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You palmed your face, before making your way over towards them both. Kurumu, crowing victoriously to Moka, certainly wasn't expecting you to walk up behind her and drop a closed fist down on the top of her head.

She gave a squeal of pain and dropped to her knees, rubbing at her head, "Well it was nice meeting you Kurumu," you snorted, before hopping over the face in one smooth jump and landing beside the teary eyed pinkette, "And you, idiot did you forget I was the one that offered you my blood in the first place? Do you really think our friendship is that shallow that some random girl could turn me against you by claiming that, just because she has an amazing pair of tits?"

A surprised look appeared on Moka's face, before she pouted, and wiping away her tears, "..I panicked okay!" she shot back, "..And did you really need to add that comment about her breasts?"

"Yes, they're amazing tits," you refuted, before swinging your arm around her shoulder and pulling her into your side and begin directing her back towards the school alongside you, "No need to be jealous, your tits are pretty spectacular themselves." really, her breasts were pretty damn big themselves, and damn huge when it was the inner Moka that got out.

Not quite as big as Kurumu's that looked even bigger on her short frame, but not that far off of them either.

"..That's not what I meant, and you know it." Moka sighed, but a small smile spread across her face regardless.

"Oh, I do." you agreed.

"I know." Moka tried to glare at you, but she ended up just giggling cutely.

You were about to add something else, when you felt Kurumu's youki spike a bit from behind you, not becoming stronger, but sharpening. A scream of fury erupted from behind you and you looked over your shoulder to see the busty blue haired girl rising into the air above, a pair of black bat-like wings having erupted from her back, a long spade-tipped black tail peeking out from under her skirt and her finger nails having lengthened into massive claws.

"I should have just done this from the beginning, then I wouldn't have needed to embarrass myself luring him in on my hands and knees like that," she growled, eyes narrowing down at you, "Sorry, but you have to go. This is for the future of my race, I can't afford to be nice about this with someone who can so easily steal every male's attention!"

She flapped her wings and threw herself down towards you both, one arm winding back preparing to slash at you, or more specifically, Moka. She was fast too, spearing through the air like a bullet.

She just wasn't quite as fast as you. In one motion, just as she was in range, you turned, pulling Moka around out of her way and catching her around the wrist, stopping her in her tracks.

She was fast, but she wasn't all that strong. Well, in comparison to you at least.

"Keh, I heard you were strong, but nothing like this!" she strained, pulling with all her might, but unable to get out of your grip, "Let me go! I have to get rid of her!"

Moka's eyes were wide, before they narrowed into a glare. But before she could say anything, you spoke up, "Kurumu, tell me something."

"What?" she growled.

"What exactly do you think would have happened if you actually got me with your charm?" you asked pointedly. You had a good idea, and it wouldn't have been a pleasant time for her.

"You'd be all over me obviously, willing to do whatever I said!" she huffed, still straining.

"...Yeah I don't think so," you shook your head, and at your words, she paused for a moment and gave you an odd look, "See, I'm willing to bet, that if you did manage it, that right now I'd be bouncing you up and down on my cock."

"Eh?" both she and Moka blinked, before the bluenette added, "Ehhh!?"

"You're gorgeous, with a killer body. And despite the retards at this school you don't really lose out to Moka at all, you're both grade A-gorgeous as far as I'm concerned," you shrugged, before narrowing your eyes at her, serious, "That's why I know if you charmed me and made me lose my inhibitions, I'd just overpower you, take you and reverse the situation. It would be you that would be my love slave after I locked your ankles behind your head and stuffed your cunt full of my dick."

Kurumu outright gaped at you, her struggles diminishing almost entirely, while Moka gave you a scandalized look, "Kai, I know you liked to be blunt but that's a bit far!" she admonished.

"True, but I'm just being realistic here Moka," you replied, before pinning her with a look as well, "Hell, do you think you would have been safe from me if she managed it?"

"W-what?" The pink haired vampire sputtered in shock.

"If you came upon me when I was like that, like you did just there, odds are I'd have went for you as well," you said, letting go of Kurumu's arm,and letting her free, "I'd most likely have beaten you two down and dragged you both to my dorm room and fucked you both silly until I conquered you both. That's just the way things would go if I had no self control."

Moka stared at you in shock for a few moments, before finally managing to stutter, "B-but, the way you say that, makes it seem like..you'd want to do that...regardless.." she trailed off, looking at you ide eyed and pink faced.

Before you could reply, there was a growl from your side and Kurumu jumped back into the air, "..I get it okay, I'm sorry!" she shouted, her face just as pink as Moka's, "But I can't back down! We Succubi are nearly extinct! We can only reproduce with our destined one! The one we fall in love with and only them! My plan was so I can find the perfect match! But I can't do that with Moka out and about!"

And then before you could think to respond, someone else cut in! "..While this is all very good and interesting, riveting even with the fate of a race on the line and Kai going on a lustful raping rampage that ends with you both most likely impregnated," A familiar sensual voice spoke up from between Moka's bosom, the crimson gem of her rosary glowing brightly, "This dribble is beginning to annoy me. Kai, let me out, I'll deal with this eyesore myself."

"..Yes, let her out Kai!" Moka suddenly nodded, vigorously, "Since it's us she's targeting, let us handle it."

"You know what?" you shrugged, "Fine, I'm washing my hands of this mess, fucking monsters schools man." you shook your head at the idiocy of it all, before reaching over and grabbing the rosary hanging from the choker on Moka's neck, and like you had been doing for the past week, gave it a small simple yank, causing it to come straight off.

As soon as you did, that massive tidal wave of oppressive youki exploded into existence as Moka transformed once again, becoming taller, curvier, her school shirt popping open at the top as always displaying her deep well of cleavage while her hair turned a gleaming silver and her eyes a crimson slit red.

"S-so this is the power of a vampire!" Kurumu trembled from above, before shaking herself and swallowing the obvious fear running through her. You'd give her props for that at the very least, she has brave, if stupid.

The unsealed Moka snorted, before liftin her hand up, gesturing towards Kurumu with her plan, "So what do you plan on doing now?" she demanded, "Tell me, you frail, egotistical little sow, what right does a weakling like you have to bare her fangs at one such as I? Know your place, trash."

Instead of responding to her words verbally, Kurumu screamed, hyping herself up and shot down towards Moka so fast a human would never be able to follow her with their eyes.


"How pitifully slow," Moka blurred and appeared behind the charging Kurumu before she could react at all, her hand grasping the base of her tail and swinging her around, "Why don't I tear this slutty little tail and those wings off so you can never fly again like the worm you are?" she mused, before slamming Kurumu into the ground hard enough to leave a small crater.

Kurumu gasped, spittle and blood shooting out of her mouth a split moment after impact, her purple eyes going wide with pain and terror.

"How pathetic," Moka snorted, letting go of the girls tail, "That was a simple straightforward throw, I even held back. I suppose I'm too used to sparring with Kai, I forgot how pitifully weak other monsters truly are."

Moka reached down and grabbed the blue haired girl by the hair, drawing a squeal of pain from her as she casually dragged her up, "Though you act like a coy, slutty devil, you're nothing but a pathetic, naive little girl," the silver haired vampire scoffed, "I think I'll make it so you can never stand up against me again you wretched sow." mercilessly, the bodacious vampire raised her leg up into the air as she dropped the blue haired girl onto the ground once more.

Kurumu could only stare up teary eyed and terrified as the girl swung her leg down, like an executioners axe.

It would have been over an instant, her skull crushed and her life gone in the blink of an eye. If not for you wrapping your hand around her ankle and catching the blow, "I think that's enough, don't you?" you asked drily, giving her a raised eyebrow.

Kurumu went wide eyed at your actions, while Moka merely narrowed her eyes, "What do you think you're doing Kai?" she demanded, "Have you forgotten what this chit tried to do? I did not deride you for killing that fool Saizou, so why are you getting in my way?"

Huh, so she did know about that. As you expected, it seemed she was more or less consciously aware even when the pink haired Moka was not while within that seal.

"Saizou was literal trash that the world was better without," you shrugged, "Kurumu on the other hand, while being an idiot about this, and using the most outrageously funny plan I've ever heard of, is just desperate."

"And I'm supposed to just accept that, because she's desperate?" Moka snorted, "Be truthful fool, don't beat around the bush. You merely stepped in because you are attracted to the little sow and the udders on her chest."

"Guilty, I'm a hypocrite like that," you agreed, smirking, "Besides, she's not that bad of a girl really from the looks of things, besides, kicking the crap out of her is one thing, but remember, you're driving a two seater, how do you think the other sentimental Moka as you called her the first time we met, would feel about you caving some skull in with your foot."

Moka's eyes narrowed a bit more, before she huffed, pulling her leg from your grip, "Your point is noted," she bit out, before reaching forward and grabbing your tie and pulling you down until your eyes were level with hers, "Don't make this a habit just because you want to stuff her full of your cock idiot, honestly, falling for the first udder chested nuisance that popped up just because I'm not allowing you to grope me."

She shook her head and turned on her heel walking away, "You have a minute, then I want an apology," she called out as she walked away, not bothering to turn to look at you, "And by that, I mean I want your blood, only then will I forgive you."

You sighed as you watched her go, eyes lingering on her swaying hips that you new she was making a show of, just to taunt you with, "..That'll be pleasant," you shook your head before turning to the blue haired girl sitting on her knees beside you, staring wide eyed, "You alright dummy thicc?"

"Eh..Um...yeah," she nodded, "More or less."

"You need a proper help to the infirmary now?" you grinned at her teasingly.

Kurumu gave you a chagrined smile, "...It's probably best you didn't, thanks though," she replied, "Really, thank you...and I'm sorry for trying to charm you, that was...bitchy of me."

"It was," you shrugged, "But don't mention, really. I guess I'll see you later, make sure you go rest up a bit and recover."

You turned and were about to follow after Moka, "..Hey Kai." Kurumu spoke up, her voice almost timid sounding, you looked at her over your shoulder to see her face flushed lightly and her fidgeting a bit, "..Did you mean what you said before? About me be just as good looking as Moka....and what would have happened if I did manage to charm you?"

"That's obvious isn't it?" you snorted, you knew yourself pretty well after all, you made attempts to live freely and truly in dedication to your lost family, so you tried never to lie to yourself, "If you managed it, you'd be squealing my name and screaming about how big my cock is right now."

Her eyes went wide once more, and her face exploded into flame. You gave her once over, blatantly eyeing her huge breasts and making sure she saw it, before turning away and following after Moka.


The next morning, you trailed after your 'school mates' hiding a wince with each step. Even with your recovery rate, your body felt like one giant walking bruise. Moka, the silver haired version, had went practically all out on you during your training the previous night. She had not been in a good mood even after sucking your blood and using your neck like a straw.

Well, not that you minded all that much, Moka was less careful while she as frustrated and you gave as good as you got, not to mention, the amount of up-skirt shots you got of her had to have been over a hundred. Pink panties, plain or not, looked really nice wrapped tightly and struggling to contain that thick bodacious ass of hers.

"..Are you sure you should be coming to school today?" pink haired Moka asked worriedly as she supported you from underneath one of your shoulders, "She really gave you a beating last night."

"It's fine, it's not that bad," you smiled at her, "Besides, if it wasn't for that bullshit vampire healing you have, you'd be in just as bad shape as me right now."

Moka just shrugged, "Some of us can heal faster...some of us can breath fire so hot not even a noble vampire can afford to be hit by it." she gave you a pointed stare.

"I suppose," you agreed with a nod. Being able to breathe fire was fucking awesome, you weren't going to lie, "...Speaking of actually, what do you think my chances are of burning her clothes off with it the next time we spar?"

Moka squeaked at your question, "...Please don't, I'll end up naked too if you manage it."

"Keh, you're welcome to try Kai," Inner Moka snorted from the Rosary, piping up at your question, "It'll just make kicking you around all the easier when you can't concentrate because you're too busy ogling me."

You opened your mouth, eyes filled with amusement, but before you could reply- "Kaaaaiii!" a familiar voice shouted.
"...Damnit, not this sow again." Inner Moka grumbled, getting a grunt of agreement from her pink haired outer self.
"Good morning!" Kurumu ran up and skidded to a halt in front of you both, a bright smile on her face.

"Hey Kurumu, what's up?" you asked, "You recover okay?"

"I'm A-okay!" She flashed you a thumbs up, "But what about you, you don't look so good. Did that mean old vampire beat you up?"

"Kind of, we were just sparring though," you shrugged, "So what brings you here?"

"..Yes, why are you here?" Moka asked with gritted teeth. How cute.

"Well, I baked some cookies for you!" Kurumu beamed at you, "Would you like to eat them with me?"

...Huh, when was the last time anyone personally baked you a treat? Not since your mother had bitten half, sending her guts flying everywhere and soaking you in her blood and entrails, "I'd love some," you smiled softly, "Though, why me?"

"Eh, remember when I said I was looking for my destined one, the only one for me that I'll love for the rest of my life?" she asked, and you paused, wait a second- "Well I've decided, it has to be you Kai!" she revealed.

"...Just perfect...." Inner Moka growled in annoyance, the gem of the rosary flashing angrily.

"Ehhh!" Moka reared back out from under your shoulder and gaped at the blue haired girl.

A devilish smirk replaced the blue haired girls beaming smile and she tiptoed up, her lips coming to a stop beside your ear, though only managing it because you were hunched over due to her short stature, "And...well if that nasty vampire isn't giving you what you need," she began, breathily whispering into your ear, "I don't mind taking her place. What was it you said again? Locking my ankles behind my head and bouncing me up and down on your big cock? If that's what you want, you can do all that and more to me."

Your eyes went wide and you gaped in shock at the girl, even as blood rushed to your groin.

"I HEARD THAT SUCCUBUS SLUT!" Inner Moka raged angrily.


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