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His chest ached, his lungs struggling with every moment to exhale just a little bit of breath and then take it back in.

Tears blurred his eyes making his vision blurry. Granted, not that he would be able to see much of anything even if they weren't washing over his iris'. The thick black smoke cloying at his throat and swirling throughout the building in amongst red hot flames.

Fucking terrorists man.

It was sad, pathetic really. All he could do was sit here and moan and groan, dazed and waiting to die.

He'd love to escape if he could, but considering the large weighty pillar pinning him beneath it? Well, that wasn't likely and he was seriously up shit creek without a paddle.

Honestly, it was odd how calm he felt about all of this. But then, it wasn't like anybody would even miss him. He was just a no name orphan, no family, no friends, nobody that cared about at all, not even the orphanage matron.

'…Ah, this fucking sucks.' he groaned internally. The only joy he had in life was working out and anime, not really a pair of hobbies that went together, but hey, one inspired the other.

He had nothing really going for him, but anime had inspired him, made him realise that he didn't need to if he put the work in.

…To bad that wasn't going to amount to anything. Since some dramatic asshole had come to school this morning and decided to blow themselves up for whatever reason.

Probably being bullied, his life was that sad that he would get killed over a cliche like that.

God damnit, he didn't want to die. As pathetic as a reason it was, he hadn't finished watching his favourite anime, surely life couldn't be so cruel as to do him in before that?

He never got to see if Luffy became Pirate King, or if Natsu found his dad, if Ash became a champion finally, or the conclusion of the fight between Naruto and Sasuke.

A flame boiled in his chest, not unlike the roaring embers threatening to swallow him whole and burn him alive.

He'd never had anything going for him his entire life and it, It wasn't FAIR!

                                                                    Do You Wish To Live?

"…I've gone mad." he gaped as his vision suddenly cleared in an instant and found himself staring at a floating ebony black screen with crimson red writing.

For a moment, he just stared, forgetting where he was.

It took him a moment to shake off the shock. Was he seeing things, hallucinating now that the smoke was getting to him? Was he about to lose consciousness?

He struggled, trying to lift his arms, to no avail, the weight of the pillar pinning him to the ground was just too much.

Seriously, fuck this school.

A derisive snort left his lips, "Of course I want to live!" he spat, losing himself in the delusion for a moment.

His life was shit, but it was his shit life.

Just as he spoke, the crimson red words on the black screen shimmered and a different sentence appeared.

                                                                Very Well, Prepare For Transmigration!

He blinked, "…What?" he uttered.

But that was all the time he had to say anything, because a split second later, the screen seemed to balloon in size and warp around him like an all consuming cocoon of red and black and then butterflies fluttered in his stomach as he felt himself falling.

He didn't even have time to be shocked at being swallowed by the thing or the trippy red and black darkness all around him, because a moment later, a life time of memories crashed into his mind, sweeping through and integrating deeply within his psyche.


Daiki Yurei awoke with a gasp, pushing himself up onto all fours and panting deeply.

He stared at the mud beneath him as his mind raced.

"…What?" he swallowed heavily, having trouble processing.

He lifted one hand from underneath him and traced his throat with a finger, feeling nothing but unblemished skin.

That wasn't right. He could vividly remember the feeling of a wind enhanced scythe blade slicing through his jugular and his vision going dark moments later as he bled out and died.

Fucking Eisenwald.

Partly his own fault, he'd been arrogant taking the job to deal with them, his current success as an independent mage since he started off a few months ago going to his head.

He'd been no match for that Erigor, his fists bouncing off of the mans vaunted wind armour and not making a dent, even reinforcing himself to his limit.

And between him and that shadow Shikamaru wannabe prick, he'd been overwhelmed, pinned and had his throat slit.

Damn dark mage fuckers.

Still, that wasn't right. There was no illusion there, illusionary magic had a lot of finesse needed for it, finesse and skill, which none of those pathetic dark mage losers had, he had died for sure, there was no doubt.

But…beyond that.

He remembered things, things that he'd never seen, come across or experienced at all in his entire life.

Things that made no sense. Of a boy just like him, an orphan, a nobody, worth nothing, caught in an explosion during schooling and waiting, pinned beneath a heavy pillar waiting to either asphyxiate from the smoke or be burnt alive by the flames, whatever came first.

And incredibly, beyond even having the memories of another teenager dying, was the fact that said teenager had memories of watching an 'anime' called Fairy Tail, among others, all about the magic guild of Fiore, known as Fairy Tail.

The current top magic guild of his homeland, being reported on every other day in newspapers and magazines all across the country.

"Just what the hell is going on?" Daiki groaned, clutching at his throbbing head.

What he knew of his own world now, was horrifying to think about. The Dark Wizard Zeref, was real, and alive to this day. Not only that, but the dark guild Tartaros, was really a guild made up of demons from the book of Zeref, all created by Zeref.

And they all had some connection to Natsu Dragneel

Hell, beyond all that, there was Acnologia, an absolutely monstrous beast of a dragon, who would…one day destroy the world? If that Future Rogue guy was anything to talk about.

Daiki's eyes widened.

…What timeline was he in exactly? Because there was two. One where ten thousand dragons laid waste to the world and one where only seven appeared and were brought forth by the Eclipse Gate.

And….the series the other him saw, was never very specific of where the ten thousand dragons came from.

He forced himself to calm down, even as he pushed himself up, 'Well, I shouldn't need to worry about that for a while, it's the year x784 right now and July sixth, I have seven years before anything like that happens,' he rationalized, before frowning, 'What was that screen though, it was almost like a status screen from a game.'

Just as soon as he thought that, the same screen popped up in front of his vision and his eyes widened.

…Yet it was different.

Now it was displaying his name, age, and a bunch of other things, like a numerical set of his physical abilities and magical power?

Name: Daiki Yurei
Age: 15
Magic Power: 150/150 (E-Rank)
Strength: 17.5/500
Endurance: 17.5/500
Durability: 17.5/500
Agility: 17.5/500
CQC: 23/500
Magic Control: 23/500
Weapon Wielding: 1/500

Magic Styles:
Reinforcement Magic(Adept): All is strength.

"…What the fuck?" Daiki gaped.

E-Rank? He always thought his magic power was pretty good, but E-rank? Surely it was kidding? And beyond his magic, he was especially proud of his physical strength and endurance.

…Yet not even reaching eighteen out of five hundred?

What kind of monster then would have five hundred in strength? Considering he could easily lift and toss a grown man through the air without much effort without his magic, they had to be absurd monsters.

Maybe Acnologia or something?

The dragons were pretty physically beefy.

And speaking of magic.

What cryptic bullshit nonsense was 'All is strength'?

Was this thing taking the piss out of him?

And only Adept? He'd been working on his magic for three years now, ever since he unlocked it during a street fight, and it was only at that point?

Either this status screen thing was broken, or Daiki was a much smaller scrub than he ever thought he was. That E-rank hurt to look at. That was multiple ranks below even Natsu and Gray starting out, and way below the likes of S-class mages like Erza.

He winced.

'I need to train.' he thought, his hands itched with the desire to throw himself into training.

But he stopped himself, because….he pat himself down.

…His wallet was gone, meaning all his money was gone.

Meaning, before anything else, he'd have to acquire funds to live on.

'July sixth, huh?' Daiki mused.

If he remembered right, and he was sure he did, his memory was scary good, then, Lucy Heartfilia should have joined Fairy Tail a few days ago, and around about today, she alongside, Natsu, Gray and Erza Scarlet would be tracking down Eisenwald and putting an end to their nonsensical plot using the demon flute Lullaby.

'…I took up the request to deal with them, so if I jumped in and helped a bit, I'll still be eligible for the reward.' he grinned faintly.

Though a shudder ran up his spine at the thought of dealing with those pricks again.

He'd seen how little of a match he was for Erigor after all. As much as it grated him, right now, he really was little more than a 'fly' as the shinigami wannabe prick mocked him before.

It was risky getting involved with fuckers like that again, and he would admit…it scared him a bit.

Pissed him off more though.

'…The smarter play is to head to Clover Town, it isn't far from here, get a small mission at one of the local places and think things through.' he thought.

…He was not at all, a particularly smart person. He was slyly cunning, street smart, had a charming sharp smile and glorious muscles among many other amazing things.

But, he wouldn't call himself particularly intelligent.

Daiki bared his teeth, "…I wanna fucking smash those punks faces in." he snarled to himself.

If it was just a matter of him losing and being killed, then fair game, he sought them out after all, he knew the risks he was taking, even if he didn't think they really applied to him.

But…they humiliated him, mocked his ability, his strength, they stomped on his pride.

That couldn't go unanswered, even if he had to resort to leaving the bulk of the work to other, stronger people.

"I'm gonna use that fucking scythe to scratch my ass." Daiki vowed. He'd use the remains of their big ol' plan, the Lullaby flute, as a tooth pick!

And in the process, he would get to meet the very famous and very absurdly beautiful and curvaceous Erza Scarlet, and the fan service starlet herself Lucy Heartfilia.

A grin spread across his face at the the thought.

The busty blonde was no doubt sure to end up naked at some point.

It was a win, win, win for everybody.

And by everybody, Daiki meant himself.


So, I'm sure a few of you remember, but initially, I was debating between a Naruto Story and Fairy Tail story, and settled on Naruto with Systematic Shinobi. This story is the Fairy Tail path, with the same type of system and Daiki, but in Fairy Tail.

This chapter itself is just a set up for later though for the most part, because I'm planning on focusing on Systematic Shinobi foremost.

......Though I may not update that today. My pull-up bar came loose earlier while I was mid pull-up, fell, hurt my back and my ass bone...and my toe. But the important thing to note here, is my ass bone, it hurts just to sit so, I'm gonna for the most part, just standing or laying on my side or face down. That'll teach me to make sure it's tight enough after moving it, right?



Hope ya get well soon man. And I'm looking forward to seeing where this story goes!


I hope your toe is okay