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Despite Mikoto's sudden gung ho desire to make him a level five. A problem presented itself straight away. Two actually.

One, her clothes were not dry and if she put them on, she was going to end up with a chill and end up in bed all runny nosed and filled with a fever. And secondly, the cause of her clothes being wet was still going strong.

It was still down pouring outside with rain. So even if her clothes were dry, they'd just get soaked again, bringing them right back to problem, only with him included.

This younger body of his wasn't going to be quite as accustomed to the cold as he was used to after all.

Thus, a half an hour after Mikoto's grand declaration, here they found themselves, still stuck in his dorm room.

"Wooh!" Mikoto cheered with a laugh as she finished off the first boss of Last Fantasy Three, her character, a lightning user surprise surprise, levelling up in the process.

Touma rolled his eyes from where he sat behind her, face propped up on his arm as he leaned on his table.

She sure was taking this whole time travel thing well. That was good he supposed, but at the same time kind of absurd.

He was still having a bit of trouble wrapping his head around it himself, and he had dealt with far odder than mere time travel before.

....What was his life coming to when time travel could be referred to as 'mere' and have him be absolutely serious about it? 'Such misfortune.' he groaned inwardly.

He shook his head and put it out of mind. There was no point in dwelling about it, there wasn't much he could do right now. Not until Index showed up. Not unless he wanted to go pick a fight with either Coronzon or that old pervert Aleister.

But there was no way he was going after Coronzon right now. He knew how to beat her, but that was not an enemy he could fight lightly. He'd need to prepare for her, as much as it pained him to have to do so.

And he couldn't just go confront Aleister either. As much as he'd love to go give the pervert a whalloping upside the head, if he ran rampant over things early or revealed things to Aleister, who knew how Aiwass would react? Touma would like to believe Aiwass would still bring back Lilith, but he couldn't be sure with that otherworldly freaky angel thing.

And that was really only the options open to him right now to make any true changes.

Well he could confront Tsuchimikado, he and Aogami at least were still his friends, having went to the same middle school, but that probably wouldn't pan out all that well. knowing him, he'd try and put a bullet in his brain if he just came up to him and revealed what he knew.

That damn nyaa nyaa blonde spy bastard. 'You won't be gassing me out and tossing me in random places this time you damn bastard!' the spiky haired boy vowed.

Touma sighed. Why did life have to be so complicated. Maybe he should just do what Mikoto said and kick back and relax more or less for the next few months until they went to save the sisters? He could really do with the break, his life had been so hectic, the longest break of down time he'd had in the last six months was like three or four days at most.

Three months of down time, huh? That almost seemed more surreal than actually being a year in the past.

His eyes drifted to the middle school girl playing on his precious game console a few feet away, "Hey, are you sure you won't get into trouble with your teachers for skipping class?" he asked. He knew his teachers wouldn't really mind, he'd been skipping class already a ton at this point.

As Komoe-sensei liked to tease him, he had indeed been a delinquent who sometimes prowled the back streets of Academy City looking for fights to burn off steam and for a little bit of excitement.

He really could have done without finding out about that. His eyes flickered for a moment to the training weights at the side of the room beside his bed. He really used to a typical delinquent didn't he? Skipping class, picking fights, working out. Who did he think he was, some wannabe bancho?

"Hm?" Mikoto barely spared him a glance and continued playing, "Yeah, it'll be fine, I'm a level five remember? We get a lot of leeway with stuff like this, which again is why you should be hyped to be one, you're always complaining about your attendance record and getting held back."

She really was trying to sell it to him, huh? But, now that he thought about it, she wasn't wrong. It wasn't that long ago, just a few weeks ago, he ended up in Tokiwadai during that heat wave caused by that prick Kamisato and found a bunch of refined lady types in swim suits lugging around military weaponry, all for Mikoto, all procured by Tokiwadai for her.

At that point, Mikoto was only a fourteen year old girl. And they so readily let her have access to that kind of thing, because she was a level five. 'Hey, hey actually, if they let her away with that, wouldn't it be fine for me to get a motorcycle at fourteen then?' he wondered idly. That was, if he was a level five.

He wasn't really against becoming a level five. He was quite happy living a normal life. But, what was normal for him? Level five's weren't any better than anybody else, they just had a lot of benefits handed to them.

And while he wasn't really the most materialistic person out there, if he was a level five and got paid the insane amount they did, he wouldn't need to get money from his parents and drain their funds just to get by. And his parents were always worrying about him, if he was known as a powerful level five, wouldn't it ease their worries a bit? And not to mention, the extra funds would go along way to dealing with Index' nonsensical eating habits when she got back.

"Is that so?" Touma hummed lightly in response to the tea haired girls words, "Lucky you."

"Yup," she grinned and nodded without looking back, "Could be lucky you for once as well idiot." she teased, bouncing in place a bit as she played the game.

The motion drew his eyes to her shoulders, still quite bare due to how much his white top hung off of her. Slender, creamy skinned shoulders. Touma swallowed a bit, a year younger or not, and not having the kind of body he was usually into or not, it didn't change the fact that Mikoto was a very fit and active girl, and she was pretty cute to.

"How would I even go about it?" Touma asked, humouring her, "I don't think it'll go all that well if I walk into my school, bring it up with a teacher and ask to get tested." he didn't exactly go to a high tier middle school, Kashiizaka Middle School was pretty low tier and common, the highest level in the school was two, and there were only two of them out of the hundreds of students there. The vast majority of students were all level zero, like himself.

Mikoto paused the game and turned to look at him in surprise, "You're actually going to do it?" she stared at him in surprise, mouth agape before sobering, shaking her head and grinning, "Well it's pretty simple, we just go to my dorm, talk to my monster of a dorm supervisor and get a meeting with my principal, she should be able to get a test set up for you easy as pie and will definitely want to since the school would get a ton of prestige for recommending another level five."

"...That's it?" Touma arced a black eyebrow at her, surprised. He didn't think it would be so simple when another system scan wasn't due for months.

Mikoto snorted and crossed her arms, "Usually, there'd be a ton more hoops for you to jump through, but luckily for you, you have Tokiwadai's famous Railgun-sama backing your claim," she grinned wider, "Aren't you just the luckiest little duckling?"

"I'm never lucky," he deadpanned, "Something like this will totally blow up in my face. No doubt I'll trip and fall into a girls changing room while there and then get labelled the legendary level five pervert and get put straight to the wanted list by Judgement and Anti-skill."

Mikoto paused, mouth opening and closing for a moment as she lost her grin, then glared at him a bit, "Yeah, that's definitely not allowed and a distinct possibility with you," she denied the chance flatly, "I'll just have to keep a hold on you while there. And at the same time, you're not allowed anywhere near Shokuhou."

"...Who the heck is Shokuhou?" he asked back blankly. The name sounded familiar for some reason, but he couldn't recall anyone like that, that he knew.

Mikoto's brows furrowed before she sighed and shook her head again, "It doesn't master, she's not important, what is, is the fact that you'll be stuck to my side so I can make sure you don't get into trouble, even if I have to glue you to me with magnetism," the tea haired girl replied before pinning him with another glare, "Got it?"

He rolled his eyes, "Yeah, yeah," he waved her off, so bossy. But it did bring up the question, "Why are you so concerned with me and my living conditions?" he asked.

Her cheeks flushed red at his question and she averted her gaze from his own to look to the side, "Didn't I tell you to get a clue not long ago?" she said softly, eyes darting back to look at him, "Figure it out yourself. But let me say this, you're always busy saving and protecting everybody else and making sure they come back safe and sound. But who's protecting and looking out for you?"

He had denied her help that night. But that didn't stop her. She chased him to Russia during World War III, came along with him to Hawaii, backed him up against Othinus, laid him out to set him straight when he lost his way, gave him a boot up the ass when he hit rock bottom against Aleister and rushed all the way to Britain to help him.

No, surely not?

It didn't make sense. But, it did! He felt his own cheeks warming up at the thought. She was always trying to be near him, always chasing him down, always helping him out if he called to ask for help even at her own protests.

"Mikoto...you..?" Touma stared at her confused, mind running a mile a minute. The only logical conclusion, was that she cared for him, a lot. The desperation didn't make sense for any other factor.

But the real question here was, just how much, and in what way?

"How...and...why?" Touma gaped at the younger girl. It was almost too much and too hard for him to understand. The possibility that this girl liked him, actually liked him! The famous Tokiwadai Railgun, liked him!?


She really just went ahead and blurted it out! 'Oh god what am I doing?!' Mikoto panicked inwardly, suppressing the urge to cup her cheeks and to let her electricity surge up and outwards, the mood was way to cozy right here and now!

But...but, this was the perfect time! She'd finally gotten brought a bit to this huge blockhead and there was nobody here to get in her way. She had him all to herself for a few months and had the perfect chance to stake her claim here and now!

If she did and lad claim to him months in advance, nobody would be able to get in her way when things started up again, right!?

And at least for once, she wasn't the only one flustered between the pair of them. The idiot was red faced and gaping in shock at her.

Placing the control pad for the game console down, Mikoto forced herself to stand and balled her hands into fist, "...Do..do I really need to explain the obvious when it comes to the how and w-why?" she grit her teeth and powered through, no cowering out here, he already seemed to have caught on so there was no point holding back here despite how much she wished she could just call Kuroko and have her teleport her into the nearest volcano, "I-I just do, I like you, you idiot and I have for a while now!"

There, she said it, there was no going back now! Her only option was to power on straight ahead!

"...Huh.." The spiky hared boy stared at her blankly for a moment, blinking stupidly before rising up to his feet himself and shaking his head, a half smile forming on his face, "You know...that actually explains a lot."

"Yeah, I bet it does," she huffed, fingers spasming a bit with anxiety and jitters. She crossed her arms to hide her blatant nerves, "..So, what do you have to say about...you know?"

He just stared at her for a moment while her heart hammered in her chest a mile a minute, "Honestly, I'm really surprised, it's kind of crazy that a girl as great as you would like me." he laughed lightly, lifting his hand to ruffle the back of his hair.

Her heart somehow sped up even more. He thought she was great? And that laugh, it made her feel all tingly inside.

Swallowing all hesitation Mikoto stepped over the small table to stand right in front of him, yet only only coming up to just below his chin, meaning she had to look up at him, "G-get to the point," she stuttered, she just wanted an answer at this point, "W-what do you think of me as a...g-girlfriend..."

There, she said it outright. There really was no going back at this point. Their relationship was practically make it or break it at this point. This so was not what she was expecting to do today! But the mood was just to good to pass up!

He was silent for a moment and she looked down, fearing the worst. Only, a second later, she felt the gentle feel of his palm atop her head and he pulled her forward, pressing here face against his chest. Butterflies appeared and flip flopped around in her stomach and her limbs felt like jelly all of a sudden, "To be honest, it's not like I never thought about you like that, we spent a lot of time around one another and you're plenty cute." his voice, suddenly soft and gentle like it was earlier resounded in her ears.

He thought of her like that? And he thought she was cute? That was good right? Amazing even. Total score!

"I just never thought the kind of thing would come to pass, you know with how hectic my life is I never wanted to get anyone dragged in, especially people I care about like you," he continued, before chuckling lightly, the vibrations of his chest making the fabric of his top tickle her nose, "But you jumped wholly in didn't you? And I've dragged you literally a year in the past, so I can't hide behind that excuse at this point."

"..D-damn right you can't!" Mikoto snorted, reaching up to grasp onto his top with both hands, noting they were trembling a bit still. She really was terrified of getting the worst answer here, wasn't she?

She'd had both amazing dreams and horrible nightmares of this scenario for months. Now, it was time to face the music.

He chuckled again, "Yeah, you definitely won't let me hide away, huh?" Touma mused and suddenly one finger was under her chin and gently tipping her head up to look into his eyes, and she noted his cheeks were just as bright as she thought her own were. It was kind of a novel experience, she'd never seen him flustered like this, "As for how I feel about you? Honestly, it would be hard to put into words fully I think. But I do like you a lot, you're practically the boot up my ass that has kept me going these days, if it weren't for you, I'd probably never have got my feet under me again after Othinus and what Aleister revealed to me."

Mikoto forced herself not to dwell on those mentioned tow, lest she get angry about the crap they put him through. She only knew the bare basics of what they did to him and it was enough to make her want to shoot them to the moon with a series of railguns.

Instead, she she smothered a giggle of pure happiness at his words, "...I can live with being the boot up your ass that gets you going idiot." she grinned up at him, so wide it almost hurt.

And then she caught both him and herself by surprise. On instinct, she leaned up on her tiptoes and pressed her lips against his. It wasn't anything passionate or even lewd at all, just a simple peck of her lips against his and they both just stood there.

Until his hand slipped from her chin to wind down around her waist and keep her steady against his chest and the hand on her head slid down to cup her cheek.

They stayed in that position for a good twenty seconds, before Mikoto slowly lowered down from her tip toes, "I....want to be your girlfriend." she confessed.

He blinked stupidly for a moment before grinning down at her, "That's perfectly fine with me...my cute little biri biri." he accepted her desire and teased her.

She huffed, "Don't push it idiot, being my boyfriend won't get you a free pass from getting shocked silly if you annoy me."

"Yeah, you're not that convenient a girl." he agreed, before leaning down and pressing his lips against hers just as she did to him before.

Damn right she wasn't.

'Take that Shokuhou, who needs those huge monstrous breasts!' the greatest electro master and famous level five Railgun gloated.

She had totally won.



Nice! Definitely a great start to the story.

Angel Diaz

Awesome, maybe get them to have sex and she realizes he's to much for her to handle in bed by herself. Allowing him to get a girl he find more curvy and good looking.