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Where in the god damn sixty nine hells are these guys!?

We got here in the early afternoon, when the sun was high in the sky and there was plenty of light everywhere. But, hours have passed, with not a peep, and the sun had long since dipped over the horizon over an hour ago and was replaced by a bright moon.

I love tits as much as the next guy, more even, and I'm an even bigger fan of Ty Lee's, but there's only so much I can take before I lose my control and want to throw her down and mount her.

As it was, I'd had to return her chest bindings and belly baring top as the sun dipped before that self control snapped. Not even that mind of a gamer bullshit could stand up to the indomitably powerful stimulation that is Ty Lee. Those tits and the way she can move those amazing hips of hers, should be recorded as a deadly sin.

Even now, over an hour later, and with her dressed again, my all mighty erection still stood true and proud, the Norse God Odin wishes his Gungnir had such rigidity and incredible durability.

Ty Lee definitely got a kick out of it though, since she was, y'know, elevated up higher than normal due to it, what with her, still sitting in my lap and all.

Look, even my remarkably, phenomenal prodigious self control has its limits, and I like having her pressed up against me and free to grope her to my hearts content.

Ty Lee's hair brushed against my nose as she rocked forward a bit, almost causing me to sneeze, "Oh, sorry." she gave me a sheepish smile, she was getting a bit antsy herself.

As much as she seemed to enjoy my company, sitting still for hours, wasn't really her thing, and I could practically feel the pent up energy in her begging to get out.

"It's fine," I released my grip from around her hips and waved her off, "As much as I love having you in my hands, I'm craving some excitement and stimulation right about now."

Like, of the massive dragon breathing rainbow flames in the shape of a massive hurricane at me.

Her lips quirked up and she shifted her hips a bit, "I dunno, you seem pretty stimulated to me," Ty Lee pointed out with a giggle, "It feels like a huge metal arm is under my butt right now."

"Metal arm?" I snorted in amusement. Though, I suppose there aren't exactly baseball bats around this world to use as a comparison, I suppose.

"Fine, a big metal club then, Blegh!" she stuck her tongue out, "In fact, I bet I could…" she trailed off, and before I could ask her what she was getting at, she unwound her legs from around my hips and bodily bent backwards, I wasn't complaining as I got a good view of her tits, voluptuously large and stretching out her top beautifully even while bound as she did so.

A second later, she rolled backwards in spot and I felt her finger press against my dick tensing out my pants, and she pushed, rising up into the air, in a one finger hand stand….atop my cock.

"…Wow, you actually can hold my entire body weight with this thing!" Ty Lee's giggles came out in a flurry of amusement, her grey eyes alight with laughter.

I just stared at her, gaping a bit, yet, somehow, not at all feeling surprised. And you know the funny thing about this?
I actually am not straining all that much to keep my dick steady. Man, I must be even stronger than I thought.

Am I like Zuko-tier strength already maybe? That guy could lift boulders with one foot as if they were pillows and tear through iron chains as if they were made of butter.

I should try that out. Maybe melt one of the weapons I have into two huge boulders and use them as weights. Really get on that strength grind.

I've noticed something over the past few hours as well. My chi, while it is not at all any larger, using my fire bending, cost a noticeably lower amount of chi than it did before.

I can only assume, it's from learning the Dancing Dragon Fire Bending forms. Which is amazing, even with me not getting any notifications, the system was still as helpful as ever even in the background.

And once I meet the 'Masters', and learn the true way of Fire from them, I'm bound to get even more bonuses.

I was brought out of my thoughts by the sound of voices in the distance, and both my and Ty Lee's heads snapped around to peer into the darkness surrounding the stone city we were in.

In the distance, coming towards us rapidly, I could make out dozens of torches of flame.

"Is that them?" Ty Lee's eyes sparkled with interest.

"Should be," I nodded, sighing in relief, "Thank fuck for that, took them bloody well long enough didn't it?"

"They are a bit slow, especially since from what you told me, that dragon egg you picked up is some priceless treasure to them," Ty Lee nodded in agreement, "Are you sure these guys are the legendary ancient sun warriors?" her voice had a trace of dubiousness.

"If not, we can just beat them up," I shrugged, I wasn't going to complain, free experience points for me, "And then go find the dragons ourselves."

It should be fine, the flame the sun warriors gave Zuko and Aang got snuffed out because Aang couldn't give it enough energy, and Ran and Shaw were fine with those two anyway.

And if it comes to a fight, well, I'm pretty confident I can handle them. The Royal Family had hunted dragons for years, and even Azulon was known to have killed some, and he was known to be a weaker bender than Iroh, hell, I'm half convinced Iroh once he's in shape, could storm the Fire Nation capital, clap everyone in his way and slap around Ozai if he so desired to.

Now, that might seem like a leap on my part, because it's Iroh, and he slapped my shit with ease. But again, he is Iroh, and not really a good bar to measure myself against. Rather, what I mean is, Iroh slapped Azula's shit even easier than me, and I doubt Azulon was as good as Azula, she is a fire bending prodigy with talent on par with Iroh himself.

In the past, Iroh was the Azula of his generation, though much less attractive, where as Ozai, was the Zuko. Why is this important? It's because, I'm fairly sure that Azula is superior to Azulon in his prime, who was known to have defeated dragons. I may not be a match for Iroh, but I'm stronger than Azula now, the results speak for themselves.

So, I think I can handle Ran and Shaw if they get violent. Just because they are masters of the true ways of fire bending, did not mean they were stronger than me. Not all masters are created equal, just look at Zhao, he was a fire bending master after all, and Zuko slapped his shit with just the basics, twice.

Granted, Zuko is also a physical monster, perhaps the physically strongest guy this early in the Avatar setting, or at least in the top three, but, I think I'm around that level as well now, physically at least.

It only took a short while before they breached the city and rushed up towards us. Ty Lee, took the time to sigh and flip up off of my dick and land seamlessly on her feet, while I pushed myself up and cracked my neck, getting my chi flowing and preparing to fight.

"Hey, let me handle this, okay?" I told her, walking ahead.

"Aww!" Ty Lee pouted, "That's not fair, I'm bored too y'know!"

While that is definitely one reason, I'm more interested in the fact that there's so much of these guys and they're probably all fire benders. Which means a mass of easy experience points.

While I'm confident I can deal with Ran and Shaw if it comes to it, a little bit of extra strength won't be remiss either.

"How about, you let me handle this, and I'll get you a pet Sky Bison." I offered.

Ty Lee blinked, "…That sounds amazing, but, I don't really wanna steal the Avatar kid's pet." she replied.

"Nah, that would be a real dick move," I almost winced at the thought, imagine stealing someone's beloved pet like that, "I actually know of a place, where a small herd of them are being raised and have been since Sozen attacked the Air Nomads."

Her grey eyes shot wide open, "Really!?" she perked right up excitedly.

"Yep, and it's actually not far from here." I nodded. It was a place called Bhanti Island, here in the Fire Nation, which was revealed in the Legend of Korra, and where Tenzin, Aang's future son, would get his own Sky Bison I think.

"That's amazing!" she clapped happily, "Okay, totally, have at them Zanny-poo! You can have these guys all to yourself, Sky Bison yay!" she cheered, pumping her fists excitedly into the air.

I shook my head in amusement, she was so chipper it infectious. But, I've been having a thought, ever since I was able to pass one of my skills on to Ty Lee, alongside my Grand Quest here, dealing with Vaatu and my plans for him.

If I can share my abilities with people, it's not too out of question for me, to have my tamed beasts, share their abilities with me, or rather, Ty Lee.

I personally don't really need it, not with my system. But; Druk as a dragon is a fire bender, Sky Bison are air benders, Badger Moles are Earth Benders and the Unagi can fire blasts of water, so it may very well be a Water Bender.

I have no interest in the other elements to be honest, while it would be cool to master them all and use them freely, I'm much more vested in the power over fire I have, I'd rather focus firmly on it and take it to the highest of heights.
So what if instead, I make Ty Lee into an Avatar?

I had to put that thought on the backburner though, as rapid footsteps pounding up the stone staircase towards me echoed in my ears, and a second later, a tall, bare chested man with tan skin reached the top of the stairs, a snarl on his lips and his eyes narrowing in fury as soon as he noticed me.

He roared, punching out and unleashing a large stream of flame towards me. Fire spread across my hand and I shot a blast of fire from my feet to propel me forward, thrusting my hand forward and spearing through the stream of flame and closing the distance between us in mere blinks of the eye.

He only had time for his eyes to widen in shock, before my knee buried in his stomach and he folded around my blow, before getting launched back down the large stone stair case.

I looked down as he fell, seeing dozens of them rushing up, man and woman alike, carrying no weapons between them at all and dressed in various get ups of red that looked tribal in design.

"Rah!" I gave a shout and punched out myself, launching a simple stream of flame of my own, just like the one guy did before me, but, much larger in size.

Many of them dodged or shielded themselves with quick bursts of flame, but the group was large enough that rushing up left many of them with little room to move or dodge, and four of them were caught up in my flames.

There were screams of pain that echoed from the blaze of flame, but it was fine, they were fire benders, they wouldn't be killed by something as simple as this. All fire benders, had an innate resistance to heat after all.

A sudden rushing sensation ran through me and I felt my slightly depleted chi re-fill and grow.

I levelled up it seems.

And still so many of them left, I can probably squeeze out another level from these guys, maybe even another two if I'm lucky!

A bloodthirsty, excited grin spread across my face. This is gonna be fun!

"Yeeeeha baby!" I cheered and leapt right into battle, flames igniting around my hands.



Totally forgot about that tidbit with the sky bisons, and making her an avatar would be both hilarious and awesome on so many lvls! The trolling you could do with that! 😈

Rolando Estrada

Agreed, would be funny AF to see Ty Lee be able to at LEAST have 2 elements to have fun with. because she would use them for enjoyment and freedom instead of fighting


Thanks for the chapter