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When the bell went signifying the end of the lunch break, you and Bakugou both broke off your argument. Honestly, you couldn't even remember what you were arguing about in the first place by the end of it all.

But either way, it wasn't important. You both had much more important things than arguing about to begin after all.

That was because;

For the rest of the afternoon, your day would be all about Basic Hero Foundations.

Taught by All Might himself. The number one and greatest hero in the world!

Not one person in your class dallied when the bell rang. Each and every single one of you made your way to class in a bit of a rush. The excitement in the air was palpable when everyone sat down at their seats.

In mere moments, every single one of you would come face to face and be personally instructed by the man who changed the world. The man himself who ushered in a new age of peace, prosperity and heroism.

There was quite a bit of chatter amongst the class. But, you could barely make it out. Your eyes and full attention were focused on the open door, waiting with baited breath.

And suddenly, two massive fists planted themselves in the doorway and without realising it, you were leaning up in your chair in anticipation as he leaned into the class room. A body that looked like it was carved from marble, muscles that made it look like he could support the planet itself on his shoulders and a blinding grin that lit up the world around him.

"I am.....!" He began, turning his grin to you all, blue cape flapping around his body, "Coming through the door like a normal person!"

"I-it's All Might..." Kaminari gasped, the blondes eyes going so wide they looked like they were about to pop from their sockets.

"Wow, he really is a teacher!" Kirishima cheered.

"That's a costume from the Silver Age, isn't it?" the cute green haired frog girl, Asui commented.

"..It's style is so different it's giving me goose bumps." the blonde with the tail, Ojiro you think his name was trembled in awe.

Grin splitting his face, All Might made a show of slow motion jogging over to the teachers podium in front of the blackboard at the front of the classroom . "I teach the basics of your hero training!" he announced, stopping behind the podium and planting his fists on his hips as he faced you all, "This will be a subject where you train in different ways to learn the very fundamental basics of being a hero. And where much of your grade credits will come from!"

You couldn't help but stare at the man in awe yourself. It really was All Might. You might have dreamed of being a hero before you ever knew of him. But it was him that started you on the path to becoming a hero properly. It was only after you saw All Might in action, that your desire to be a hero was properly solidified and you started to pursue the dream of being a hero just like him.

All Might bent over, flexing his arm, the massive muscles of his bicep rippling and just the motion alone was so powerful, it felt like a massive pressure was pressing down on you.

...He really was in a completely different league, wasn't he?

"Well then, let's get right into it, shall we!" All Might laughed, and whirled around thrusting out his hand that held a paper card, "This is what we'll be doing today!"

'Battle' - was printed upon the card in bright red and bold lettering/

"Combat training!" All Might announced.

"Combat training?!" Bakugou bounced from his seat, a massive wide grin splitting his face.

"And to go with that are these!" All Might continued, pointing to the side of the classroom. The wall itself slid open, rows of shelves lining up, a multitude of numbered silver suitcases held atop the shelves, "Your gear made based on your quirk registrations and specifications you made before school started! Now after you change, we'll be gathering in Ground Beta, also known as Battle Centre 2 from when you took the exam to get into this school!"

A few like the short grape headed boy were almost trampled over in the mad dash half the class made towards the suitcases.


When you got to the locker room not long later, you lagged behind much of the class in getting dressed in your new gear. It was a bit complicated to get on, and on top of that you were checking out the functions you specifically asked for.

Though it would be much easier and quicker in the future once you got used to it.

When you were finally done getting ready and checking out the functions you asked for. You made your way over to the locker room bathroom and checked yourself out in the mirror.

Gleaming plate armour covered your legs, feet and hands. In colours of white, navy and gold. While atop your head, you wore an avian themed helmet that left your face free unless you were using the mouth rebreather or visor functions.

Atop your right bicep, you wore a white Pra Jiad. It was in the honour of the man who taught you how to fight and the root of your fighting style basis in Mauy Buran.

Your chest was left entirely bare, your muscular torso left in plain view. Perhaps a silly design, but it was better for you like this. It left plenty of skin available for you to create metal items using your quirk.

And it wasn't like your torso would be undefended either way. After all, your most basic ability of all, was your metal form.

"Busou-kun?" a voice spoke up from behind you and you turned around to the only other resident of the locker room whom had actually wasted a bit of time getting ready by admiring his costume.

"You should just call me Masaru, Midoriya," you said as you turned around. Your eyebrows rose when you took in his full costume. It was a full light green body suit, with bunny like airs and a mouth guard that looked like grinning teeth. Over his knees and elbows he wore protective padding, and multiple red belts held large pouches that no doubt contained different supplies for first aid and the like, "Not a bad costume." you nodded at him.

"Ah..then you can call me Izuku then...or Deku if you want..." Mid- Izuku scratched his cheek through his costume, and then he shook his head and his eyes practically sparkled as he took in your own costume, "And that's your costume? It's so cool! You look like a real reliable pro hero in that!"

You smiled at his enthusiastic praise, "Thanks, it was a bit difficult to come up with stuff for it to do that my quirk didn't already cover, but I think I had some good ideas for it. And yourself?" you asked, "With the ears, you look like you might be taking a bit of inspiration from Mirko. Got a thing for bunny girls?"

You honestly couldn't blame him if he did. Mirko was definitely one of your favourite heroes to keep an eye on. She definitely had no shame in running around in a skimpy white leotard that left little to the imagination. That, accompanied by her strength and reliability...well, it was no wonder she was so popular.

"Ah...no no, not Mirko. though she is really cool herself," Izuku waved his hands in denial, "....My mom actually bought me the beginnings of the suit to support me and I went with it as a basis. The added designs though...they're based on...All Might." his voice got quiet at the end, nearly mumbled, but you caught it well enough.

All Might huh? So it wasn't bunny ears at all, and more a copy of how All Might wore his bangs spiked up in the air that looked like rabbit ears. And. Your eyes dipped down to his mouth guard that looked like brightly shining grinning teeth. Yeah, you could definitely see it now.

You chuckled as a thought came to mind, "Copying his look and with that absurdly busted quirk of yours, are you trying to become the new All Might?" you teased the green haired boy.

Izuku's eyes went wide, "No, no, n-nothing like that!" he denied quickly, waving his arms rapidly. His voice, was almost panicked. How odd. "I-I just admire him that much....see?"

You got that. And you totally understood it. You admired All Might massively yourself. But, that was quite an over the top reaction to a little bit of ribbing.

Well, maybe he just admired All Might that much that the thought of replacing him was a repugnant thought to him or something like that?

That could definitely be it, yeah. All Might fans could be utterly rabid about protecting his image and the slightest thing said that could possible have negative connotations could work them into a frenzy.

You put it out of mind for now and eyed his legs and arms, "Have you thought about getting armoured bracers and boots for your arms and legs?" you asked, changing the subject, "With how strong your quirk is and with the way it damages you when you use it, they would probably go a long way."

Izuku blinked, before slumping slightly, "I thought about it, but the kind of material needed for equipment that tough would have gone over my budget," he replied, "I thought it was just best to make a base right now and then get it upgraded here at U.A over time."

You nodded. That was a pretty solid plan for the long term. But for the short term...not so much.

But, the strength of the material huh?

"How about I give it a shot?" you asked.

"You?" Izuku gave you a confused look.

"Yeah," you nodded in confirmation, "Making you a set of arm and legs bracers to support your limbs shouldn't be too hard, I can't promise much in the ways of comfort, but I'll give it my best shot." you'd made much more complicated parts in the past and you won't even need to measure him or anything, you can just mould the metal around him for a perfect fit.

"Eeeeh, really?!" Izuku's eyes practically sparkled and he nodded his head vigorously at your offer, "That would be amazing Masaru-kun, please do if you don't mind!"

"Alright then," you replied and gestured at one of the benches, "Take a seat." you told him.

Izuku nodded and sat down, "Should I take my shoes off?" he asked, holding up one leg and showing off the sturdy red high top boots he was wearing.

"Nah, keep em on, I'll form them around them, it'll give you an extra bit of protection and make them more comfortable." you replied as you crouched down before him and grasped his legs.

Izuku made an impressed sound at the back of his throat as you let liquid metal seep from your hands and form around his feet and legs, reaching up to just below his knees and forming sturdy silver boots. And then you stood up and repeated the same with his arms, covering them in silver gauntlets that went up to the elbow.

"Oh wow!" Izuku gasped as he stood up when you were done, looking over his new armaments in awe,  then looked you in the eyes, his own green eyes beginning to shine with tears as his lips trembled, "These are really amazing Masaru-kun, thank you!" he cried, launching forward to try and hug you.

You caught his forehead with your palm and stopped him, "No problem," you replied, keeping him from hugging you. "Though, it doesn't really go with the theme of your costume, does it?" you mused.

"That's not a bad thing at all though!" Izuku shook his head and wiped away his tears, "They still look cool, don't worry about it I'm just grateful you did this for me!."

"I didn't say I couldn't do anything about it," you rolled your eyes and held up your hands. You focused on the turbines within the metal gauntlets you were wearing yourself and with your control over the metal produced by you, you made it rapidly churn, building up energy that filled up the electrical storage charge within the gauntlets, "Here, hold them out." you told him.

"...Okay?" Izuku blinked, and then his eyes shone with awe once more when you activated the electrical output of the gauntlets and charged a light electrical charge over the gauntlets and boots he was wearing. Bit by bit, turning them an ebony black. Your metal was interesting like that. It could take in an electrical charge let electricity flow through it well, and in the process, the surface would turn a gleaming ebony black. "How cool! How are you doing this? Does your quirk let you build up friction in your metal and turn it into other sources of energy?"

"Nothing like that," you waved him off as you stood up and admired your handiwork a few moments later. Yeah, the ebony black bracers looked much better with his costume, "I made the bases of my costume with my quirk, so I can control it with my quirk. There's little turbines in the gauntlets that I can use to make and store electricity within the gauntlets then use against villains. But a light little charge can work for this too."

"Masaru-kun...you're so amazing." Izuku looked up at you with shining eyes.

"I know." you nodded in agreement, then clasped your hand on his shoulder, "Now c'mon, we're running behind." you told him, and directed you both toward the entrance of the locker room.

"Ah, that's right!" the green haired boys eyes went wide through his mask, "We better hurry!" he said in a panic.


Thankfully, despite the hold ups, only a few minutes had passed and nothing had really happened in the class, So you weren't too late and you weren't in any trouble.

"Masaru-kun! Deku-kun!" Ochako beamed when she saw the pair of you come out of tunnel connecting to training simulation city, "You guys look so cool. Deku-kun's all down to Earth with his...and  you totally remind me of Hawks Masaru-kun."

"Uraraka-san!?" Izuku gaped at her wide eyed through his mask when she approached and he saw what she was wearing.

And, he was not alone in that. You were quite happy how your eyes were partially hidden with your visor down right now with how your eyes instinctively roamed over her the brown haired girls body.

"Hehe, I should have written down what I wanted a little better," Ochako rubbed the back of her head sheepishly, cheeks tinted red, "Mine ended up being a skin tight bodysuit. It's kind of embarrassing."

Her hero costume consisted of a skin-tight black full-body suit with a pale pink design down the middle of her torso, two black circles on her chest, and a black rectangle below her waist, running between her legs. There were two more pink patches over her shoulders, both cut off by darker pink armbands that match the thick choker around her neck.

She had circular wrist guards, a dark pink handle on the back of each one, wide knee-high boots with magenta soles and a two-piece belt around her waist a circle embedded into the center where the pieces join up, a helmet with a tinted visor sometimes worn on her head, all of which are the same pale pink colour.

And as she mentioned, it was almost sinfully tight. Moulding to every single one of her curves. She was much more curvaceous than you had realised. Large, round breasts. Wide hips and full luscious thighs. And her curves stood out all the more on her short height.

'Wow.' you blinked stupidly under your visor. You had thought she was seriously cute before. But, now that you've saw this? No doubt. Ochako was seriously hot.

"The hero course is the best." the little ball headed guy peeked around form behind Ochako's legs, a wide grin on his face and flashing you a thumbs up.

..What the hell was up with that costume. It looked like a half purple leotard to match his hair, with a yellow cape around his neck...and a diaper looking thing on the bottom.

"Eh?!" Izuku gave him a startled look.

It looked like Izuku was totally tongue tied. So it was up to you then.

"I think you look great," you smiled at the rosy cheeked brunette, "Sure it's tight, but it looks good on you and the colour scheme really matches you I think."

It took a little more effort than you liked to admit to keep from commenting on how well it complimented her body.

Her lips tugged up into a smile, "You think so?" Ochako asked.

"Definitely," you nodded, "And look at it this way. It just means it's less likely to catch on anything, right?"

"I suppose so," Ochako agreed, "And with how my quirk works that would really be a problem now that I think about it."

You looked away from her for a moment, eyes lading on the shorty who had dipped back behind her and kept on ogling your friend. She looked great, but damn, didn't this guy have any self control? It was kind of creepy how blatantly he was staring at her, it went beyond jus checking her out, which you wouldn't blame him for, but this...

"Hey dude," you spoke up grabbing his attention, "Why the hell are you wearing a diaper?"

"It's not a diaper!" he snapped, looking away from Ochako's backside to glare up at you, "It's supposed to be the bottom half of a grape, and it's like this so I can stick things to it!"

Ochako jumped a bit at his shouting and whirled around to look at him, pacing back a few steps to stand beside you, "Mineta? Why are you standing so close behind me?" she asked, giving the boy a weird look.

The shorty, Mineta apparently turned away from you and plastered a grin on his face, "I was checking out that fine Uraraka-body baby!" he flashed her a thumbs up, "That ass is ten outta ten, best in the class! And who knew you were so busty!"

Ochako flinched a bit at his words before scowling at him, "Was that what you were doing, you little perv?" she demanded angrily.

"You betcha!" Mineta laughed unashamedly, "How about after class we go on a date?" he winked at her and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

You were tempted to speak up and tell him about how wrong he was going about all this. But, held your breath. It really wasn't your place.

So you held your tongue and let Ochako deal with him herself for now.

"Ew, no way," Ochako's nose wrinkled in disgust, "I'm not going out with a little creep who just did what you did."

"Ehh, c'mon!" Mineta whined, "It'll be fun, I promise. It'll be the best night of your life!"

"No." she denied flatly.

"Che!" he snapped his fingers, "Well, whatever. Maybe once I show off how awesome I am."

"Dude, no means no," you rolled your eyes, "Give it a rest yeah."

"Ah!?" he turned and glared up at you again, "Don't mess up my game bro. What do you know about the struggles guys like me need to go through to get a girls attention? With your super quirk, your handsome bastard face and...those...!" he trailed off hissing venomously and pointing at your abs with his gloved fingers.

"What, my muscles?" you raised your eyebrow at him, and tensed the muscles in your stomach to make your abs pop out a bit more.

You totally weren't taunting him. A hero in training wouldn't do that.

"Gah!" Mineta flinched back as if physically struck.

"I wasn't born with this you know?" you pointed out, relaxing and crossing your arms, "I've been training not just my quirk, but my whole body for over ten years. Put a little work in and you could get abs as well dude, it isn't all that hard, just takes dedication."

The grape headed boy stared up at you at your words before spitting to the side, "Whatever, you don't get it." he retorted, before turned away making his way back over to the rest of the class.

..What was up with him? You were telling him the truth.

"What a weird little guy." Ochako commented from beside you.

"Truth." you nodded in agreement.

"Ah..um..." Izuku walked up beside the pair of you and attempted to say something. But, fell silent, unable to find any words.

"Well then, that's about enough time to let you get adjusted to your new costumes, I think haha!" All Might gave a booming laugh, drawing the entire classes attention to him before you could say anything else, "Now it's time for your combat training zygotes!"

"Sir!" a familiar voice spoke up from one of your classmates dressed in a full body white armour, exhaust adornments making it quite obvious whom it was, "This is a battle center from the entrance exam, so will we be conducting urban battles again?" Iida asked.

"Nope! We're going to move two steps ahead young Iida!" All Might replied, holding two massive fingers up, "Most of the time fighting villains takes place outside, but if you look at the total numbers of atrocious villains that appear indoors, you will note that they appear at a much higher rate. Imprisonment, house arrest, backroom deals. In this society filled with heroes, the truly intelligent villains hide in the shadows."

He let his dark shadowed eyes trail over you all, making sure you were all listening to him, "For this class, you'll be split into villains and heroes and fight two on two indoor battles." he announced.

Heh, so it was team battles then? You forgot all about Mineta, a wide grin spreading across your face as excitement thrummed in your veins! You couldn't wait!

Hopefully you got put up against Bakugou so you could kick his ass for earlier!

"Without basic training?" Asui asked.

"Heh, this is a real battle to help you understand the those basics!" All Might clenched his fist, "However, the key here is that this time there is no robot for you to beat up and save the day."

"How will wins and losses be determined?" Yaoyorozu spoke up from where she stood at the front of the class right in front of All Might.

Again you were glad for the visor deployed from your helmet right now hiding your straying eyes. Her costume was even more skimpy than Ochako's. Nothing but a red leotard, completely open at the front showing off am incredibly large perky bosom and deep canyon of cleavage.

You supposed it was because of that quirk of hers. It was a bit like yours in that the more skin she had free, the more options she had for making items.

"Can we beat them up anyway?" Bakugou punched his fists together. His own costume was dynamic and very fitting, Predominantly black, with a black band around his eyes, cut open around the eyes to make his crimson iris' show brightly. On his arms, he wore large grenade like gauntlets that drew your eyes briefly. They couldn't just be for show. They probably had something to do with his quirk.

"..Will the punishment be expulsion like with Aizawa-sensei?" Ochako fretted a bit from beside you.

"How shall we split up?" Iida spoke up again.

"Calm down, calm down! I'll answer all your questions!" All Might groaned. He reached into his suit, and to your amusement, he pulled out a little sheet of folded paper and opened it up and began reading from it, "Now listen here! The situation is that the villains have hidden a nuclear weapon somewhere in their hideout. The heroes will be trying to dispose of that nuclear weapon. The heroes need to catch the villains or get the nuclear weapon back in the allotted time. The villains need to protect the nuclear weapon for the whole time or catch the heroes."

He then produced a yellow box labelled 'lots' from somewhere, his hand moving in a blur of speed you couldn't even see. "Teams and opponents will be determined by drawing lots!"

"They're being decided so haphazardly!?" Iida asked, aghast.

"I get it!" Izuku rose his hand, "Pros often have to create makeshift teams with heroes from other agencies. This is for the realism of the job I think! We won't always be able to choose who we work with after all."

"I see, the discernment to look ahead," Iida nodded in understanding and began clapping, "U.A truly is a great establishment of learning. Please excuse my rudeness!" he finished by bowing deeply at the waist to All Might.

All Might turned around, back facing the class and pumped his fist into the air, "It's fine! Now let's do this quickly!" he replied.

As it turned out. You drew lot number eight, and your partner who drew lot number seven, turned out to be Ochako. And the pair of you made up team D.

"Wow, it must be fate!" Ochako pumped her fists and cheered, "I'll be counting on you Masaru-kun!"

"Right back at you Infinity Girl." you grinned back at her. As far as teammates went, Ochako's abilities actually complimented yours well. She could make a bunch of your own created metal items weightless and let you control more than you usually could with much less strain at that.

All Might drew the attention of the class back to him after he produced two more lot boxes. One white labelled 'Hero' and one black labelled 'villain.' "Now the first up to bat will be..." he announced and then pulled out two balls. The white was labelled D and the black one was labelled E. "These guys!"


"Looks like we'll be going up first huh?" Ochako mused, bumping her shoulder against yours cheerfully.

"Looks like." you nodded.

"You've gotta be kidding me." Jiro spoke up from not far away from the pair of you were she stood with her own partner, the six armed Shoji, a deadpan look aimed your way.

Her hero outfit was all black and reminded you off a punk rocker. There were two white devices on her fists that were connected to her earphone jacks dangling from her ears as well though.

"..This could be troublesome, I agree." Shoji said lightly with a nod. His own hero costume was that of a light blue body suit, a dark blue face mask rising up from his neck to cover his lower face.

"Team E will be the villains and Team D will be the heroes!" All Might continued on, "Everyone else head to the monitor room! Villains, I will direct you to the building that will work as your base. You will have five minutes to plan and then the hero team will be sent in after you!"

"Yes sensei!" the class replied.

The vast majority of the class made their way to the monitor room as they were all told, while All Might directed Jiro and Shoji to the building that would act as their base as villains.

All Might returned a moment later and held out his hand, showing two sets of long blue tape to you and Ochako, "These are the capture tapes," he explained to you both, "If you wrap these around your opponents, they are considered captured. Do be careful though young zygotes and keep in mind that I have told your opponents to try and think like villains during this exercise!"

For a moment you just stood there and stared at him. Your hands were trembling a bit. All Might was seriously here, right in front of you. How amazing!

"Right!" Ochako beamed brightly and accepted one of them, "Thanks All Might-sensei!"

Her voice from the dazed spell from you.

"Not a problem young Uraraka!" he laughed.

You accepted your own and thanked him as well.

"Good luck young heroes!" All Might patted you both fondly on the shoulders and then zoomed off at a sprint that left a trail of dust behind him. Even at just a casual pace for him, he was moving way faster than you could.

"Now that's how a pro moves!" Ochako giggled watching him go alongside you before turning to you, "So how should we go about this do you think Masaru-kun?" she asked.



Hope more is added soon 😁


Is there a love interest if so is it set in stone??


Gotta this is one my favorites so far. Thumb 👍


Will this story be continued? This is one of your better stories tbh.