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Maybe one of the few good things about your current guild hall, was the fact that it had a lot of open space that you could train in out back.

So after you left your guild mates in a pile of groaning bodies, sans Kinana who just watched and laughed from behind the bar, you made your way outside and decided to get some training in.

you spent a good few hours out there exhausting your magic container, while stocking back up with drinking and training your ability to control the temperature of your water while you did so.

You were glad to say you actually made a massive amount of progress, and were pretty close to finishing the spell.

And you would have continued at it for the rest of the night, if you didn't hear the sound of something smashing and shouting coming from the guild.

Curios, you made your way back in from the backdoor and made your way out into the front guild hall. When you stepped out beside the bar, you saw five unfamiliar men in the middle of the room, standing beside some destroyed furniture.

"I told you already Tibo, we have enough to pay you back now!" Macao argued, standing at the front, still nursing a bit of bruising on his face from earlier.

Tibo, the one at the front, with the ridiculous hair and the giant mace in his hand laughed mockingly, "And we ain't happy to just let ya' go like that ya damn useless fairy trash!" he sneered, swinging his mace out and crushing another table, "Cuz ya' took so long how much ya owe us has increased again, it's now seven million!"

"..You!" Max snarled, bouncing up fists clenched, but was held back by Wakaba. You saw Laki looking away with a sigh, and Bisca holding Asuka to her chest while Alzack steped in front of them protectively.

...What the actual fuck? Why are they all so meek with these guys? You can sense their magic power and it's utterly pathetic! The leader was even using a focusing magic weapon, used to multiply the power put into it and fire a magic beam and such at a stronger degree than the user could normally on their own.

Right, you'd seen enough to get a good idea what was going on. No more of this shit.

"Haha!" you laughed loudly, drawing everyone's attention, including the Twilight Ogre members, "Yeah, how about no?" you cut your laughter off and glared.

"Who the fuck are you?" Tibo sneered, levelled his mace glowing with power at you. Even if it concentrated his magic into a beam that was twice the total amount of power he had at his disposal, you could smack it down with ease with just your bare hands.

"Cobalt Ray," you introduced yourself, "Former commander of the Rune Knight first division anti-mage corp."

Tibo snorted, "A rune Knight? You think that's something to be scared of?" he mocked. Generally the Rune Knight's got a bad rep because mages were on average more powerful than them. But that was in general because most Rune Knight's weren't mages, and only had access to magic because they had minor lacrima that had little risk of a rebound implanted within them to power their weapons.

His mooks behind him burst out laughing, except that one midget of a man amongst the five who teetered close to his leader, "Tibo!" he hissed quietly, but you caught it, "This is that guy Mattan warned us all about and told us not to start trouble cuz of!"

Tibo just snorted, "That bitch was just exaggerating, you know how much she told us to stop bullying these weaklings."

"Right," you interrupted them, "This is extortion." you said simply.

"Oh yeah?" Tibo sneered again at you.

"Yeah," you nodded, "And this is my fist."

"What?" he blinked.

And then you were in front of him, covering the distance between you both  before he could react and your fist smashed into his jaw. The mace flew up into the air from his hands, and he shot backwards like a rocket, passing through the open doors of the guild and landing hard a decent distance away outside.

Most likely unconscious.

You caught his mace as it came down, even as his guild mates just then reacted to what happened, so pathetically slow they probably didn't even see what happened. You lifted your 'liberated' weapon and pointed it at them, the spikes on its head glowing with an ominous sea blue light that shone like the sun.

"Oh god Mattan wasn't lying!" the biggest of them cried out in fear, carrying a large war hammer magic weapon over his shoulder. The others locked up beside him, looks of horror appearing on their faces.

"I don't know how long this shit has been going on, but it seems to me that you guys actually owe us money," you growled threateningly, forcing the four idiots to step back in fear, "Let's start with seven million and go from there huh?"

Your eyes landed on the hammer wielder, more specifically the hammer. you recognized it. It was one of the weapons from Heart Kruz, some higher up ranked knights tended to use it, an explosive hammer. Enchanted with explosion magic, using the magic of the wielder, when it hit a target it released explosion magic depending on how much power the user put into it.

They were worth a good few hundred thousand jewels. "You, fat ass," you pointed to the tall hooded goon with the war hammer, "Toss that hammer over to me right now or I swear to god this mace is going up your ass and then I'm letting the power build up go. You'll be the fucking light atop the town Christmas tree when I'm done with you."

"Eep!" the wuss actually squeaked, and quickly pulled it off of his back and tossed it over to you quickly, which you caught in your free hand.

"Pleasure doing buisness with you," you nodded, and when hope entered their faces you smirked nastily, "Chumps!" you released the magic building up inside the mace, a massive sea blue beam of power bursting out and enveloping the four of them.

There was a chorus of fearful screams  and squeals of pain as the beam carried them up into the air and out of the guild. Eh, you made sure to hold back on them enough not to kill them, but they'd be stuck in bed for weeks without a sky magic user to heal them.

"Drax!" you shouted, turning to the lizardman who was sitting at the bar looking over the proceedings in befuddlement, he didn't seem to understand what was going on really, "Here!" you tossed the weapons over to him.

"What is going on?" he asked with a blink as he stood up and caught them, "Why are you giving me those men's weapons?"

"I liberated those weapons because they stole from us," you replied easily, "Now I'm going to go 'liberate' some more stuff to make up for what we lost, you wanna come help me out?"

"I suppose I should contribute to the guild I am now apart of should I not?" Drax sighed, the weapons in his hands wavering out of existence and entering his Requip space. He'd be better off with tons of weapons if he had Erza Scarlet's type of Requip anyway, "Lead on."

Grinning, you marched out of the guild, leaving everyone gaping at you. "Cobalt what are you doing?" Macao fretted, running up behind you as you left the guild.

"Don't worry master," you waved him off, "I'm on the up and up when it comes to laws and the legality of this, and we're totally in the right to reclaim what was stolen from us. Twilight Ogre should be grateful I've just not pushed for them to be labelled a dark guild, I can probably do that you know?"

"B-but how?" the blue haired man spluttered.

"I keep saying it but nobody seems to be listening," you sighed, "Former commander of the first division of the Rune Knight's, only the generals and the magic council members were ranked higher than me."

"..Still, this is too much!" Macao protested, "We can't have you just fight all our battles for us!"

You sighed again, and this time you gave the older man a glare, "Then all of you should stand the fuck up get and get your pride back," you almost sneered, "I've taken care of the money issues. I'll get rid of the debt without you having to pay a penny. Now listen closely okay?"

"Okay." Macao nodded.

"The Tenrou Team are gone! Your old members are never coming back, and it's sad, but get over it!" you shouted at him and he froze on the spot, "Otherwise you'll all just waste away!"

And with that said, you turned and continued on, making your way over to Tibo who lay unconscious, surrounded by his similarly unconcious and smoking minions. You grabbed him by the back of his shirt and lifted him up easily, dragging him along with you.

"What are you going to do with him?" Drax asked curiously from your side, then looked back over his shoulder at Macao, "And do you not think you were a bit hard on the man? The stink of grief still hangs heavy upon him and the others."

"This idiot's a message," you replied, then shrugged, "It had to be said buddy, and I couldn't keep tiptoeing around the issue. This seemed like the best option to fully get everyone on board for Fairy Tail's return to glory."

"..Don't be so familiar with me." Drax settled on grumbling after a moment.


"Yeesh, this is one ugly building." you drew up your nose in disgust when you stopped in front of Twilight Ogre's guild building.

"I do not understand much in the ways of architecture," Drax continued where you left off with a nodding sagely, "But even I find this to be quite distasteful to look at."

"And what's with those dead tree's that are painted red?" you pointed out, "Is that to try and make it look like blood on them or something? How gaudy."

"Indeed," Drax agreed with you, "Now, how are you going to get their attention? They are weak yes, but I can sense over a hundred different mages converged within that building."

You shrugged, "I'll just destroy a bunch of it," you replied, "Keep it simple you know?"

"...Yes because destroying such a massive building is simple," Drax retorted sarcastically, rolling his slitted eyes at you. "What about them?" he asked, nodding at the people on the street who stopped to look at you and Drax, mostly your companion in curiosity.

His hood wasn't up for now.

"I'll take care of it," you replied. You lifted Tibo up and showed him off to the people, and you heard people gasp, "I see you recognize this putz. Well, i'm Cobalt from Fairy Tail and I'm about to pay this loser guild back for the way they've been stealing from my guild before I joined, so you people better clear out unless you want to get caught up in our fight."

"Uh-oh," one older man ushered his wife and daughter back, "This seems almost familiar."

"Indeed," his wife giggled, "It's just like seven years ago!"

The smarts ones took your advice to heart. But-

"Boo!" one kid shouted, "You can't beat Twilight Ogre you loser fairy!" And some of the grown ups around him actually starting backing him up, booing you and calling you a weakling.

Now that just couldn't stand.

"Don't say I didn't warn you," you shrugged, winding your arm up over your head, with Tibo in your grasp, you tossed him so hard he smashed down the doors of his guild and you heard shouts of shock coming from inside, but you weren't done there. You thrust your hands backwards behind you, black and silver sea water swirling like miniature tornado's around your arms, before you thrust them forward at the guild building in front of you, "Sea God's Encircling Deluge!" you roared, unleashing one of your more destructive spells.

They converged together, rapidly rotating and spiralling out into a massive vertical typhoon of water that smashed into and through the large guild building like a hot knife through butter.

Screams of fear and terror rang out from the guild, and from the civilians behind you. You merely shrugged as they ran away in a panic, "I warned them."

"What a madman." Drax shook his head at you.

"Well, let's go then." you smirked walking into the decimated guild, the front of the building was just gone, and as you made your way inside you saw that most of the bottom floor was torn apart as well, dozens upon dozens of fallen mages littering the ground.

"Such destructive power." Drax remarked, looking around at the devastation you caused with something close to astonishment.

Now he could probably do something similar since he'd seen you use the spell and could copy it when he copied your magic.

There were a few among the Twilight Ogre members that were groaning and struggling to their feet, but they may as well have been ants for how their magic power compared to your own. Most of them though, including a lot of downed members seemed to have weapons though.

"You take care of these remaining guys Drax," you ordered, "Then grab whatever weapons and stuff that catch your eye."

"My my," Drax shook his head, "My store of weapons may very well rival that of Scarlet's after this."

"BASTARD!" one of the ones who struggled back onto his feet screamed, "YOU THINK YOU'LL GET AWAY WITH THIS!?" he bellowed, jumping towards you and swinging a massive buster sword at you.

You ignored him and continued on your way towards the back area of the guild, where you could sense many more magic signatures that were moving around.

You didn't have to deal with him yourself. "Sit down." Drax commented contemptuously as he got in front of you and caught the sword on his bare palm, yanking it out of the attackers hand before delivering a spin kick to his stomach that sent him crashing right through the barely standing wall twenty feet away.

These guys magic levels were so low they wouldn't even be able to pierce Drax's scales.

You got to the back area and kicked the reinforced door open, and right off its hinges. It landed before a group of mages all bunched up together, most of them carrying weapons. Nearly fifty of them.

At the back, you saw an ugly, squat man wearing a yellow pinstriped suit glaring at you, and beside him was Mattan Ginger.

"Oh crap!" she fretted as soon as she saw you, she turned to her guild master and glared, "I told you to stop bothering Fairy Tail, that they had a new powerhouse and you wouldn't like what he'd do if you kept this shit up."

"It doesn't matter now!" he grunted, thrusting a large meaty finger at you, "Get him Ginger, take him out as our ace!"

"..I'm gonna go with no," Ginger shook her head, "This kitty cat isn't giving up all nine of her lives fighting a guy like that, I'm out of here, consider this my resignation Banaboster." she created a large sphere of flame in her hand before throwing it backwards, blowing a large hole in the wall at the back and gave you a cheeky wink before bounding off and getting right out of dodge.

"What!?" the ugly guild master blinked, "What!?" he continued, shaded eyes full of astonishment at the turn of events.

You cracked your knuckles menacingly, "Oh you are not going to like this."



Thanks for the chapter


Also since he’s a water god slayer can he control blood cause the human body is 70% water?


Ginger: fuck this shit I'm out~