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After congratulating Zoey on her winning the Jubilife City Contest, Ash and Dawn set out for Oreburgh City that night arm in arm.

At the moment, the day right after leaving Jubilife City Dawn had both backpacks on her back as Ash carried her on his very own back, demonstrating quite a lot of strength. Dawn wasn’t sure but she knew that the combined weight of her wearing both their backpacks, her with her arms wrapped around his neck and him hooking his arms under her knee’s, and then Pikachu riding atop his shoulder weighed quite alot, and yet Ash was walking casually, showing no strain at all. Those muscles of his weren’t just for show.

“No, I’m serious Pikachu really did hate me when I first stared my journey with him.” Ash told her with a laugh.

Dawn hung her head over his shoulder to get a look at his face, “No way, I can’t believe that, if it weren’t for the fact that you’re both from different species I’d say you were brothers.” The bluenette replied with a giggle as Ash carried her along a forest path.

Ash chuckled in amusement, “Yeah, it wasn’t until I literally risked my life for the ketchup addict that we started getting along.” The young amber eyed ranger continued.

Dawn shook her head in amusement as she leaned closer and kissed his cheek.

Ash raised an eyebrow as he turned his head to look at her as he walked, “What was that for?” He asked curiously.

Dawn just smiled at him, “Nothing really.” She admitted, “But do I need a reason? Isn’t it my right as your girlfriend to kiss you and feel you up whenever I feel like it?” She asked in a mischievous voice, her hands groping his solid shoulders.

Ash snorted as he turned his attention back to the path they were walking along – he was walking along – as he replied, “You were a lot more shy with me before I asked you to be my girlfriend.” He pointed out.

Dawn surprised him by leaning down slightly on the opposite shoulder from where Pikachu was perched and Licked – Licked! – the tip of his ear, “Well, I was mostly scared because I didn’t know if you would like me this way.” She whispered, the combination of her licking the tip of his ear with her soft tongue, and her hot breath washing over his ear making him shiver slightly in pleasure.

Ash snorted for a second time, although there was a small red hue on his cheeks, “Yes, I would absolutely hate and instantly turn down the offer to date a beautiful girl like you, who not only is she able talk with me properly but is also really fun to be around. Yes, the thought fills me with the utmost disgust, the mere mental picture of being on a date with you makes me green.” He shot back, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

Dawn ‘hmm’d thoughtfully at him, “Well you did tell me you met quite a lot of beautiful girls in your travels, and you did say that there was chemistry between you and May.” She pointed out, “I’m not even gonna mention this Misty girl because from your own words ‘she’s more of a boy than a girl’. Pretty sure that makes her ineligible to be classed as competition.” Dawn quoted.

Ash nodded, seeing his girlfriend’s points. He wasn’t sure if she was actually feeling self conscious or not, but just in case… “Well, that is true, I have met alot of beautiful girls over the years, but, almost all of them I only knew for a few days before I continued on, and May? …Well, I will admit I was physically attracted to her, but we never really… clicked.” He tried to explain. “Out personalities clashed at times and as odd as it sounds she was more like a pair of boobs than person sometimes. Honestly, the girl’s only a few months older than you yet she’s got, what, D-cups? It didn’t help that she had these moments where it’s like she just turned her brain off. It was a major turn off. We were friends, but with her… slow moments, that’s as far as I could ever see us being.” Ash trailed off.

Dawn raised an eyebrow at the comments on May’s breasts as she giddily archived his words in the back of her mind. “So you don’t like big breasts?” She inquired curiously.

Ash chuckled, quietly at first but louder and louder until he ran out of air. He looked back at her and gave her a look like she a crazy person, “Are you kidding? I’m a teenage boy, of course I love big breasts. May was just rather flighty at times, and those times were more often than not the times you could actually tear your eyes away from the pair of cantaloupes she had attached to her chest.” His voice sounding oddly passionate.

Dawn just assumed it was an instinct all straight males were ingrained with. Or at least the one’s Ash was born with; not like she had experience talking about breasts with men.

Dawn’s eyes suddenly gained a mischievous glint as she leaned down and pressed her own considerable bust into the back of Ash’s neck, the soft mounds like cushions against his back, “What about my breasts, what do you think of them?” She asked in a breathy whisper.

Ash grinned shakily as he swallowed loudly, “A-and what size would they be?” He stammered slightly, but recovered admirably.

“Mine are 32C’s boyfriend of mine. At least that’s what my bra says… not that you could confirm that right now.” Dawn practically purred into his ear. And it was true, she wasn’t exxagerating about her bust size; Dawn was one of those girls who gained their curves early, and even at only 13 years of age she was, to be crude, ball-droppingly gorgeous.

Ash stumbled slightly but caught himself. He paused for a moment to gather his confidence to make sure he didn’t stutter, “Well… They feel great pressing against me, I can tell you that for sure.” He replied, grinning broadly with more confidence than he actually felt; he actually felt kind of light-headed.

Light headed and turned-on that is.

Ash could practically feel her blush as she tightened her grip around his neck, the young amber eyed Ranger grinned mentally, confirming this round as his victory. He’d discovered that Dawn was good with the teasing but she wasn’t very capable of taking it very well without blushing up a storm.

They’d talked for a good hour – sharing several kisses, some innocent while others leaned towards intense like their first – before Ash had worked up the nerve fully to lay out some very logical facts; he liked her, she liked him – or he thought so at least at the time – she was incredibly beautiful and they should become a couple.

It was as easy as that. Simple, even, just the way Ash liked things. Dawn liked fashion but she wasn’t so overwhelming with her interest of it compared to Misty and May, who practically butted heads with him every-time he pointed out to both of them that he didn’t enjoy shopping like they did.

Dawn just took it in stride, she had her likes, he had his, it was that simple. Ash had found that he was subconsciously doing little things on his own that May had nagged about and Misty had demanded him to do, and yet with Dawn he didn’t mind. It was like he accepted it as a sort of duty as the male travelling companion.

Dawn was much easier for him to understand than any other girl he’d met, he’d only known her for almost two weeks, yet he and the blue haired beauty were closer than he ever was with his other female friends, travelling companions or not.

In fact, just this morning he’d done something he’d never done with Misty or May in all the years he’d knew them.

After serving breakfast and telling Dawn what to work on with her Pokemon’s training, he’d set his own Pokemon to their own Training and then sat and watched her for over an hour, her hair gently swaying in the wind as she gazed upon her Pokemon with determination to get better, ordering them around easily and taking to the Training of Pokemon like a fish to water.

While she made a way better protégée than May ever did, because she had quite a bit of natural talent that he just had to bring out, she was also so much more to him.

She caught his interest in ways no girl ever had before, he’d had crushes before, hell his first crush was on that Giselle girl back in his Kanto journey, but Dawn made him feel like his heart was going to leap out of his throat almost every time she spoke.

It was then Ash realized that his feeling may be much deeper than just a simple crush, and Ash for the life of him couldn’t care less.

Back in the present Ash was about to take another step when something happened, something that hadn’t happened since he met Lucario all those months ago.

He felt his Aura jolt inside of his veins, the power of it rushing through him and pounding in his ears in the familiar feeling of sensing another aura sensitive being near him.

He hadn’t learned much from his very brief time with Lucario, he’d learned to sense quite well in his own opinion, nowhere near Lucario’s mastery; the jackal Pokemon could navigate anytime he wished with his eyes closed for crying out loud, but Ash was proficient enough to sense another strong Aura user around him.

And thanks to Mewtwo he was getting better and better at hearing his Pokemon’s thoughts and feelings with his Aura everyday.

Sadly, Lucario hadn’t had the time to teach him – as promised – before he passed on the basics of utilizing Aura to form protective barriers or an offensive attack like the Aura Sphere.

Dawn felt Ash stop and tense up beneath her and jumped off of his back worriedly, “Ash, what’s wrong?” She asked her tone belaying her worry.

Ash didn’t answer her, instead he turned on guard Pikachu tensing on his shoulder and looked to a bush to his right.

Only to be shocked as a small injured Pokemon stumbled from the green foliage clutching it’s wounded arm.

Ash’s eyes widened, “A Riolu!” He blurted out in shock, and why wouldn’t he? They were extremely rare Pokemon, the pre-evolution of Lucario!

Dawn dropped the bags to the ground and pulled out her pink Pokedex, “What’s a Riolu?” She asked curiously as she hit the scan button.

Riolu, the Emanation Pokémon. When sad or scared, Riolu’s Aura becomes stronger as a way of signalling its allies. This Riolu is Male and has the ability Steadfast. Currently, this Riolu knows the attacks Bullet Punch, Shadow Claw, Force Palm and Aura Sphere.” The feminine monotone voice of the Pokedex stated aloud before Dawn put it away.

Riolu was a small, blue, jackel-like Pokémon. Its legs and torso were colored black and it’s tail was blue. Around it’s neck was a muted yellow collar. There were rounded bumps on the backs of Riolu’s forepaws, which could have been the beginnings of the spikes on a Lucario’s forepaws. Riolu had a black “mask” and red eyes. Like Lucario, Riolu stood on its toes instead of its entire foot, ready to jump or move at a moment’s notice.

Ash raised a hand to Dawn and beckoned her off a bit, “Stay back a bit Dawn, Riolu’s scared of something, I can feel it. Aura users can be pretty powerful when they’re backed into a corner.” He told her softly.

Dawn nodded, she was concerned but followed Ash’s advice because he sounded like he kew what he was talking about. She took a few slow steps back.

Ash crouched slightly down to eye level with the Riolu and let Pikachu jump off as he took a few slow steps forward towards the scared Fighting type.

“Hey there…” He started off slowly and softly, “I’m Ash, I can sense your Aura and can tell that you’re scared, so why don’t you just calm down a bit and let me help you with that wound?” Ash asked soothingly as he took a few more crouched steps towards Riolu.

When Ash was but a few feet from Riolu his hand suddenly snapped up, palm facing Ash as he charged a small blue sphere of energy in it’s palm. He quickly his thrust it’s paw outwards sending the fully formed – though miniature compared to Lucario’s – Aura Sphere towards Ash.

“Ash!” Dawn screamed to him in concern when she saw the attack fly at him.

Everyone in the small clearing was surprised, bar Ash and Pikachu that is, when Ash’s hand suddenly snapped up and he backhanded the Aura Sphere flying into the air and into the horizon.

Ash gave Riolu a smirk as he lowered his slightly singed hand, “Now now, no need attack me I only want to help.” He chastised lightly as he took a few more steps forward, turning his head he gave his attention to Dawn, “Can you get me some Super-Potion from my bag, a bandage and a stilt please?” He asked her.

Dawn nodded and bent down to begin rummaging through his backpack.

While Ash slowly took a few more steps towards Riolu he was conversing with Mewtwo in his head, ‘Look into it’s head and tell me what it’s scared of.’ He ordered lightly.

Mewtwo was silent for a few moments before responding, ‘This Riolu is rather like me, it was stolen as an egg and has been experimented on to be made into a strong Pokemon by many scientists since it was born, such is the reason why it can use Aura Sphere already in this form, it managed to escape just over two weeks ago, but some kind of Pokemon Hunter has been hired to retrieve Riolu and it has been on the run since then.’ Mewtwo explained to him in his mind, his voice sounding cold, brimming with barely suppressed rage.

Ash couldn’t blame him, ever since his incident with Giovanni, Mewtwo had been strongly against anything that resorted to forcefully experimenting on Pokemon to make them stronger and bend their will to the captors.

Dawn gently set down the needed items Ash had requested before stepping back with Pikachu again.

Ash picked up the orange bottle containing the Super-Potion and gently motioned for Riolu to come, doing the best he could to make his aura seem soothing and caring.

After a few moments, Riolu took a few hesitant steps towards Ash before stumbling into his arms.

Ash smiled gently down at the jackel Pokemon as he lifted the Super Potion up, “Now this is going to sting a bit, but only for a second and then you’ll feel much better.” He told Riolu kindly.

Spraying the potion on the wound on Riolu’s arm, Riolu grimaced slightly in pain before it faded and the small Aura user relaxed into Ash’s arms.

Smiling this time in relief Ash used both hands now to gently grasp the stilt and slide it up against Riolu’s arm before tying it still with the bandage.

He stood the small Aura user up and gave it a small smile, “Hey Riolu, test your arm out for me will you?” He asked softly.

Riolu nodded, soothed by his Aura Ash assumed, as well as the knowledge that Ash wasn’t this ‘hunter’ and flexed his arm up, it was a bit stiff thanks to the splint but other than that it looked okay.

Smile stretching into a grin Ash stood up from his crouched position, “Well now that that’s taken care of, why don’t you let me me treat you to some breakfast?” The young Ranger inquired.

Riolu nodded and followed behind him towards Dawn, Pikachu and the backpacks as Ash turned on his heels and began walking.

Dawn blinked at how easily Ash handled the situation, “Wow, I’ll say it again; you really know how to handle Pokemon.” She told him with a serene smile stretching her lips.

Ash chuckled, scratching his cheek as he felt a burst of pride. He bent down and removed a bowl from his backpack and began filling it with Oran Berries, he sadly didn’t have a recipe of food made especially for Riolu so he’d have to settle with this, “I told you before I learned most of it through experience and from Brock, but it helped that Riolu was an Aura user and I started learning to use my own Aura a few months back.” He replied, smiling broadly.

Dawn’s eyebrows raised in both curiosity and surprise. “Aura as in an Aura Guardian?” She asked in disbelief.

Ash shook his head, “I only know the basics, and even then not all of them, it was a Lucario, the evolved form of Riolu here, that taught me, but I only knew him for a few days before he had to leave so it didn’t get to teach me much other than using it to sense stuff.” He explained as he gestured to Riolu, who was too busy eating the blue Oran berries happily to pay attention to their conversation, though Ash could tell with the way the black tubes on the back of his head extended slightly that Riolu was in fact paying attention to their Aura, making sure that Ash was indeed just trying to help and that Dawn wasn’t a threat.

Warning bells suddenly started blaring in all of Ash’s senses just as Mewtwo’s voice thundered in his ears, ‘From above! I sense a being with malicious intent!‘ The clone Pokemon warned.

Ash whirled around startling the others and looked into the air, catching sight of a large four winged purple bat flapping it’s wings towards them, generating and launching two glowing blue sickles of bladed energy at them.

Acting quickly, Ash palmed one of the six Pokeballs that he had on him that held Pokemon inside from his belt and released the Pokemon inside quickly, “Starly, repel that Air Cutter attack with Whirlwind!” He called out urgently.

From the Pokeball, Starly appeared flying mid-air and began to flap his wings harshly generating a heavy wind that blew the sickles of energy away off coarse and into a tree.

Not even a second later did Ash follow up, “Okay Starly, take that Crobat down with Brave Bird!” He ordered quickly.

Starly cried in agreement and blazed into the air as fast as his small body could, his feathered body becoming enshrouded in flames before they dyed down into a powerful blue aura that pulsed with energy.

The Crobat in the air cried out in alarm, but was too slow in attempting to dodge and Starly ploughed straight into it and sending it careening off into the forest below from the powerful attack.

Starly straightened out mid-air, flinching slightly from the recoil of using Brave Bird, and that’s when he started to glow a bright white.

Down below Ash grinned as he saw Starly expand in size, his wingspan becoming lager and the flick of hair on his forehead becoming longer, and when the glow dyed down, in Starly’s place was a freshly evolved Staravia.

Ash there is a fairly powerful presence closing in on you.‘ Mewtwo warned in his head and the young trainer grimaced.

Fairly powerful to Mewtwo meant dangerous threat to any Pokemon that wasn’t on his level.

Thinking quickly, Ash returned Staravia to his Pokeball quickly before grabbing Turtwig and Haunter’s Pokeballs.

Turning around he faced Dawn and held them out to her, “Here, keep these three with you in case you go up against Pokemon your own can’t handle.” He told his girlfriend as he pushed them into her hands.

“Ash, what are you doing?” She asked in concern.

Ash leaned over and gave her a quick peck on the lips before pulling back, “Something’s coming this way and it’s pretty powerful.” Ash explained, he paused a moment as a thoughtful frown came over his face before reaching up and pulling the silver chain with Mewtwo’s Pokeball from around his neck getting a startled look from Dawn, “Here, the Pokemon in this Pokeball is for emergency’s only, don’t let him out unless you have to.” He told his girlfriend seriously as he forced the black Pokeball into her hands along with the other three. He was wary of letting Mewtwo out, he knew the only sure-fire way to make sure somebody who had seen him wouldn’t come seeking the legendary would be to kill them, and he wasn’t quite ready to commit a homicide yet.

Not that he was truly against the idea, the years of dealing with malicious Pokemon gangs had hardened him somewhat and he wasn’t opposed to the untimely deaths of many people, such as Giovanni.

He was rather annoyed at not being able to celebrate Staravia evolving, but such was life.

Despite herself, Dawn was curious about the mystery Pokemon inside the black Pokeball, curious enough to ask despite the situation they were in, “What Pokemon is in it?” She asked.

Ash swallowed, he was about to outright deny her question, but then it came to his mind that this girl was his girlfriend, his significant other; if he couldn’t be truthful with her, who could he be truthful with?

So he told her, some of it at least.

“A Pokemon called Mewtwo, he’s one of my most powerful Pokemon and I keep his Pokeball on me at all times because of how rare he is.” He explained quickly.

The bluenette quirked an eyebrow, “How rare exactly?” Dawn inquired sharply.

Ash grimaced, but he gave her a quick muttered, “Legendary.”

Dawn’s eyes widened, “Are you telling me there’s a legendary Pokemon in this Pokeball?” She questioned in disbelief.

Ash gave her a quick nod, “That’s why I never let him out in public, he draws too much attention. Keep him with you and I give you permission to let him out if you feel threatened in any way.” He told her once again.

Dawn nodded, but had to ask, “What’s going on?”

Ash looked from side to side suspiciously before answering, “I think there’s a bunch of Hunters after this Riolu and they have at least one very powerful Pokemon with them, so I’m going to take Pikachu and deal with them.” He stated, his voice level and calm as he could make it.

Dawn’s eyes widened, “Are you sure?” She asked, feeling traces of fear creep along her spine.

Ash nodded, “It’s my duty as a Pokemon Ranger to apprehend any Pokemon Poachers like these guys.” The young Ranger replied.

Dawn sighed in reluctant acceptance before leaning over and giving him a long kiss on the lips and pulling back, “Be careful and stay safe so when you get back we can explore this relationship of ours a bit more.” His beautiful girlfriend told him with a flirty wink, putting extra emphasis on the word when, showing her trust in his return.

Ash picked up a wary Riolu and held him easily as he and Pikachu took off running through the foliage of the forest, leading the powerful Pokemon presence away from Dawn.

The young amber eyed teen was cursing up a storm as he went, “Fucking Poachers! Did you hear that Pikachu, these idiots cut into me exploring my relationship with Dawn!” He snarled angrily.

While Riolu looked at him with a deadpan expression from underneath his arm, Pikachu running beside him started laughing loudly at his expense.


Dawn stayed staring at the way Ash left the clearing, still a bit concerned for his safety, although she couldn’t help her giddy excitement as she stared at the black Pokeball she’d slid around her neck on its silver chain.

She couldn’t help the small amount of pride that came to her, here she was holding a Pokeball that contained a legendary Pokemon!

She’d never heard of this Mewtwo Pokemon before though, was it like some kind of evolved form of the Legendary Pokemon Mew?

She was broken from her excited thoughts when she heard angry clicking and hissing from behind her.

Whirling around, Dawn stared as an Ariados almost twice as large as any of the ones that attacked her the day she started her journey crawled into the clearing.

“Dos! Ari ari! Dos dos dos!” The red spider like Pokemon chattered at her angrily.

Dawn looked at it, the Pokemon tensing to attack her. Looking down at the Pokeball that held Mewtwo she steeled her resolve before grabbing one of her own Pokeballs.

If she always relied on Ash and his Pokemon, how could she ever become a competent enough Trainer and Coordinator that actually deserved to stand by his side?

“Ursaring, spotlight!” Dawn shouted as she released her most powerful Pokemon.

Ursaring appeared towering over Ariados with a roar filled with anger at the audacity of the puny spider that dared to attack his Trainer and excitement at finally battling a Pokemon that wasn’t Pikachu and wouldn’t be bitch slapping him around like a volley ball.

Ariados leaped into action, firing two dark black lightning-like blasts from it’s eyes at Ursaring.

Dawn grimaced, Ash had told her about this attack, but she couldn’t quite remember what it was called though, “Ursaring cut them to pieces with Slash!” She called out instinctively.

Ursaring gave a loud bestial roar before slashing in an upward arc with two glowing white claws, the two simultaneous Slash attacks severing the black lightning blasts in two, causing them to dissipate into thin air.

Dawn grinned as her mind went quickly through everything Ash had taught her so far about battling, and settled on the most… Ash-like way she could think of, “Follow up with Bulk Up!” She called out next, hurriedly.

Ursaring roared again and flexed his body’s muscles, a crimson aura of power erupting around him.

“Dos dos!” The Ariados retorted to Ursaring as it fired a string of webbing from it’s mouth towards Ursaring.

Dawn grinned as she saw it, “Catch that web and pull it towards you.” Dawn ordered quickly.

Ursaring once again roared as he lifted a large claw and clasped the webbing firmly and jerked Ariados strongly towards himself through the air.

Ariados’ eyes literally bugged out of it’s head as it was pulled soaring through the air towards the large and intimidating bear Pokemon.

“Now with your free arm smash it down with Hammer Arm!” Dawn shouted her next order to Ursaring.

Ursaring nodded and when Ariados reached within a foot of him, Ursaring raised it’s large free paw above it’s head causing it’s forearm to glow a blinding white before he brought it down in a crushingly powerful blow right dead center on top of Ariados’ small head.

Ariados screeched in pain as it impacted the ground, the grassy area below it splintering and cratering from the blow of Hammer Arm.

Dawn decided not to give it a chance to recover at all, “Finish with Hyper Beam!” She ordered next, almost harshly.

Ursaring obeyed as he took a few steps back and opened his mouth, releasing a large wave of orange energy in the form of a beam straight into Ariados who was twitching madly on the ground.

The Hyper Beam crashed straight unto the dual Bug-Poison type and blasted it clear out of the area they were in, into a far deeper part of the forest.

The last they heard of Ariados was the near brutalized spider-like Pokemon’s wails of pain before it disappeared into the foliage followed by a large explosion.

Dawn was silent for a moment before she exploded into a flurry of excited cheers as she launched herself at Ursaring, wrapping the large bear in a tight hug, “Wooo! We beat that Ariados like it was nothing! Way to go Ursaring!” She congratulated her powerhouse Pokemon who roared happily in reply and hugged her back just as tightly as they danced around the clearing excitedly over their first battle together being so easy. Ursaring was just happy to have WON a fight; losing to a tiny yellow rat all the time was destroying his pride piece by piece.


Deftly, Ash skidded into a large rocky clearing just outside of the forest and set Riolu down by his left, Pikachu taking up position in front of them as they prepared for the coming encounter.

They didn’t have to wait long before from above they heard a bestial roar from the sky. A tall, short grey haired woman descended on the back of a Salamence, wearing some kind of purple trench coat and had a strange cannon-like device strapped to her wrist.

Ash recognized her almost instantly from a good many wanted posters he’d seen at the Ranger Station, “Pokemon Hunter J…” He muttered to himself with a growl in his throat.

The woman raised an eyebrow behind her black shades, “Interesting, my reputation seems to proceed me, now why don’t you hand over that Riolu little boy?” She inquired, her tone mocking.

Ash smirked back at her, “As a Pokemon Ranger, I’m not sorry to say, but I’m going to have to apprehend you and and that flying handbag you’re riding on.” The amber eyed teen replied sharply.

“A Ranger eh…?” J mused, “A bit young, but I suppose I’ll have to deal with you, Salamence Dragon Pulse!” She ordered suddenly.

Salamence underneath her roared in agreement before opening it’s mouth and firing a large sphere of turquoise green energy towards Ash.

Salamence was a quadrupedal dragon-like Pokémon who had large red wings. Although primarily blue, Salamence possessed accentuations of red and gray coloration. The red-colored portions of its body included it’s aforementioned wings, eyebrows, neck, and the undersides of its tail and limbs. The gray portions included its lower jaw and its belly, the latter of which appeared to be armored. Salamence had three spiky extensions splayed from the sides of its face similar to gills.

“Pikachu, send it back with Iron Tail.” Ash countered calmly.

Pikachu spun on his feet lightly, his tail glowing brightly as he spun and slapped the Dragon Pulse harshly, sending the powerful Dragon-Type attack rocketing back to the surprised owner of the attack.

Salamence managed to just flap it’s wings and ascend straight up a few feet, avoiding it’s returned attack.

J raised an eyebrow, cool as can be. “That’s a rather powerful Pikachu, I’m sure it will fetch a very nice price.” She stated aloud, raising her hand, showing a Pokeball in hand, J released another Pokemon to the ground below Salamence, “Drapion, I choose you.” She said, her voice still flat.

Below her a Drapion appeared with a loud cry, snapping it’s large claws in anticipation.

Drapion was a large, purple, scorpion-like Pokémon. Its eyes were a pointed shape, with blue-colored upper portions. Drapion had two small, pointed protrusions between its eyes, and one on the back on its head. Drapion also had protrusions on its jaws, two on the upper and three on the lower, with large, fang-like, white-colored features extending from its mouth. Its body was composed of many violet-to-lavender body segments which ended with a tail with two stingers. Drapion had four segmented legs with pointed toes. Its most distinguished feature being its huge claws, which had a blue circular marking on the undersides, a similar marking being on the tail of the large scorpion-like Pokemon.

Ash gave a low whistle as he looked Drapion over, bringing his Pokedex out to get a better idea of how the Pokemon ‘worked’ so to speak, “That is one tough looking Pokemon, I may get one for myself.” He commented, that said he hit the scan button on his Pokedex and brought up the information regarding Drapion.

Drapion, the Ogre Scorp Pokémon. Its claws give off a deadly poison and they are powerful enough to turn an automobile into scrap iron.” Dexter, his Pokedex stated in that boring scientist drawl of his.

Ash gave a smirk as he slipped his Pokedex back into his pocket “So, I’m dealing with another powerhouse kind of Pokemon here?” Ash said aloud, “I’m liking these odds, Pikachu can definitely handle these two. And who knows, they might even give him a little bit of a work-out?” He continued, his tone level and brimming with confidence.

Although he really wished that Professor Oak had finished that new item he’d commissioned him to make for him, but he’d just have to make do for now.

“Confident are we?” J inquired, although she didn’t sound curious at all.

Ash’s smirk stretched a bit, “Yes and I’ll show you why.” He replied, “Pikachu, Extreme-Speed into Iron Tail now!” He blurted out quickly, not a second later.

J’s eyes widened as Pikachu literally disappeared in a blur of high speed movement, appearing before Drapion before her eyes even finished widening, swinging a glowing white tail straight into Drapion’s face, sending the large purple scorpion soaring through the air with a cry of surprise and pain.

As Drapion crashed into the ground harshly a good twenty feet away, J sprung to action, “Salamence, Flamethrower!” She called out loudly.

From it’s mouth, Salamence unleashed a torrent of white hot flames towards Pikachu.

Pikachu was prepared though and his tail, still glowing with the power of Iron Tail, smacked against the ground, splintering it beneath him and launching himself high into the air, a bit above Salamence and J.

Ash acted immediately, “Thunderbolt!” He ordered his Pokemon.

Pikachu obeyed and gave a loud cry of, “Chu!” As the small electric rodent unleashed an extremely powerful crackling arc of lightning from his body straight at Salamence, more powerful than many Electric-Types could ever hope to match.

Salamence had no time to dodge and gave a cry of pain as it was lit up like a Christmas tree. J on the other hand, seeing the attack heading towards them, had jumped from her Salamence’s back and landed on the ground on one knee.

Ash gave her no reprieve though as he gave Pikachu one more order, “Iron Tail!” The young amber eyed Ranger shouted as he rushed J himself.

Pikachu head and obeyed, spinning in mid-air before the Thunderbolt could even fully dissipate from around the in-pain Salamence, Pikachu slammed a crushing blow with his glowing white tail, straight into it’s face and sending it careening down straight into Drapion who had just managed to pull itself up to a standing position again, sending both tumbling in a spray of limbs.

Hunter J, just managed to swerve to the right to avoid a devastating haymaker from Ash that would have likely broken her jaw.

She couldn’t avoid the follow up though as the young Ranger spun deftly on his heel and came around at her with reflexes she couldn’t hope to match and smashed her straight on the side of the chest with a powerful round-house kick, launching her tumbling across the rocky terrain they were in.

Ash was about to chase after her and lay down the beating of the century on the rogue Pokemon Hunter, but his Aura blazed in his mind and senses as he felt three Aura’s with malicious intent closing in rapidly from the direction behind Riolu.

Turning around he was just in time to see Riolu watching him and Pikachu fight with rapt attention, and three more Crobat like the one from earlier burst from the forest Foliage, each launching a Shadow Ball – a sphere of dark purple ghostly energy – straight at Riolu’s unsuspecting back.

Acting on instinct, Ash switched his attention to Riolu, the small crimson eyed Fighting-Type meeting his eyes, “Riolu, jump straight up and turn to face your back mid-air!” He ordered as if it were one of his own Pokemon.

Surprisingly, thanks to the fact that Ash had treated his injuries, fed him when he was starving and was now fighting to protect him from a Pokemon Hunter with powerful Pokemon that Riolu knew he couldn’t match in battle, never mind both of them at once, Riolu obeyed; bouncing on his nimble feet straight into the air whirling to face his back mid-air and allowing the Shadow Balls to pass under him harmlessly.

Ash could practically feel Riolu’s Aura pulsing in sync with his own, “Riolu, triple Aura Sphere now!” He commanded sharply.

Riolu once again followed Ash’s orders and shot two small Aura Sphere’s from a palm each, before holding both paws together and creating one double the size of the others and launching it a second behind the other two.

The three Crobat had been flying at Riolu as fast as they could, and so they couldn’t hope to change their direction with the amount of momentum behind them. They’d been trying to catch Riolu by surprise, they were not expecting the Aura using Fighting-Type to react to them accordingly.

The two flying on the outside were blasted into the ground with cries of pain. The one in the middle received the largest Aura Sphere and screeched as it was literally blasted straight back into the forest.

Pikachu, seeing Ash was busy, wasn’t idle; both Drapion and Salamence were hurt but they were not out of the fight yet, both Pokemon were at quite high levels, the only reason they weren’t putting up a better fight being that Pikachu had taken them completely by surprise and hadn’t let up once, not giving them any chance to recover and launch a counter attack.

Using a small Thunderbolt, Pikachu propelled himself into a dive straight at both Pokemon that were pushing themselves to their feet, a large glowing Aura of golden lightning surrounding him.

Both Drapion and Salamence looked up hearing the rapid cries of, “Pika, pika pika pika pika pika!” And only had time to both roar in surprise and slight fear as Pikachu literally dive bomb Volt Tackled them into the ground, creating a large crater beneath them and kicking up a large explosion of smoke that covered them.

A moment later, Pikachu jumped out of the smoke, landing a few metres away as the smoke cleared to reveal Drapion out-cold and unable to continue fighting and Salamence covered in a great many bruises, the most notable being a large purple bruise on the side of it’s jaw delivered by Pikachu’s Iron Tail and covered in a ton of burn marks from the Thunderbolt and Volt Tackle attacks.

As the two other Crobat unsteadily flew back into the forest, Ash with Riolu by his side began running towards Pikachu, “Pikachu finish it up with another Thunderbolt!” He called out to his partner.

Pikachu charged up his power and was about to unleash his Thunderbolt in devastating finisher, but his danger senses went into overdrive and the small yellow electric rodent had to jump to the side to avoid a small and thin orange beam that hit a tree behind him and turned it into stone.

Hunter J, dishevelled and bleeding from the nose sprinted past, returning Drapion to it’s Pokeball in a beam of red energy and jumped on top of Salamence, “This is a lost cause, with this kid here that Riolu is too much trouble, get us out of here!” She commanded quickly as she landed on her large Dragon Pokemon.

Salamence took flight unsteadily slightly but took off into the air at the rapid speeds it’s species were known for in the air.

Ash grit his teeth slightly as he saw her escape, “You’re not getting away this time you evil bitch.” He muttered to himself, reaching down he literally grabbed Pikachu by the bottom half and cocked his arm back and concentrated his Aura the best he could to augment his strength somewhat.

Pikachu gave him a wide eyed look as Ash, using as much Aura as he was could literally feel Pikachu’s thoughts through the close brotherly bond they shared, “You cannot be fucking serious Ash!” He cried at him in disbelief.

Ash ignored his partners sputtering pleads for him to stop being stupid and Riolu’s wide eyed stare as if he was insane.

With a mighty chuck, Ash launched Pikachu soaring into the sky like a baseball.

Pikachu cried out after a moment in exhilaration, a massive grin encompassing his face, “This is fucking awesome!” He screamed as he rocketed towards the unsuspecting Hunter J.

When he reached the apex of his flight he was still a good thirty feet from the silver haired Poacher and her get away Salamence, so Pikachu unleashed a powerful Thunderbolt; not as strong as his charged one, but still more powerful than most and way more than enough to knock J and her Salamence out of the sky.


The startled Hunter J heard the cry and turned before gaping at the Pikachu that was literally following them into the sky and just managed to stumble out of the way of the arc of electricity.

Only she didn’t get away completely unscathed as it brushed against her arm, causing her to jolt in pain and drop the Pokeball she was clenching in that hand.

The Pokeball fell out of her hand and towards Pikachu because of their momentums, both now in freefall a good hundred feet in the air.

Salamence skidded to an abrupt stop mid-air but J stomped hard on it’s back, “Leave it! That Drapion isn’t worth getting caught for, I’ll just steal a new one.” She barked harshly.

Salamence winced slightly at his Trainer’s tone but took off into the air again.

Ash grit his teeth when he saw Hunter J manage to escape but he had other problems to deal with.

Turning his head to Riolu, Ash ordered, “Riolu catch that Pokeball.”

With that said, Ash sprinted over the clearing as Pikachu free-fell and skidded into a slide catching Pikachu deftly as he managed to get under the small yellow rodent.

Riolu on the other hand obeyed completely and sprinted over the clearing quickly, launching himself on the tip of his toes into a spinning front flip and caught Drapion’s Pokeball mid-air, before landing nimbly beside Ash and Pikachu. He held the Pokeball out to Ash as the Trainer stood up and allowed Pikachu to climb up to his shoulder.

Ash took the Pokeball gratefully and gave Riolu a smile and an affectionate pat on the head, “Thanks for your help Riolu, but now you don’t need to hang around me anymore, Hunter J is long gone and won’t be coming back for you as long as she thinks her freedom is at stake.” The young amber eyed teen stated aloud as he lifted his hand from Riolu’s head and with a wave turned on his heel to begin leaving.

He was stopped though when he felt something tug on the bottom of his black cargo jeans, looking down he saw that it was Riolu’s small paw.

“Is there something wrong?” Ash asked curiously.

Riolu looked shyly to the ground for a moment before steeling himself and looking Ash in the eye. Lifting his paw Riolu pointed to himself and then a Pokeball on Ash’s silver belt.

Ash got the meaning well enough and an excited grin spread over his face, “You want me to catch you?” He asked his voice giddy with excitement at the prospect.

Riolu nodded, and then without even waiting for Ash he reached up and touched one of the empty Pokeballs on his belt and got sucked inside in a beam of red energy, putting up no fight whatsoever as the Pokeball gave of a soft ‘ding’ of capture as soon as all of the energy that was Riolu was secured within.

Ash grinned at Pikachu on his shoulder and gave him a thumbs up, “I can’t believe we got so lucky to catch Riolu! I’ve been wanting to catch one ever since we met Lucario!” He literally gushed.

Pikachu laughed alongside his best friend, new and powerful Pokemon were always a welcome addition to Ash’s large team of Pokemon.

They laughed happily for a few more moments before calming down. Ash looked down at the Pokeball clutched in his hand tightly with a frown, “Now, what will I do with you?” He questioned thoughtfully.

As he began brainstorming he and Pikachu began walking back towards where they left Dawn.


Ash found Dawn relaxing on a tree stump in the forest clearing he left her in, she was leaning on her back, her nice creamy legs on full display for him as he entered the clearing.

“Hey.” The young Ranger greeted, slightly distracted.

Dawn sat up abruptly, cutting off the view Ash got of her thighs when her skirt had rode up. Though this fact was kind of disappointing, he put at out of mind as Dawn jumped up, a beaming smile on her beautiful face and rushed over to him and… flying glomped him, literally knocking him to the ground where she fell straight down on him and straddled his thighs.

“Hey.” She greeted in return with a mischievous smile, “Did you catch this poacher person?” She asked excitedly.

Ash took a minute to answer, ignoring the tightening in his jeans, “No, but it was Hunter J after all, Rangers have been trying to capture her for years and haven’t been successful.” He replied. “To be frank, I got lucky; Pikachu surprised her and hit hard, and never let up. Not to mention when I personally attacked her, preventing her from helping her Pokemon. She got away, albeit barely, but at least not without some repercussions.” The amber eyed teen continued.

Dawn raised an eyebrow as she leaned her face down towards his, pressing her forehead gently against his, “Oh? What did you do?” His beautiful girlfriend inquired.

Ash grinned cheekily at her, “Well, the best thing that happened was Riolu decided to become my Pokemon, but Pikachu also liberated J of one of her Pokemon.” Ash answered.

Dawn’s eyes sparkled, “Congratulations, Riolu sounds like the perfect kind of Pokemon for you, but,” Dawn put emphasis on the but, “Now explain Mewtwo to me.” She told him in a no nonsense tone as she sat up and removed the Legendary’s Pokeball from her neck and slipped it around Ash’s, as well as the other Pokeballs he’d lent her.

Ash sighed as he clipped his Pokeballs back to his belt, “Mewtwo is actually a Pokemon cloned from the DNA of the Legendary Pokemon Mew, and while he can’t learn almost every attack like the original Mew can, he’s still a bit more powerful in contrast to the original.”Ash explained.

“You can clone Pokemon?” Dawn asked in shock, her eyes wide.

Ash shook his head, “Not anymore, as far as I’m aware only one place that successfully did so was where Mewtwo was born, and he destroyed the entire facility in a fit of rage, taking the scientists and research alike with it.” Ash elaborated.

Dawn stood up in a bit of a daze, followed quickly in suit by Ash, “Am I allowed to meet Mewtwo? He sounds like a really cool Pokemon. Would it be safe?” His girlfriend asked hesitantly.

Ash sighed but relented, “The only people hurt in his escape were the Team Rocket personnel who were experimenting on Pokemon. As long as you’re not secretly part of Team Rocket he’s harmless.” He assured her, ignoring the twitch from Mewtwo he felt when Ash called him harmless. He needed Mewtwo’s help for something anyway, reaching up he touched unclipped Mewtwo’s Pokeball from his silver chain before releasing the gene Pokemon in a flash of energy.

Mewtwo phased into view right in front of both him and Dawn, although this time he was wearing the armor Giovanni had made for him, the black screen over his eyes on the helmet lightning up with two blue glowing eyes as Mewtwo crossed his arms, “Yes Ash?” He asked.

Dawn gasped in shock, “He just talked!” She blurted out.

Mewtwo ignored her for the moment as Ash chuckled, as he forgot that not many people knew that tidbit about Legendaries, “Yeah the majority of Legendary Pokemon can speak our language with their mind or otherwise.” Ash told her.

“Ooooh.” Dawn gushed slightly, filing that knowledge away.

I can see what you want from your mind, I assume you want me to use my powers to do that?” Mewtwo inquired.

Ash nodded his head, not bothering with a verbal command knowing Mewtwo could already hear it in his mind.

Mewtwo sighed but motioned to him and then the ground with his three-digit hands.

Ash got the meaning and stepped forward, placing Drapion’s Pokeball on the ground between him and Mewtwo before backing up a few extra steps with Dawn.

Mewtwo glowed slightly with a blue outline before he clenched his hand into a fist.

The Pokeball that Drapion resided in literally ceased to exist thanks to Mewtwo’s powers and Drapion appeared hissing in pain between Mewtwo and the young couple in a flash of blue energy.

Drapion turned to Ash and and snarled furiously at him, with his Aura and the anger in the statement Ash could feel far better than most that Drapion was blaming him for it’s Trainer abandoning it.

Drapion, although still covered in a great many injuries from getting a beating from Pikachu stumbled forward with glowing purple claws attempting to attack Ash.

Pikachu on his shoulder tensed and was about to launch himself forward with an Iron Tail to protect Ash, but there was no need.

Suddenly the air around Drapion glowed a shimmering blue as Mewtwo forced his Psychic energy into it and all of a sudden to Drapion the air felt like it weighed a ton and the large purple scorpion collapsed onto the ground with a muffled grunt of pain.

Ash ignored Dawn’s warning as he stepped forward and crouched down to look Drapion in the eyes a serious frown on his face and his eyes narrowed, “Don’t blame me because you had a crappy Trainer, I believe J’s exact words were ‘Leave it, that Drapion isn’t worth getting caught over! I can always steal a new one’.” Ash retorted to it’s hissing.

Drapion flinched back as if struck and looked to the ground in shame as if it was it’s own failure that had it end up in this position. Ash’s eyes softened at the pitiable look on the large Pokemon, he had always been a softy when it came to Pokemon, more often than not Pokemon were more pure at heart than people, only being forced into evil actions by their evil Trainers. Reaching out Ash surprised Drapion who literally gaped at him as he softly and soothingly rubbed circles on it’s head, “It isn’t your fault, nor is it that Salamence’s, J would have dropped either of you and abandoned you both if there was even the slightest chance that she would be caught if she took you with her, personally I can’t see her reasoning for leaving behind a Pokemon like you. From what I’ve seen you’re very versatile, quite powerful and can take one hell of a beating. Not many Pokemon can stay conscious after the beating Pikachu was giving you two.” Ash’s words were comforting, soothing and slightly pride filling, not just any Pokemon could take that kind of beating and be able to stand up ready to fight only a few minutes later.

Ash chuckled as he clipped Mewtwo’s Pokeball back to his silver chain around his neck as Drapion’s face suddenly turned away with a small red hue in the middle.

“Now I’m sorry.” Ash stated suddenly as he lifted an empty Pokeball from his silver belt, “But I can’t just leave you here injured like this, although I promise that you’ll be taken good care of.” He continued as he held the Pokeball to Drapion’s eyes.

Drapion merely nodded, resigned to it’s new fate, if it’s old trainer Hunter J abandoned him, what loyalty did he owe her? The food she had sucked anyway.

Ash smiled and gently touch the Pokeball to Drapion’s cranium, opening the Pokeball in the process and absorbing Drapion inside in a beam of red energy.

The Pokeball vibrated slightly in his hand before easing up and stopping, the red glow around it dying down as Drapion was captured.

Mewtwo nodded in front of him as he stood up, “Very well, I am no longer needed.” Mewtwo stated, he looked slightly towards Dawn, “It was nice to meet you, my future mistress.” Mewtwo actually teased.

Giving them no chance to counter, Mewtwo used his Psychic powers to command the Pokeball around Ash’s neck to open up and return him inside in a beam of red energy.

Ash sighed at Mewtwo’s joking; who knew a Pokemon as uptight as Mewtwo was actually had a fun side to him?

Looking at Dawn, he caught her staring at him with a light blush, not even commenting on how Mewtwo returned to his Pokeball without Ash returning him.

“Future Mistress eh?” Dawn asked a coy smile on her lips as her blush disappeared and she sauntered over to him, swinging those amazing hips of hers nicely as she did so. “I think that means wife.” Dawn pointed out as she leaned forward pressing her generous bust into Ash’s chest as she wrapped her arms around his neck and looked him in the eye.

Ash’s eyebrows raised suggestively as he gave her a feral smirk, “Call it want you want babe, but I think I like the idea.” He replied confidently.

Ash surprised Dawn as his hands slipped down and cupped her round ass through her skirt, “Now, I think you told me earlier that we could ‘explore’ our relationship more when I got back from dealing with the poachers.” He ground out huskily.

Dawn’s eyes sparkled as she leaned up and kissed up his neck, “Mmm, yes I did boyfriend of mine.” She purred against his neck sensually.

With nobody around hormones and pent up sexual tension ruled the day; Her words were all the prompting Ash needed as he used his grip on her round cheeks to cup her luscious arse tighter and lifted her up against him, Dawn complying and wrapping her creamy legs around his waist as their faces met in a passionate kiss, tongue and all.


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