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I had seriously underestimated the distance between my destination and Vermillion City.

It was a lot farther out than the maps I'd seen implied. Actually, the maps couldn't even locate it, only give me a general area that was always storming. That was how I knew it was where I needed to go.

Sitting thousands of feet in the air, secured tightly to Fearow's back, I wiped the screen of my phone, getting rid of the mass of rain that blocked out the screen.

It was filled up again a second later, only allowing me a glimpse at the screen. But it was enough.

I'm soaked to the freaking bone, and Fearow isn't looking too much better. It was a good choice of mind to pull out a thick rain jacket when I left Misty behind to come out here.

'Something is odd here.' I thought, jostling lightly as Fearow forced his way through the powerful gales of wind that could send a small child flying, even though we were easily hundreds of metres away from the origin of the storm we were in the middle of.

And not the storm itself. I looked up and briefly eyed the massive storming tornado thousands of feet wide and thousands of feet high, reaching higher than myself and Fearow were in the air currently.

No, crazy and impressive as the storm is, terrifying even from a standard point of view-

What is really odd, is my phone.

I still have a connection with it. Like, even out here, I can connect to the internet, make calls…and the GPS function is working and I can actually see a listed island.

That doesn't make sense at all, 'This wasn't possible with any of the computers I tried.' my frown deepened. All they could do was give me a general overview of the area, that it was always storming and couldn't see very far into it.

It's been at the back of my mind for a while and I'd mostly just been ignoring it. But, what the hell happened to my phone?

I wiped the screen again, peering at it once more, before it was covered in rain a second later once again.

I sighed. There's nothing I can really do with it now, is there? Whatever brought me here had definitely modified it somehow. The only question, was who, or what?

'Best thing I can do on that front is probably get a Rotom and stick it in it.' I clicked my tongue.

And that would have to wait until later, because even I knew of only some places I could find wild Rotom. Actually, only like two or three places came to mind.

I stowed the phone away before patting Fearow's sodden feathery neck, "Take us in a bit closer mate." I told him.

"Row." Fearow glanced back at me from the corner of his eyes, before nodding and spreading his wings wide, before, he'd kept them half out, riding the currents of the wind to keep as level as possible for him.

Which was only possible because of his size and sheer raw physical strength, I'm betting that without my special brand of training, any average Fearow would have been incapable of doing so.

With a flap of his wings, Fearow scythed through the air, wings each as long, if not longer than I was tall cutting through the storming gale force winds like butter.

Quickly, Fearow carried me through the remaining distance towards the stormy hurricane.

Just as we got close and I was about to direct Fearow town towards the ocean itself and switch out for Milotic-

My heart leapt into my throat as Fearow suddenly made an instant bank to the right, tilting to the side, my heart hammering in my chest and a yelp leaving my throat as I dangled there in the air for a split moment before Fearow re-oriented.

And allowing me to see the large trio of jagged icy blue beams of energy that tore right through our previous position.

Ice Beam!

"ROW!" Fearow spread his wings wide, and shrieked furiously at the direction the attack came from, and my eyes went even wider.

There, a hundred or so feet below us, wings flapping slowly and measuredly and keeping it level in the air right at the front of the storm itself, was a large bipedal pokemon with light yellow scales, a white underbelly, small green cyan blueish green wings and feelers atop its head-

Was a Dragonite.

A Dragonite with a foul look on its face, eyes narrowed into a furious glare and mouth pulled up into a savage snarl.

What the fuck?

I already knew that Dragonite Island was hidden within that stormy hurricane, so I'm not that surprised to see one here, albeit, I can already feel excitement flooding into my veins.

The odd thing that stood out to me though, is it attacking us. Dragonite are genial, gentle even for the most part, and the ones here always lent a helping hand to those in need if they got ship wrecked in the general area and such.

So why is this one-

I didn't get the time to finish that thought.

With a howl, the Dragonite's claws sparked with electricity and it zipped up through the air towards us.


Incredibly fast even.

It cleared the distance in all of a few blinks of an eye, swinging out with a heavy, albeit incredibly telegraphed Thunderpunch.

Though with that kind of speed, telegraphing wasn't as big an issue.


Metallic silver burst into existence and Fearow lashed out with a massive wing enhanced with the power of a steel type.

Steel Wing met Thunderpunch and the rain around us was parted from the force of the blow.

I grinned.

Dragonite's eyes widened when Fearow gave a howl of his own and the large angry looking dragon and flying type got forced back.

Fast and strong for sure, but it isn't dealing with the average Fearow here.

Forced back a few feet, Dragonite didn't have time to block or dodge as Fearow swung out with his other wing in a heavy slap to the side of the face.

Dragonite was slammed down through the air, hard, its body shooting down towards the ocean easily a thousand feet below like a bullet.

Easily as fast as Ash's Scizor when using Quick Attack, and with strength to match. Impressive considering Ash's Scizor was only that strong and fast because of Technician.

But, nowhere did I ever claim that Ash's Scizor was superior to my Fearow.

Amazing as Ash's Scizor was, Technician did have one pretty big glaring weakness that I'd found out from the Pokedex. For some reason, it could only affect offensive type attacks, so it wouldn't boost the likes of Agility or Dragon Dance. That wasn't a weakness though, and I can't figure out why it doesn't effect those types of pokemon moves despite how different it already is here from the games.

Rather, the real weakness of it, was despite amping up all the physical attacks and abilities of a pokemon, it did so by drawing upon excessive amounts of energy, according to the Pokedex entry on it, an estimate of three times the energy needed normally, and pokemon that had Technician, did it automatically and tended to lose steam quickly.

They needed to be real stamina monsters to last long in battle.

Dragonite disappeared a moment later between the roiling ocean waves down below as I was thinking and my frown returned.

"Get ready, it's not done yet." I cautioned Fearow, the giant bird giving me a single nod and his keen eyes watching the water surface for movement.

This Dragonite…It's familiar.

The angry look, the sudden attacks, both Ice Beam and Thunderpunch, I'm sure I've saw it before.

If I'm not wrong, it answers a lot of questions on where that particular Dragonite even came from.

The water surface exploded in a massive geyser and from it, erupted a huge serpentine dragon of glowing blue, roaring energy.

"Dragon Rush!" I gasped, "Ascend up!" I quickly ordered.

Quickly, Fearow shot up higher into the air, and I had to force myself not to panic. I trust Fearow, but holy fucking fuck are we high in the air.

Fearow was faster than the attack, and we gained distance from it as we went up, giving us time.

Exactly what I wanted.

Forcing myself not to tremble I grit my teeth, "Hyper Beam, blow it outta the air!" I commanded.

Fearow's long beak snapped open, a familiar sphere of inky black energy swirling and compressing into existence, the distance we got from ascending, giving him well enough time to charge it.

Then, just as Dragonite encased by the power of Dragon Rush was a mere fifty or so feet away from us, a mere second at most from reaching us-

Fearow spread his wings wide to brace himself and unleashed his attack straight down.

A large and powerful black beam of pure destruction exploded down out of his mouth and slammed straight into the Dragon Rush attack.

A massive sonic boom erupted as the attacks clashed, blowing away all the rain for hundreds of feet, near creating a new eye in the storm.

"DROOOOOOOOOOOO!" I heard a furious howl even over the roars of the clashing energy, serpentine blue energy dragon pushing against the black beam of power.

A single foot, then a second, and suddenly it was tearing up through the Hyper Beam attack, gaining easily a good thirty feet-

Before losing momentum, the beam of power swelling as Fearow fed more energy into it and tore straight through the Dragon Rush.

For a split moment I saw Dragonite as the attack was torn away, its furious looking eyes widening in shock before the Hyper Beam slammed straight into it head on and carried it back down.

"Follow it!" I barked quickly.

A Dragonite wouldn't go down this easily!

Despite my orders, Fearow didn't move much for a small bit, panting deeply. It wasn't that long though-

After all, one of the first things I'd done upon teaching Fearow Hyper Beam, was have him spam it constantly during training to get him used to it.

It's his strongest attack by far and I want him to be able to charge it rapidly and fire it on the fly without having to wait long to recharge.

We found a way of using it as well that was quite interesting, quicker, but weaker, but that didn't matter right now.

Fearow moved once he recovered just a second or two later, quickly scything down through the air towards where the Hyper Beam carried Dragonite down.

It had already faded away and the large yellow scaled dragon was currently free falling through the air.

The momentum behind it from Hyper Beam was pretty stellar, but still not fast enough to escape Fearow.

We caught up to it rapidly, and I noted, its eyes were shut.

Had it fallen unconscious al-

Dragonite's eyes snapped open

Fearow spun mid-air, swerving around a sudden large gout of flame that erupted from its throat.

"Nice try!" I laughed, "Throat Chop!"

From swerving around the gout of flames, we quickly got behind Dragonite, and now, before it could swivel around fully to attack once again, Fearow's wings sparked and exploded with dark power, wings glowing ominously and slammed one of his wings into the back of Dragonite's neck.

Dragonite gagged and got stunned, freezing up from the blow and falling limply.

I don't think that's enough for a Dragonite though.

"Razor Wind!" I followed up.

The colours of his wings shifted in vibrancy to a bright brilliant and gleaming white a split moment later and Fearow beat his wings hard and rapidly, unleashing a barrage of dozens of condensed wind blades.

Dragonite of course, couldn't dodge or block and was caught easily by the barrage of attacks slicing into its body.

And moments later, the large dragon pokemon slammed into the water surface, a much smaller geyser splashing up over its body in comparison to the one that erupted from the Dragon Rush a minute ago.

Fearow levelled out quickly above the water, ready and waiting to react, dodge or attack, either or really.

But, there was no need.

A second later, Dragonite surface in the water, belly up and floating there in the roiling waves, unconscious.

A massive grin spread across my face, "Really wasn't expecting this." I laughed, reaching into my pocket and pulling out a shrunken pokeball.

I enlarged it and had Fearow take me down just low enough so I could reach over and tap the pokeball to Dragonite's body. The ball snapped open and a beam of red shot out, encasing Dragonite's body, before slurping it up like a wet noddle and closing quickly.

It took in my hand for all of a second, before letting loose a ping of success, notifying me of my capture of Dragonite.

And good thing I'd sent half my team back to the Pokemon Centre in Viridian City so he didn't get sent off there.

I'll need to discipline this guy a but to get him obedient, "Can't be that hard considering that clown Iris did it." I snorted.

I'm almost certain after all, that this Dragonite is the one that Iris later caught, and she was a completely trashy and incompetent loser, nothing at all like her based manga and game self. Now that was a woman!

Not that 'you're such a kid' trollop.

I attached the pokeball to my belt and grinned at Fearow, patting him heartily on the back, "Way to go buddy, you're on fire today!" I praised, "You beat Pikachu and Scizor earlier, both monstrously strong really and now you've clapped a Dragonite as well!"

Fearow grandly spread his wings and squawked happily in victory.

After all, he might not be a match for Pidgeot, but that doesn't mean this big birdie boy isn't a beast himself.

While Fearow was celebrating, I pulled out my phone again and brought up the pokedex app, checking out the information of my newly captured Dragonite.

'Dragonite, the Dragon Pokémon. Dragonite is said to live in the sea. With its small wings and large body, it can fly faster than the speed of sound. Gender: Male, Height: 7'03, Ability: Multiscale - Attacks Known: Wrap, Thunder Wave, Ice Beam, Flamethrower, Dragon Rush, Thunderpunch.'

Hmm, a bit different from what I remember, with the Wrap and Thunder Wave attacks, but then, all Dratini practically knew those attacks, so probably just a left over from then.

'Right, time to get a move on to the Island itself them.' I nodded to myself. I still have to see about catching something to help Hilda out just in case something is actually going on and she isn't just visiting family.

I was about to let out Milotic and return Fearow, since I'll have to go under the hurricane storm surrounding the island and hiding it from outsider, but just as I was about to, my phone began ringing.

I blinked, wiping away the rain that covered the screen again to see the caller ID.


Huh, she's already calling me? I only separated from her like an hour ago, maybe two at most.

"Sup?" I answered the call, bringing the phone to my ear, I should look into seeing about getting some good ear buds actually now that I think about it, hmm, can the ones I have already pick up my voice? Questions for later, "Miss me already?"

"You wish," Misty snorted on the other line, "Are you still around Vermillion City?"

"Not really," I replied, "Why?"

"Well, we're kind of in a bit of a situation," I could practically hear the grimace in her voice, "You remember when Nurse Joy came by earlier and asked for Ash and Brock to go with her?"

"Yeah?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Well, apparently there's been some kind of pokemon egg in this place for a while now, it's been drifting about for ages from place to place, starting out in Sinnoh," Misty replied, "It's been dormant for years with no sign of hatching, until today, it apparently started reacting to Ash according to Nurse Joy, no idea how she figured that out or why."

I blinked slowly, "…And?" I asked, not sure how that concerns me. Cool to know, and I guess Ash will be getting his first baby pokemon earlier than usual, but that just seemed par the course for him, especially here.

He was quite forthcoming with all the pokemon he had this time around and I made sure to memorize them, because fucking hell were things different here, wildly different.

Pikachu, Butterfree, Pidgeotto, Beedrill, Venomoth, Scizor, Quagsire, Ludicolo, Cloyster, Bulbasaur, Staryu, Squirtle, Charmander, Krabby.

His original counterpart in the anime only had seven pokemon by this point, this Ash has thirteen, more than half of them fully evolved already. And considering how free he's been with item evolutions already, that'll probably be bumped up to eight fully evolved pokemon when he buys a water stone for his Staryu.

"The pokemon hatched about a half hour ago, not one I'm familiar with either, apparently it's super rare, a pokemon called Riolu," Misty expounded and my eyes widened in absolute shock, "It ran off as soon as it hatched though and has been picking fights with wild pokemon in the area, it almost got crushed by an Onix if not for Ash managing to find it in time and beat it with Bulbasaur, by the time he caught the Onix though, Riolu had run off again."

Okay…okay, what the hell!?

That was a lot to digest there. It made sense to me why a Riolu egg would react to Ash, he's Mr. Super Aura after all, but what the fuck is a Riolu egg doing in the Vermillion City Pokemon Centre?

And on top of that, Ash now has an Onix?

Good on him I suppose.

"Riolu aren't just super rare, they're ultra rare, they evolve into Lucario an incredibly powerful pokemon, they're stupid strong," I informed, and also, once it evolves, alongside Onix, Ash will have three steel types, and he already has six water types, is he trying to put gym leaders out of business? "They use some kind of power called aura, so if it reacted to Ash, it must have felt his own aura and liked it, and if it the fact it's running off to fight wild pokemon is anything to go by, it's a little battle nut, so it must have really liked Ash's fighting spirit or something."

At least, that's as far as I can roughly guess.

"Good to know. but what's aura?" Misty asked.

That is the billion pokedollar question, now isn't it?

"It's some kind of energy, life force I think?" I shrugged, "Every living thing has it apparently, but only a few can use it, kind of like psychics, but more physical oriented, leaning more towards like fighting types while psychics tend to lean towards…well psychic types."

"…There's stuff like that out there as well, huh?" Misty hummed, "You sure do know a lot though."

I smirked, "I'm just awesome like that," I chuckled, "Anyway, I won't be much help, I'm too far away right now and in the middle of something important as well. But, while I don't know a whole lot about aura, I know that it can be used to sense things, kind of like sonar, so it'll have a much easier time finding opponents. If it's really looking for strong opponents though, I think you guys should let out all your pokemon and give it chase, it'll feel how strong your pokemon are and might come running straight to you."

"And you're so modest about yourself, huh?" Misty laughed in return, "Not without reason I guess. Thanks for telling me this, hopefully we'll be able to grab that little annoying thing up quickly so I can finally get that shower."

"That wouldn't have been a problem if you just accepted my offer to get into the shower with me." I pointed out, my smirk widening. I'd brought it up while we spent an hour making out before I left.

"No, nice try, you'll have to work a bit harder for that buddy," Misty snorted, "Anyway, thanks for the info, I'll call you later and let you know how this goes."

"Good luck," I replied, before biding her goodbye and letting her hang up, I leant back on the saddle atop Fearow's back and looked up at the storming sky above, "Now isn't that interesting."

Not just Scizor, but now he'd have a Lucario in the future as well. Both were pokemon incredibly suited to Ash, fast and strong hitters, but tanky as well due to their typing.

Not to mention a possible Steelix as well, three possible mega evolutions of the steel type.

This really is a whole new breed of Ash Ketchum I'm dealing with.




Are we just going to get Jordinio Version for a while or are you also going to upload some more Systematic Shinobi? I like both, but I prefer Systematic Shinobi.


Thanks mate! Love this, Shinobi and "Dragon fist Zan"!