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Fuck it, he would die anyway at this rate. And big deal, he'd die at like a hundred instead of a hundred and ten or something, if somebody didn't murder his ass first anyway.

Reaching out with a shaky arm, Daiki grabbed the bottle. He was so weak though, that he had to struggle to just pop the cork off of it and open it.

"To the grind." he snorted to himself, before holding it up to his lips and taking a sip.

He swallowed.

And then, everything, went still.

The haze of darkness around his vision cleared up, his senses spread out massively, his eyesight sharpened, the pain that had been plaguing him faded away.

And Daiki stood once more.

A rushing sensation ran through his veins, and he felt his chakra click, and like a flame fed barrels and barrels of oil, it ignited, it exploded, it grew, it consumed and it fucking roared!

A massive aura of chakra erupted from his tenketsu, and for this moment, Daiki felt it.


This was the feeling of strength, for this moment, he could feel it in his veins, he was standing before the line, that when breached, allowed one to grasp the power of a kage.

His gaze snapped over towards Shibuki as the air shook as they clashed water swords, and he noticed, Shibuki being pushed to his knees now by his sensei, the flame of chakra that was once an inferno around his form, now but a glittering haze of dwindling embers.

Daiki popped the cork back in the bottle, and lowered it.

Then he moved.

The ground cracked and cratered under his feet, he could barely control his own newly enhanced strength and speed.

What seemed like an instant later, he was at Suien's side, thrusting his palms out and unleashing his jutsu.

The air boomed as if the sky roared with thunder, and twin shock waves erupted from his palms with such force that the air in front of him seemed to crack and shimmer.

Suien roared in agony, yet over it, Daiki heard as his ribs went snap under the force that transmitted through his water armour.

And a split moment later, he shot through the air like a cannonball, shooting straight over the of hundreds of feet to the other side of the lake, smashing into and through a series of houses.


"You…?" Shibuki gaped at him, just as the chakra fully dwindled from around him, "You drank…it?" he trailed off, before his eyes shut and he fell unconscious.

If he didn't finish this quickly, that was what would happen to him.

Daiki caught him before he fell into the water. In a blur of pure speed, he carried the older shinobi back to the island with the huge tree and sent him down.

Then he rushed over the lake in a blur with shunshin, moving so fast it was almost mind bogglingly to Daiki, he must have been moving over ten times as fast as he could.

He landed on the other shore a split few seconds later, just as his enemy erupted from the debris of buildings, it had taken him a good nearly ten or so seconds to recover from Daiki's surprise attack.

…If not for that water armour, he would have likely been killed right then and there as the Force Palm Jutsu pulverized him from the inside out and crushed his organs.

"You…I should have snapped your damn neck the second I got my hands on you earlier!" Suien spat, before rushing him, water erupting from his feet and propelling him forward.

It was funny.

Just a little bit ago, he couldn't even see this guy moving.


"So slow," Daiki shook his head as he easily tilted his head to the side, avoiding a punch tipped with a lance of water, then hopped over a sweeping kick that unleashed a blade of water that less than a minute ago would have cut his legs off before he could see it coming, "So god damn slow."

Was this what it felt like to be Kakashi against a scrub, he wondered?

"Shuutt uuuuu-" Suien began to roar in a rage, only to be immediately shut up as Daiki's palm slammed into and through the water armour around his face and grasped him by the skull with bone crushing force.

"Hey," Daiki could feel the bloodlust building up within him now that the shoe was on the other foot, "How about I thank you for your treatment of me earlier? And how you tried to kill Shizuku while using her as a hostage."

The water armour around the man roiled and raged like ocean waves, he could see almost in slow motion as dozens upon dozens of spikes began forming intending to impale him.

Daiki unleashed a Force Palm Jutsu at point blank rage, right into the man's face

The forming water spikes flopped apart.

The water armour didn't dissipate.

He was still alive.

The water armour must have blunted enough of it for him to live.

"No matter." Daiki smirked, he lifted the man by his skull and brought his free hand up, forcing it through the water and placing it against his stomach.

Then he fired off a pair of Force Palm Jutsu.

Then again.

Then again.

And again.

Over and over in a rapid fire he unleashed his own original and crated jutsu in a barrage.

The water armour dissipated by the second time.

He didn't care.

He wanted his god damn pound of flesh for him forcing him to go this fucking far.

When he finally stopped and dropped the corpse of the former Jonin to the ground, the face was entirely gone, and there was a gaping hole ripped straight through the stomach to the other side.

In the end, the man had become nothing more than a bloody pulped piece of meat.

"Feh!" Daiki spat on the corpse.

He would have loved to beat the man around a little more, take out his frustration and rage on him.

But, he wasn't consumed by the desire enough to not notice the way his strength and chakra, despite peaking so massively, begun to rapidly dwindle as the seconds went by.

Before he lost the boost to his chakra, and the proper feeling swept through him again, Daiki brought his hands together into a single modified seal, pure bright green chakra erupting from his hands.

Daiki took the chance to mend all of his injuries, right up until his vision went dark, and his legs buckled beneath him.

He never hit the ground, a hand caught him before he did, "Maah, you're a real scary kid, huh?" a familiar, annoying voice drawled.

"I…fucking hate you." Daiki cursed him, then he faded into unconsciousness.


This time, when consciousness returned to Daiki, it was a gentle thing, like he just woke up from a really good nap.

And he felt good.

Awake almost instantly, as soon as he opened his eyes.

He pushed himself up, and realised, he was actually in a bed. A pretty nice bed actually, way better than the one in his shitty apartment.

He looked around, noting he was in a rather barren looking room, with a particular type of wooden walling and flooring.
Looking exactly like the wood made to build the houses in the Waterfall Village.

Daiki smirked, feeling a surge of pride flow through him as he remembered the state he left that prick Suien in.

Giving himself a mental pat on the back, he leaned back against the comfortable pillow that he had been laying on and just basked in the feeling of victory now that he was awake to enjoy.

'…oh yeah, been a while since I checked my stats.' he mused, idly calling up his status.

"…Eh?" he blinked stupidly at what was reflected back at him.

That didn't make sense.

Not at all.

Name: Daiki Yurei
Age: 13
Chakra Capacity: 39,600/39,600 (Chunin)
Strength: 86.4/510
Endurance: 128.4/510
Durability: 86.4/510
Agility: 86.4/510
Taijutsu: 155/500
Ninjutsu: 174/500
Genjutsu: 10/500
Bukijutsu: 46/500
Chakra Control: 182/500

Chakra Affinities:
Lightning - (Adept): You have stepped onto the path of roaring thunder.
Fuinjutsu - (Adept): You are no longer a mere amateur.

What the utter shit?

His chakra capacity, it had…more than doubled since he last saw it. Not only that, but, all of his physical abilities, they had risen drastically!

But beyond even that. His physical stats.

The cap on them had been five hundred before, but now…it was five hundred and ten!

That didn't seem like a big gap. But he'd noticed something before. Going by his stat numbers, he should only be roughly four times as strong as he was right now, as he was when he first woke up with this status system.

But that was wrong. By his estimates, he was actually double that amount stronger and definitely that amount faster.

The higher his stats rose, the harder it became to make them rise, yet at the same time, each single stat pot, seemed to bit by bit, become worth more than the one before it.

Thirty wasn't half as strong as sixty in these numbers, not even close. He actually couldn't tell how big the gaps were, it was really hard to measure.

The difference between five hundred and five hundred and ten, was probably quite massive when applying that logic.

"..Is it because of the Hero Water?" he wondered, dismissing the status screen and thinking.

Thinking on it, this…this was probably a good thing. Considering the amount of time he'd need to make these kind of gains, weeks, more even…

For a paltry ten years off of his life?

Yes, Daiki decided, this well worth it.

After all, making up for ten years of life force? That would be easy. After all, he was planning on becoming a Jinchuuriki.

And beyond that. There was a certain little ferret with a certain little travelling clan from another continent roaming the Elemental Nations.

And in that ferret, there was a certain stone that he could easily get his hands on. He only needed a fragment of it even and could give the rest back to the ferret, and not only would it boost all of his abilities and chakra, it would also massively increase his lifespan.

'Guess I gotta look into finding the Stone of Gelel.' he mused.

He should probably start with the Land of Rivers.

Everything fucking else was there after all.

Shifting the covers laying neatly across his body off, Daiki sat up fully and pushed himself up out of the bed.

Honestly, he was feeling pretty damn energized right now, he was almost itching to burn off energy now that he'd sorted his thoughts out.

He was eager to get back to the grind.

And something else now plagued him, as he remembered back to that fight. He was more or less a gnat compared to Suien, as expected of a rookie genin fighting a Jonin.

Yet…with just a sip of the Hero's Water, he'd absolutely crushed the man easily, even with such an stounding technique as that Water Armour of his.

The man was probably on, or at least approaching the level of an Elite Jonin, definitely at least bordering on the ability of an A-Rank shinobi.

Daiki clenched his hands, a wide grin spread across his he drifted back to the feeling of complete power, the pure confidence and high he felt.

It was like nothing he'd ever experienced before.

He wanted it. He wanted to reach that level, become that strong, and then grind even further upwards and ascend even further beyond.

He knew after all, that the level of strength he'd gained from there, was but a pittance compared to the kind of strength the likes of Madara and Hashirama had, hell, he bet it didn't even come close to comparing to the likes of the Raikage Ay and the like.

"Yeah, that's it, I'll get there s-" he lifted his hand into the air and began to make a vow to grow that strong.

Only for the door to swing open and Fu to step in, and pause, blinking her orange eyes owlishly, "Hey, you're awake again Daiki!" the mint haired Jinchuuriki beamed, then her eyes drifted down from his face, to his crotch and her cheeks flushed a bit red.

…And it was then Daiki realised he was completely naked.

'I blame Kakashi.' he growled mentally.



Haha some good shit dude, and of course Fu walking in on him is a classic in Japanese manga so that definitely was gonna happen sooner or later. Seriously hope you plan on doing something with Fu in your story, girl needs some love and friends. Girl was so depraved of all that in canon, poor girl tried befriending Kakuzu of all people.


The Stone of Gelel would definitely be a nice power boost. He should also see about grabbing the Raijin no Ken from that one loser.