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Moments later, Daiki and Sasuke faced off against each other, stood thirty feet apart in the middle of the training ground.

Another smirk spread across Sasuke's face as Daiki slid into the opening stance of the Academy Style taijutsu.

Daiki smirked right back.

"…Alright, let's keep this clean okay guys? Whoever can pin the other and keep them immobile, wins." Sakura hesitantly addressed.

"Don't worry Sakura, this won't take long." Sasuke assured her, Sharingan eyes locked onto his opponent.

"He's right," Daiki agreed, "I'm about to go all Tobirama on his ass and make Konoha great again."

"Who the hell is Tobirama?" Naruto, arms crossed behind his head squinted his eyes in confusion.

Sakura gave him an odd look, but sighed and nodded, "Alright then," the pink haired kunoichi conceded, "Begin!" she announced.

As soon as she said so, Sasuke exploded forward, rushing towards Daiki at a blinding pace, covering the distance in mere moments.

Daiki remained in placing, waiting for him to come, 'He's faster.' he held off clicking his tongue.

Sasuke flicked his hand suddenly, and shuriken appeared, free of them blitzing through the tiny gap in the air between them.

They were so sudden, Daiki didn't have time to think up a counter, leaving them to stab into his shoulders and the middle of his chest.

He puffed into smoke, a log replacing his previous position with the three shuriken embedded into it.

"Hmph!" Sasuke whipped his foot back, bleeding off his momentum and spinning backwards a half a foot, just in time to avoid a rising knee strike aimed at his kidneys.

Daiki's back to him now, Sasuke completed his spin and launched a roundhouse straight up at the other genin's side.

Daiki's muscular arm whipped out, blocking the kick with his forearm. Sasuke smirked, using the force of his own kick and the block, to force himself up into the air and windmill into another kick that Daiki wasn't able to block this time.

Sasuke's sandal connected with Daiki's cheek with an audible impact and launched him backwards, even lifting him briefly up of his feet a bit, before he slammed his feet into the ground and bled off the force.

"You said you liked my jutsu, huh?" Sasuke's smirk stretched as he ran through a series of hand seals blindingly fast, before cupping his hand around his mouth, "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!"

He exhaled powerfully, launching a huge fireball, the size of a grown man towards Daiki.

Clicking his tongue for real this time, Daiki thrust out one of his palms, unleashing his Force Palm Jutsu.

Sasuke's eyes widened as his fireball was blown completely apart before it even reached halfway towards his opponent and quickly crossed his arms over his chest, before jumping back.

"Wind Style!?" the Uchiha gasped.

The corona of pure wind force slammed into him and carried him further through the air. His arms ached, but, due to his quick thinking, a lot of the force from the attack was already bled off, and he took little real damage from it.

Daiki gave him no reprieve, running through a few hand seals, he exploded forward with a shunshin.

Sasuke was able to track him though and jerked his head to the side, just in time to avoid a heavy straight punch that crashed straight through the bark of a thick tree behind him.

Lashing out with a rapid punch, Sasuke caught Daiki in the side, making him grunt in pain, then ducked as the other boy pulled his hand out of the tree, unleashing a spinning back hand, then ducked backwards avoiding the follow up knee strike he saw coming in slow motion.

Hands touching the ground as he bent backwards, Sasuke launched into a hand-stand snap kick directed at Daiki's lower jaw, but Daiki caught the kick with his palm, stopping it in its tracks.

Sasuke was fine with that, using it as a feint to spin like a spinning top and lash out with his other leg at Daiki's unguarded face.

Once again a blue sandal met Daiki's face, this time, much harder than before and pain exploded in his cheek as he was bodily lifted up into the air.

His palm tightened over Sasuk'e other foot though, and the Uchiha grunted as Daiki dragged him up into the air with him.

Then his eyes went wide when Daiki thrust out his his other hand, and unleashed a corona of pure force while beginning to spin.

Sasuke got a real first hand view of what it was like to be a spinning top, his vision blurring even with the Sharingan active as Daiki whipped them around and slammed him hard into the ground below as their air time came to an end.

The breath was knocked out of Sasuke as his back met the ground and cratered it inwards, but he didn't have much time to counter.

Daiki hadn't let go of his foot even after slamming him down into the dirt, and bodily hauled the pale skinned boy up out of the small crater his back had made in it.

Sasuke didn't bother trying to escape Daiki's grip, instead, lashing out with his free leg again to kick him under the junction of his arm, right in the in the armpit, while at the same time, running through a few hand seals.

"Gah!" Daiki grimaced, forced to let go of his fellow genin before he could slam him again, and his eyes widened as he noticed the boy, as he fell below him.

His hands were in the tiger seal, and he was taking a deep breath.

Time slowed down for Daiki.

And resumed just as quickly.

A snarl leaving his lips and baring his teeth, the tan skin boy thrust out his palm, catching Sasuke in the lower stomach, "Force Palm Jutsu!" he roared, triggering the seal on his palm.

The good thing about his little seal, was that it could be activated pretty much instantly.

Sasuke gagged as once more a corona of pure force erupted from Daiki's palm, this time, at point blank range.

He was sent soaring back through the air, flipping ass over head multiple times, before slamming into the ground thirty feet away.

"Sasuke-kun!" Sakura's scream of worry rang in Daiki's ears, but it felt muted, as if she was miles away, all of his attention was focused on the older boy laying first first down in the dirt.

If this were an enemy, he wouldn't even give them a chance to get up, this would be the perfect chance to use his one and only lightning style ninjutsu and finish him off.

But, this was just a spar in the end, to test himself.

It took a a good decent little before, before Sasuke's arms twitched and he slowly forced himself onto his hands and knees and struggled to his feet from there.

Despite the damage he'd taken, so much so his legs shook, he was panting deeply and clutching his lower stomach, yet his eyes were locked solidly on Daiki, determination burning in his crimson red orbs.

With his other hand, he reached for his shinobi pouch, but just before he could, a hand grasped him by the shoulder.

Daiki blinked. Suddenly, with no warning whatsoever, an older, vest wearing shinobi with gravity defying white hair stood behind Sasuke.

"I think that's enough for a mere spar, Sasuke, don't you?" Kakashi Hatake hummed, his eyes not even looking at Sasuke and istead, on the book he was holding in his other hand, idly reading from it.

'Holy shit.' Daiki gaped. He hadn't even seen a thing, no a displacement of air, not a shadow, not a blur, nothing. One moment he wasn't there, the next he just…was.

"Kakashi, don't get in my way," Sasuke spat, glaring over his shoulder at his sensei, "I can take him!"

"Maybe," Kakshi shrugged, "But if he wanted to, he could have broken your leg the second he got his hand on your foot. As far as this spar goes, he wins, just accept it."

Sasuke glared him for a moment, before realisation seemed to ping through him, "…That wind jutsu.." he trailed off, before whipping around to look at Daiki, "You didn't use any hand seals, and used it so quickly!"

"Exactly." Kakashi nodded once.

"Keh," Sasuke grunted, spitting to the side, before nodding tersely, "Fine, it's my loss, won't happen again though now that I know your little trick."

"If you say so." Daiki shrugged, he doubted it though. Considering how little practice he'd had with it and couldn't even use it properly right now.

His arms were fucking killing him from the kickback of it.

He did learn something interesting from this though.

…It could augment his taijutsu quite nicely. Sudden explosive on the spot momentum, for enhancing attacks or changing directions or even trajectories of his attacks.

And best of all, was how little chakra it used.

"Just don't forget you owe me a jutsu now." he pointed out.

"Yeah, yeah," Sasuke huffed, "I'll write down the instructions and get them to you by tomorrow, I'm not hanging around to teach you it personally."

"Fine with me." Daiki rolled his eyes, "You'll be able to find me in training ground 69 for the most part when you do."

"Whatever." Sasuke shrugged, jerking his shoulder out of Kakashi's grip and making his way over to a nearby tree to sit down and frown.

Brooding thoughtfully?

"Sasuke-kun, are you okay?" Sakura's attention was full on Sasuke now, rushing over to him, she barely even glanced at Daiki.


"Heh, looks like you beat the bastard," Naruto sniggered, making his way over, "Don't think it means you can beat me though, I've already totally saw through all your moves, your jutsu is cool, but mine is way better!"

"Doubt it," Daiki snorted, crossing his arms, "Do you even know any jutsu beyond the Academy ones? You've always had a habbit of bragging about shit you can't back up."

The goading, was intentional.

Naruto growled, "I sure can back it up, check this out!" and like a moth to a flame, the blonde Jinchuuriki fell for it hook, line and sinker, "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" he called out, crossing his fingers together.

There was a puff of smoke at his side, and another Naruto appeared, grinning cockily just like the original, "Heh, well what do you think of this!"

"A physical clone jutsu?" Daiki made a show of raising his eyebrow, "Neat." he shrugged.

Naruto staggered back as if struck, "…Neat…That's it…?" he whispered to himself, almost distraught.

Daiki blinked, '…What?' he was totally confused.

"Well, you sure put the boots to my team, huh kid?" Kakashi's voice floated into his ears, and Daiki looked over his shoulder, to find the man suddenly within arms reach, without ever having made a sound.

…Fuck he really had a massive way to go didn't he?

"Wasn't that hard," he calmed his racing heart and replied flippantly, "I could have ended that at any time with my Force Palm Jutsu."

"You could have indeed," Kakashi nodded in agreement, "Though, bit of advice kid, don't get too cocky, that spar was brief, but it was blatant that Sasuke was quite a bit faster than you, and more skilled in taijutsu."

"Faster, sure, more skilled, debateable," Daiki replied, "He had an easier time countering me because of his bloodline, I'd like to see how well he'd react to my taijutsu without them."

"Maybe bring that up when he challenges you to another spar to make up for this loss?" Kakashi suggested with a shrug.

Oh, so he knew Sasuke well enough already to know he'd be seeking Daiki out wipe that loss off the board?

Daiki was already expecting it, he knew what Sasuke was all about, and his driving force.

"Well, next time, maybe you can pay his loss for him," Daiki laughed, "Fire Jutsu is nice, but I'd prefer much lightning, since it's my affinity, or even a water jutsu to use in tandem with my lightning jutsu, you're bound to have a few extra of those kicking around, right?"

"Hmm, who knows?" Kakashi mused, "Though, you seem to be well informed, my students had no idea who I was until our last mission."

"No…it's kind of obvious, you're pretty high profile in the bingo book," Daiki deadpanned.

Literally, any shinobi could request a bingo book. Kakashi was one of the first mentions in the Konoha part of the book, with Iwa specifically offering two hundred million ryo for his head.

It was kind of common sense to be clued in on the big names, wasn't it? They were the type of dudes you should know by face so you could run the other way the second you caught sight of them.

"Maybe." Kakashi shrugged again.

"Right, well, riveting as this conversation is, I've got training to do." Daiki bid the man goodbye, and walked away.

He could feel the mans gaze on his back as he vacated the training ground, and Sasuke was completely ignored Sakura fussing over him, his eyes holding Daiki's own until he dipped out of training ground seven completely.

'Well, I think that was an absolute win for me.' Daiki grinned. He had a rough idea of where he stood now, he got to test out his new jutsu in combat, he was getting a free jutsu out of merking Sasuke's ass and he had a full on excuse from Naruto to go about learning the Shadow Clone Jutsu.

"Winning, it's what I do." he sniggered proudly.


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