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The sheer force of Acnologia's massive body flying passed you blew you back dozens of feet, flipping head over feet, over and over, it was only thanks to the sheer power of your newly gained wings you managed to regain your 'footing'.

"Acnologia!" you hissed, a thick sea green aura of power boiling up and out of your form in response to your rising rage.

This was the monster that broke Fairy Tail! The place you had been invited to join as child by master Makarov. The place that gave you hope, drowned in darkness.

...You were going to return the favour and bury that foolish dragon in the darkest depths of the ocean!

"FEEL THE POWER OF A GOD!" you roared, rearing your head back and gathering magical power at the back of your throat, then throwing your head forward and releasing your attack, "SEA GOD'S BELLOW!"

You unleashed a massive churning typhoon beam made of of ebony black water, filled to the brim with hardened, shredding salt. It was an attack that could tear apart a city block.

And it splashed against Acnologia's side harmlessly.

"What.." you blinked before shaking your head, "Fine then! If magic won't go through I'll just tear through with my bear hands! Dragon Soul!"

Your arms were covered in familiar, thick, powerful white scales and roaring loudly, you jettisoned yourself towards Acnologia who didn't even bother to acknowledge your previous attack of hitting him.

Something pink flashed in your peripheral vision, but you ignored it, "Sea Drive!" you roared, shooting towards Acnologia at a much faster speed as your sea green aura raged into existence around your body, cocking one of your scaled hands backwards, ebony black water spiralling around it like a miniature tornado of water.

Acnologia stopped mid-air, huge white eyes settled on the orb of darkness, "Come out dragon!" he sneered, "Last chance to fight before I blow you away for good!"

The words didn't even register in your ears, angry as you were. "Sea God's Crushing Fist!" you shouted, slamming your drive, flying speed enhanced god slaying punch into Acnologia's rear.

He didn't even react, not even to the sheer force of air displacement that accompanied your blow. "Don't ignore me!" you shouted, your other hand being coated in spiralling water as well as you launched another punch.

Ignored again.

"BASTARD!" roaring in anger you lashed out in a barrage of punches, each one capable of demolishing a ten foot boulder, dozens, then hundreds of them as the seconds ticked by, "ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORAORAORAORAORAORAORAOROROROROROROROOAOAOAROAROAOWAOAROAROAOAROAROAR!"

The area sounded as if there was an army dropping lacrima bombs from above, but no, it was just the sound of you punching against Acnologia's side and being completely ignored, as if you didn't even exist.

"Finally!" Acnologia barked out in satisfaction.


The massive orb of darkness blotting out the sun began to unravel, and a second,massive black dragon was revealed to the world. It roared just like Acnologia before it, shaking the very atmosphere.

Its yellow eyes gleamed with hate, and its mouth filled with pitch black darkness that coiled around its teeth, and with two beats of its wyvern-like wings it threw itself through the air towards Acnologia.

"Die dragon!" Acnologia gleefully roared, shooting forward to meet it, the force of his take off throwing you away from him before you caught yourself, your own massive wings beating frantically to keep you afloat against the sheer wind pressure Acnologia's mere movements unleashed.

"You're not getting away!" you roared, chasing after it.

Just as you were shooting towards Acnologia once again though, pink flashed in your vision, and this time, you couldn't ignore it. A thick, glowing pink chain wrapped around your mid-section and yanked you right out of the air!

"Wha!?" you only had time to mutter, before you found yourself dragged through the air, all the way towards a ledge on one of the mountains, the sounds of Acnologia and the other dragon clashing in your ears, and the very landscape itself shaking.

"Oof!" you gasped as you hit the ground on the ledge face first, leaving a small crater where you landed.

"Jeez do you have a death wish or something?" a perky female voice sounded in your ears and you felt the chain around your midsection, "You realize dragons are immune to all magic that isn't from another dragon right? That's why Dragon Slayer magic is a thing, and why they have dragon force and God Slayer's don't, it's the power of a dragon."

..No you did not know that actually. "No, I didn't," you groaned, realizing how stupid you were acting to get lost in your rage like that, "It should have done something though, my magic is a gods magic."

"Ehh..not quite," the voice replied, "Your magic is powerful, one of the strongest out there actually. But it doesn't come from a god. And even if it did come from a god, what good would that do you? Why do you think the gods left this dimension in the first place?"

Was she saying the gods ran from the dragons?

"..Whatever, it doesn't matter," you shook your head, pushing yourself up and allowing your take over to fade from your body, "How the hell am I going to pay that damn thing back if I can't even hurt it with my magic?"

Looking up as you said that, you looked towards where the voice was coming from, to find a beautiful older girl, with gleaming bubblegum pink hair, dressed in a short red, shoulderless dress, brown travelling boots and a stylish blue cloak.

She crouched down in front of you and flicked you gently on the nose, "The odds are massively stacked against you, but isn't that obvious?"

Well yes. She already gave you the answer after all. You needed dragon slaying magic to hurt Acnologia.

"We've gotta take cover." the pink haired woman suddenly said and you blinked.

"Why?" you asked.

But your answer was answered by a loud roar that shook the air once more and a massive boom. You looked over your shoulder to see the wyvern like dragon crash into the opposite mountain.

"That's why." the woman continued, pointing up. You felt it before you saw it as you followed her finger, massive amounts of magic congregating and compressing. A very, very familiar process to you, but on a scale you couldn't even begin to imagine.

Bright blue light lit up the landscape.

The world was dyed in blue light, and everywhere and everything shook like the world itself was falling apart.

A split moment before Acnologia's breath attack could plough into the dark dragon, you found yourself hundreds of metres away, the pink haired woman falling to one knee and panting deeply, "Ah, covering that much distance in one teleport drained the heck out me." she complained.

You didn't respond. No, you were too busy staring at the twin mountains you previously stood upon. Or rather, when the massive blue dome of energy that erupted from the impact point of Acnologia's attack died down, the space where they used to be.

"..They're..gone." you uttered blankly, unable to process the sheer destructive power and ease at which the beast you tried to take down just re-arranged the map.

"..Yeah, that's what Acnologia does," she replied seriously, looking up at the remaining dragon who studied his handiwork before turning and flying up into the clouds and disappearing once more. "There's a reason why the book of the apocalypse says that when he wants to, he'll destroy the world and we won't be able to stop him."

..This is unbelievable. Before you could stop yourself, you pushed yourself to your feet and sprinted rapidly towards base of where the mountains once were. "Wait, where are you going!?" The pink haired female shouted after you in confusion.

You just had to confirm it. You couldn't believe power like that could exist without irifutable proof, even after seeing it.

"..It's true!" you almost sobbed in horror when you saw the base of the massive twin mountains. All that was left was a massive crater filled with rubble.

And the charcoaled jaw of the dragon Acnologia was fighting before, already beginning to flake away in the wind.

You dropped to your knees, staring at it, "Unreal." you still could hardly believe it, even looking at it. This dead dragon just by existing had basically trapped an entire mountain range in darkness and blotted out the sun. But in less than a few minutes, it was dead and gone, killed like an utter weakling.

..There really was no way the Tenrou Team could fight against that thing and live to tell the tale.



Thanks for the chapter