanced at me from behind, making sure I had a good grip, before easing down into the roiling waves around us, and under the water we went!

The salt water stung my eyes as we dipped down, and all sound resounding in my ears became muted.

It didn't take me long to adjust to the salty water though, and my vision cleared up within ten seconds at most.

But by then, Milotic had already dived down over a hundred feet.

I almost expected there to be all types of water pokemon as far as my eyes could see. That was how it was in the anime and all, the ocean was absolutely teeming with pokemon.

But even this far down, the water was still very turbulent, and it was only the sheer size and strength possessed by Milotic that allowed her to push through the raging currents.

Like, it wasn't just water pressure pushing us backwards, I could feel the water twisting and churning, almost constricting in a way like a serpent. It really was a testament to the power pokemon held, that a small group of Dragonair could cause such chaotic weather that effected even this deep into the ocean.

It was only huge, powerful water types like Milotic, or that huge Gyarados coming our way from the right that could handle the intensity down here-


My eyes widened.

I gave a quick frantic pat on Milotic's neck, making her halt in her tracks. She looked back at me, only for her eyes to widen like my own as she caught sight of the Gyarados racing towards us.

Just like the one I saw before, back in Viridian City, it was a sight to behold. A massive intimidating head larger than I was tall, thick armour plate like scales, powerfully constricting muscles that allowed it to bully its way through the raging ocean.

Even with how strong I'd grown since coming here, I feel like I'd break my hand punching it as hard as I could.

Milotic cocked her head back, before throwing it forward, her mouth opening and spewing out a torrent of yellow-green flames that zipped through the water, tearing through the current and blasting right into the Gyarados before it could reach us.

The force of the blast stopped it in its tracks and the huge beastly pokemon roared. The force from the roar was so powerful it made the roiling water around it tremble and I could even hear it despite how muted everything was down here.

Stopped in its tracks by Milotic's Dragon Breath attack, it left the huge water and flying type a ripe target and Milotic's eyes began to glow a bright scarlet red.

Moments later, rings of red energy were emitted from her gaze, once, twice, three times in a pair, over and over until there were dozens, each quickly growing in size until they were as big as I was and they swept over the stunned Gyarados.

It shook its massive head, glaring angrily at us, a familiar sphere of black energy swirling into existence within its massive maw-

But, before it could fire the Hyper Beam it was charging up, its eyes began to droop, and not long later, just in time even, they closed fully and the Gyarados fell asleep, Milotic's Hypnosis attack coming in clutch.

Milotic stared at the sleeping leviathan of size with her, before turning her nose up and sniffing in disdain.

I laughed internally at her reaction, she was completely un-impressed with it. But then, Milotic seemed to not be very impressed with much outside of our group.

She turned her head around and made to continue on, but I pat her again, making her pause. She looked back at me, and then I saw her pout in the corner of my eye when she saw I was looking at the Gyarados.

I don't really hold its loss here to Milotic over it. For one, official battle wise, it hasn't been defeated and looked ready and raring to go even after Milotic's Dragon Breath, for two, it's a freaking Gyarados.

I have plans of course for two other specific Gyarados. A shiny one and a gigantic one. I know the general area where to find both a shiny Magikarp and a gigantic one.

But, there's no guarantee I'll find them.

And I do in fact want a Gyarados, I love these things. I caught one wild during a rainy day in Pokemon Go and it carried me hard, it wasn't even any special Gyarados at all, it was average sized, average weight and below average IV's.

That didn't stop me from always levelling it up though over others I caught. Sub-optimal for sure, but there was something to be said for loyalty and attachment.

Fuck it, I'm catching it. It being normal will actually make it stand out with the other two when I get them anyway.

Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out a pokeball and enlarged it, then directed Milotic over to the floating, snoozing leviathan.

I touched the pokeball to its form, and like Dragonite not long ago, it was sucked inside the pokeball and easily captured without any resistance in just a few moments.

Only then, did I direct Milotic back on course.

'Let's see.' I pulled my phone out, thank fuck for it being waterproof and looked over the latest entry.

'Gyarados: The evolved form of Magikarp. Rarely seen in the wild. Huge and vicious, it is capable of destroying entire cities in a rage. Can fire a Hyper Beam from its mouth that leaves nothing behind. Gender: Male, Height: 21'07, Ability: Moxie - Attacks Known: Splash, Tackle, Bite, Dragon Rage, Aqua Tail, Hydro Pump, Hyper Beam.'

If I could, I would have whistled, my eyebrows raising up to my hairline. I knew already it had Hyper Beam, and figured it would know Hydro Pump, those kind of went hand in hand with Gyarados as a whole really, I wasn't expecting Dragon Rage or Aqua Tail though, and I seriously was not expecting it to have Moxie.

Moxie had to be one of the fuck off best abilities of all, that was for sure, I legit loved running Mightyena with it, made it actually viable and Krookodile of course.

Though, I'll definitely need to look into Moxie, I really don't know how that'll transfer over in a real setting like this. Perhaps some form of adrenaline boost?


Not long later, we surfaced once again, this time on the other side of the huge tornado. And the place could not be anymore different.

The water of the ocean here around us was calm and serene, and when I looked straight up, a clear, cloudless bright blue sky met my eyes, the sun beaming down warmly.

Weather manipulation was overpowered man. And convenient as hell. A Dragonair could basically give you any type of day you want.

Feel like getting a tan? Dragonair can move the clouds and bring the sun out. Want a rainy night to fall asleep to? Dragonair's on the job.

…Do Dragonite lose the ability to manipulate the weather like that when they evolve?

I'll need to look into that.

And speaking of Dragonair and Dragonite.

My gaze was drawn forward, a good thousand feet or so away, I saw a large island, it was full of ripe, green trees and at the front I caught sight of a golden sand filled beach.

My eyes weren't on the island for long though.

No, rather, my eyes were drawn to the dozens of long and gracefully beautiful dark blue scaled, serpentine dragons playing in the water near the beach, and the various familiar yellow scaled bipedal dragons relaxing on said beach.

Holy shit.

My mouth dropped low in surprise.

Already I can see a dozen Dragonair and at least seven Dragonite. I knew from meta knowledge this island was fucking stacked with the Dragonite line, but knowing that objectively and seeing it in person was a whole other ball game.

Milotic eyed them all hesitantly, and gave a worried trill to me. I can understand the hesitation.

We're utter badasses, but this is an island full of Dragonite.

"Don't worry, putting the guy I caught a little while ago aside, these guys are really friendly." I assured her.

Her hesitation vanished at my assurance and she gave an understanding trill and nodded.

Then, I directed her towards the island at a slow pace, her graceful body casually scything gently through the water towards the beach.

As we approached the island, the group of Dragonair stopped playing in the water and looked towards us curiously, yet that was all. There wasn't a lick of hostility or suspicion in them at all.

"Heya." I grinned and waved towards them.

"Drooo!" the one closest trilled, a beautiful majestic sound, just like Milotic and lifted its tail up out of the water to wave back, its fellows copying it a moment later.

And then they returned to their playing.

Hmm, they really must be quite used to humans to be so at ease with me despite this place being so heavily blocked off.

Then again, if I remember right, quite a few people got brought here sometimes after being saved by them and the Dragonite after being shipwrecked.

Moments later, we reached the beach and I hopped off of Milotic's back, "Thanks a bunch girl, you did a great job." I praised, reaching rubbing her atop the head affectionately.

She happily nuzzled me back in return.

I returned her to her pokeball a minute later and looked around, my eyes drifting over the various Dragonite spread out over the beach.

Most of them were relaxing atop the soft sand, snoring peacefully away, while two sat beneath a tree, chowing on some berries.

One of them met my eyes as I looked towards them, and greeted me with a light wave, before going back to eating.

…So incredibly chill.

Nothing at all like the rage beast that attacked me outside in the storm beyond the island.

…The urge to go on a massive catching spree is real.

But, I'm not gonna. Even if the idea of a legion of Dragonite under my command is enough to make me almost salivate.

I don't know why. But, it feels wrong somehow. Funny how I don't mind planning on doing so to an island full of Squirtle, Wartortle and Blastoise though.


Does that make me a hypocrite?

I chuckled, "Well, I'm fine with that." I mused. Honestly, I would have left already after catching my current Dragonite, but I still have one more thing I want to do.

I want another one. Not for me though.

But for Hilda.

I can't shake the feeling that something fishy is going on, and it made me worried for some reason and I've no idea why.

At least if she has a Dragonite backing her up, I won't have to worry.

With that thought in mind, I made my way over to the two Dragonite eating to their hearts content, "Hey Dragonite, how's things?" I greeted them.

The one on the left paused just as it was about to eat what looked like a Sitrus Berry, "Drodro." it warbled and gave a shrug while gesturing at its berry, while the other one just looked at me curiously.

"Cool, cool," I nodded, I've no idea what it said, but I've got the feeling it basically told me nothing much, just relaxing and having a bite, "So, I'm gonna come out and say it, I'm looking to catch one of you guys." I revealed bluntly.

Both of them blinked at me.

"Dro?" the one with the sitrus berry tilted its head to the side in curiosity.

"Not for me though, I already caught a Dragonite earlier, a nasty guy with a nastier temper," I continued explaining, "He attacked just outside the storm around your island out of nowhere and I caught him after my Fearow beat him in a battle."

Dragonite blinked again, and then to my surprise, started laughing, head thrown back and feelers on its head wriggling in pure amusement.

It was my turn to blink.

Hell, it literally reached up and with one long razor sharp claw wiped a tear of mirth from its eyes.

For some reason, me catching what I assumed to be Iris' Dragonite, was utterly hilarious to this one.

Heck, a wide smile even spread across the face of the other Dragonite beside the laughing one.

Hmm, actually, now that I looked at these two. They're a decent big bigger than the Dragonite I just caught.

I'm getting serious deja vu feelings right about now.

The laughing Dragonite stood up, towering over me, it had to be nearly ten feet tall and reaching down to pat me on the shoulder, pure amusement still dancing in its eyes.

It was congratulating me? Or praising me maybe?

It was positive either way.

'…Don't tell me my Dragonite is a young runt?' I goggled. But then, that actually made so much sense in retrospect, why it was so prideful and why it was always trying to prove its strength, why it was always so disobedient and why Iris had such a hard time controlling it.

After all, a prideful runt isn't exactly gonna know how to train another prideful runt.

"…So anyway, like I said, I'm hoping to catch one of you guys for a friend of mine," I coughed and pushed on, "I'm a bit worried about her, and feel like she's gonna be in some danger she doesn't want to tell me about. But, I'll have a lot less to worry about, if a badass Dragonite like yourself was with her."

Dragonite tossed the sitrus berry up into its mouth and chomped down, swallowing it in one big gulp before bending a bit down to look me in the eyes, "Dro?" it, questioned? I think, and gestured at me, then waved its arm to the side of me.

"Are you asking about her?" I guessed.

"Dro!" Dragonite nodded in confirmation.

"Eh, alright," I shrugged, "Her name's Hilda, she's not a battle focused trainer like me, or at least not fully. She's taking on the gym challenge to get her name out and make money, but her real goal is to become a producer and produce movies about pokemon like yourself, making pokemon the big stars."

To my surprise, Dragonite's eyes practically sparkled at my words, "Drodrodo!" it pumped a fist happily at me, then jabbed a thumb at itself.

"…Are you saying you'll do it?" I asked, a bit stupefied.

That was a hell of a lot easier than I thought it would be.

"Drawo!" Dragonite nodded eagerly, then to my surprise, pointed at one sitting beside it, making it give me a little wave, before it then swept its arm out gesturing to all the various Dragonite out and about on the beach.

But then pointed to itself, and then to the space beside me.

I'm seriously not following.

If I had to guess though-

"Are you saying that any of you would do it if I asked, but you personally want to do it because of the movie thing?" I put out.

Dragonite paused, before cupping its chin and a small humming warbling noise escaped its throat. Then, it just shrugged and nodded.


"Well…alright then." I nodded in a bit of a daze.

I reached into my pocket and withdrew a pokeball. I had barely enlarged it though before Dragonite reached down and pressed the button at the middle itself, and was promptly sucked within the pokeball, just before it disappeared within the red light, tossing a light wave farewell to its sitting buddy.

And captured a second later without resistance.

"…That was easier than I thought it was going to be." I gaped at the ball in my hand, then slowly looked to the other Dragonite.

It shrugged at me, before lifting a fist up over its shoulder and banging it against the tree. It then opened said fist, just in time for a berry to land in its grasp.

And it began chowing down once again.

"…Points for style," I laughed, "So, before I go is it okay if I give a look around the island a bit?" there was still one little thing I wanted to get my hands on while here.

The Dragonite gave a casually shrug and gestured idly to the main island behind it, as if telling me to feel free.

Arceus man, these dragons are so damn chill.

I bid the Dragonite goodbye and with its blessing, made my way inward into the island.

The vast majority of the island was a large green area full of berry trees, beautiful flowers, gorgeous and crystal clear streams of water, and everywhere I looked I found members of the Dragonite line.

The vast majority of them were Dragonite, most of them just sleeping, eating, or in other various forms of absolutely chilling out. The most active of all were the Dragonair I saw, and the few cute little Dratini.

It really was odd that the most abundant pokemon on this island were Dragonite themselves, especially considering how long it generally took dragon types to grow and evolve.

…Then again, this is basically their own personal habitat, tailor made for them by them, if there was anywhere they'd grow and evolve quickly, it would be here.

Or maybe Dragonite get stronger through chillaxing and that is why Iris' Dragonite was always so weak.

Either way, it didn't take me all that long to find my destination. I just had to follow a river running through the island itself, leading to a small mountain in the centre of the island.

A gentle waterfall sprinkled down the front of it into the river itself, and just beyond it, was an opening of a cave into the mountain itself.

It didn't go very deep I noticed as I stepped around the waterfall, which was good, because it meant what I was looking for was right in view.

The shed skin and scales of Dratini. All around the small cavern I could see the molted scales, like long sleeves of glimmering pale blue, multiple feet long.

I quickly made my way into the cavern and started grabbing them up and slipping them into my backpack.

Fun fact, these right here? They can be fashioned into Dragon Scales from what I read, and be used to evolve certain pokemon. On top of that, these shed skin were generally used to make dragon scale clothing. A pair of stylish boots from from a half of one of these, could easily go for ten thousand.

And in total, I found twenty six shed skins.

I left the island minutes later atop the back of Fearow, flying straight up into the eye of the storming tornado surrounding the island and leaving it behind. A massive grin was spread across my face.



Hilda is gonna think hes proposing isn't she ? Thanks for the chapter, as always it was fun


Good one ….next Chapter plz…😎😎