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You know, I expected raw pigeon to taste like crap. I mean, it didn't taste great or anything like that, but I manged to scarf that feathery road kill down pretty easily.

To be honest, it was kind of disconcerting. It was easy to do, and I feel good and full, not sick in any single way. I mean, can a kitten as young as I look, even digest solids?

Honestly, there's a lot of things that seem odd to me about my new body. And, those things are all I can really focus on.

For the moment at least.

As much as I'd love to put my gung ho desires to level up and get stronger to the test, especially since I'm a weak little kitten and it being horrible to be something that a random kid could step on and majorly injure by accident.

I simply can't.

Because it's pissing of rain, and my only shelter is a box. A soggy box. But at least it's keeping me somewhat dry.


I suppose that was another thing to add to the task list, beyond levelling up and finding a stable food source.

Finding a nice, comfortable, dry abode.

I sighed, peaking up through the lid of the box, peering up at the top of the buildings around the alleyway I was situated within.

Pigeons, everywhere.

I could count dozens of them, all huddled up on the building ledges, roosting together, or hiding beneath the smoking chimney's and what not to hide from the rain.

Literally walking, flapping, flying bags of experience points and nourishment. Yet, I can't do a god damn thing about it.

Even when this rain lets up, no way I'll be able to get up there. I mean, there's a rusty ladder going up the side of one of the buildings from what I can see, but I seriously don't have the ability to climb that.

A small meow of discontent left my throat, before I curled around into a ball to keep myself warm once again and wait out the rain.

Damn rain, no wonder cats hated water. I was beginning to sympathise.

I don't know how long I stayed curled up, waiting for the clouds to stop weeping about whatever nonsense it was that clouds cried about when they went from cumulus to nimbus.

As it is, the frustration and sheer boredom, almost made me loopy. I honed my mental faculties by promising vengeance upon the clouds for the insults I have borne from their silly weeping.

I don't know how I'll go about it. But one, I will reach the clouds themselves and then I shall drink deep and guzzle them down, slurp them up like puffy wet condensation filled noodles and delight in my revenge.

…Boredom does funny things to the mind okay?

Finally though, what had to be hours later, the rain finally died down. The only reason I can tell it was hours though, is because the sky has went dark, really dark, an ebony black void for all intents and purposes - like my current lot in life - except for the shining stars and the bright moon.

Sadly, my life had no shining stars to light me up right now.

I'll have to fix that.

I unfurled myself from my fluffy balled up position and stretched. Oh yeah, that's the good shit! I can feel my muscles limbering out, straight down to the tail.

Once I was done with that, and my muscles tingled nicely, I heaved myself up and out of my soggy damp, wet and cold residence and looked around.

It was the same as earlier. A dark alley, with trash cans spread all around, litter lazing around on the ground, shards of glass here and there, the corpse of a half eaten pigeon that now had multiple dozens of flies all around it and gorging on my leftovers, wet and slippey, un-even pavement, you know, the works.

"Meow." I saluted the corpse of my pigeon friend - currently half blotted out by flies - with my tail, and walked on passed, heading for the entrance.

One might think I should say something else, have a heartfelt goodbye for my friend the half eaten fly infested pigeon. But, they'd be looking at it wrong.

For you see, when I killed him, a total him by the way, he was such a bro after all for giving me my first level ups in this new life of mine, he became experience and became one with me, he lived on through me.

We would be together forever. Me and Tony, bro's for life.

I named him Tony while in my soggy box by the way.

Hmm, actually.

Just as I walked passed the corpse of my good half eaten friend, spooking a few flies and prompting them to buzz away off to the other side of the feathered corpse, a thought occurred to me.

'How much experience points are flies worth I wonder?' I thought to myself, my eyes flickering over to the buzzing disgusting little flying leeches.

Well, not that I even know how much experience points Tony was worth either. I'm kind of working blind on that aspect, I think.

Eh, either way, with how much of them there are, like, so many I can't even count properly, they're bound to be worth something at least.

Plus, how dare they feast on the corpse of my good buddy Tony!


I roared.

Well, not really.

A small, super cute, "Mroaw!!!" left my throat, deep and guttural, intimidating for sure!

And I pounced like the mighty epic apex predator I am.

A cloud of black, or so it looked fled into the air escaping my attack, these enemies were quick.

Not all of them were quick enough though.

Squish went many a fly.

Mostly, being serious, I attribute it to how many of them there actually were, blocking off the ones in my range from escaping.

I got so many of them, I could multiple little tiny winged bug carcasses spilling out from under my cute furry paws.

And a familiar rushing sensation swept through me.

Oh yeah!

Just like earlier!

It's only me second time feeling it, but god damn could I get used to it.

Eagerly, I hopped off the dead bugs and focused on the blue light in the corner of my vision, bringing forth my status screen.

Name: -
Title: -
Species: Kitten
Level: 4/5
Skills: Claw Attack, Night Vision
Strength: 4
Endurance: 4
Durability: 4
Agility: 8
Magic Power: 4

Oh yeah, there we go!

That is what I'm talking about boys and girls! One more, and I'll totally be able to evolve, right?



God I hope so.

…I mean, god damn I must be really weak if I levelled up from killing a bunch of flies. Odd though, that killing a full on pigeon only net two level ups, when killing a few flies got me one.

Perhaps I got less experience because Tony was already mostly dead? Perhaps that kid who shot my buddy out of the air got most of the experience. Damn leech!

Now what though?

I banished the status screen, and was about to head out of the alley and see what I could find, when I noticed something.

The remaining living flies, in the time I'd looked away, had mostly all swarmed over Tony's corpse once again.

Hey now, hello. They're basically lining up to join Tony and the rest of their buddies now inside me aren't they?

Heh, almost like NPC's that respawn in a game.

A wide grin spread across my face. Or, at least as much as a little kitty cat kitten can grin and I unsheathed my tiny and little, extra sharp claws.

They positively gleamed.

Once more, I pounced, this time, even faster, my paws slamming down with even more strength!


A familiar black cloud of flies escaped into the air, but not all of them. Squish went dozens of flies.

I gleefully laughed in my head, preparing for that familiar levelling up sensation to rush through me, making me stronger!

I waited.

….And waited.

And I waited some more.

Thirty seconds, possibly more, passed by, and my cattish grin turned into a frown.

Not enough huh?

Guess I need to catch more of them at once.

I clicked my tongue, that I can still do at least.

I thought on what to do for a moment, before Tony himself presented the idea. Or rather, his corpse did.

I stared down at his bloodied corpse. The way I'd left feathered half eaten corpse, the wounds on the body were facing towards the ground.

…Letting them get stuck in the blood or in the wounds, now that was a good idea.

I pat myself on the back.

Mentally, since I don't have hands anymore.

Hooking one paw around the corpse of Tony, I flipped it around, leaving the seeping gaping wounds on the body bared to the air and then stepped back a few steps to wait for my dumb little winged prey to approach the bait.

I didn't have to wait long at all before they swept over Tony's corpse once again, and I could visibly see them getting submerged into the blood and crawling into the wounds left on the body of the dead bird.

It was absolutely disgusting to look at. Nasty as all hell man.

But, glee filled me once again, and after giving them a minute or so to get tucked right in to many of theirs, last meals, I reared up and pounced, shooting through the air like a mighty rocket, a speeding bullet, a lightning bolt of pure concentrated power!

And squish.

And squish!

And squish! Squish! And more squish!

Again many of them escaped, but many more were stuck on the corpse or caught up in my initial paw slamming super attack.

But I wasn't done with just the once, I reared both paws up and slapped them down with all the strength I could muster, up and down, up and down!

Just like a drummer.

I paw slapped the shit out of that corpse and crushed multiple dozens of flies to death.

This is the fate of all that oppose me and mess with my buddies, like Tony.

'Yes!' I hissed in absolutely victorious pleasure as that familiar rushing sensation ran through my body, filling me with energy, making me stronger.

If I could, I would have gleefully laughed!

On the high of victory, I called up my status screen, before freezing in place at what I saw.

'Eh…?' I blinked slowly, particularly stupidly even.

Name: -
Title: -
Species: Kitten (Evolution Available)
Level: 6/5
Skills: Claw Attack, Night Vision
Strength: 6
Endurance: 6
Durability: 6
Agility: 12
Magic Power: 6

…Level six, out of five?

Was that not a stat cap?

Wait…'Evolution Available'. Just as I'd thought the possibility of it over earlier, indeed there it was. I can now evolve, apparently.


What I assumed was a level cap before, is that just a level I need to reach to evolve then?

Interesting…very interesting.



Thanks for the chapter