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"Sand Tsunami!" Max thrust his hands out towards you.

The massive conjured wave of sand he sent towards you was quite the daunting thing to look at. Dozens upon dozens of metres long, and over twenty feet tall.

His ultimate move could bury an entire city block in sand. But it would do no good against you.

You raised two fingers into the air, before dragging them down, "Dark Dragon's Gravity!" you declared, using one of your newest created spells that you'd worked on intensively this passed month.

The air rippled with intense green pressure and the sheer weight of gravity increasing above the sand forced the massive wave of it down into the ground, cutting Max's attack off before it could reach you.

As the wave of sand fell though, Romeo burst out of behind it, green flames lighting up his hands. He thrust them forward, unleashing a large stream of green fire, "Green Flame Wolves!" he shouted, and the large stream of green fire split up, forming into spheres that then compressed into a dozen wolves made of green flames that raced towards you.

Rainbow Fire magic was quite interesting. Each colour had a different ability. Red created normal, albeit very hot flames. Indigo created sticky flames that stuck to a target. Purple created flames that were heavier, and physical. Orange created flames that while not the hottest, gave off a rotten smell that was murder on your new senses. Green created flames that could be compressed and moulded into automatons and give directions to follow. Blue created ice cold flames that froze and burned at the same time. Yellow created fire that would follow a target.

And together all seven could be combined into an incredible blast of powerful flames.

"Sea God's Bellow!" you fired a quick, large spiralling typhoon of black sea water that tore through the flame wolves and smashed Romeo into the ground before he could react.

It wasn't charged, so it shouldn't do too much damage to him.

"Circle Sword!" Drax's voice came from your left while you were distracted.

"Sea God's Barrier!" you shouted, thrusting your hands out and conjuring a thick sphere of water around yourself to guard you. Just in time dozens of swords to stab into it and sink in a few inches before stopping.

Drax had been using his cut off the mission money to get a hold of weapons. He was especially fond of buying a few swords of the same make he'd stolen from Erza Scarlet years ago since they worked well with his Telekinesis magic.

Before you could do anything else, Drax came down from above, swinging the massive war hammer he got from one of the mages from Twilight Ogre into your water shield.

It triggered a massive explosion directed all towards you. "Sea God's Burst!" you jettisoned yourself backwards out of your barrier, allowing the barrier to take most of the attack and escaped out of the way of the explosion radius.

"Sand Grabber!" Max's voice rang out from behind the area Drax came from, and four massive arms of sand shot around towards you.

At the same time, the debris and smoke from the explosion dropped and Drax shot towards you, "Light Blades!" he shouted, and the war hammer in his hand disappeared, two be replaced by a pair of short swords glowing with light magic, both pointed towards you as he closed in alongside the sand limbs.

Your eyes began to glow with crimson red light as you lifted your hand up towards Drax, palm facing him, "Dark Dragon's Moment." you uttered, and a thick haze of darkness billowed out towards him before he could reach you.

You couldn't even see the light of his swords within the haze anymore.

Max's limbs shot towards you, un-bothered by the tactic, but as they rained down in a quad of heavy fists, you shot yourself into the air by creating a series of Sea God's Burst's at the bottom of your feet.

"Dragon Soul: Blizzard!" you declared as you reached the apex of your jump into the air, large white scaled wings erupting from your back.

You shot forward down towards Max at the opposite end of the area where you were fighting, ignoring the sounds of Drax devouring the darkness around him.

Darkness ignited around your arms, and Max's eyes widened. He thrust his hands out, "Sand Shield!" he shouted, conjuring waves of sand that formed out in front of him, getting larger and thicker by the moment.

Honestly, it was quite the technique since he could make a barrier stronger and stronger every instant as long as he kept feeding his sand into it.

But, with your wings out, not good enough! "Sea God's Burst!" you shouted, shooting yourself up over the sand barrier by creating water spheres at the bottom of your feet again and then created another set along your wings as you flapped them and shot down.

"Shit!" Max cursed, swiping one arm up towards you, "Sand Blade!" a compressed blade of sand shot towards you.

You lashed out with your darkness clad arm, "Dark Dragon's Claw!" you declared, punching through it with ease, and before Max could jump out of the way, your first carried down and smashed into his face.

The ground cratered slightly as Max hit the ground, groaning in pain.

The brown haired man's sand barrier dropped, and- "Dark Dragon's Gravity!" Drax's voice resounded through the air.

A thick, heavy pressure smashed into your back, pushing you to your knees. You groaned in pain, but opened your mouth and began to suck the magic inside, dispelling the increased gravity.

"Lizard's Howl!" Before you could stand up, Drax followed up and a large beam of compressed green magic smashed into you.

The beam carried you through the air, smashing you hard into a large rock surface which promptly shattered beneath the force of the beam and ploughed you through it before dissipating.

Hissing, you flapped your wings to force yourself into a back flip and landed down on the ground, skidding to bleed off your momentum.

You looked over to where you came from to see Drax flying towards you like a rocket, his angelic wings out on his back and a massive buster blade raised up above his head, green light infusing its edged surface.

"Lizard Blade!" the lizardman shouted, swinging his massive sword towards you and unleashing a humongous green energy blade that split apart the ground itself as it shot towards you.

Well if that was how he wanted to play it, you'd join in. Ebony black sea water swirled and compressed along the side of your right arm and you swung it out to meet the attack, "Sea God's Slash!" you shouted, releasing a massive blade of compressed black water to meet his head on.

The twin massive spell blades smashes into each other and pushed against each other hard.

You were surprised at the resistance in the energy blade Drax fired. He's been training hard!

After a moment of struggling against each other, both spells slashed into each other and burst apart. You were surprised though that Drax wasn't behind it!

Something slashing through the air caught your ears and you looked up. Just in time to find Drax falling through the air towards you, spinning through rapid flips before coming out with an extended leg drop glowing with green magical energy.

"Lizard's Crushing Talon!" he roared.

You thrust your arms up in a cross block over your head, catching the blow. The impact he made when his leg hit your arms shook the ground for dozens of metres, and the ground under your cratered inwards.

"Fall down Cobalt!" Drax ordered you, pushing into you with all his might.

You grinned, "Not a chance buddy!" you replied, firming your leg stance and thrusting up with all your strength.

The clash broke and the lizardman was jettisoned back up into the air. But he wasn't idle, his arm shimmered as he opened up his Requip space and suddenly his arm was encased in a gauntlet cannon that began to glow and spark at the barrel with lightning.

"Lightning Cannon!" He shouted, firing a huge bolt of lightning in the form of a crackling yellow beam towards you.

Green light spiralling with red power gathered around two of your fingers, and then you thrust them out towards the beam of lightning, "Dark Dragon's Capriccio!" you shouted, firing a large green beam with red power spiralling around out towards the approaching lightning attack.

You intended to pierce right through Drax's attack, but your eyes widened as Drax opened his mouth and your beam swerved around the lightning attack, dragged up into Drax's mouth as he devoured your attack.

Shit you forgot he had copied your Dark Dragon magic!

Well, nothing for it them. You opened your hand palm out and caught the lightning beam, gritting your teeth as the lightning coursed over your body and electrocuted you.

"Grr!" you growled, clenching your fist and unleashing your magic in a thick aura of power that dispersed the lightning. "Gah, that stung." you muttered, shaking your tingling body out.

"You idiot." Drax shook his head from above. He shook his hand and returned his cannon back to his Requip space, replacing it with a pair of familiar blades, a dozen similar ones appearing in mid air and floating pointed at you ready to be shot with the use of his Telekinesis.

"Gimme a break, it was three on one and it's hard to keep track of what magic you're copying at any one time." you shrugged, calling up black sea water into existence around your arms.

But before either of you could clash again, Meredy blinked into existence a few feet from you and held her hands up, "That's time boys," the pink haired girl said, "It's a draw."

"Consider yourself lucky." Drax commented, allowing the swords to return to his Requip space and his wings to disperse, dropping him to the ground where he landed nimbly.

"Yeah yeah," you waved him, "You already know I'd have kicked your ass if that continued."

"You wish fool," the lizardman snorted, baring his sharp teeth at you, "Unless you'd like to try your luck again? I've got a few more weapons I'd like to try out on you."

You bared your own now sharpened teeth back at him, but before you could call him out on his words, Meredy stepped between the both of you, "Muu, calm down guys!" she pouted, "The first S-class mission officially came in today! Come on, It'll be fun!"

She looked almost like a kicked puppy.

You sighed, while Drax bowed his head to the girl, "I apologize Meredy," the lizardman said politely, "I shall endeavour to crush him during our spar's much quicker from now on."

You shook your head. Yeah right. But you let it go for now. You'd kick his ass next time without giving him a chance. For now, the next opportunity to have Fairy Tail grow in reputation had come.

With both you and Meredy becoming S-class wizards over the month since she joined, and the many many missions the three of you completed together since then with ease, the magic council had all they needed to know about your capabilities and had no choice but to allow your promotion to go through.

"So what kind of mission is it?" you asked Meredy as you all began making your way back towards the guild.

"It's a real doozy!" the pink haired beauty clapped her hands, before reaching into her dress and pulling out a mission paper, "There's a dark guild known as Orochi Fin, the master is apparently a monster tamer, and he's got thousands of monsters under his control. They've got a base set up between Crocus and Dawn City."

"..Wait, Orochi Fin..isn't that...?" you trailed off and Meredy nodded.

"Isn't that what?" Romeo asked.

"That mission was up for grabs a month ago and it was only a B-rank," you replied, "I'm just surprised it jumped up so massively in rank."

"Oh." Romeo shrugged.

He turned away from you and you smiled lightly at Meredy who winked at you. you couldn't exactly come out and tell them that Meredy and her two former guild members had sussed out that Bluenote Stinger was the real leading figure behind that guild, and that he was most likely using the monster tamer to build up an army to sack the city some time in the future and try and steal the three great fairy magicks.

'Bluenote Stinger, huh?' you mused internally. He was a mass murderer who hunted won holders of rare magic texts and killed them to get his hands on them. He'd been on the wanted list for the Rune Knights since before you were born, and he was one of the highest priority targets. The once ace of Grimoire Heart. It was said he was easily on the level of Wizard Saints, and a match for the Four gods of Ishgar.

Looked like you would be finding out just how strong he was now personally.


"So do you have anyone in mind to bring along with you?" Master Macao asked as you sat at up at the bar beside him.

Sitting on the bar, was the mission slip, for the first S-ranked mission Fairy Tail had access to in years.

You cocked your head to look at Drax and Meredy sitting at one of the tables not far away, eating lunch. "Those two for sure," you nodded at them. From the mission details, it was confirmed already that there were at least ten thousand monsters. Quite a hefty amount, but honestly, not something you wouldn't be be able to handle. The problem was, thanks to Meredy, you knew Bluenote was the one behind Orochi Fin, you couldn't really afford to fight a guy like that, with a full guild and ten thousand monsters backing him up, "Anyone else I'm up for suggestions." Max would probably be a decent help.

"Hmm," Macao hummed, arms crossed and eyes closed in thought, "A big team wouldn't be the best, since we're trying to prove we have what it takes to take on a mission of this level."

He took his leave a few moments later, going to check on the others and see if any of them thought they could apply themselves well to the mission. It wasn't a secret after all, that you were the strongest member of the guild by quite a decent margin, followed by Meredy and Drax.

You nodded in agreement. You turned back to the bar, and were about to call over to Kinana to order a drink, when something large, soft and squishy pressed up against your back and a pair of lithe arms wrapped around your neck.

"Hey lover boy," Mattan ginger purred into your ear, "I hear you're going on that S-rank and looking to see who wants to join up."

"Yup," you confirmed, not at all bothered by her pressed up against you, "Why?"

"Figured I'd toss my hat in the ring, nyaa." she replied, leaning over your shoulder to rub her cheek against yours.

Not really your first choice. Mattan was skilled, and was an expert on two elements of magic, but raw ability wise, she didn't really have the kind of power that would work well in a small team versus an army.

She wasn't on the level of an A-rank mage yet, even with the power she'd gained from the King Vulcan and the forest Wyvern when you first met her. Skill wise, she was definitely there, and you could see how she was the ace of her old guild, but, it was the raw power that held her back.

Hmm Thinking on it, she had Take Over now as well thanks to that King Vulcan taking her over right? "Sure, you can come along I guess," you shrugged, "But you'll need to try and take over a few things while you're there, you kinda need the power boost."

For the most part, the scouts had confirmed the vast majority of the monster army were made up of Hyena-don. Big and tough as they were, you should be able to wipe out most of them easily to make things easier for the rest. Your magic after all, is the type that specialises in raw destructive power. And you had plenty of that to spare now.

"Way ahead of you!" Mattan chirped and pulled back from you, "Check this out!" she told you and you felt magical power build up behind you.

Curious, you swivelled around on your chair and looked at what she was up to.

"Take Over: Neko Soul!" she declared proudly and gave you a wink.

She was consumed by a wave of pink energy, and a moment later it receded to show Mattan looking very different.

Her already skimpy dancer outfit was replaced, by a light purple and black bowed bikini that did nothing to hide her large, bodacious breasts and full hips. Atop her head, were a pair of cat ears, and a long purple cat tail wiggled back and forth behind her.

A cattish smile spread across her face and she bent forward to look you in the eye, making her large breasts dangle practically in your face, "What'ya think?" she purred cheekily, "I spent over a week hunting down a family of Nekomata to take over, now I've got illusion magic thanks to them, and gotten quite the nice little boost physically as well as magically."

Huh Nekomata huh? They were a pain in the ass to hunt down because they could hide behind illusions. Not the most powerful magic beast out there, but they were swift, skilled and tricky as all hell.

"Cute," you replied, reaching out to idly pet one of her ears. You smirked when she leaned into your fingers with a trilling purr. You'd done this with Milliana, but hers, were fake, "Not bad at all kitty cat."

"I know, right?" Mattan giggled, letting you play with her soft ears for a bit more before pulling back, "But can't be letting you have much of that, without taking me out to dinner first right?" she teased, sliding up to you, pressing her chest into your shoulder.

You rolled your eyes, "Sure, dinner, anytime you want," you replied, "But unless you want to end up unconscious in my bed and miss the mission, stop that."

"Promises, promises!" Mattan giggled, but did as told and pulled back from you, leaving your personal space. You eyed her perky round ass swayed back and forth as she left, she was putting a noticeable sway into her hips, and swinging her tail back and forth to draw attention to it. More than one guy in the guild had their eyes glued to her backside as she left.

You snorted and rolled your eyes, before turning around to the bar again and opening your mouth to call Kinana over for that drink you wanted.

"Man, you kids sure are bold." Bisca whistled, taking a seat beside you.

You withheld a sigh, instead turning your head to look at the beautiful, voluptuous and scantily clad young mother sitting beside you, "Compared to some of the girls I've dealt with, that's tame," you replied, thinking of Milliana and that joint mission you'd taken to help out Mermaid's Heel back when you were with the Rune Knight's still. You'd fell into bed with her after hours of meeting her and spent three entire days throwing her around her bedroom, you'd broken so much of her furniture, even snapped her bed in half, "So, what's up Bisca?"

"Nothing much, just thought I'd come congratulate the man of the hour," the green haired woman hummed, then smirked at you, crossing her arms under her breasts and pushing up her large breasts, "Though I guess you don't need me congratulating you when you've got Mattan all over you."

"Congratulations aren't really ever needed, but they're always appreciated," you smiled at her, meeting her eyes "Thanks."

Bisca laughed a little and reached over to jostle you a bit, "Heh, look at you, mister smooth," she teased, "You didn't even look at my cleavage."

Bisca had taken a bit of a liking to teasing you playfully like this, when she caught on to how you'd used the recording of the Fantasia Parade from seven years ago during your private time ever since you hit your teenage years.

"It's a natural talent," you shrugged, you'd be a bit more on edge about it, with her being married and all, if Alzack and she were closer. From what you heard though, a lot of the heat had died down in their relationship, and they were only together still because of Asuka, at least according to Wakaba. Speaking of, "Where's Asuka?" you asked, looking around for the little bundle of excitement, you couldn't see her anywhere in the guild, and Alzack wasn't anywhere either.

You loved hanging around with the little squirt. She always liked cheering you on when you were training, and especially loved it when you let loose some big attacks and blew everything in front of you away.

"They're off visiting Alzack's parents," Bisca replied with a shrug, leaning against the bar, "His parents aren't exactly big fans of mine, since I used to be a bandit and all before joining the guild, so I stuck around here while they went."

You winced, eesh. It was almost cliche, not getting along the with the inlaws. But in this case, you could see why his parents weren't big fans of her, objectively at least. Not like you could say anything, most of your time guarding the high profile mage prison, was spent getting to know Angel and Cobra from Oracion Seis, and a big part of that time was spent ogling the white haired dark mage beauty.

You'd had the idle idea of appealing to the council for a probationary freedom for the members of the guild. All of them were former slaves who were dragged into the life they lived after all, so a little leeway should be levied.

Old man Org had been receptive to the idea when you brought it up with him before you left the Rune Knights. He was your biggest backer when you were with the Rune Knights. And he'd hinted to you, that the members of Oracion Seis would be a big help in the future if they could be redeemed. The old man had been worried and still was, about Tartaros.

The disappearance of the Tenrou Team, had left a massive power void in the guild wizard association. Makarov Drayer had been the fifth ranked Wizard Saint, and Gildarts was said to be on par, if not stronger than God Serena, the strongest mage in Ishgar. Alongside them, were the disappearances of many S-class fighters such as Laxus Drayer, Mirajane Strauss, Erza Scarlet, Natsu Dragneel, Gray Fullbuster, Gajeel Redfox, the Thunder God Tribe, Juvia Lockser, and all the rest of the Fairy Tail members that went missing on Tenrou were all of the A-rank.

Even now, seven years later, with many new mages stepping up to the plate, the total power that the guilds could levy wasn't on par with what it was back then. And even then, Tartaros was feared by the Magic Council.

You shook your head, banishing those thoughts. Instead, you eyed the green haired mother beside you, eyes roving over her form.

Bisca, was interesting. She was average at best when it came to close quarters fights, but long range? She was a monster, you'd never seen anyone with accuracy as good as hers. You'd thought the only thing she really lacked was raw fire power.

You had been proven very wrong in your spar with her. After all, when she hadn't been able to hurt you much at all with her magic rifles, she had pulled a god damn Jupiter Cannon out of her Requip space. The remodelled version the guild had liberated from Phantom Lord years ago, and while nowhere near as powerful as it was then, it still packed a god damn hell of a punch.

You'd actually nearly lost that fight, would have if it weren't for your Darkness Sea Dragon God's Barrier, and even then you'd taken quite a bit of damage. Bisca, as it turned out, was the actual heavy hitter of the guild in the absence of the Tenrou Team. And she was one hell of a trump card.

She'd actually be a big help on the mission. Even with her rifles alone, she could down hundreds of the Hyena-don without problem from long range.

"Hmm?" Bisca cocked her head when she saw you eyeing her, "What's up? See something you like?" she laughed and wiggled her eyebrows at you suggestively.

...Well, a beautiful woman holding a big giant ass magic cannon. It had been pretty fucking sexy. You weren't going to lie.


Primal Deva

Really enjoying these updates and looking forward to more! Just a suggestion too, but maybe instead of darkness sea dragon god mode, you could say dark sea dragon god? Rolls off the tongue a little bit better. Your call though obviously. Can't wait for more!

Joshua Leahy

ANY other fanfic writer would have just had their character cuck Alzack (who suffers from the VERY common problem of "lack of screen time") almost immediately. But, you went the high road and went the natural separation route, and so my respect for you grows!


Thanks for the chapter

Bert Torres

I love this story

Bert Torres

Please update this story