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"...Look at how she's walking!"

"That! Bastard!"

"God I'm so jealous!"

"He's just showing off at this point!"

"Sota is such a dick!"
The next morning on the way to school from your dorm, conversations of anger and jealousy followed you.

The reason why? Well, beyond the busty blue haired short stack guiding you along the by the arm. It was the gorgeous pink haired girl by your other side drawing most of the eyes. Specifically, the way she was walking.

Slowly, and bow legged.

It didn't take a genius to understand why she was walking like that. And the large love bite standing out proudly on her neck - something you put a lot of effort into - just further cemented what had occurred and what you had both done together.

Not that you were one to talk. You had quite a few of them yourself, and you were practically stumbling your way towards the academy. You'd lost count of how many times Moka had sucked your blood while you'd been fucking her last night. You'd ended up having to drain a literal five litre bottle of water to continue. And even with your recovery rate as a monster, you still felt pretty drained.

Proud all the same mind you. That love bite on her neck as basically displaying just who Moka belonged to for everyone to see.

"I can't believe this," Kurumu said, drawing your attention to the blue haired girl, a prominent pout on her lips, "I stay in my own room for one night, and Moka takes the chance to jump you and give you her virginity."

"He is my boyfriend you know," Moka turned to her with a wince and pointed out, "Not yours." she smugly added, before wincing again.

"Gah, you walking like that pisses me off! It's like your flexing on me!" Kurume whined, "When can I become his girlfriend? Or even just side piece! You can be the legal wife all you want, I'll happily settle for being mistress!"

"Damn you So-" one guy snarled angrily when he heard Kurumu's words as you passed him by.

"Shut the fuck up you loser!" Kurumu turned and snarled at him, "Can't you see I'm busy haggling here?"

"Hmm, I'll get back to you," Moka shrugged with a very uncharacteristic smirk at the girl, "I'll have to spend a few more nights with Kai alone before I'll have the time to do that though."

Kurumu's eye twitched, "What's with that smug glow about you! Are you trying to rub it in my face?"

Yeah, by time you got to class. It was pretty much well known you'd taken Moka's virginity. And that Kurumu was lobbying to become your 'mistress'.

There were many cursing your name during the day. It wasn't too off to hear some pitiful soy boy shouting about you a distance away.


Classes practically dragged on throughout the day. And yet, despite the fact you just wanted to drag yourself back to your dorm room and sleep for a few hours, you could not.

Today was the day you'd all be going back to the Newspaper Club once again and trying to have a fresh new start.

You were treated to a very odd sight though when you entered the empty classroom the club had as a headquarters.
"The hell's wrong with you?" you asked, eyebrow raised.

Gin sat hunched over one of the tables, his face pale and his eyes more or less, dead.

"Maybe he got neutered?" Kurumu snorted as she entered the room behind you alongside Moka. The pink haired vampire had recovered quite a bit, and could move a bit more freely now, though she was still walking bow legged.

"I may as well have been," Gin thumped his forehead against the table, "...I was doing research about some fishy things going on, great for a story. A bunch of girls had all been going missing."

"Ah, I heard of that," you nodded, that would have been a good thing to cover for the front page, "I made sure to keep a close eye on Moka and Kurumu while it as happening, but I heard it was solved a few days ago. But what's the problem? We can still report on it right?"

"...Yeah it was solved, by that Aono kid in your year, alongside those lizardmen and that loli witch genius, and yeah we can still report on it," the werewolf replied absently, voice monotone. His head mechanically turned to face you and he stared into your eyes with glazed over dead eyes, and for a minute you actually felt a little bit of worry for him, "The problem is....I wanted to be the one to find them and save them, then get their numbers while they were grateful."

You palmed your forehead. There went any sympathy you felt for him at all. "Dude, just fucking ask a girl for their number after talking to them, don't be such a fucking soy boy." you rolled your eyes and made your way over pulling a seat out next to him and sitting down.

His eyes followed you, before roving past you and landing on the girls doing the same. His eyes went to Moka and the way she walked, "...Hey let's switch." he said.

"..What?" you gave him a bemused look.

He suddenly shot up, eyes coming to life, and filling with tears, "It's not fair! Everyone in school is whispering that you took Moka's virginity last night and that a babe like Kurumu is gonna be your mistress!" he started shaking your shoulders, ignoring as Kurumu snorted and Moka's face went pink, "Lemme be Kai the badass harem king dragon thing! You can be Gin, the super fast werewolf, you can even have my sweet wolf pendant!"

Before you could reply, the classroom door that Moka had closed behind her slid open, and a tall, pretty boy with perfectly coiffed hair leaned against the door frame, a smirk on his face, "I suppose it could net you the succubus," he suddenly said, interrupting, "But...as far as Moka goes, there's rules when it comes to vampires you know. And I'm here to remind her of them."

His eyes, ruby red in colour directly met those of your girlfriends, "I'm Inui Jyunya," he introduced himself, "And I'm a vampire just like you."

Gin stopped what he was doing, his face going serious, "Inui huh, you always keep to yourself," he said, turning to face the boy, "Nobody knows your true form. So you've been a vampire all this time?"

A vampire? But, his youki is pitifully weak. Does this guy have some kind of seal on him as well? You turned to Moka, "The hell is this guy on about?" you asked. Honestly, you didn't give a fuck if he was a vampire, "What's these rules he's talking about?"

Moka turned away from looking Inui in the eyes and gave you a frown, "It's basically that well vampires are super arrogant you know? So the rule basically is that only another vampire is good enough for another vampire." she explained.

"Exactly," Inui grinned at you, a smug look on his face, "You may have dirtied her, but you're no vampire, boy. She should be with a true vampire, like myself." his eyes suddenly turned slitted and he glared at you.

...Yet, his youki didn't grow at all.

It was just one fucking soy boy after another.

For a moment, you lost control of yourself, and your temper exploded. Gin jumped out of the way as a raging storm of red youki surged out of you like a wave, fuelled by your killing intent, all directed at the fucking fool trying to muscle in on your girl, again.

His red eyes, previously glaring at you flew wide open, utter fear replacing his condescending confidence and he choked, dropping to his knees and grabbing at his throat.

"Hey babe," you spoke up, your voice even as you slowly started standing from your seat, and it took considerable effort not to let your hybrid form roar into existence, "Are vampires really just weaklings and you're special, or he's just deficient?"

"As expected, you noticed," Inner Moka spoke up from the rosary, "He is no vampire, his youki is pitifully weak, even our sealed power is tens of dozens of times greater than his. I know not what he is, but you should put this pitiful lout his place."

Yeah, you thought so. A soy boy, is a soy boy after all.

Gin look at you before shaking his head and standing out of your way, "Man do I not envy you Inui," he snorted himself, "..It's kind of embarrassing watching something like this from the outside as well."

"When will these guys learn not to try and measure up to darling?" Kurumu rolled her eyes, "They're just gonna end up coming short."

"Try not to kill him babe! Please!" Outer Moka sheepishly cheered you on. And that told you all you needed to know about what she thought of these stupid vampire rules.

"No promises," you replied without turning back. You casually made your way over to the pretty boy choking under your youki and killing intent. How pathetic. You reached down, grabbing him around the throat and hoisted him into the air as if he were a feather, your hand closing around his own hand grasping his throat and squeezing, he gurgled and spasmed in your grip, legs flailing and kicking at you, but they were so light it was like a toddler punching you, "You know soy boy, I wouldn't have given a shit even if you were a vampire. I don't give a fuck about vampire rules or nobility. Moka is my woman, and I'll tear apart anyone who tries to take her from me."

He frantically, pathetically nodded, while tears burst from his eyes and snot dribbled disgustingly from his nostrils. The stench of piss and shit assaulted your nose a moment later.

"Ew, he shit himself!" Kurumu gagged from behind you.

"Disgusting." you spat, and turned around, carrying the fool over to one of the windows, sliding it open, "Now, if you ever bother Moka, or Kurumu for that matter. I'm to ripe your heart from your chest and eat in front of you. Actually, if I see you bothering any girl again, I'm going to do it, got it!?" you snarled at him.

He once again, frantically nodded, since he couldn't speak ith you throttling the life out of him. "Now fuck off!" you shouted, hoisting him over your shoulder and tossing him out of the window far into the distance, "God fucking riddance." you closed the window again and dusted your hands off before turning to look at the other three in the room.

Moka was scratching her cheek, embarrassed, probably because once again, another annoying admirer of hers came and caused trouble. While Kurumu had a grin on her face as she shook her head and Gin was just giving you a bemused stare.

"So," you turned your attention to the pink haired girl, "How many vampire suitors of yours am I gonna have to beat the shit out of?"

It wasn't her that answered, "Do not worry about that tripe," Inner Moka assured you, "It is true that there once was a rule like that, but it is a custom from hundreds of years ago. Vampires are free to love whomever they choose."

"Probably a good thing," Kurumu snorted, crossing her arms under her bust, "Didn't you say to me that he's way stronger than the average vampire now? Darling would probably lower your species count by at least ha-"

She was cut off by the rosary swinging up through the air and slamming into her chin, "I told you that in confidence fool!" Inner Moka scolded.

"Ack! You bitch!" Kurumu rubbed at her jaw gingerly, before grabbing the rosary around Moka's neck and shaking it back and forth angrily, while Outer moka tried to calm her down.

"Good to know," you smirked, to what both of them said. Pride filled you up, and your chest may have puffed out with smugness a bit as you turned to Gin, "So I've got an idea for a column in the newspaper."

The Anti-Soy Boy Advice Page - Written by Kai Sota. It had a nice ring to it.

Gin's eyes were naturally drawn to the squabbling girls, and he sniffled as tears pooled in his own eyes, "Go explode you harem king bastard!" he wailed in clear soy boy jealousy, before turning and running out of the classroom.

Fucking soy boys man.


Thunder rumbled in the distance and you paused, looking up from where you were writing your article. You looked through the window of the empty classroom, your eyes seeing far further than any humans gaze could with startling clarity.

It was odd how little the weather changed here. It never rained. It was never war and sunny. It as always just a skyline covered in clouds. A dreary atmosphere to be honest.

'Where the hell did that thunder come from?' you wondered. If it didn't rain, then there should be no real vapor in those clouds, and the build up of electrons shouldn't occur at all. They were pretty much decorative.

Was it perhaps an effect of the Great Barrier? You didn't know much about the black arts, and the abilities of barriers, and you only knew about the barrier around the school because Mikogami had told you about it in passing once.

'It could be that when this barrier was created the weather at the time was frozen in time.' you mused. It sounded absurdly powerful, effecting space and time and more or less creating something akin to a quantum lock, but you knew Mikogami could teleport, and he created items like your Holy Lock that had the power to literally seal off energy, and specifically target and seal away energy within blood.

"Only two days left until we publish the first newspaper," Moka rubbed her hands together eagerly from where she stood across from you, leaning over the desk with a pencil stuck behind her ear, "I'm kind of excited!"

It had been for days since you dealt with....what was his name again? That loser trying to pretend to be a vampire. Since then, Gin had spent two days teaching you all how to go about putting a proper newspaper together, showing you all how to work the printing press and such. And for the last two days, you'd been working on articles for the newspaper itself.

The main story and quite a few other things were already taken care of, and while Moka was handling articles a few columns about students achievements lately, and Kurumu was making a cooking tips column, you were personally working on your own column, filled with advice that would hopefully make the other guys around you less pathetic.

...For some reason, Gin was excited for it. You wondered wh- No, no you really didn't. Gin may have been an S-rank monster, and a handsome, fit pretty boy himself, but he had zero fucking game at all.

The dude was still a fucking virgin. You may have crushed his ego a bit when you burst out laughing at you when he revealed it yesterday. It said a lot about monsters when the apparent top of the pyramid of them like Gin, couldn't get laid properly, and the only way any of them got laid was through force.

"Ugh!" Kurumu leaned back in her own chair, stretching her arms up over her head, "I had no idea so much work would be getting put this. It's Saturday, and we're packed in here when we could be back at Kai's dorm all cuddled up and watching television, Mutt-senpai is no help either!"

Gin snorted, taking a sip of his coffee as read through a manga, "The student abduction happened nearly a week ago now, what kind of newspaper would we be if we didn't report on it immediately?" he responded, "I'll listen to your sob stories after you meet the deadline." he turned his nose up at the blue haired girl dismissively.

He yelped a second later and ducked out of the way as a pencil shot through the spot his head was occupying previously, the edge of it piercing straight into the blackboard like a sharp dart point, "How about you actually help us instead of just sipping coffee you idiot dog!" Moka shouted at him in annoyance.

"Alright, alright, I'll help!" Gin threw his arms up in surrender. He stood up and dusted himself off, only to blink, "Oh that reminds me Kurumu, there was a letter left in here for you when I got here earlier." he reached into his pocket and pulled out a white envelope.

"Looks like a love letter." Gin wiggled his eyebrows at her as he handed it over to her.

"Huh, people still do this?" she blinked, before shrugging and opening it up. She pulled a sheet of something out and you noted her eyes widening ever so slightly as they roved over what was on it, before stuffed it back inside.

"Another creep?" you asked.

She turned to you and smiled, "Yep a real loser, it's going in the trash," she responded, "But, ignoring that, when we get out of here, what do you want for dinner tonight? I'll make you anything you want." she beamed at you.

A second later, Gin's arm wrapped around your throat and he began noogying you, "Gah! She even makes you your meals you little bastard!" Gin snarled, "I'm so jealous!"

The back of your head slammed into his nose and he yelped as he was sent flying back and slammed into the wall, "I'm taller than you bastard!" you waved your fist at him, as he clutched his nose in pain, "And I told you! If you want a damn girlfriend go fucking talk to some girls, stop being such a pansy!"

"Easy for you to say you rich handsome yakuza bastard!" Gin jumped to his feet, and blitzed towards you in a blur of speed. You copied him and you met in the middle of the classroom, clashing in a flurry of blindingly fast blows.

"Grow some testicles you little bitch!" you fired back.


Two hours later, you were more or less finished up for the day, and the only thing left to do, was put the newspaper together properly and run it through the printing press to make a bunch of copies, and then on Monday morning you would be handing them out.

"Right, well I'll see you three tomorrow," Gin tossed you all a wave, and a smile, that as highlighted by the shiner forming over his right eye, "I've got a lovely little magazine and lotion with my name on them."

"Ew," Moka wrinkled her nose as he walked off, "I think he's trying to copy you with that bluntness thing you do to pick up girls."

"He'll fail," you shrugged, "A soy boy like him lacks my big dick energy."

"It is..quite...actually really big." Moka giggled, averting her eyes from yours with a flush on her cheeks. You grinned at her roguishly, while you hadn't had the time to have sex again since the first time, since Kurumu was always with you both in your dorm room, the pink haired vampiress had become much more used to the more carnal side of your relationship, and eagerly reciprocated sometimes even.

Honestly, you quite liked walking around with your hand on her ass and letting everyone know just who she belonged to.
"I wouldn't know, you won't let him show me," Kurumu pouted at her as she closed the empty classroom door behind her, before clapping her hands, "Right, I need to go see Nekomone-sensei about something, so I'll see you two back at the dorm in a little while."

"Alright, we'll see you in a bit then!" Moka happily smiled back at her.

The blue haired girl gave you a smile and walked passed you, a familiar letter hanging from her skirt pocket. Before she got out of reach though, you gently grabbed her wrist, stopping her in place.

"Kai?" she asked, looking at you confused.

"Did you think I wouldn't notice?" You asked, she covered it well, but for a split second you could see it on her face. The horror and the shame. Before Kurumu could do anything, you snatched the envelope from her short skirt and slipped it open.

"No, wait Kai!" she tried to stop you, lips trembling.

But it was too late, you already saw what you needed to see.

'If you don't want these pictures to become public, come alone to the Monster Tree in the main schoolyard.' - Negare.
And alongside the letter, a series of photos that caught the blue haired girl in quite a few provocative photos, and even a few in her underwear.

You froze, your teeth snapping together with a loud click and grinding together.

"...This was before I met you! I let this guy take some pictures of me to try and make myself more popular than Moka!" Kurumu cried, loking up at you through sudden teary embarrassment filled eyes, "It..it was only those pictures. I..I didn't do anything with him or anyone else, I promise! I-I might be a succubus but I'm not that type of girl." she panicked and rushed to explain.

That wasn't the problem at all. Your Youki felt like it was boiling beneath your skin. Just when you thought the soy boys at this school could not go any lower. Now it was someone who was so pathetic they couldn't even come head on at you and were resorting to this kind of thing...!

Before anything else, before you lost complete control of your temper, you breathed out a small plume of fire and destroyed the letter, photos and all. You let the cinders drop from your fingers to the floor and used your grip on her wrist to tug her into your chest, and placed your now free hand on her head, "Don't worry, I'm not angry at you," you said as soothingly as you could with how absolutely fucking livid you were, "And besides, even if you had, do you really think I'm that much of a hypocrite to turn against you if you weren't a virgin when I slept with plenty of women before I met you and Moka?" only a pathetic virgin would be angry at a girl for that.

She sniffled, but didn't shy away, rubbing her face against your chest, "...Still, it was a gross and embarrassing thing I did," she replied, "I chose you, and nobody else. you're the only one I want to see my body like that."

"Don't worry about it," you gently pat her head, "I'll take care of it." you promised.

She looked up into your eyes, "I caused it though! I shouldn't drag you into problems I created myself."

You poked her in the forehead, "You want to be my woman right?" you raised an eyebrow.

Kurumu blinked, "..Well yeah, obviously." she replied.

You pushed her gently towards Moka, "Then let me handle it, this is my position he's attacking," you told her, "You two just go to the dorm, drink some cocoa or something and relax. I'll be done in ten minutes tops." after all, any loser that tried this shit, couldn't have any real strength.

Moka grimaced as she caught your eyes. She already knew what you were planning. But, she wasn't going to speak up. Because, this wasn't about her for once. "Yeah Kurumu, let's just let Kai handle this," the pink haired girl touched her arm to the blue haired girls own and gently tugged her along, "It's practically his thing at this point and how he gets to get some fights in. We can get started on dinner, I'll help you out tonight."

Kurumu looked you in the eyes, hesitant. But she reluctantly let Moka pull her along when jerked your chin at her and ordered her to go.

You watched them off, before heading out towards where the meeting place was said in the letter. It was just outside the back of the school, so it didn't take you long to get there at all, only a minute or two. And there was only one youki signature in the area, within the tree. A pitifully weak one, barely any stronger than that fool pretender from the other day.

You caught sight of movement in the trees, and a figure jumped out to land on the ground and immediately began running away from you.

A running speed that was so pitifully slow any average human teenager could outpace them. You scoffed and then the air shook as you took off, shooting after them in a blur of speed.

The air displaced as you appeared in front of them, blocking them off just a second or so later. It was a boy, a skinny, runty boy, with long mushroom style hair that covered his eyes, and cheeks dotted with freckles, a camera around his neck.
He yelped in fright, falling onto his backside. And you grimaced in disgust when you noticed, his skin was absolutely covered in slimy sweat.

"K-Kai!" he stuttered, voice filled with fear, you saw a beady eye staring up at you through the parting in his hair, terror shining clearly.

"Nagare is it?" you said calmly, before letting your youki loose, the burning red inferno of power exploding out of you, fuelled with your desire to rip him limb from limb. "Can you think of something you shouldn't have done?"

"S-sssorrry! I-I'm s-sorry please!" he pleaded.

Youki surged and ignited within your chest and you took a deep breath, "No." you denied him flatly, and then opened your mouth wide as you exhaled and let loose a massive gout of flame that washed over his body entirely.

An ear piercing shriek of agony and terror tore through the area, before dying down only seconds later. You watched the burning flame you let loose until it died down a minute later, leaving nothing but scorched black and molten slag behind.

"Tell Saizou I said hello you piece of trash." you spat at where a soy boy once was.

You turned on your heel and as promised, you made your way back towards your dorm. You made sure to pay extra special attention to Kurumu, and even Inner Moka didn't speak up for once when she got a bit handsy with you.


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