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You didn't bother getting dressed properly after you let Moka feed on your blood. Instead, you just threw on a tank top, a pair of shorts and some trainers and headed on your way.

The path towards Youkai Academy from the dorms was already filled with bustling students. As you walked by them, hands in your pockets, stares and whispers followed.

"So that's Kai Sota? The one who picked a fight with the Public SAfety Commission?" a girl pointed and whispered at you.

"Yeah, that's him, can you believe it? He's supposedly some super monster and he's dating Moka Akashiya, who's get this a Vampire!" her friend replied.

As Kurumu had told you last night, it seemed there was a ton of new gossip going on about you and your girls. Lovely, didn't these people have anything better to do?

"Hey pipsqueak!" a voice like granite called out to somebody. God he was loud, and what a grating voice he had.

You continued on, and would have made your way to your destination without issue, if you didn't feel a decently powerful youki rushing up behind you. A moment later, a large meaty fist landed on your shoulder, "Hey I'm talking to you runt!" that same annoying granite like voice echoed in your ears.

"What?" you glared over your shoulder at the on who stopped you. A huge, muscle bound guy, like you dressed in a tank top and shorts, a towel around his neck.

"The names Chopper Rikishi of the pro wrestling club!" he loudly introduced himself, pulling his hand back to thump himself on the chest, "And you're Kai Sota right? The boyfriend of that chit Moka Akashiya."

"The fuck did you call my girlfriend you piece of shit?" you turned around to face him.

"A chit," he shrugged uncaringly, "Now tell me where she is shrimp, I've got a bone to pick with her!"

"..You do, do you?" you ground out, you right hand clenching into a fist, "And what's that I wonder?"

"I heard the bitch took out Kuyo, the rumour is all around the academy!" he shouted, his eyes narrowing into a glare on you, "I had him as my target, and now she's taken that away from me! So I'm gonna ring her scrawny little neck in his place."

You couldn't help it, you laughed.

"What the hell are you laughing at you scrawny little weakling!?" he bellow, throwing a fist out towards you that warped the air as it shot towards you.

It met your palm and a shock wave erupted from the impact, sending nearby students stumbling away with yelps. You stopped your laughing, "Oh...you were serious?" you replied, clenching your fingers around his fist, he tried to tug his hand away, but to no avail as you compressed your youki, enhancing your strength, "That changes things, you shit head."

That was all the warning you gave, before you lashed out, your left foot connecting with his inner left leg and knocking off balance. "Eh?" he blinked in shock, as you pulled on the hand in your grip and tugged him forward.

Your knee crashed into his jaw before he could recover lifting him up off of his feet. In a blur of blinding speed, you gave him a pair of one-two jabs in the base of his stomach, before spinning and launching a snap kick into his chest and sending him blasting backwards through the air.

He landed in a heap fifty feet away down the path in a groaning heap of pain. You weren't done though. You casually began walking towards him, igniting the youki compressed along your right arm into flame, covering your arm in an aura of burning fire.

"You know jackass, I don't take lightly to anyone making threats towards my girlfriend," you spoke up conversationally, but you made sure that everyone in the vicinity heard you, "Let's see how much of a big man you are when you've only got half a face shall w-"

Just as you were about to reach him, someone stepped in the way, arms spread wide, a nervous smile on his face, "H-hey K-Kai," Tsukune Aono said, "I-I think that's enough r-right? H-he can't fight anymore."

"Out of the way Aono." you narrowed your eyes at him. Even as something odd occurred to you. When you first saw this guy, his youki was pitifully low, so low it was practically hidden beneath anyone else's in the vicinity. But now...while it wasn't anywhere near as strong as your own, it was nearly as strong as Outer Moka's.

The fuck has this guy been up to?

"Err..d-do you think Moka-san would be happy with you doing this?" the boy said, "A sweet and kind girl like her? I don't think she'd be too happy with you if I were to tell her this."

Ex-fucking-scuse me?

"Aono " you ground out through gritted teeth, "It would be best if you didn't talk about things you know jack shit about."
"B-but I do know Moka-san!" he sputtered, "We've talked a few times and I always see her. She's so kind, she wouldn't like this, so you should just l-let him off, he's had enou-"

He choked as your hand gripped him around his throat and hoisted him into the air. His own tow hands went to your wrist and tried to pull himself free with a surprising amount of strength, too bad for him you were just that strong that it didn't matter.

"You know, I don't really care about your little puppy crush on my girlfriend," you mused, "And you know why?"

"R-rhy..?" the boy managed to choke out.

"Because you're nothing, utterly nothing, she doesn't even know your name, thinks it's Tom Aolo," you snorted, and then again when his eyes widened in hurt, "Hell, you can go tell her this if you want, I guarantee she won't care at all, she's in my dorm right now, napping."

"L-liar!" he choked, and you loosened your grip just enough to let him talk, "I-i t-talked to her the other day! I told her my name and everything, Moka-san is too kind to just forget someone's name!"

"Then she probably just forgot about it when I fucked her brains out." you shrugged, giving him a cruel smirk, you were just going to rub it in.

He stared gobsmacked at you, "Yeah, you know why she's in my dorm right now and why we weren't in class yesterday?" you asked rhetorically, answering straight away, "It's because we spent all day yesterday fucking like animals, and then she sat and sucked on my cock like a good little girl when we were done alongside Kurumu."

Tears budded in his eyes and delight flooded your chest, "What the fuck do you have to offer Moka you little weakling? All you can do is make threats to tell on me to my girlfriend like some little soy boy wimp," you spat, "You see me on the other hand? I'm strong, probably the strongest guy at this school besides the headmaster and Moka herself. Not only that, but I'm fucking rich, so rich I have my own private damn jet. And on top of all that, Moka loves me, you're literally nothing to her, less than dust."

That did it, the tears feel freely from his eyes and he slumped in your grip. You opened your mouth to rub it in a little more, "That's enough!" a shout cut you off.

You turned your head and saw those three guys who rushed to help the little loli witch the other week sprinting towards you, "You've said enough!" the largest and strongest feeling of them glared at you, "Let it go will you? I'm warning, you, I don't care how strong you are Sota! Mess with one of us, you mess with all of us!" and as he finished, he transformed, his human form fading away as he bulked up a dense green scales burst out along his skin, a massive tail ripping through his pants, his two fellows quickly joining him and turning into the same creatures. In moments, they all looked like massive bipedal crocodiles.

Lizardmen. Not a threat at all to you.

You scoffed, "Whatever," you spat, tossing Aono to the ground, you stuck your hands in your pockets, you'd let it go this time since these guys were worthy enough of your respect, being ballsy enough to stand up to you to protect their friend, "Later 'Tom', I'll be sure to give Moka your regards when I get back to my dorm and let her polish my knob end with her tongue." you tossed a wave over your shoulder and left them behind.

What a fucking soy boy.


There was still a scowl on your face when you entered the outer waiting room connected to the headmaster's office. A wide circular room decorated with two couches, a pair of sitting chairs, and various book shelves.

'Who does that little punk think he is?' you spat mentally, spouting that bullshit as if he actually knew Moka, threatening him with her over a guy that wanted to kill her. He better be grateful to his friends, if they didn't jump in ol' Tom wouldn't gotten out of that without a few broken bones.

The desk that the secretary usually sat behind, was empty. And all around the room, spread out in a circular fashion were dozens of men in black suits, dark sunglasses covering their eyes.

The Oni Brigade. They were the main helpers and enforcers employed by Mikogami Tensei. A fighting force made up of all Oni, powerful top of the line A-rank monsters, and each member having been trained in all manners of combat, to the point where even the average member of the Oni Brigade was a match for the average S-rank monster.

The reason they followed your teacher and saviour was one simple reason. He was the leader and head of the Oni Race. You'd never seen his true form, but he had told you, that it was that of a Kishin. A monster known as the Demon God, and a legend only born in the Oni Race once every thousand years or something like that.

Your eyes met the sunglasses clad ones of the leader of the group, Tenrei whom was standing in front of the door leading to Mikogami's. A prior sparring partner of yours that you had tested your strength against whenever Mikogami came to visit. It had never been fights where you went all out, but even still, you hadn't defeated him.

You wouldn't mind having another go with him now and going full out. But, you weren't here for that. You gave him a nod, and Tenrei nodded back, before turning and knocking on the door to Mikogami's office with his knuckles.

"Send him in." you heard the voice of your teacher echo.

"He'll see you now, Kai." Tenrei nodded at you, before opening the door and gesturing for you to enter.

You nodded back, and headed inside, the door being pulled shut behind you as soon as you entered.

You found your sensei standing behind a massive mahogany desk, arms clasped behind his back as he stared out of the window, down at the path leading towards the academy from the dorms.

"Yo, sensei." you casually greeted.

"Kai, it's good to see you once more," Mikogami turned his head ever so slightly and peered at you with one glowing eye under his cowl, "You've done quite a bit of growing in these past two months, you've grown remarkably stronger."

"A good training partner and incentive works wonders." you smirked.

"Ah yes, Akashiya Moka," he hummed, before snorting, "You've really made a mess of some of my plans you know?"

"..What?" you blinked.

"You were supposed to be teleported here to the academy, why then did you decide to take the bus instead?" he asked, turning his eye away from you to once again look out the window.

"Pettiness," you shook off your confusion and smirked at him, "You kept not getting back to me when I called you, so I decided to just grab the bus here."

Mikogami sighed, "..My own fault then?" he mused, shaking his head.

"What's the big deal anyway?" you asked, raising an eyebrow at him, "What does it matter how I got here?"

"It doesn't, not truly," he hummed, "What the problem stems from, is that you blocked the fated meeting."
Fated meeting? The hell?

"You were not supposed to be the one to meet Akashiya Moka on that day."

You froze, "Excuse me?"

"You heard correctly," Mikogami spoke evenly, "Akashiya Moka was supposed to meet Aono Tsukune that day, and become fast friends with him, eventually even falling in love."

Your youki exploded out of you without warning, uncontrollably, and you felt your teeth sharpen to fangs, "Sensei, I owe you a lot, and I'll always be grateful to you," you growled out, "But watch what you say. If that is a joke, I don't find it fucking funny!"

Your lover, your girlfriend, the person(s) you were closest to since you had lost your parents. Destined to fall in love with that piece of trash!?

"It's no joke," Mikogami didn't flinch at all under your building rage, "Why do you think someone like Aono Tsukune was even invited to this school? He's not like you, he's not a once in a generation talent, he's not rich, he's nowhere as diligent and courageous as you. Why, when my end goal is to promote the peace between humans and monster, would I invite someone like him, here?"

You on the other hand did flinch back, "..What the hell are you talking about!" you spat, "What do you mean invite him! He's a weakling but he's still a monster and last time I checked this is the monster high school."

"Aono Tsukune is no born monster," your sensei refuted, "He is actually like you. He entered this school as a pure human, and in the first few days, stepped between an altercation that would see those lizardmen friends of his killed, got injured gravely in the process and was given blood from the lizardmen to help save him. Luckily, I had been keeping an eye on him, so it easy to slap one of my Holy Lock's on him and allow him to safely weather to lizardman blood and become a hybrid like you."

Your mind raced. So that was why in the first few days, you barely felt any youki at all from him!

And you were not a genius for nothing, "..You wanted him to get Moka's blood." you realised. He wanted to make that trash into a hybrid using the pinnacle of monster blood.

"Not want, need," Mikogami shook his head, correcting you, "Akashiya Moka is no simple vampire. She's very, very special. The biggest piece on the board, though she doesn't know that. I met and divined the future with powerful monsters, and Aono Tsukune was always present, as the destined one of Akashiya Moka, the one who could release her seal from the beginning, and eventually become a vampire himself and be the lynchpin for defeating the great enemy that stands between peace."

He looked back at you over his shoulder again, glowing eye examining you, "Yet, somehow, without even knowing anything of the future, you managed to meddle in destiny, and unwittingly steal Akashiya Moka from her destined partner."


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