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Making his way through the halls and through the throngs of students on their way towards the Great Hall, Faeran made his way towards the dungeons.

As he did, those bearing the colours of red, blue and yellow on their uniforms began to drastically lower until it was mostly only those in green and silver trimmed uniforms and robes that loitered around the halls.
The Slytherin dormitory was in the dungeons after all.

He attracted quite a few eyes, especially from the upper year Slytherins who were eying him. Quite a few he remembered as having tried to corner him before in the past month. Before, Faeran would have ducked his head and hastily made a bid to quickly reach his destination.

Now, he jutted his chin out proudly and dared any of them to approach him. Before, when it came to physical confrontations, he was a complete novice that had barely been in any proper fights before.

Now, he was half a teenager who grew up scrapping his way to his teenage years with a cocky gait in his step. His counterpart had been in so many fights over the years growing up to the same age as he, that he had actually lost count long ago.

And with the experience of having knives pulled on him multiple times and being jumped by full on gangs of thugs, Faeran found himself not fearing any of these foolish twats trying to pressure him into joining their 'cause'.

Not long later he reached the staircase leading down to where the potion classes were, a long spiralling thing that went way down over a hundred feet and made his way down it.

As he neared the bottom though, he heard voices. Multiple of them, but two male voices stood out amongst the rest, louder and more audible and dripping with mocking derision.

"-I d think you'd be happy with the lenience being shown to you Bones," one of the voices pointed out, "It's not everyday the Dark Lord lets a blood traitor like you live. Course, he wasn't all that forgiving with that stupid aunt of yours now was he?"

Faeran frowned, the voice was familiar. And, there was only one Bones in the school. Susan Bones, heiress to the Bones family and niece of the former Head Auror and possible Minister of Magic Amelia Bones who was murdered over the Summer.

"Shame that, she was quite the looker," another male voice snorted, before adopting a flirtatious tone, "Least you're still around eh Bones? And you definitely take after her quite nicely if I do say so myself."

What a creepy bastard.

There was silence. Susan didn't respond to their words.

Before, this would have been a good time to turn around about and leave. Whoever these fuckers were, they were definitely Death Eater's in training at the very least.

Now though, he outright scoffed inwardly at the thought of turning tail from losers like this, so he continued on.

He reached the bottom of the stairs and the first thing he saw was an older girl with long golden blonde hair sitting on the steps, clad in a slytherin robe open at the front. At the sound of his footsteps she turned around to look at him.

Bright green eyes stared at him boredly, plump lips held in an impassive frown. Purple eye shadow highlights the brightness of her eyes, while silver snake earrings hung from her dainty earlobes.

Faeran had to stop himself from stopping and staring, her school shirt had the top few buttons undone allowing a deep well of bodacious cleavage from a pair of large, round breasts to sit clear in view.

Daphne Greengrass met his eyes for a moment, before shifting to the side to let him by and turning away from him, completely dismissing him of having any importance.

Damn, Harry really had some grade A lookers in his year man.

But Faeran put that out of mind and continued down, stepping past her through the space she left and finally saw who was causing the commotion he heard.

It was two boys from the same year who he recognised on sight. A tall, thin dark skinned boy with short cropped hair, while the other was a scrawny weasel faced boy with messy brown hair.

Blaise Zabini and Theodorre Nott. Two very outspoken staunch blood purists that were very much part of Draco Malfoy's 'posse'.

Zabini had his arm wrapped around the shoulder of another older girl with long lovely orange tresses and dark brown, almost orange looking eyes. Susan Bones. Though, he only recognised her from her face. She was a bit taller than he remembered, though not by much, but she'd changed a great deal in one way.

Susan Bones had always been a bit 'pudgy'. Though it didn't detract from her looks, especially with how large her breasts had been, one couldn't deny she had some meat to her bones.

He was quite well aware of how she looked, seeing as she starred in quite a few of his fantasies last year when they were both part of the DA.

Not now though. She'd lost a great deal of weight since he last saw her when Harry was teaching them both, and she had great big bags under her eyes as if she hadn't been sleeping well at all.

She was looking at the ground, lips pressed tightly together and clutching her books to her curvaceous chest that seemed to have grown even bigger over the summer tightly. Three sets of eyes went to him as soon as he reached the bottom.

"Well well well, if it isn't little Shafiq," Nott sneered at him, pushing up off the wall he was leaning against, "Finally come out of that hole you were hiding in have you?"

As the weasel faced slytherin swaggered his way over to Faeran trying to look intimidating Zabini looked at him from where he was holding Susan around the shoulders, "Good timing runt, we were just getting in to telling Bones here how the smart thing of her to do is declare for the Dark L-"

Zabini was cut off. But not by anyone speaking. Rather, he was cut off by Faeran stepping forward and lashing out with a haymaker that caught Nott right in the jaw. the weasel faced sixth year squealed sharply and hit the ground, clutching at his face.

Zabini fell silent and went wide eyed and even Greengrass's eyes went wide, "Who the fuck do you think you're talking to ya' fuckin' wee pansy!" Faeran's voice took on a thick Scottish brogue and instead of allowing Nott to reply he lashed out with a kick that caught him in the stomach drawing another squeal from him. And then again, and again and again.

Within moments Faeran had laid five kicks right into the stomach of the dropped teenager and left him clutching both his face and stomach was he cried great big snotty tears

"W-what are you doing you crazy fuck!" Zabini's shout stopped him from continuing to kick Nott and Faeran looked over to him to see the dark haired boy staring at him wide eyed, wand held at the ready in his grip, his hands shaking.

Fucking pussy didn't even have the guts to fire off a spell at him after seeing him take down his 'friend'. The trademark of a coward that could only talk big warts and act the part, all bark and no bite. As soon as someone with actual balls stepped up he trembled like a little bitch.

"I'm putting this faggot in his place," Faeran sneered right back, "Who the fuck do you think you idiots are throwing around the Dark Lord's name around a fucking school? Do you think he fucking cares?" he demanded and then let loose another kick into Nott's stomach.

Zabini trembled, "W-we all know he's back, and t-there's no way Potter and Dumbledore can stop him," the dark skinned boy responded, "It's either join him or die Shafiq, attacking us is like going against him!"

"Is it fuck!" Faeran laughed, "Like I said, you think he cares about a school boy beating up two other school boys for throwing his name around? Say you are right, either way, I'm pretty sure he'd rather have me than you two clowns."

Zabini gaped at him, and Faeran took the chance to bring up his wand and lash out at the dark skinned boy, "Stupefy!" Faeran shouted, and a bright red bolt of red magic shot from the tip of his wand.

The bolt of red magic slammed into the dark skinned boys chest before he could react and lifted him up bodily off of his feet and carried him a good ten feet back where he slammed into the ground unconscious.

Faeran blinked and his mouth fell low, '...That was stronger than I remember.' he thought. And now that he thought about it, he'd used quite a few spells in the last little while and he barely felt the drain on his magic at all.

His magic power, had grown stronger somehow? 'Is it because of me getting that other Faeran's memories?' he wondered for a moment, before putting it out of mind.

He had other priorities to deal with right now. Susan was still silent and when he looked at her, he noted the orange haired girl was just staring at his handiwork wide eyed.

So, Faeran turned to the beautiful blonde sitting on the steps, "What about you Greengrass, want to try your luck?" he asked, baring his teeth at her, "Just a warning though, I don't mind hitting a girl no matter how pretty."

Daphne stared at the whimpering crying form of Theodore Nott and then looked to the unconscious form of the dark skinned Zabini, "No, I think I'm quite good here," the blonde snorted, "I told them not to bother Bones, I figured she'd end up telling Potter and come thrash them, but the result is still the same. The flimsy Shield charm I can cast wouldn't hold up at all to that stunning spell of yours, I know when to pick and choose my battles."

Well, she was right in assuming Harry would be able to thrash them. He'd duelled Harry last year and hadn't lasted ten seconds. Not many from the DA could last that long in fact. The sheer speed of his spells, and the sheer power behind them coupled with his insane reflexes made Harry an utter monster with a wand in hand.

"It's not that impressive, Susan should have been able to deal with these two herself easily," Faeran replied, she was one of the top students in the DA last year after all. He cast a glance back to look at her as he said so and she met his gaze for a moment before looking away. The hell was up with her? Putting it out of mind for the moment he looked back at Daphne, "Still, why the hell are you even here if you didn't agree with the two morons? Hell, you haven't even drawn your wand." as he said so, his eyes dipped to her long, lovely legs that were crossed one over the other, specifically to mid-way up her thigh where he could see a green garter that held her wand, the tip of it squishing against the fullness of said thigh almost erotically.

It made him want to feel how those full thighs would feel in his hands.

"Stupid as they are, they're not wrong," Daphne shrugged, "They've got ties to the Dark Lord, or at least his Death Eaters." she caught his eyes and the blonde jutted her chin at the whimpering form of Nott.

Ah, right. Wasn't his father a Death Eater or something? There was definitely a Nott that turned up at the graveyard when Voldemort was reborn.

"My family is neutral in all this," the blonde continued on, "But if pushed, we'll choose the side that looks to be winning, and right now, that seems to be the Dark Lord."

"Smart of you." Faeran nodded. After all, if it meant saving his life he'd most likely join Voldemort as well if it came down to it.

"Not so smart of you though," Daphne snorted, "This will definitely get back to them in some way, and as the heir of one of the Sacred Twenty Eight, you have a lot of eyes on you."

"And like I said, I doubt he'll care." Faeran shrugged, though he was quite thankful for her confirmation of his thoughts.

"Maybe, but is it worth the risk?" Daphne pointed out, before standing up and dusting off her skirt, "Still, you're quite interesting aren't you Shafiq?" the blonde asked, walking over to him.

"..In what way?" Faeran raised an eyebrow at her.

"You're way bolder than I thought you'd be, and the casual way you tossed out that stunning spell, I'm impressed, for your age you're quite powerful," the blonde mused, "I think I'll keep an eye on you." Daphne winked at him, before walking passed him and slipping her wand into her skirt to pull out her wand.

With a few muttered words, both Zabini and Nott were levitated into the air and she walked off into the dungeons with them floating behind her.

Now that was just weird. He basically kicked the shit out of two her friends and that made her think he was interesting?

Faeran sighed and shook his head, turning his attention back to his red haired acquaintance who had been completely silent all this time.


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