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"Hello everyone and welcome to Youkai Academy!" a cat eared women greeted you and your peers sitting around you within the classroom you found yourself within, "I am Shizuka Nekonome and I'll be your home room teacher from now on."

It had been all of a half an hour since you split up with Moka. You'd had to take your luggage to your assigned dorm room. And the males had different dorms from girls, albeit they were right across from each other.

In the process, you had lost sight of Moka and decided to just head to class before you were late. You'd need to go look for her later, since it didn't seem like she was in your class.

"I think you already know this," Nekomone-sensei continued, "But this, is a school for monsters! The Earth has already come under the control of humans, in order for us monsters to continue to survive, we have no choice but to continue to peacefully coexist with humans, at this academy, among other things, you will be learning how to best coexist with humans!"

Hardly anyone reacted. Hardly anyone that is, but a familiar plain faced boy who rocked in his seat and went pale faced. What the hell was bugging him? Though, now that you actually focused on him, you could barely sense any youki from him at all. You think...at least? Was he just that really talented at hiding it or something?

"So, far that reason students, you will all be living your lives at this academy while in your sealed human forms!" the neko teacher continued, breaking you from your inspection of the plain boy. "Do you understand? It's a matter of being able to disguise yourself as a human, this is the foundation of our ability to coexist with humans! You are never allowed to let any of the other students know of your true monster form, and or transform. This is against the vital rules of this school, understand?"

A scoff from the other side of the attention rang out, "Hey teach, wouldn't it be better to just eat up those puny weak humans?" you glanced out of the corner of your eye, to see the one that was speaking was a tall, broad haired body with slicked back hair, "And...well as far as the girls go. We could have fun raping them all we want right." As he finished speaking, a lounge tongue dribbled down from his lips and he slurped loudly, disgustingly.

What a fucking freak

You were about to open your mouth, when the classroom door slid open and a familiar beautiful, bubblegum haired girl stepped in, "Excuse me!" Moka called out as she entered the room, a blinding cheerful smile on her face, "After the entrance ceremony I kind of got lost and couldn't find my way here, sorry I'm late."

"Oh that's fine, just take a seat," Nekomone-sensei giggled, gesturing for her to enter, "My..what a cute one." she added, looking Moka over.

"Thank you!" Moka chirped and happily skipped into the classroom.

"W-who is she!? Such flowing hair! such beautiful eyes!"

"Whoa what the hell! So beautiful! Even if it's just her sealed human state there's no way there's any other girl at this school as hot as her!"

"Hot, she's toooooo hot!!!"

"I'm so happy to be in the same class as a girl this hot!!"

Moka paused, looking around uncertainly, heck a bit scared looking even at the utter absurdity going on around her. You got that Moka was gorgeous and all, but seriously?

"Hey Moka," you waved to her from where you sat, throwing her a life line, at the cool seat, the seat at the back and beside the window, and coincidentally, there was a seat that was empty right in front of you, "There's a seat over here."

Moka's eyes lit up and she outright ignored everyone hollering like horny mutts around her, and outright leaped through the air, clearing the over ten feet distance between you both and wrapped her arms around your neck as she landed in your lap, "It's Kai! Yay, we're in the same Class♡♡♡!"


"Who the fuck is this guy!? What relationship does he have with her!?"

"Our beautiful girl! We should kill him!!!!"

You felt killing intent spike. Outright murderous intentions from many of the boys around the classroom, while girls looked on uncomfortably, some even scared.

Your eyes met that of the idiot who spoke up before about raping human girls, and you saw him staring at Moka, a sleazy smirk on his face as he ran his disgusting tongue across his lips.

It took a while thanks to Moka's appearance, but after a few minutes, things did finally calm down and home room proceeded as normal. It was the only class you'd have today and it was mainly used to let you know about your class schedules and to reinforce the rules and the fact that the main point of this school was to learn how to coexist with humans.

It was all simple stuff really, and most of the syllabus was things you had already covered years ago. You came from money, and your father was the CEO of the family company, and you were due to take over it one day, back when everything made sense.

You'd had the best tutors money could buy from a young age, and you'd already been learning the kind of things that would be getting taught this year when you were twelve.

So honestly, you just found the class relaxing in a way. It was something you in the end didn't really need to bother with paying attention all that much to, so chilling was what you did.

Until the bell rang that is an hour or so later, signifying the end of classes, for the day. Now you were free to do as you pleased. You stood up from your seat, yawning as you did so. 'I should take a look around, see if there's anywhere private I can train.' you mused. After all, compared to the elite schools out there in the human world that wanted you, this place was kind of a shit hole. You only chose it when the offer came in from Mikogami, because it was a much better place to see about honing your power.

You had the strength and power of a pinnacle A-rank monster. That was not enough for you. The fact that there were monsters above your strength out there, meant that what happened three years ago, could happen again, and you may be too weak to stop it once again

A hand waving in front of your face broke you from your thoughts, "Kai? Kai, are you there?" Moka asked, looking up at you. You looked down and found that you had a good view down her shirt from where she was standing, and the silky white bra she was wearing.

"Sorry, I was just admiring the view." you grinned at her.

Her gem like eyes followed your gaze to where you were looking, right don at her chest and the cleavage that was visible to both of you now. Moka pouted at you, raising her hand to conceal the look down her shirt. But she didn't reprimand you for it.

You felt killing intent spike in your direction once again. You resisted the urge to rolls your eyes, how annoying.

Honestly, did none of them have any balls? If they had a problem with you and Moka's relationship, they should be man enough to get up and confront you about it. Even if it was just pathetic, petty jealousy.

The sound of a chair scraping against the floor a bit away rang in his ears, and a moment later, the freak with the disgusting tongue swaggering into view, a smirk on his face.

"You are Akashiya Moka correct? I'm Komiya Saizou," he introduced himself, his attention was focused fully on Moka, before he lifted his arm up and reached over to grab your collar and lift you up off the ground "And I have to know...why are you talking to a puny guy like this?" you could have easily stopped him, but you were curious about what he was trying to do.

There was a hush in the classroom, and you heard many of the other boys whisper in fear about him. Apparently this guy was a brute that was forced to come here and molesting human women and causing problems. He seemed to think himself some kind of tough guy.

"Why don't you ditch this loser and come have fun with me?" Saizou grinned at Moka with a leer.

You gave him a deadpan look. He was taller than you sure, by a few inches, but you were broader than him. And well, as far as the looks between the two of you went. He looked like a greasy slime ball, you were the one with tanned, scarred skin.

On top of that, the youki you could feel from him. While it was beyond most others in the class, it wasn't anywhere close to your own, or even Moka's. And there were a few others in class that you could feel that had higher as well.

Youki levels weren't the be all and end all, but they were a good indicator. And you felt, that this dude was weak, at least in comparison to you.

Before he could continue with any of his bullshit, you reached out and grabbing the arm holding you up and squeezed.

He gave a shuddering gasp and collapsed to his knees as you felt his the bones of his wrist tremble under your grip. And he wasn't the only one, you could hear gasps and shocked muttering of people throughout the class that you were so easily overpowering him.

Again. You had the power of a pinnacle A-rank monster, borderline S-rank. You may not be a legendary vampire or werewolf or something like that, but those races were incredibly rare, so for the most part, not many monsters could approach your strength.

"Y-you bastard!" Saizou growled as you looked down at him.

"Did you hear something Moka?" you wondered, "I thought I heard something like trash getting thrown in the garbage?"

Moka was looking beyond you with a small frown, at something you couldn't see. But shook her head and turned to both you and the sleazy interloper, "Sorry, but I'm having fun with Kai right now!" she bowed her head and wrapped her arms around the one holding Saizou.

You felt her beginning to tug on said arm, so let go of the taller boy and let him sink lower down and clasp his near crushed wrist with an almost whimper. And with your arm free, Moka proceeded to drag you out of the classroom, amongst the watching eyes of the class.

Just as you were pulled through the door frame, your eyes met those of Saizou, and you saw him glaring bloody murder at you. You narrowed your eyes at him, before he was out of your sight a moment later.

You were going to have to keep an eye on that trash.

Moka dragged you on for quite a while, bringing you along right to outside the school itself and onto the path towards the dorms, out into the fresh air.

You cast an eye at the school behind you. It didn't look like a school at all. More like a huge, gothic mansion.

It was so stereotypical looking it was almost sad.

You put that out of thought and turned your attention to the girl dragging you by the arm, "So, is it true then?" you grinned at her, getting her to turn and look at you, confused, "You said you were having 'fun' with me. Considering what you said that in response to, that basically said quite a bit to everyone in there." you wiggled your eyebrows.

Moka's face heated up, and her eyes practically widened in horror.

You laughed as she sputtered, "Well it's not like I have a problem with that at all," you winked at her, "In fact, I'd quite enjoy having 'fun' with you.' you teased.

"...Kai...you're a pervert." Moka pouted cutely and looked away.

You laughed even harder, "A bit," you agreed shamelessly, "But even I'm a bit taken in by your good looks."

Moka sighed a bit, but there a small smile spread across her face, "...Well as long as it's only a bit," she giggled, "But either way, now that we're out of class, what do you want to do, we have all day to ourselves?"

You cooled the flirting for a bit and gave her a little smile, "Well I've got stuff to set up in my dorm," like, your gaming consoles and television and the like, the dorms were shit, but yours would still be better than the rest, and you'd need something to occupy yourself with, "And I want to go look for somewhere I can train."

Moka's eyes sparkled, "Then let's do that! We can walk around and get to know each other more see more of the school while looking for places for you to train!"

"Fine with me." you shrugged, and let the beautiful vampire girl drag you along.


As it turned out, finding somewhere to train wasn't all that hard. In fact, while touring around the campus with Moka, you found a decent open clearing not far from the dorms.

Strictly speaking, you could train back at dorm, at least you could your physical strength and conditioning, or well you could once you had your training gear and such sent over, your weight benches and such. But to train with your youki, you needed a wide open space.

"Do you do this a lot?" Moka asked, sitting on a large rock and eyeing you as you hung from a long, thick tree branch by your ankles.

"As much as I can reasonably, yeah." you nodded as you curled upwards, hands crossed behind your head until your head rose up over the branch.

"Why though?" the pink haired girl asked, confused, "Saizou seemed to be a pretty high ranking monster from the way everyone was talking and you overpowered him easily earlier, and from what I remember Wyvern's are supposed to be near S-rank monsters, why do you need to be even stronger?"

"A question for a question," you hung down and looked at her upside down, "If you took that seal off, how easily could you kick my ass?"

Moka blinked, and then frowned, "...I don't know?" she replied, hesitantly, "I can only remember bits and pieces from before I got the rosary and I don't know how strong you are at your best."

You frowned. So, she didn't even remember how strong she was. That was disappointing. You unwound your legs from the tree branch and flipped backwards, landing on the ground below. Your shirt was stained with sweat, but you didn't really care. You could only wear any top you wanted, the rules of Youkai Academy from what you'd seen in the school booklet made it out that as long as you were wearing the school trousers, you could wear whatever you wanted up top. Weird, but common sense went right out the window in this school.

Honestly, you were curious. You knew objectively that vampires are supposed to be the pinnacle of monsters, the strongest of the strong with few rivals, but that was only information on a book, not something you'd ever felt or seen before yourself.

Honestly, you'd never met someone as strong as yourself. Even coming here, everyone you'd seen so far had been kind of pitiful in comparison. Mikogami had claimed three years ago you had all the power of the wyvern who'd killed your family, and since then, in the process of gaining full control of your new powers, your youki had grown even more powerful, and unlike it, you were not full grown and would naturally grow stronger even without training.

And that you would only become even stronger when you finally unlocked the hybrid form he claimed you had locked deep within yourself. You were curious, how did you stack up to an S-rank monster? How much further did you have to go?

When your family was killed, vultures circled from all sides, looking to claim what was your families. Relatives with the weakest of blood ties looking to usurp you and take everything you family owned for themselves.

It was pitifully easy to scare them into submission. Even with only access to a fraction of your power back then, it had been a simple matter to scare them into compliance with promises of death. You'd learned three years ago that the world worked on a simple formula. The strong devoured the weak. And humans while smart, were ignorant and pitifully weak. so much so that even as a child you could strong arm the rich and powerful into submission.

"Kai?" Moka raised her eyebrows at you as walked over to her, and her face gained a bit of red as you reached over and fingered the chain around her neck, using it to draw the rosary up from beneath her shirt and into your palm.

"So, how would we go about getting this off you I won-" you mused, only to cut yourself off when you tugged on it a bit.


And it came right off.

Your eyes met Moka's own, those green eyes of emerald going wide. Before, a moment later a torrential wave of blood red youki exploded out from her with such force that you found yourself being thrown backwards through the air.

You flipped and landed a good twenty feet away and bore witness as Moka's body began to change before your eyes. She grew taller, her bodacious and perfectly proportioned curves growing even further, her breasts ballooning to the point where her shirt popped upon at the top displaying a massive valley of cleavage, and her skirt rode up as her full bubbly round ass expanded, tot he point where the full round cheeks stretching her plain white panties were stretched out to an erotica degree, struggling to contain the doughy round ass cheeks. And, her bright and cheerful bubblegum pink hair bled out all colour and became a glittering, sensual silver.

'Unreal!' you couldn't but gape. Her youki was near endless in scope! She had to have at least ten times as much as you, if not more so! 'So this is the power of a vampire!'

It was absurd, truly absurd! But, despite that, you couldn't help the grin of excitement that spread across your face. Now you had a rough idea of how much further you still had to go.

Her eyes, which had been closed throughout the transformation suddenly opened as the wave of youki around her calmed down. Ruby red, slit eyes in place of emerald green focused on you, yet even still a tangible glow of purple youki oozed from her form like smoke, it was that dense and powerful.

"Well now, isn't this a surprise," she hummed, her voice now low and sensual, instead of perky and cheerful, practically oozing a supreme confidence, "I suppose you were being truthful about your status as a hybrid now hmm? After all, only a master of the sealing arts, or one as weak as a human should be able to take off my seal, and below me you may be, but you are no true weakling." her seductive tone sent shivers up your spine. You were no virgin, but you felt your mouth dry and your trousers tighten out as you took her in.

....She was far different than she was before, almost completely different in personality, so much so that it was easy to tell even from just a few sentences.

"A split personality?" you wondered.

She smirked your way even as she began stretching out her arms and cracking her neck, "Something like that," she nodded, "Very intuitive of you to pick up on it so quickly."

You snorted, "No, you're just far too different from the Moka I've been talking to so far." you replied.

"I'll take that as a compliment then shall I?" she retorted. This Moka oozed a sense of smug superiority, even over her sealed self, "Now then Kai. You wanted to see how you stacked up did you not? As thanks for allowing me out for the first time in many years, I'll allow you to test yourself against me, and you can see how high you will have to reach to attain your goal."

Her smirk rose a bit, "That is...if you're not afraid now that you've seen for yourself even a fraction of strength of a noble vampire such as myself."



Don't like the perspective but I'm enjoying the story