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Sitting at the back of the bus taking them towards their destination, Moka couldn't wipe the huge smile off of her face if she tried, "Hmm hm hmm, hmm hm hmm." she hummed softly, gently stroking her hands through the spiky red hair of her lover as he snoozed away peacefully, his head resting on her lap.

"You know it's odd," Kurumu, her fellow..lover? Harem Sister? Said, her purple eyes on the sleeping boy as she leaned over the back of her seat, "He's so strong, and always so confident and tough, but he looks so relaxed sleeping there, he hardly ever looks so peaceful." it spoke a lot of how far they'd come, that Kurumu wasn't jealous of the fact Kai was asleep on her lap, and not the blue haired girls own.

"..I think being at the Academy stresses him out," Moka admitted, a sad frown spreading across her lips, "Mostly because of me." she didn't know why all the boys constantly stared and lusted after her, and not like Kurumu or anyone else to the same degree, it had bothered her before, but now, with how much it was stressing Kai out, having him always on guard, it was beginning to make her angry. She didn't like being angry, she tried not to be, it reminded her of when she first got sealed with the rosary and her memories were incredibly hazy, there was a time when she had been very violent and attacked the kindly priest who had looked after her and trashed all of her belongings.

She'd made sure to give that Tsukune Aono boy a good talking to when Kai was busy during class one day during the past week. She'd made sure to call him Tom Aolo to his face, and draw the line and make it clear that she in no way wanted anything to do with him and they were not friends.

He had made some protests, and pleaded with her about how violent and thuggish Kai was, and even admitted to her that Kai had outright bragged about their sexual activities to him.

'So?' she had asked him, forcing down her embarrassment, 'Kai is my boyfriend and I love him, we've had sex, many times since we started going out and everything he said is the truth.' Kai wouldn't have felt the need to rub it in and boldly broadcast it to everyone listening, if they didn't constantly annoy him by pursuing them, he was just staking his claim, and even though she wasn't a fan of everyone hearing about it, she didn't mind too much because he was using it to try and get them to stop.

It had been mean of her, and she'd felt guilty because the boy had started crying, but she stood firm in her decision to shoot him down like that. Because, as much as Kai said it didn't anymore, she knew that whole destiny and fated lovers thing really had bothered him. Kai had lost everyone close to him before, and he was absurdly protective of those he cared about now.

"Which is why you started to train and get a hang of your abilities the past week, right?" Kurumu asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Mmm," Moka nodded. She had never been interested in her own power and strength, she left that to her inner self. But, even with her power sealed, she was still quite a bit stronger than the average monster. And with how much training her inner self had done since they met Kai, she'd grown quite a bit stronger just from the growth her inner self had went through, she was easily twice as strong as she had been at the start of term if not more, "Learning to use my abilities, means I should be strong enough to deal with most people that try anything except for S-rank monsters, and it'll be a lot less stressful for Kai." and if that wasn't enough for someone. Well, she had the special gift her precious lover after his meeting with the Headmaster, Belmont on her at all times now. All she had to do was grasp it with her bare hand, and her inner self could deal with anyone that was too much for her.

She was surprised though. She hadn't known Kurumu was training as well. Apparently, the blue haired girl knew Kai liked strong girls and was determined to be that for him.

Kurumu had become really strong now. With her training, and the massive boost she had gotten from bonding with Kai, according to her inner self, the succubus wasn't that far off of the S-rank herself, and if it was youki alone as a determining factor, she was already there.

"Well, don't feel too bad about it," Kurumu smiled lightly at her, "It might not be quite as much as you, but that Nagare creep tried the same kind of thing with me remember?"

Moka smiled back at her attempt to cheer her up, "..I guess we're both causing him stress then." she mused. She was really looking forward to being out in the human world, for once. Usually, she wouldn't be a fan of it, but out there, Kai would have little at all reason to stress about people attacking her.

"Yeah, but at least he's getting some stress relief from you." Kurumu giggled, wiggling her eyebrows at Moka.

The pink haired girls face flushed, "..I suppose." she admitted quietly. They'd been having sex a lot, at least for an hour every day. But, if they were talking stress relief, then it was mostly her inner self that dealt with that. Kai could have the roughest sex he wanted with her. Moka herself didn't mind it either, she liked him being a bit rough with her, and while he was sometimes rough with her, he was much more hesitant to treat her as domineeringly as he did her inner self. They usually made love first, before going onto fucking.

'And I usually get fucked by him before making love to him,' her inner self said, 'He loves fucking and dominating me, because I am strong, and proud, and it pleasures him at his baser instincts, where his need to fight and conquer blazes true to see one such as me moaning submissively. You are soft, and gentle, weak, he does not dominate you like he does me, simply because there is no challenge or accomplishment in it.'

He definitely loved cumming inside both of them either way. Moka's cheeks became even warmer at the thought. If it weren't for her the Inner Moka's ability to project youki outside her body and use it to eject all of his semen from inside them after each session, they would no doubt be pregnant right now.

"Welp, don't worry about it, I'll make sure and join you in taking care of his stress soon," Kurumu winked at her, "Once the times right, I'll give him my virginity, then after that we can try double teaming him!"

'Heh, you better watch out you udder chested sow,' Inner Moka chuckled internally between herself and Outer Moka, 'I'm going to get you back for those comments you made while Kai was having his way with me.'

Outer Moka barely held in a squeak at the plans her inner self broadcasted to her. She really wasn't going to let go the fact that Kurumu had called her a dirty little slut and sow and the like the other day while Kai had on all fours on the bed back at his dorm, taking her from behind while using her long silver hair as a leash.


You were awoken from your pleasant nap when you felt even unconsciously, a mass amount of youki signatures surrounding you.

With a groan, you pushed yourself up out of the soft lap of your pink haired lover and looked out the bus window. The bus itself beginning to slow to a stop.

All around for as far as your beyond human eyesight could see, there was a vast landscape of bright yellow sunflowers.

Hundreds, maybe even thousands of youki signatures nearing the strength of the average monster at Youkai Academy spread far and wide throughout the field.

"Oh, look who's awake," Kurumu poked you o the forehead with a wide smile, "You looked so comfy there on Moka's lap I was afraid we'd have to brain you to wake you up, right Moka?"

The pink haired girl beside you didn't answer though, she was looking out one of the windows as well, a small frown on her face.

'Can she sense them as well?' you wondered. That was odd, while Moka had the passive strengthening of Youki Augmentation as a vampire, albeit at a much lower level than her silver haired counterpart, she couldn't really use any of her natural powers because she didn't care for the much at all.

"Moka?" Kurumu blinked and asked, confused as to why she wasn't answering her.

"We're here kids!" the bus driver, a tall willowy fellow with long black hair called back, "You're on your own from here."
A few moments later, you and your two girlfriends were up and outside the bus, while the driver hightailed it out of dodge. Probably a good idea, from what you sensed, his youki wasn't all that impressive.

"So...how do we find these witches then?" Kurumu asked once you were out.

"We don't need to," you shrugged, "We're surrounded by too many youki signatures for me to count."

"Mmm." Moka nodded.

Kurumu blinked, "Eh!?" she uttered in confusion before looking around, her lovely purple eyes sweeping over the range of the fields, "..I don't see anything though?"

"Here, I'll show you." You said, before walking over to one of the massive sunflowers and grasping it around the stem and pulling up. The soil parted, and a roar of beastial anger resonated throughout the fields as a huge plant monster burst from the ground, the sunflower attached to its head. It had the body of a massive green stem with slinky green vine arms with vine claws and a wide open flower petal face and mouth with jagged green teeth. It looked like a bipedal venus flytrap.

"Foooooood!" a deep gravelly voice echoed from its wide open maw as it lunged towards you, mouth wide open in an attempt to take a bite out of you. Your other hand came up though and grabbed its lips as it got close and clamped them shut.

"Ew, what is that?!" Kurumu's face drew up in disgust.

"It's a Garigarious," you answered, they were a common monster listed in the beastiary Mikogami gave you, "They're low level plant youkai that naturally form and take life in areas rich with plant life and abundant ambient youki."

"..There's different ones too," Moka added, "I can sense a lot with the same youki strength as these, and ones with stronger youki as well."

Yeah, she was spot on.

"....This is a flower field outside a human city though," Kurumu pointed out, "There shouldn't be a lot of ambient youki, if any here, it's not like there's a monster population out here...well besides these things."

"Exactly," you nodded, "It's clearly not natural and the work of these witches. They are planning on attacking the city not far from here apparently after all, is it any wonder they've began growing an army for themselves."

"That is messed up." Kurumu shook her head, while Moka nodded in agreement.

The Garigarious struggled with all its might to open its jaw, but failed under your grip. It seemingly gave up, and lashed out at you with its vine arms, the green arms stretching and attempting to pierce you with its claws.

You let go of its mouth, and you opened your mouth, spewing out a white hot flame that washed over it in an instant. It squealed as it burned under your flame, before falling to the ground limp a moment later, its outline barely noticeable through the flame smouldering over its form.

"So Kai, how shall we approach this?" Inner Moka spoke up.

You eyed the burning plant monster at your feet for a moment before responding, "I dunno about you, but I can't sense them because of the sheer amount of youki signatures spread out about the field," you replied, "So I think the best way to go about this is just destroying their army and drawing them out."

"A simple, yet effective plan," Inner Moka mused, "Alright, Outer let me out."

"Okay." Outer Moka nodded in agreement. She reached into the handbag she had hanging over her shoulder and a moment later, as she pulled Belmont out, her body filled out the lovely sundress she was wearing further and her hair transitioned into silver and her eyes a crimson slitted red.

Kurumu took one look at the pair of you, before her wings burst out of her back and she took to the sky, "I'll just keep an eye out for things from up here," the blue haired succubus said, "I don't really have any abilities that are good for clearing out huge numbers of enemies like you two."

"Well, I'll try not to hit you," Inner Moka smirked up at her, "I make no promises though, you know how hard it is to control such large attacks after all."

"Blegh!" Kurumu pulled her eyelid down and stuck her tongue out at the silver haired vampiress.

You smothered a smile as you turned facing away from them and moulded your youki within your chest. A moment later you opened your mouth and spat out a massive gout of flame twice the size of a grown man and just as wide. It tore through the field of sunflowers in front of you, burning them away for hundreds of feet.

Squeals and roars split the air as the ground rumbled and dozens upon dozens of monster, their bodies clad in flame burst from the dirt. While many of them were Garigarious, there was another type of monster mixed in. They were bipedal and man shaped, but almost looked a bit feline, with long spindly tails swishing behind them.

'Hanabake huh?' You noted. They were just like the Garigarious, but of a higher tier, and were known for their bodies being harder than steel.

They were actually stronger than the average monster when full grown from all you gathered. Their main weakness though? Fire.

You smirked as you watched them running around crazily, bodies alight with flame as they and their Garigorious brethren died in droves.

All around you the ground began breaking apart as others felt the attack on their kind and attempted to rush you. You simply repeated your action, spitting out another massive gout of flame, this time twisting your head and dragging your flaming breath from side to side, lighting everything up.

More and more squeals of agony joined the cacophony of sound, while in front of you for as far as your eye could see massive walls of flame began building up and up as the plant monsters were consumed by your flames.

An explosion rocked the earth beneath your feet and you looked over your shoulder to see your silver haired girlfriend lashing out with a series of blinding fast kicks, each one unleashing massive explosions that tore great big chunks of the earth out and set every plant caught up in the explosive blasts in flame.

A pair of Hanabake erupted from the ground at her feet, but your girlfriend simply spun around them and flicked her wrist, Belmont swinging out and slicing right through their steel hard bodies like a hot knife through butter.


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