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When they broke off their second kiss, Mikoto's face was practically steaming with heat, but any embarrassment was lost to her when her new spiky haired boyfriend started chuckling.

"What's so funny?" She asked, brows furrowing.

In response, he gestured to her body, "Just us, we're doing things really out of order," Touma grinned at her, deep blue eyes flashing in amusement, despite how amused he sounded though, his cheeks were still quite red themselves, "Pretty sure the girl in the boyfriends clothes is supposed to come quite a bit after becoming a couple and sharing the first kiss." he wasn't going to lie about how much he liked seeing her in his clothing though.


Mikoto blinked and looked down at herself. 'Yeah, this is totally something you see in movies the morning after...' she swallowed heavily and felt her face somehow burn even hotter. But, oddly, the embarrassment she felt, wasn't quite the same as before.

It didn't make her feel the need to reach for excuses or recoil away and hide under her covers. It was like, she was liberated from that problem now that she didn't have to worry about him rejecting her.

She narrowed her eyes at him. "You perv," Mikoto accused, feeling her lips pull up, "I thought you were into big sister types?" she raised an eyebrow at him.

"Of course I am!" He puffed his chest out proudly, "And who's better to fit that type than the girl with twenty thousand little sisters?" he pointed out unashamedly.

She never got the chance to feel any pride herself in that. Her legs suddenly felt weak as she really thought about that fact. Twenty thousand little sisters. They weren't dead here.

"Oi, Mikoto you alright?" she felt a gentle hand on her cheek and she snapped out of her daze. And promptly found herself looking up at Touma, and she realised then she had sat down without realising it.

She shook her head, "I'm fine, I was just you know taking in the fact they're all alive here," Mikoto smiled up at him, and found herself unconsciously leaning into his hand, "I'm happy, I've no idea how you dragged me back here with you, but I'm so grateful you don't even know. I got you all to myself and my sisters are all alive again, I don't think I could ask for anything more."

She fell silent then, and Touma didn't speak up, just letting her enjoy the comforting feel of his hand.

Of course, Touma couldn't resist teasing her for long, "I see, I see," he nodded sagely, making her raise her eyebrow at him again, "So getting this Kamijou-san all to yourself ranks as highly as all your sisters alive and happy huh? Wow, what a bold confession, I'm feeling all tingly inside."

She opened her mouth to retort on instinct, before a memory surfaced in her head. Back at the end of the daihasei, he'd pulled this exact same thing when they were dancing around the bonfire, "Yeah, so what?" she jutted her chin out defiantly, "The only one who didn't realise how much you mean to me was you yourself dumbass, if you weren't so caught up in styling your stupid hero hair we could have started this a long time ago."

Touma swallowed heavily at the blunt confession. Mikoto sure was super bold! It totally didn't fit her tsundere image, she had went full on dere! It was a super cute look for her.

And it did terrible things to his heart.

"I'll have you know I only spend a minute at most on styling my hair!" he coughed to hide his own embarrassment, and how touched he was by her words. Besides, he had a very amazing gel that he used for his hair, it could keep his hair up and spiky for days on end! "As for how we got here, do you remember back at the daihasei when you went all alien thunder monster?" he changed the subject.

"I don't like that name, but...yes?" Mikoto nodded.

"So, funny story, you remember how I helped you then and my dragons kinda ate the power around you?" Touma asked, making her nod again.

"Hard not to, it was the first time I saw that crazy overpowered ability of yours." Mikoto shook her head, recalling them. Calling them absurd was underselling them even. Just a single one of them, not even close to full power apparently was stronger than her, the third ranked level five.

Actually, now that she thought about it. It kind of annoyed her some other girl had part of him as her strength. It made her want to go kick Kimi's ass, again.

"Well, that's how you got dragged back with me," he pointed out, "I've apparently been connected to you ever since then after my dragons ate your power, and as far as I can tell, it's still with me even now." he explained.

"Huh," Mikoto blinked. And then, before she realised it, a massive grin spread across her face, "So a part of me is always with you then, that's kinda romantic...isn't it?" and that meant part of her power was inside him making him stronger, always backing him up. Yeah, there was no way Shokuhou or any other girl could measure up to her connection to him now.

Beyond that stupid Othinus at least. But she didn't count. And Mikoto's connection to him was a much more tangible thing with this.

"Yeah...it kinda is, isn't it?" her smile was infectious and Touma found himself grinning back at her, sitting down beside her.

"So what do you want to do now then?" her boyfriend asked, turning to look at her, "I mean, I'm all for us sitting around my dorm, but you were all gung ho about getting my power tested."

At his words, Mikoto cast a glance out his room window. The curtains were pulled back, keeping the room pleasantly dark and cozy beyond the lights in his room, but she could still make out the outside through a gap between them and could see and hear the rain still pouring down.

They were probably going to be here all day, assuming the rain stopped at all today. A thought came to mind. She always loved going to sleep during rainstorms, the pitter patter of rain always lulled her to sleep.

Mikoto swallowed and gathered her courage, and then she turned and crawled up his bed to the top where the pillows sat and sat down, "...You said you'd like to sleep..right?" she gave him a shaky smile and pat the bed.

His eyes widened in realisation, "You wanna cu-cuddle?" the spiky haired boy coughed.

"You don't want to?" she bit her lip.

"I didn't say that," he denied immediately, "Besides, I never got to take you up on the offer for a lap pillow last time when I helped you win that Gekota lunchbox and almost made myself sick eating those huge burgers for you."

....Gekota! She forgot, now that she was back in the past, her collection of Gekota would have dwindled as well. 'How horrible!' her eyes widened in horror.

"Mikoto, what's wrong?" Touma asked, very worried by the sudden turn in expression.

She coughed herself and shook her head, "Nothing, nothing, just remembered how much time I'd need to spend on something again now that we're in the past." the tea haired electromaster waved off his concern. As horrible as losing her Gekota was, she could always get them all again! And at least this time she knew where to find them all!

So Mikoto put the thoughts of the lovely frog out of her mind and grinned at him, "So you like getting lap pillows from me huh?" she teased.

"What guy wouldn't from a girl as cute as you?" Touma shot back.

'He called me cute again.' it took quite a bit of willpower not to grin massively at him, "Well, if you like them so much, I'll give you them whenever you want," she promised, then grasped his bed cover and pulled it back, quite boldly in her opinion and slipped into his bed, again very super boldly and lay down, patting the position next to her, his bed wasn't the biggest, but it could comfortably fit the both of them especially with what they were going to be doing, "Now c'mon, you're the one that wanted to sleep right?" Mikoto challenged.

Touma stared at her for a moment. Things were moving so fast. It was just a few hours ago he was fighting his evil doppleganger, but here he was now, a year in the past, and with a girlfriend, he'd already had his first kiss and that passed by without him even realising how big a flag he had triggered!

And now, not even fifteen minutes after Mikoto confessed to him and they started going out, here she was inviting him into his own bed, wearing his clothes to...cuddle!

Frankly, Touma wasn't sure if he should crow to the sky in celebration or test his right hand to see if it was faulty, because surely he couldn't be experience this kind of luck, right?

He moved on instinct, bouncing on the bed to move across, prompting Mikoto to laugh. He wasn't used to his own bed though, even with his memories back and bounced directly on a spring a bit harder than he intended and found himself overshooting.

His face smashed into the wall over the pillows and he groaned as his face flared with pain, "Are...are you okay?" Mikoto asked.

"..M'fine.." he groaned, slipping down the wall to land face first into his pillow.

"Good, then I won't feel bad about this." the tea haired girl nodded before erupting into laughter, "That was hilarious, how did you even do that?"

"Such misfortune," he groaned into his pillow, then slowly rolled onto his side and pouted at the laughing girl, "Shouldn't a loving girlfriend rush to make sure I'm okay and kiss it better?"

"Don't be such a baby, I've seen you shake off much worse than that without even grunting," Mikoto rolled her eyes, before surprising him and herself, by leaning down to press a kiss against his forehead, "There, you h-happy?"

"Much." Touma nodded, a bit stunned she went through it. Man, today was just full of entirely new experiences for him. Was this what winning at life felt like? He was kinda liking it, he was not going to lie.

'Good job Imagine Breaker! Way to back me up aibou!' He mentally praised his right arm.

That would show that harem bastard Kamisato who's power was better. That stupid prick's abandoned him for a crazy busty scientist girl in a bikini, while Touma's set him up to get free smooches.

Imagine Breaker was clearly superior to World Rejector in every way.

Sure, she tricked it into thinking she was Kamisato, but that just meant World Rejector was stupid on top of being inferior to Imagine Breaker, not being able to tell that bland faced bastard apart from a busty bikini girl.

A stupid power for a stupid prick!

"Good!" Mikoto nodded, before practically throwing herself down beside him in the bed, head on the pillow and directly facing him and pulled the covers over them.

She stared into his eyes, and he stared back into hers, a bit of an awkward silence springing up between them.

Under the covers, she threaded her fingers together and fidgeted. 'What do I do now? how do I even..?' she wondered. She had no idea how to approach cuddling with him.

Thankfully, Touma decided to take charge this time and not leaving her floundering in shy embarrassment, despite how cute she looked, especially when not throwing lightning his way after getting embarrassed.

He turned over onto his back and gently reached over to pat her head and then gently lead her over by the grip on her head to place her cheek against his chest, "There, that'll do right?" he smiled down at her.

"Yeah..." Mikoto nodded against his chest, and was astounded by the firmness she felt against her cheek. So this was a boys chest? No, this was Touma, her boyfriends chest? She lifted her arm and wrapped it around him, "This'll definitely do." she whispered. The comforting firmness of his chest against her cheek the gentle hand atop her head-

She could totally get used to this.

Mikoto closed her eyes and snuggled into him. Things were moving so fast, but she was perfectly okay with that, and she was quite happy with this turn of events.


Hours later, when the rain finally let up, Mikoto found herself humming as she walked along the slickly wet streets on her way back towards the Tokiwadai Dorm, "Hmhmhmm hmhmhmm.." there was a wide, satisfied and entirely self accomplished smile on her face and a skip in her step.

Today had started awfully but had turned right around to being possible one of the best days of her life.

It was only five thirty in the afternoon, but already dusk was settling in. It was September after all, approaching winter and at this point, many of tokiwadai were already in their winter uniforms.

Granted, it was December for her this morning, but who cared about that?

The rain had dragged on for longer than she thought it would and her getting her idiot boyfriend tested by the staff of Tokiwadai would have to wait for another day now, but she didn't mind.

After all, Mikoto had spent the last good few hours cuddled up and sleeping with her boyfriend. It was something she had dreamed of in the past, and here it had finally come true.

Her smile turned into a smirk, a positively vulpine smirk. Her idiot had run off as she was leaving as well, to go check his bank account and such because he couldn't remember how much he had at the moment.

But she hade made sure to mark her territory in advance before he woke up. She'd woken up a half hour before him. And she marked her claim to that idiot right on his neck, and since his neck was always bare, well nobody could miss it.

Hopefully it would ward off the horde of starry eyed big boobed bimbo's always hovering around him.

Proudly smirking all the way, Mikoto reached her dorm building and stepped inside, and her smirk was wiped away instantly.

"And where have you been all day Misaka?" her terrifying monster of a dorm manager somehow glared at her through glasses reflecting the light from above and shining menacingly, "I thought I told you before, being a level five won't save you from my punishing you when you play hooky without giving us prior knowledge on why you won't be attending class." the monstrous woman raised one hand, her fingers curling into a claw shape and Mikoto winced as she heard the bones in her fingers pop audibly.


"I had a good reason!" Mikoto hurriedly said.

"Oh?" her dorm manager tilted her head to the side, but not in curiosity, no. She was just cracking her neck.

"I was meeting my boyfriend!" the tea haired girl blurted out on instinctual panic. She so did not want to get her neck snapped like Kuroko!

Her eyes widened a split moment later when she realised what she said.

Her Dorm Manager chuckled ominously, "So you skipped class again, and didn't let us know in advance, so you could...meet up and play house with your boyfriend, huh...!?" she advanced towards Mikoto.

One of her idiot boyfriends two catch phrases came to mind and perfectly described this situation, "...Such misfortune." she trembled before the wrath of the greatest monster of all.


While his powerful level five girlfriend was getting her neck snapped like a twig, the pointy haired Kamijou Touma was idly tapping in the security pin for his bank account and trying to avoid the odd stares he was getting.

On the way here, he'd punched out some punk trying to forcibly hit on a middle school girl, and she had been really nice. Only to suddenly stutter off an excuse after fully looking at him and beat a hasty retreat.

'Surely this Kamijou-san isn't that ugly? Mikoto is totally into me, I have to have some good look factor, right?' he wondered in dismay.

If it weren't for spending all day with Mikoto, his super cute new biri biri girlfriend, he might have just dropped to his knees and cried right then and there at such a harsh rejection.

And even now, at the ATM a bunch of girls in their school uniforms, from a school he didn't recognise were giving him odd looks and giggling at him.

'So not only am I ugly, but I'm funny looking as well!?' he resisted the urge to cup his cheeks and die on the spot.

And on top of all that, his neck was throbbing annoyingly on the right side. 'Did that punk hit me with something and I didn't notice?' Touma wondered, before shaking his head and putting it out of mind as the contents of his bank account appeared on the ATM screen he was in front of.


Huh, it had been a while since he had seen his account have so much in it. He had actually forgotten what it was like to have a stable balance like this with Index eating him out of house and home.

There was only so much even the king of thrift Kamijou Touma-sama could do to cut expenses with that black hole of a fake holy glutton living with him.

'Thanks mom, dad.' Touma closed his eyes and thanked his parents mentally. If it weren't for them, there was no way he would have been able to survive on his meagre level zero monthly payment.

Level Zero's only got a hundred thousand yen a month after all. The equivalent of nine hundred dollars or so. His amazing, incredibly kind and thoughtful parents though made sure to have a payment of two hundred thousand yen added to his bank account every month at the same time his esper payment went in.

He was ever so grateful to his parents. Especially now that he actually remembered his childhood and all they did for him. He had such amazing parents, if he could be even half the parent they were one day if he had his own kid, he could be satisfied with a job well done.

'With how good I've got at saving money, I could actually splurge on myself for once!' Touma shook his head to disperse the heavy thoughts and cheered mentally.

He blinked, 'Wait, this will be small change if I end up a level five like Mikoto wants.' he mused.

God that would be weird. Even without Index, he wasn't exactly well off and still struggled sometimes. He wasn't sure how to feel about the possibility of not having to worry about that anymore.

It was something constantly on his mind with Index, that it felt almost like saying goodbye to a dear friend. 'Oh my god I'm so pathetic, am I seriously lamenting over the fact I won't have to worry about money anymore?' he groaned inwardly.

He seriously needed to get more and better friends if so. 'Hell I don't even have any guy friends besides Aogami that isn't a total asshole and involved in this magic and science side nonsense.'

...Actually, he only had three guy friends. Nya Nya spy bastard Tsuchimikado, Aogami and Hamazura.

Four if he counted Stiyl. But he didn't, cuz that asshole tried to torture him just the other day after all he did for him and his church! So freaking ungrateful!

And suddenly Touma was actually looking forward to when Index showed up with him and Kanzaki. He was going to have a lot of fun punching his face in again.

It would be cathartic even!

'Wait, does Accelerator count as a guy friend?' Touma cocked his head to the side and hummed. Sure, Accelerator was a guy, even if an edgy bishonen that could pass for a trap if he grew his hair longer, but were they friends?

Well he supposed it didn't matter right now, since that relationship was now lost to him, and friend wise he was down to just Tsuchimikado and Aogami.

At least he could still look forward to beating up Stiyl again. And in the mean time, Touma was going to look into getting some new guy friends.

'I wonder if Gunha would make a good buddy?' Touma mused as he hit the cancel button and retrieved his bank card from the ATM.

As the screen flashed black for a moment, Touma blinked and let out a sound of confusion, "Eh?"

Because, for a split moment as the screen light went out to transition into the next, he caught sight of his reflection in it, and on his neck, he found a bruise. A bruise that looked suspiciously like lips almost.

"Eeeeeh!?" Touma shouted in shock and gaped, "Did Mikoto give me a hickey!?"

How the hell- when did she even do that?!

He was seriously underestimating the boldness of his biri biri, huh? 

Turning away from the ATM and ignoring all the looks he was getting now for his sudden shout, Touma's hand drifted up to his neck to cup the bruise in his palm and he couldn't stop the huge smile that spread across his lips, "That is awesome." he cheered to himself and lifted his other hand to pump his fist into the air in celebration.



Awesome chapter! Hope you’re doing better bud. 🍪