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"So this is the Sun Warrior ruins huh?" Ty Lee hummed in interest, hopping out of the hot air balloon as soon as we landed and looking around curiously.

"Yep, this seems to be the place." I nodded, waving my hand and storing the war balloon inside my inventory.

"I thought it would be bigger, y'know?" Ty Lee shrugged, gesturing out over to the 'city' we were standing on the edge of.

And I couldn't blame her. Size wise, it would be lucky to qualify for a village. It was honestly just a square shaped settlement settled into a small indent in the land with natural walls surrounding it, and within it, a few hundred stone houses and other buildings that had seen better days leading up to a much larger building, that looked almost like a pyramid, built just like one, the only difference being it was missing the pointy tip and it just eased out into a small building structure at the top.

It was some weird ass design for sure. And our destination if the large pillar with what looked like a shining red gem in the middle was anything to go by.

"Yeah, it's not exactly all that impressive looking." I agreed.

"Not impressive for sure, especially considering this is where the first human fire benders were supposed to have settled, what a disappointment!" Ty Lee pouted, "The palace back in the Fire Nation capital is bigger than this place!"

Huh, it was that big? I mean, I know it was fucking huge considering the scope of Azula and Zuko's Agni Kai, but still, that was interesting. I mean, I still don't really have any interest in being Fire Lord, but it would make a decent pad to crash in, right?

"So where to then?" Ty Lee shrugged off her disappointment and asked with a wide smile.

I pointed up at the top of the pyramid-like structure, "Up there for now, though, you need to be careful going through here, there's a ton of booby traps." I warned.

"Well, we can just fly over it right? You have those fire jet things, and well, thanks to you, I can do this!" Ty Lee replied, smile turning beaming and holding her hand out, a moment later, a familiar little sphere appeared in her hand, "Come on out Buzzy!" my ever perky girlfriend cheered and the sphere glowed brightly, before turning into energy and forming into the familiar form of a large buzzard-wasp.

Which Ty Lee wasted no time on leaping up onto the back of and settling comfortably on it, despite how ugly the thing was, "Let's go Buzzy!" Ty Lee directed the half bird half insect to fly her through the air towards our destination.

On the way here, I'd given control of all my tamed beasts to her, to go along with the sparrowkeet. It wasn't really a big deal considering I could still summon them whenever I pleased as well, as long as she didn't already have them out and it gave her a lot more options if needed.

I mean, I don't need them at all, I'm just that badass strong. I more wanted to collect them for the novelty of having an army of monsters under my beck and call. Plus, each one raised my stats on taming.

Once I tame a Sea Serpent and a Badger Mole for Ty Lee to use, she'll be quite a force to reckon with I bet. Maybe I'll even tame the Unagi and then have her ride it into the capital and spank Ozai?

That could be fun too. So many ways own Ozai, but only one could win in the end, such a hard choice to make.

With a chuckle at the thought, I raced after my girlfriend, jumping into the air and blasting fire from my feet and hands to propel my rapidly into and through the sky towards my destination.

As it turned out, Buzzard Wasp's, are surprisingly fast in the air. Buzzy even more so considering the boost it got from my skill after being tamed.

It only took me like thirty seconds or so to reach the place, but by time I got there, Ty Lee was already on the ground, waiting for me.

Yet, even with such a little time and distance, I'd used up almost a quarter of my total chi. It would fully restore in a few minutes, but still. What a crazy draining technique, no wonder only Ozai was seen using it to its full potential, and only during Sozin's Comet.

I totally need more chi man.

"Who's a good boy, you are, yes you are!" Ty Lee was once again praising buzzy by stroking his buzzard-bug-eyed head, and the thing was leaning happily into her touch. She glanced at me as I landed, before patting the tamed beast one more time, "Right, time for a little rest Buzzy, thanks again!" she said, before with a thought, Buzzy turned into light once more and shot into her chest, disappearing inside her.

"So what do we do now?" she asked me, gesturing at the building we had landed in front of, the great big stone doors were wedged shut, "It's got a sun calendar, they only open up on the solstice when sunlight shines through the sun stone at just the right angle." she explained, pointing to a big red gem above the door, then to a dial system on the ground and then to the pillar I saw that had another red gem in it.

"You know quite a lot huh?" I pointed out.

"Heh," Ty Lee scratched her cheek, blushing slightly, "Like I said before, I'm flighty, not stupid. Besides, I did study at the Fire Nation Academy for Girls remember? That's only for nobles and it's a top tier education, well, beyond the classes that were just about praising how great the Fire Nation is."

She did say that before didn't she? And she took classes with Azula even. I've got a lot to say about that girl, but stupid isn't one of them, ignorance very much so, stupid, no.

Hell, I've got no doubts she's smarter than me, to bad she's too far up her fathers ass to put that intelligence to better use.

"I could probably smash my way through with my Fire Fist," I mused after a moment of thought, the pure force behind it couldn't be underestimated, "But, I'll probably destroy what's in there if I do, so I'll just do this." I held my hand out and summoned one of my normal dao to my hands.

"Oh!" Ty Lee blinked, "You're gonna reflect the light coming out of the sun stone with your sword, smart!" she realised and caught on quickly.

And this is just an idea I'm stealing from Zuko. I don't know if I'd have come up with it myself. I might really have resorted to the brute force option, I'm such a barbarian man.

"That's right." I nodded, walking over to where the light was shining down onto the ground on the dial and crouching over it, placing the blade of my dao over it to catch the shining red dot of light and angling it to where I wanted it to go.

It took a minute or two to get the angle right, but finally I reflected the light onto the sun stone atop the door and the doors rumbled as they began to slide open.

"Hey, it worked!" Ty Lee beamed and bounced over to pat me on the shoulder in congratulations, "What a smart boyfriend I have!" she pecked me on the cheek.

Yeah…smart, heh. Sure, let's go with that.

The room inside the stone building was dark, but easy to see into thanks to the light from the open doorway and a moonlight on the ceiling.

Inside, there was a circular platform filled with statues in many different poses.

"What's with these statues?" Ty Lee hummed as we entered inside and looked around, "Oh! Look, there's a plaque here! The Dancing Dragon?"

"It's the fire bending form made from studying dragons," I told her, eyeing them appreciatively, memorising each and every position and form, "And there's something else to." I added.

"What's that?" Ty Lee asked.

I walked over to the statue on the opposite side of the one she was in front of and stood on the panel in front of it, "It needs two people to do this, we need to go through the forms to the end, stepping on the platforms, think you can manage it?" I asked.

If not, I can always just find their village and have them direct me to Ran and Shaw, but doing things this way will bring them to me without having to make the effort of finding them.

Ty Lee grinned at my words, "Just this? Easy peasy, you should be wondering if you can manage it yourself instead of me."

"That sounds like a challenge." I grinned back at her.

"Sure, you can take it that way if you want." she shrugged back casually, confidently.

"And what do I get if I win and can 'keep up'?" I asked, grin widening, and not able to stop myself from eyeing he curvaceous figure appreciatively.

Ty Lee saw where I was staring and her cheeks tinged a bit red, but, she didn't back down, "Hmm, how about, if you can't, you have to massage my feet," she tapped her chin, before her grin widened to reflect mine, "And if you can keep up, you win and you can play with my boobs."

See, I was just planning on training while waiting for the Sun Warriors to show up, but, I'll take this over that any day, "Bring it on then." I challenged, slipping into the first form of the Dancing Dragon.

"On the count of three then? And you only get one chance." Ty Lee stuck her tongue out at me before sliding into her same stance as me on the opposite side.

I agreed, and she began counting. As soon as she hit three, we both moved as one and flowed together through the forms of the Dancing Dragon. I would definitely have lost this initially, but with my prodigal ability? It was easy to do.

And a few moments later, we both came to a stop at the end, both of our fists thrust out towards each other.

"Ah, looks like you w-" Ty Lee giggled and began accepting my win like a good sport, but got cut off.

By a small pillar emerging from the middle of the room, and atop it, a golden gem-like egg.

"Eh, the heck is that?" her attention was drawn to it.

"It's how the Sun Warriors will know to come," I replied, then pointed to the exit, "Stand outside babe."

"Mm, okay!" Ty Lee nodded, accepting my order and happily skipped back outside, while I walked over the pillar, or rather podium that the golden egg sat on.

As I got near it, I swear I could feel a pulsing heat come from it, almost like a heartbeat.

I made my way around to stand at the side with my back to the door while Ty Lee looked on curiously from outside.

Then, I took a deep breath and reached out with one hand and lifted the egg, a jolt ran through my system, and I could literally feel the life inside it, but I didn't let that feeling stun me, I knew what was coming.

The building gave an ominous rumbling noise and began to shake like an earthquake was set off beneath it, but just as it did, I jumped back and thrust my hand out, unleashing a wave of flame to propel me back through the air.

Just in time, because the doors slid shut a moment later and just before they closed fully, I saw a mass of dark green slime like substance erupt like a tsunami from everywhere in sight within the building.

"Ew!" Ty Lee wrinkled her nose in disgust at the sight of it before it disappeared beyond the locked doors.

I barely paid attention to it though, my focus as soon as I landed, was on the egg in my hand. I could feel my beast tamer ability reacting to it. I could tame this egg, which meant, it really was alive.

"So, what is that?" Ty Lee asked once she 'recovered' from her disgust of the nasty ass dark green slime, "It looks like an egg, but who would make an egg out of gold?"

"…I think this is a dragon egg." I replied in a bit of a daze. This….this couldn't be Druk's egg, could it?

Fuck, too bad that damn system isn't around right now, it could tell me up front. Though, I'm not gonna lie, not having it popping up constantly, is kind of freeing, in a way? Made things seem more real around me and lifted a weight from my shoulders I didn't know was even there.

"Wait, really?!" Ty Lee's lovely grey eyes went wide open and practically sparked as she hopped over and examined the golden egg in my hand keenly, "How can you tell?"

"It's alive, I can feel what I think is the fire bending in it," I replied, if she can't feel the pulsing heart beat like me, and I know Zuko could, then it must be because we're fire benders and she isn't, "And my ability to tame animals is reacting to it."

"Ooh! Doesn't that mean you'll be able to have your own dragon in the future?" Ty Lee clapped, "That's amazing Zan!" she cheered.

It kinda was, wasn't it?

And the heat coming from this egg, it felt like it was, brushing up against me? Urging me even.

There was only one thing I could think to do then. I focused on the egg, and enveloped it in my power, and I felt no resistance at all as the egg disappeared, turning into light and being replaced by a small, crimson red sphere.

Odd how it went crimson red, instead of gold, so far, all the other spheres had reflected the colour of the beast. That didn't make sense, unless the beast inside this egg, was crimson red in colour as well.

…Just like Druk was.

Holy shit, have I just stolen Zuko's future mount!?

'That's rough buddy.' I mentally apologised to the scar faced Prince. But hey, what he doesn't know won't hurt him.

"Well, guess you were right huh, though kinda weird you can tame it as an egg, is it even conscious in there right now?" Ty Lee wondered, before shrugging, "Guess we'll wind out at some point."

"Guess so," I nodded idly, before putting that out of mind and smirking at her, hungrily, "Now, about that prize I won?" I wiggled my eyebrows at her. We had some time to kill until the Sun Warriors came, after all, it took them a few hours to come after Zuko and Aang.

"Is that all you care about, my body?" Ty Lee grinned back at me teasingly.

"If it was, I'd just go after a harem of yours sisters," I pointed out, "Granted, you're hotter than your sisters, but I already told you didn't I?"

Her cheeks burned, "Such an odd form of sweet talk you have there, but you really know what to say don't you?" her grin formed into a warm smile, and she promptly reached down and grasped her belly baring top at the bottom and in one smooth motion, pulled it up over her head, baring her chest to me, held in place by a set of chest wrappings that still couldn't hide how bodacious her tits were.

Licking my lips and unable to hold myself back, I stepped forward, one hand going around her waist and lifting her into the air, causing her to slip her shapely legs around my own, and then I gently trailed my finger up her belly causing her to shiver against me, and I stopped just as soon as my finger touched the wraps.

Then I claimed them with my inventory.

Ty Lee gave a little surprised squeal as her large, round breasts bounced freely on her chest, coming into full view.

And because of how lithe Ty Lee is, they even bigger, huge even, yet despite looking so big, they were perky and stood high and proud on her chest, topped with a faint pink areola, leading up to cute little cherry pink nipples that hardened into little nubs now that they were exposed to the air.

"Wait, you can do that to my clothes as-Oh!" Ty Lee never got to finish her surprised shout as I leaned down and captured one of her nipples in my mouth, while with my free hand I reached up to fill my hand with her other breast. My fingers sank into the soft springy mound deliciously, and spilled over my palm, god damn, what an amazing pair of tits.

And they were all mine!

"You like them huh?" Ty Lee giggled, getting into it and wrapped her arms around my neck, trailing one hand up into my hair and using it to urge me on suckling on her tit.

I turned on my heel and sat down against the closed stone doors and leaned against it, and then let my other hand reach down from her waist to fill my other palm with one of her lovely soft ass cheeks.

Ty Lee mewled in my ear as I took hold of her ass and began to grind herself down into me, rolling her hips like a pro, putting all those years of training to good use.

I'm gonna have major blue balls at this rate, because we aren't gonna get to sex here and now, and I can't just whip it out here and now and wank myself off to finish, but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.

I can always fly over to Azulon's statue in my hot air balloon later when heading to the Ember Islands and jizz over it later to take the edge off.

I can just imagine Ozai's horror as the statue falls atop him now, 'Daddy, daddy no! Wait daddy, what's that white stuff all over you and coming towards m- No0o0o0o0o00o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o!'

Heh, get fucked scrub. I'll jizz all over your royal pride since I lost the chance to jizz in your daughter.



Bro, that ending had me rolling! 🤣

War sage

that ending was hilarious, though Zan might be wrong about having lost the chance to get Azula.


At this point I'm kinda desensitized to your characters humor, which makes it much funnier in my opinion


I kinda miss the days when I still considered your humor too crass for me. Nowadays it just makes me giggle to myself like moron.


Azula shall be banged