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It had been a month now since you started this school, thirty two days exactly since you had met the succubus known as Kurumu Kurono.

"Akashiya Moka! Join the photography club! Let's take some nudessss together!"

"Moka! Join our chemistry club! Let's make love potions together!

"No Moka! Join the accupuncture club! We'll make you feel real good~!"

Today was the day where you were let out of classes after homeroom, and expected to pick a school club to join, to promote interest in human society and to help learn to fit in amongst humans.

And you'd never believed you could have seen anything more retarded than the retarded weaklings gushing over Moka pathetically from afar.

You were totally wrong. So completely and utterly wrong.

"Moka! Join the Hentai Club! Let me show you the pleasure of being taken by a fat bastard!" A fat guy clad in a pink overcoat called out, rushing towards you and Moka both as you walked through the school halls looking for any interesting clubs.

"Let me lick your feet!" A tall, reedy brown haired idiot in glasses and the same overcoat joined him.

"I'm sure you'll love some BDSM when I make you my slutty pig!" the tallest and most normal of them all wiggled his tongue at your pink haired friend.

Moka shivered, ducking behind you, and you could hold yourself back no longer. You stepped forward, your fist flying, slamming into fatty's wiggling jiggling cheek and sending him flying, a round house kick caught the bespectacled fag in the chin and punted him into the air, and slammed his head through the roof up into the next floor, and while the tallest idiot panicked and tried to turn and run, you blurred forward and headbutted him to the ground, hard. He gave a wimpy little squeal, before falling limp and unconscious.

Your youki rose up out of you, anger rolling off of you in waves and you directed your killing intent at every fucking male in the hall, "I swear to fucking god, I am this close to burning all you pieces of trash to ashes, take a fucking hint and buzz off!" you snarled.

There was a mass of stampeding feet as dozens of idiots trying to follow after you and Moka to get her to join their creepy ass clubs took off running.

It took a supreme effort on your part not to pinch the bridge of your nose. The more time you spent at this school, the more you felt it would be in the worlds best interest, both for humans and monsters as a whole to remove these retards from the gene pool.

"You alright?" you turned to Moka and asked.

She sighed, running a hand through her lustrously gleaming long pink hair, "I'm fine, you're here after all," she gave you a beautiful smile, before it dimmed and she gave a glance at the three idiots sprawled throughout the hallway, a grimace working its way onto her face, "I'm sorry...because of me, even you can't find a good club."

"Don't worry, they're all shit anyway," you waved her off, the only interesting one at all had been the karate club, but that wasn't Moka's, or well this Moka's thing at all, "You wanna just not join any? It's not like me or you need help blending into human society, we can just hang out back at my dorm room and do whatever we want."

Moka smiled at you again and opened her mouth, but before she could say anything, a small hand landed on your shoulder, "Ara, I couldn't help but overhear what you were saying about all the clubs you've seen so far being terrible," a woman's voice spoke from behind you, "In that case, how about joining the swimming club?"

You looked over your shoulder, seeing the speaker, and taking her in with interest. She was a mature beauty, most likely a senior, with a beautiful face, long aquamarine hair and clad in nothing but a purple bikini top that struggled to contain her large creamy breasts, and a sarong.

Hmm. 4 out of 10 on the Moka scale. She was hot, but nowhere near as hot as your vampiress friend, either incarnation. You'd smash her hard, but never call her back. That ara ara was a nice touch though.

"Yeah, no thanks, I'm good." you waved her off, before turning to Moka, "Let's get outta here?"

While the bikini clad older girl gaped at you wide eyed in shock, Moka looked at her, blinked, and then a wide grin spread across her face, "Yeah, okay." she happily linked her arm with yours and dragged you off. As she did, you caught sight of her in your peripherals turning and sticking her tongue out at the girl who just tried to recruit you to her club.

You withheld a chuckle.

It really was too bad though, swimming club would be great, getting to see Moka, both of them in a bikini, and Kurumu would probably tag along considering how often she popped up around you nowadays and get in one to, and a club filled with swimsuit clad girls would be an amazing way to spend your time.

But, vampires were incredibly weak to water. So, that was a complete no go.


An hour passed. Yet, even after that whole hour of searching it seemed more and more likely that the pair of Moka and yourself, wouldn't choose a club to join at all.

They were all just that utterly stupid.

"Kai~!" a familiar voice called happily as you and Moka found yourselves back outside your homeroom class.

A moment later, you were glomped from the side, a familiar pair of huge, soft breasts engulfing your head and tinting your vision the yellow of a school vest.

"I missed you! I was checking out a few clubs, and while some of them were interesting I just couldn't bare to choose one without you in it!" Kurumu chattered, and you felt her shapely legs wrap around your midsection as she nuzzled your head happily.

"Tch! Even Kurumu!" You heard some male growl angrily.

"I hate you Sota!" another shouted at you. You promptly ignored him, like the flea he was.

"Kurumu!" Moka shouted in annoyance, and a second later the marshmallow heaven surrounding your face disappeared as the pink haired vampire promptly pulled the succubus off of you, "How many times do I need to tell you to stop doing that! You can't just go jumping on Kai out of nowhere!"

"Why not? Kai's super strong, me jumping on him didn't even make him budge an inch!" Kurumu protested, "Besides, one of us needs to show Kai some love and give him some skin ship, when was the last time you gave him some proper affection like that? He's a guy you know, he'll get all frustrated without a little something to tide him by!"

Moka blinked and took a step back, cheeks going pink, "...The other me let him grope her butt..." she hesitantly added, poking her index fingers together.

"Don't just reveal that idiot!" Inner Moka protested, "Honestly..."

Kurumu blinked, "Oh-ho! Maybe I misjudged you both then," the blue haired succubus nodded, "When was this?"

"...Before we met you." Moka replied in a whisper.

Kurumu sighed, palming her face, "No wonder Kai was so sure what would have happened had I charmed him," she shook her head before glaring at Moka, stepping forward and pushing her chest against the taller girls as she stood on her tip toes, "Let me tell you Moka! Guys are masses of walking hormones, and the more they go through without easing off the pressure, the the more frustrated they get! Look around you at all the losers constantly shouting at us from the sides like creeps, do you want Kai to end up like that!" she lectured, pointing at her face disappointedly.

Moka gasped, turning to send you a horrified look, "That could happen!?"

Kurumu pulled back, crossing her arms under her bust and nodding sagely, "Of course it can! It's even worse for Kai because he's around us two super hotties constantly! Honestly, it's a testament to his willpower he's just not went a sex spree and jumped the first good looking girl he's seen and had his way with her!" she continued, before shaking her head and giving a sigh, "Honestly, it's a good thing we're gonna be harem sisters and I'm here to explain this to you, otherwise you'd probably lose Kai to some random hussy!"

"When did we agree to letting you join our future relationship you bitch in heat?" Inner Moka scoffed, "..Though, this is indeed good information to know. Looks like you're good for something after all you stupid cow. It would be lamentable for Kai to end up anything like the other fools here."

"Gosh you're so mean!" Kurumu pouted at the rosary her eyes were of equal height with, "I don't see the problem. I want Kai, you both want Kai, and Kai wants all three of us. Between us, there's no way anybody could possibly steal Kai away!"

You rubbed your temples. While the topic was indeed probably good for you, especially because when you explained things to Kurumu about how things were, she was all for a harem of yours, you felt insulted, "Oi," you spoke up, interrupting them, "I resent that you actually believe I could be anything like these pathetic soy boy virgin monsters. Yes, it's hard to be around you girls without getting hot and bothered, but it's a simple matter to take care of by masturbating like a normal person. And if you insult me like that again by ever comparing me to these fools, I'll kick all three of your asses and give you all a spanking all as retribution."

There was silence for a moment at your words, Moka and Kurumu just staring at you, open mouthed, before a snort came from the rosary, "I'll apologise for comparing you to those fools, but kick my ass you say and give me a spanking? You're welcome to try Kai, if you can actually manage it, then you deserve to." she replied haughtily.

You grinned at her, "Well how about we take this out-"

"So, did you find any club that interested you Kurumu?" Moka asked, breaking between you both.

You pouted, while you heard Inner Moka click her tongue in disappointment. "there was a few decent ones, like I really like the cooking club, but Kai wasn't in it so I left," Kurumu shrugged, before grinning, "Though, did you hear? The swimming club, it turns out they were all mermaids and they attacked and started draining the life out of all the freshman guys they lured in. That group of lizardmen from one of the other freshmen homeroom classes got into a big punch up with them because they attacked that Aono kid."

Moka gasped, "Really, that sounds horrible!" she replied, before fluttering her eyelashes in confusion and tapping her chin in thought, "...Aono? I've never heard of them though."

"He's that plain faced guy in our homeroom, you know the really boring looking one, he smells a bit like Kai," the blue haired girl explained, before shrugging, "Well I don't expect you to know, I only knew who he was because he was part of my massive groupie club that I charmed early on then ditched, he's pretty weak to be honest, he was struggling to carry his and my books when I made him carry my stuff for me."

"..I still don't know him," Moka shrugged before frowning at the short stack succubus, "Still, that's not nice Kurumu!"

"I know, I know, I've already let them all go and apologized after meeting you and Kai." Kurumu waved her arms in response to the scolding.

Man, this Aono guy was bottom of the barrel huh?

There was a click to your side, and the door to your homeroom class swung open and outstepped Nekonome-sensei, "Hmm, what are you kids doing here?" she asked, blinking, "Shouldn't you be trying to find a club?"

"They're all crap sensei," you shrugged, "Honestly, we're probably just not gonna join a club, me and Moka lived in the human world anyway, so we don't really need them."

"Well that's too bad," she frowned, before clapping her hands together, "Oh, I know! Why not try joining the Newspaper Club? It's the club I sponsor. It's going to end up getting shut down if it doesn't get any more members."

Honestly, you didn't really care either way. You looked towards Moka and Kurumu, raising an eyebrow at them in askance.

"I don't mind trying it out." Moka shrugged, giving a bright smile.

Kurumu smirked, "Well, if Moka and my darling Kai join, I don't see why I wouldn't join it."

"Well there you go sensei," you said to her, "You can sign us up for it and we'll check it out, see if it's decent or not."
"Splendid!" Nekomone-sensei purred, clapping her hands happily, her tail wiggling behind her cutely, "Then why don't you come see me in three days? Once the club recruitment festival calms down?"

...Wait, this is going to go on for another three days? Maybe you should consider just skipping class for the next three days.

Nekomone-sensei bid you all goodbye a few moments later and you looked at the two girls with you.

"So what now?" you asked.

Kurumu skipped over and latched on to your arm, "Let's get out of here and go do something fun, since we've already picked a club we don't need to be here!" she cheered, "Yahoo!"

Moka attached herself to your other arm, "We could watch a movie at your dorm room again," she suggested, before humming, "Though, I guess you could train and spar with my inner self first and get it out of the way for the day."
Good enough for you.

Moments later, you were making your way through the halls to leave the school behind and head to your dorm, the two beauties on your arm attracting stares of envious stares and jealous angry muttering.

Fucking soy boy virgin monsters.


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