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When they got to the pokemon centre, surprisingly, Nurse Joy was already waiting for them, knowingly.

Jord handed over all the pokeballs he was carrying to her. It wasn't like a bit of care would hurt the rest of his pokemon with all the training they did. Granted, the one who probably needed it the most to recover from any possibly exhaustion was his Chansey, and even that was a stretch considering how much he hovered over the pink pokemon and fussed over her.

Pidgeot and Golem were a whole other matter, the damage they had taken, wasn't something that could quite so simply be taken care of by a short trip into the revitalisation machine.

They were released onto a pair of large stretchers and wheeled into the back of the hospital and taken to a private room to be examined and cared for.

Pidgeot, barely blinked, just sitting on the bed and allowed himself to be checked over, proud and dignified as ever, if not more so with how big he'd grown through evolution.

Apparently his wings were actually broken as well according to Nurse Joy, yet that just made the big bird puff his chest out even more proudly, and considering how badly Pidgeot was kicking the crap out of that Electivire, Hilda honestly couldn't blame it.

The problem though…was Golem. Despite the sheer amount of damage he had taken, the rock and ground type was already up and awake.

And absolutely disappointed in himself, so much so he'd retreated into his shell and hadn't come out yet.

"C'mon mate, don't take it so hard," Jord sat on the bed beside the massive spherical rock shell and thumped it with his hand to make sure his pokemon was listening, "It's only one loss, and it's more on me than you, I wasn't expecting him to pull some crazy crap like that railgun shit, I should have looked into that roided bitch better."

Golem remained silent within his shell.

Hilda watched him from the entrance of the room, leaning on the door frame. And she just kind of marvelled how he could go full on aggression with the likes of Surge and turn around and act all kind and comforting with his pokemon.

She heard foot steps coming from behind her and looked over her shoulder to see Nurse Joy making her way back, a harried look on her face, "That man…" she huffed, "What was he thinking going so hard on such a young trainer?"

"Do you mean Surge?" Hilda asked.

The pink haired nurse paused and nodded, before sighing, "Yes, that railgun attack is one of his trump cards, something that should really only be used in dire situations, it's something that took him years to create and why he went all the way to Alola to get a Geodude to raise up," she explained, "It's a combination of Stone Edge, Iron Defense and Shock Wave, not only is it dreadfully powerful, but it also basically cannot be dodged and can only be blocked, and then to go on and use explosion right after that? I don't know what drove him to such limits."

"I couldn't tell you," Hilda shrugged herself, "He and Jord just seemed to have a lot of friction from the get go, they couldn't go a second without basically squaring off against each other."

"That isn't an excuse, he's a grown man with a lot of responsibility," Nurse Joy rolled her eyes, "And Jord is a teenager even younger than most starting trainers, to lose his cool with just a boy is atrocious."

Well, she definitely wasn't wrong. Surge was way out of line. While he technically didn't break any rules, his attitude and the way he came at a newbie trainer wasn't befitting a gym leader, no matter how talented or smart mouthed that new trainer may be.

'…It was probably the small dick insults.' Hilda realised after a moment, while Surge was riled up by Jord initially, he didn't become full on aggressive until after Jord started attacking his 'manhood'.

"His Golem is still out of commission right now and probably won't be up for a few days, and his Electivire, usually so proud and strong, now it's practically cowering under the bed sheets in the room its in," Nurse Joy palmed her forehead with a groan, "I suppose I should just be thanking my lucky stars he didn't lose complete sense and start using his Z-move."

"Z-move?" Hilda asked, cocking her head to the side. She was going to let the nurse know exactly why Electivire was cowering away, but she heard something that peaked her interest, "What's that?" she'd never heard of the term before.

"Some kind of special techniques you can learn in Alola, one for each type I think," Nurse Joy shrugged, "Honestly, all I know is you need to go through some trial for each type of one on Alola and get something called a z-crystal to use them, but the attacks are absurdly powerful, that Electivire in there, when it uses Gigavolt Havoc with it, well, I've seen it bring down a Dragonite in a single hit."

"A Dragonite!?" Hilda's eyes widened and she choked. That was absurd! Even the weakest of Dragonite's were absolute monsters. There was a reason the species was one of the few pokemon that were listed under the 'pseudo-legendary' category. They had such incredible in born natural power, without any training at all that only the strongest of trainers could bring one down.

She supposed Jord did get lucky Surge didn't bust such a thing about. Then again, considering how little room to breathe Jord and Pidgeot were giving Surge and Electivire, perhaps he just couldn't get the chance to use it?

'That'll be something to look into in the future.' Hilda thought in interest, before grimacing.

…After she headed back home to help her cousin.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a very proud birds wings to examine." Nurse Joy sighed, slipping passed Hilda and into the room.

The fluffy haired girls eyes drifted passed the nurse to Jord, still trying to coax Golem out of his shell. Despite what he said earlier, she was impressed with the way he took his first loss, and took the blame for it entirely on himself and didn't blame his pokemon at all.

He really did care them all greatly.

Her hand that was in her pocket came out and she opened it up, a small shrunken pokeball in her palm, she stared at it for a moment, before smiling forlornly and turning on her feet and leaving the room for now.


She walked through the halls for a bit, looking for a good place to do what she wanted, even found herself passing by a room with a familiar Electivire curled up under the covers of a bed and shook her head in sympathy.

The poor thing had been traumatized by Pidgeot.

And just a few doors down, she found an empty room which was perfect for what she needed.

She entered the room and closed the door behind her, before lifting the pokeball in her hand and releasing the pokemon within.

In a burst of light, her Snivy appeared before her, eyeing her coolly, arms crossed.

A few months ago, she would have winced at that expression, but she'd long since come to learn that was just how Snivy was.

"Sni?" the little grass type tilted her head to the side in askance.

"I'll be parting ways with Jord soon," she revealed and gave the grass type a small smile when she blinked up her her in surprise, "And I think you'd prefer to stay with him, wouldn't you?" no point beating around the bush, while she was very hesitant to give up a pokemon as rare as Snivy, it was better for her in the long run. And she knew at the very least, Jord would give Snivy what she wanted and take good care of her, just like he did with all his pokemon.

Snivy's eyes widened a bit, before falling back to their usual cool state, "Sni…Snivy." the grass type nodded lightly.

"I just wanted to let you know, that next time you're outside your pokeball, you won't be with me anymore," Hilda sighed sadly and crouched down, sweeping the grass type up into a hug, "I know I'm not the trainer you wanted, but still, I'll miss you."

"Sni…" Snivy sighed, and two vines emerged from her neck to wrap around Hilda and pat her on the back.

They stayed like that for a few minutes, before Hilda gathered herself and separated from the grass type, "This is goodbye for now Snivy," Hilda smiled down at her, "Though, I'll definitely see you a lot in the future I'm sure once I'm done helping Rosa and can track Jord down again."

"Sni!" Snivy smiled back and flashed her a small thumbs up with one of her tiny paws.

And then Hilda returned the grass type to her pokeball and let her shoulders slump. That was hard, really hard, and she had to resist the urge to let tears fall from her eyes.

And she wasn't anywhere near as close with Snivy as she was with her other pokemon. She never wanted to feel what it was like to part with her other pokemon.

She took a deep shuddering breath, before exhaling and leaving the room. And just as he did, she stopped cold just before colliding with Jord who was just walking past.

"Woh!" Jord exclaimed, and she would have fell if his hands didn't shoot out to grab her by the hips to keep her steady, "So there you are, I was wondering where you went off to."

"Just had something to take care of," she smiled at him, "Actually, good timing, I was just coming to get you for something important."

"That right?" Jord raised an eyebrow, "And what's that?" he asked, giving her hips a soft squeeze before letting her go.

A soft shiver ran up her spine at the casual fondness he just grasped her, before she quickly put it out of mind, "Come with me." Hilda said, grabbing his hand and pulling him along behind her.

"How forceful, Me likey." he chuckled at her.

She led him through the halls, out into the trainer lounge where she saw what she needed earlier today.

There at the end of the room, was a trade machine.

"So what's with you dragging me out here?" Jord asked curiously, "Can't say I'm not disappointed, here I thought you were taking me to our room to cheer me up and give me a happy ending to today."

She let go of his hand and raised an eyebrow at him, "Trust me, you're just about to get that happy ending," Hilda replied, "I'm giving you my Snivy."

For a moment, Jord stared at her blankly. Then; "You wot mate?" he asked, deadpan from voice to eyes.

Interesting how he could pull off one of those Galarian accents though so easily.

"You heard me," Hilda rolled her eyes, "Look, you know already I'm not the kind of trainer Snivy needs, and she's totally smitten with you and how you train your pokemon."

"Hmm.." Jord hummed blandly, before crossing his arms and nodding sagely, "Like trainer, like pokemon huh? Is this a proposal?"

"You wish," Hilda snorted, "Snivy wants to get as strong as possible, and you can help her with that. Plus, I can trust her to keep an eye on you and make sure you don't go too crazy without me around. But, if you're gonna look a gift Rapidash in the mouth like this, I suppose I can always find somebody else…"

"So, Snivy and me huh, gotcha!" Jord quickly changed his tune and flashed her a grin, "How do we do this then?"

"Just stick your pokedex in there, the machine will do the rest," Hilda pointed at the left side of the machine where a small slot was open on it, "And I'll use this side." she added, pointing at the right side that had a similar one.

She reached into her back pocket and pulled her pokedex out before slipping it into the slot and taking place at the right side of the machine.

"I only have the app thing." Jord pointed out, pulling out his phone and waving it at her.

"That's fine, that works too." Hilda assured him.

"Bitchin'," Jord's grin widened and he practically skipped over to the other side of the machine and set his phone within it, "Now what?"

"I'll take care of the rest since you aren't giving me anything in return for her." Hilda replied, pulling out Snivy's pokeball and placing it in the compartment on her side of the machine, then reaching up to press a green button above it to confirm her agreement.

A moment later, Snivy's pokeball glowed with bright white light and disappeared into the compartment, appearing on the other side a second later in front of Jord.

And then a ding sound resounded and both her pokedex and his phone slid out of the slots on the trading machine.
"…That's it?" Jord peeked around the side of the machine, staring at her confusedly as he held up Snivy's pokeball.

"Yep, easy isn't it?" she gave him a half smile, "Snivy has officially been transferred to your ownership." she added, and reached around the machine to retrieve her pokedex.

"Huh." Jord uttered, staring at the pokeball in his hand, only for it to suddenly blow bright and be teleported away, "…Oh yeah I have a full party."

'And there she goes.' Hilda sighed internally, before shaking her head. No point getting down in the dumps right now, she still had things to take care of!

She walked around the machine and surprised Jord by grabbing his arm again, "C'mon, I have something else I want to speak to you about." she told him.

"Wait, wait I need to grab my phone!" Jord sputtered in surprise, "Jeez, you're so demanding today Hilda, what's got your panties in a twist?" he asked as he grabbed his phone.

"I'm wearing a thong." she deadpanned at him.

Jord immediately held his arm out to her, "You had me at thong." the younger teen replied with a grin.

She rolled her eyes and grabbed his offered arm and brought him along with her. She supposed he would be happy to know their next destination was their room.

"So, is this where you have your wicked way with me?" Jord wiggled his eyebrows as he sat down on the bed closest to the door, bouncing on the mattress. He suddenly grinned and hugged his arms over his chest and hid his face away from her shyly, "Yamate Kudasai Hilda-sama!"

Hilda stared at him blankly, 'Isn't that the whole language Kanto used to speak before everyone switched to the global one?' she wondered blankly.

Where the hell did a literal street rat orphan learn how to speak it, or even know if it? It was a dead language at this point, nobody really used it and was more brought up in history classes back home than anything else.

It showed her, that despite how much she'd learned of this kid in the last few weeks they'd been together, there were still many hidden depths to him.

In a way, it kind of made her happy, and relieved. Knowing there was even more to him, it meant she could be more reassured in that he would be fine without her looking over his shoulder or something to stop him from trying to pick a fist fight with a Rhyperior that bumped into him by mistake or something.

She wouldn't put it passed him, on the way here to Vermillion a Primeape jumping through the trees spilled some berry juice on him and he tried to chase it down and kick its ass…himself…without any of his pokemon before she calmed him down.

"You always have to run your mouth huh?" she snorted.

"What can I say, it's a gift, and one that I have to share with the world," he turned around and grinned at her, "Since I'm so generous and all."

Despite herself, Hilda couldn't help but chuckle, he was a little shit, there was no doubt about it, but he was a funny little shit.

When her amusement cleared, she sighed and sat down beside him, "I'm parting ways with you tomorrow," she said upfront, he was the type to prefer no beating around the bush after all, "I'm heading back home to Unova for a bit."

Jord's eyebrow rose, "Well that sucks," he clicked his tongue, "Did something bad happen?" he asked, sobering his attitude and placing a hand on shoulder comfortingly.

"No, nothing too bad," she lied, "Just some family issues I need to take care of."

"Ah, okay," he nodded, "Do yo need a hand? Can't say I'll be much emotional support, but I can work as muscle if you need it."

"Nah, it's okay." Hilda shook her head and denied, even as gratitude filled her for the offer. She really would rather have him come with her, she'd feel much safer with him around, his rough and tough way of things would be incredibly reliable with what she was going to be dealing with.

But, she couldn't. He was still so young and he was in the middle of his journey right now to secure a good life for himself, she couldn't drag him away from something so important for him and his future prospects, just for her family issues.

Jord eyed her suspiciously for a moment before shrugging, "Well, I'm only a phone call away if you need me, and now that Pidgeotto has evolved, I'll be able to get there quick between him and Fearow if you do." he mused.

"…I'll keep that in mind, thanks." she smiled warmly at him.

For a few moments, they just sat in a comfortable silence, before Jord suddenly groaned and fell onto his back on the bed, "This sucks, I was hoping to get you into a skimpy bikini on the St. Anne soon!"

Hilda sighed and shook her head, same old, same old, "Does your thoughts revolve only around seeing me naked?" she snorted, amused.

"Nope, just fifty percent of them, and not just seeing you naked." he refuted almost instantly.

"You're such a horny little brat," she rolled her eyes, "Well, if you're wanting me that badly..."

She slumped down onto her back herself, bouncing lightly on the mattress and turned to face Jord on her side, and then before he could no doubt come up with some other smart mouthed comment, she leaned forward and pressed her lips against his.

Jord's eyes went wide with shock, and Hilda felt herself relish in it for a bit. Before he could recover from being stunned, she took the chance to take the lead and slipped her tongue out between her lips to prod at his own, seeking entrance.

On instinct, he did just that, but then it was time for Hilda's eyes to going wide and moan in surprise when his tongue shot out and caught up her own and pushed into her mouth.

He sure wasn't shocked still for long, huh? He just barrelled his way into everything like a speeding Tauros, she supposed, rampaging over everyone and everything in his way.

As his tongue intertwined with her own and he deepened the kiss between them, Hilda had to give him credit, he did know what he was doing, when it came to kissing at least.

She sunk into the kiss herself, eyes closing as she embraced the moment and reached over to wrap her arms around his neck, one hand running through his short, spiky hair.

She felt his hands wrap around her waist, just like earlier and let him pull her over into him, pressing her chest against his, her nose brushing against his own.

Then she couldn't help but chuckle when predictably, his hands trailed down from her waist, to take two great big handfuls of her back side and squeeze.

"Mph!" her eyes widened and a surprised squeal left her mouth when his grasp on her ass cheeks tightened and she found herself bodily lifted up as he bounced his way over to the head board and sat up against it, carrying her all the way despite the awkward placement of their bodies.

Despite his age, he sure was ludicrously strong, huh? It made her belly tingle.

She pulled back from him a moment later, cheeks flushed and panting deeply and leaned her forehead against his own, staring straight into his eyes.

A wide grin had spread across his face as they separated and his bright blue eyes were glinting excitedly.

"Couldn't keep your hands off my ass huh?" she teased, taking note of their positioning, her straddling him, breasts squishing up against his chest, and his hands full with her rear end.

"It's an amazing ass," he retorted, giving it a teasing squeeze and nudging her nose with his, "So what brought this on?" the younger boy asked.

She could have answered with a lot of things. She was scared, having to go get involved with a criminal gang and wanted to feel safe. She wanted him to remember her fondly. She wanted to see if he was actually just all talk or not with all the bragging he did.

Honestly, even she didn't know fully.

"Why not?" Hilda settled on answering with, giving him a vague smile, and then unwrapped her arms from around his neck and leaned back, reaching down to grasp her white strappy top and then bodily pulled it up over her head alongside her vest and tossing it aside, baring her bare breasts to the younger boy.

"…Good enough for me." Jord nodded idly, his eyes feasting on her tits and she actually felt a bit proud at how almost awed he looked at them. She didn't have some monstrous pair of knockers, but her breasts were pretty damn large, that was for sure, 34DD and all that. They were honestly a pain most of the time, but they came in handy in moments like this.

"I'll bet." Hilda grinned coyly, and shivered as he released the grip on her ass with one of his hands and gently trailed it almost teasingly up her bare side before cupping her breasts, filling his palm with it and giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Man, you really are the whole package aren't you?" Jord snorted, then leaned forward, while holding her breast up to take her pink nipple into his mouth and swirl his tongue around it gently.

A small shuddering breath left her as her spine tingled once more from his actions, "Sure am," she preened proudly, pressing her chest forward and making sure he got a good up close view of her tits, "Wonder if you can handle a package like this?"

Jord pulled back from her nipple and smirked, not letting go of her breast with his hand holding it up, "Trust me, I can handle it, I'll just need to be careful not to be too rough and break it now." he fired back.

And then, before she could retort, adjusted his grip on her breast and pinched her nipple - now hardened into a nub from his suckling - between his index finger and gave her a small little tug, at the same time he squeezed her ass roughly.

"Mmm!" a sharp breathy squeal left her mouth, that was quickly smothered as his lips captured her own in a deep kiss once more.

She idly wondered who the heck he had practiced with to learn what he was doing, stimulating her from all sides basically, but that thought was replaced by a giggling moan as he pulled his mouth from hers and slid his lips down to her neck and started sucking on her pulse spot.

"Trying to mark me huh?" Hilda couldn't smother the giggle that leaked from her lips, wrapping her arms around his neck and head and pulled him into the depths of her cleavage, urging him on, before her arms ran over his broad shoulders and back, trailing her nails over his body and just feeling him.

When he pulled back a minute or so, she could already feel that part of her neck throbbing lightly, no doubt soon a love bite would form, "What can I say baby, I'm the type of criminal that likes to leave his signature behind." he laughed in amusement.

"That right?" Hilda raised an eyebrow at him, before reaching down to grasp his shirt and pulling it up over his head and baring his bare torso to her, she gulped when saw rigid, sculped abs staring back at her. It was incredible how this kid was built like he was, he really had no right to look like he had muscles carved from marble.

She licked her lips, before throwing her arms around his neck and pressing her lips against his pulse point, making sure to press her large, naked breasts into his own bare chest as she did so, making him feel the hardness of her nipples scraping against him.

One good turn deserved another and all that.

Jord laughed and happily accepted her 'mark', his free hand returning to her ass alongside the first and happily squeezing and fondling her rump to his desire.

She only pulled back when Jord got a bit impatient and stood up fully, the shorter boy carrying her full weight and holding her up by her ass, but only for a moment, before she attached her lips to his neck again, making sure her love bite stuck as he walked around to the end of the bed.

"Competitive, aren't you?" he chuckled in her eat hotly as she made to wrap her long, toned legs around his midsection, but he pulled her back before she could and deposited her on her feet.

Not that she got that chance to do anything anyway, because he quickly forced her to bend over the bed, "Man, look at this ass!" he gave her a light spank, before grasping her short denim shorts and slipping the button free, before yanking them down to her ankles roughly, leaving her entirely bare beyond her hat and the black thong she was wearing.

"Well, you've had your eyes on it since you first saw me," Hilda looked over her shoulder and grinned cattishly, "How's it feel to get a view like this now?" she teased and began wiggling her hips, making her ass cheeks jiggle.

"I feel like a king!" he laughed in response, before delivering another sharp little spank to her ass that had her jumping in place.

"You really are such a rough little horny brat." Hilda breathed deeply, feeling the wetness that had been building up between her thighs flow ever greater.

"I don't see you complaining," Jord jutted his chin out challengingly at her, his two fingers pressing into her core over her thong and pushing into her womanhood, causing her to moan. He pulled back only a second later and held his fingers up, displaying a clear wet sheen, "In fact, you seem to like it."

"And water's wet!" she huffed back.

"Just like you then!" he laughed, "But enough of this, I can't hold back anymore, like you said, you've been waving that ass in my face since we first met, now I'm gonna give it the pounding it deserves!" he roughly grasped her thong by one side and yanked it to the side, baring her dripping womanhood to the boy.

"Huh, shaved?" he blinked when he got a close look.

"Lasered," she corrected, "So nothing could be seen for any photo's I took before in swimsuits."

"Nice," Jord nodded approvingly, "I'll put my tongue to good use on this for you later, but right now, I'm going to fuck you cross eyed Hilda." he promised, and then grasped his own bottoms and yanked them down, letting his bare manhood swing free and slam into his abs with an audibly smack.

Hilda's eyes widened lightly, "Well…guess there's a reason why you were so cocky." she joked. He was definitely big, way bigger than someone his age should normally be and much thicker too, a decent bit bigger and thicker than the largest she'd been with before.

…And this was him at such a young age. He was going to be packing a monster when he reached full maturity.

"I did tell you I had a big cock." He pointed out, quite proudly as he grasped his cock at the base, giving himself a quick stroke, and lined himself up behind her, grasping her hip to keep her steady with his other hand.

"…I just thought you were being a cocky little shit." she shot back, even as her hips twitched eagerly.

"I was, just not little." Jord wiggled his eyebrows at her and then eased himself forward and into her.

"Oh!" a moan left Hilda's throat as his thick length spread her inner walls farther than any man she'd been with had managed and filled her up to the brim, it felt like he was pretty much knocking on her womb as he bottomed out.

She felt so full!

"Shit, you're tight, and so warm and wet! This might be the best pussy I've ever had, feels like fucking velvet man!" Jord cussed, his other hand going to her hip to grip it tightly like the first now that it was off of his dick.

A lot of things came to mind. Like, what bitch took his virginity when it clearly wasn't legal, he was too sure of himself right now for him not to have plenty experience and he'd only been a trainer less than two months. The other, was the vague thought to stop him and get some protection…but, she could deal with that later.

And then those thoughts left her mind completely as he eased himself out to just the tip, before thrusting forward and her pussy spasmed, "Fuck you're big!" she moaned, it felt like he just fucked the freaking air from her lungs with that one single thrust.

She looked into his eyes over her shoulder, gaze smoky and found him staring right back at her, "You ready for the fucking of your life?" he threatened, baring his teeth at her.

"Big words to go with the big cock, huh?" Hilda sniffed tauntingly, before baring her own teeth back at him, "Bring it on bra--AH!" before she could finish, he gave her another powerful thrust that forced another instinctive squeal out of her, and then moments later, the sound of her ass cheeks clapping and slapping against his abs reverberated throughout the room as he made good on his promise to fuck her silly after she adjusted to his size.

The sound of her ass cheeks clapping and her voice squealing and moaning blotted out all other sound in that room for a good long while that night.

Pidgeot - Male - Keen Eye
Gust, Sand Attack, Quick Attack, Peck, Wing Attack, Steel Wing, Rain Dance, Roost, Double Team, Agility

Fearow - Male - Sniper
Peck, Astonish, Razor Wind, Double Team, Steel Wing, Rain Dance, Throat Chop, Roost, Toxic, Protect, Hyper Beam

Poliwrath - Male - Swift Swim
Water Gun, Hypnosis, Mega Punch, Rain Dance, Psychic

Raticate - Male - Guts
Quick Attack, Focus Energy, Bite, Hyper Fang, Mimic, Iron Tail, Rain Dance, Water Gun, Jump Kick

Chansey - Female - Healer
Heal Pulse, Aromatherapy, Gravity, Sing, Pound

Beedrill - Male - Sniper
Poison Sting, String Shot, Harden, Twineedle, Agility, Toxic Spikes, Mega Drain

Victreebel - Male - Chlorophyll
Vine Whip, Razor Leaf, Sleep Powder, Slam, Stun spore, Poison Powder

Bellossom - Female - Chlorophyll
Poison Powder, Stun Spore, Sunny Day, Sweet Scent, Razor Leaf, Leech Seed, Sleep Powder

Butterfree - Male - Tinted Lens
Tackle, String Shot, Harden, Stun Spore, Headbutt, Electroweb, Sharpen, Rollout, Confusion, Gust, Supersonic, Poison Powder, Sleep Powder, Teleport

Milotic - Female - Marvel Scale
Splash, Tackle, Dragon Breath, Hypnosis, Water Pulse, Disarming Voice, Life Dew, Recover, Aqua Ring, Iron Tail, Surf, Ice Beam

Shiftry - Male - Chlorophyll
Hurricane, Extrasensory, Dark Pulse, Mega Kick, Razor Leaf, Leaf blade, Bide, Nature Power, Sunny Day, Solarbeam

Zubat - Male - Infiltrator
Mega Drain, Wing Attack, Supersonic, Leech Life, Hypnosis, Venoshock, Poison Fang, Haze, Steel Wing, Shadow Ball

Clefable - Female - Magic Guard
Pound, Sing, Gravity, Life Dew, Psychic, Metronome, Thunderbolt

Golem - Male - Sturdy
Tackle, Rollout, Sand-Attack, Defense Curl, Mud Sport, Stealth Rock, Explosion, Rock Throw, Flamethrower, Earthquake, Rock Polish

Charmeleon - Male - Blaze
Scratch, Growl, Ember, Flamethrower, Metal Claw, Mega Punch, Seismic Toss, Counter, Fire Spin, Dragon Dance, Dragon Rush, Blast Burn, Iron Tail, Quick Attack, Swords Dance

Persian - Male - Technician
Scratch, Growl, Slash, Fury Swipes, Bite, Fake Out, Power Gem, Taunt, Play Rough,

Meowth(x7) - Male - Pick Up
Scratch, Growl, Slash, Fury Swipes, Bite

Meowzie(Meowth) - Female - Pick Up
Scratch, Growl, Slash, Fury Swipes, Bite

Krabby - Male - Sheer Force
Water Gun, Iron Defence, Vicegrip, Stomp, Guillotine, Metal Claw, Mud Shot

Raboot - Male - Libero
Ember, Quick Attack, Double Kick, Headbutt

Snivy - Female - Overgrow
Vine Whip, Attract, Leaf Storm, Leaf Blade


Jord Trainer Card

Name: Jord Odhar
Age: 13?
Town: Viridian City
₱: 2,806,187
Pokemon Owned: 27
Badges: 2
Ribbons: 0
Carry Limit: 12
Pokemon On Hand: Pidgeot, Fearow, Chansey, Victreebel, Bellossom, Milotic, Butterfree, Shiftry, Golem, Zubat, Clefable, Charmeleon
Pokemon at Viridian: Poliwrath, Raticate, Beedrill, Meowth (x7), Meowzie, Persian, Krabby, Raboot, Snivy



Great chapter by the way. Love your writing style


Thanks for the chapter