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Bloody was as sexually repressed as you get these days. He hadn’t been laid in ages and his damn useless authors like that fat ass loser 0 Jordinio 0 wouldn’t get a move in. The wait totally drove him insane with lust.

So was it any wonder he died of over lust and woke up reborn to a magi family being experimented on with the properties of drakon bones, lesser dragon’s thought to be Tyrannosaurus Rex’s by the human population and the genes of Dead Apostle’s.

And was it any wonder that with this magically and physically super charged body he fought and overpowered his so called family after they implanted him with the family crest and all their gathered knowledge to reach the stupid ass Root after thousands of years. People in Harry Potter  fanfiction liked to bash wizards there for being dumb as fuck but Magi were actually perversely worse.

And so there he was, in the ruins of his family mansion after massacring them in an instinct fueled rage, With quais immortal body thanks to the Dead Apostle genes, and a physically far beyond human due to the combined physical power of being a Dead Apostle and having his bones and very muscles replaced by that of a Drakon’s. His 30 peak level Magic Circuits plus 60 Family crest circuits all on peak, beyond human condition, capable of handling units of prana humans could only dream of.

It was both sad, and fucking horrifying that he ended up in his favorite setting, only to be the heir of a crazy magi clan. Seriously, they could give the Einzbern a run for their money, the Garmont, those french freaks. His mother having married from a dying English magi family and bringing with her an advanced form of Reinforcement that allowed his body to survive the bonding of drakon genes to his own.

So here he stood. With memories not his own and information to draw from his crests, with nothing to go on but where his family stach’d  their cash and all their important goodies. Oh, and not to mention a body that was qausi-immortal and physically capable of taking on a servant without losing.

“What year is it?” Bloody idly mumbered, before the memories of the previous host of the body let him know it was January, 8, 2004.

The fifth grail war was about to start. And sadly all the other masters would probably have been picked by now. If he wanted to get a servant, he’d have to kill a master and take their seals for himself.

Not that it really bothered him at this point mind you with both the draconic and vampiric instincts waging on his mind and spending way to much time with Jordinio, he couldn’t care less about random fodder. And scariely, it might have been the influence of Jordan that made him more inclined. What a scary guy, I never wanted to see what he’d do in a setting like Pokemon if he got sent there. He’ over level the crap out of people, murder them in ways Team Rocket could only dream of in envy and enslave a conclave of beautiful harems, all while a massive Charizard led him or something. Sheesh, just thinking about how scary he’d be in one of these settings game me a chill.

I think I’ll stick with the new Bloody, it’s just as much a new more few as Mathew at this point, heck I’m called Bloody more often. So I’m bloody Garmont I guess and I’ve got plenty of money to do as I please since I’m now apparently the last of the Garmont.

Hah, suck it cunts. I’ll need to keep a low profile with the Clock Tower at the moment though till I got stronger, maybe head to Fuyuki and grab those Noble Phantasms that were never reclaimed by Gigamashed and lay at the bottom of the Fuyuki Ocean, seriously, Durandal and Brionic lay down there.


OVer the months I learned many things, especially on the intent of dragons. Even as the near lowest species. I’m off the third lowest species I think, my body fused with that of a Black Drakon, but at least it was only one tier off of a real dragon and as soon as I got enough power I’d hit that jackpot form and become a country buster,

One thing I learned, is that dragons had an innate Haki like power to force their will on others. And literally snuff the life out of them and drain them of their magical power. I had a bit of a cheat. My normal 30 Cicircuits plus 60 from my family were all supercharged by each of the initial transformations I was put through, so I had 90 Circuits that had an output of 50 prana each. That’s a whopping 4,500 units of prana that I could chana at once and because of the sheer strength of them and quality, I could run them for ages. And that wasn’t even taking into account the draconic core I gained as well. Admittedly, probably not on the level of Arturia;s but it could constantly pump out over 15,000 units of prana at once for over an hour before I felt straight. So in total, I could pump out a total measure of 19,500 units of prana.

Hardly enough to be a world class contender, especially since my only experience fighting was a few brawls form my fast life and the memories the like before me had before he died and I got his body. Admittedly, he was a very skilled and brutal Muay Thai user for one so young, but still - at best, I’m at the level of one of the high tier servants - without a bullshit Noble Phantasm, which is why I need to get my hands on one before I head for Fuyuki to try and be a master. Then I’ll be able to deal with their hax and fuck over Angra Mangui and possible get myself some babes on the life.

Question is, what Noble Phantasm should I go for first, I know where a few are even besides the one in the Fuyuki ocean - which I dread diving for, it’ll take my days to find even with my magical sensing ability.

Hmm...the ones at the Fuyuki ocean shouldn’t be too hard. With my powerful longs and  ausi immortality I culs search for hours without coming up for here.

And seriously. Gungnir is down there from what I remember. The literal weapon of a god. I mean Durandal and shit are great but Gungnir physically would be able to take on and overpower Excalibur in a battle of sheer strength and quality/ It’s the weapon of a god, bestowed with the power of a god. If I remember right, the sickle/scythe/spear has the ability 

Fuck it, I’m heading to Fuyuki. The Holy Grail War is a few months off and I gotta get myself in good with the others so I don’t straight get Excaliblasted. I mean, Mathew the originally Bloody knew a lot about type moon and Excalibur is a sword created over 10,000 year ago used to slay a titan that slapped around gods like bitches and ate up Ares  like he was a damn chey toy and the titans females incarnation literally stole his sword. The thing is, I think I could take it, if it wfor the fact that Excalibur was both a holy sword and doubles  as a dragon slaying sword. Which with my apostle and drakon body, would make for like a quad effective attack. If on somebody normally it would doo 100 attack statistically, to me it would to 400.

Fuck that shit, I’m not getting wiped out by her. Other than that, my biggest worries are only Ea. Not even Gae Bolg could take me down since Gae would revert time before the wound happened and the process would repeat till Cu ran out of energy. And my magic resistance is massive, seriously I’m a tribrid of practically the ultimate human magus in phsysical and magical perfection alongside being a third an apostle and a Black Drakon.

Black Drakon’s that according to lore were a march for anything servant one on one besides the really upper tiers and those with dragon slayers weapons. Seriously. Physically I could probably match Berserkales blow for blow, although Arturia would be trickier with her full intelligence, dragon slaying blade and Mana Burst.

Note to self: Learn Bana Burst. Canonically wise it seems to best stats by 1 tier in speed and strength.

EXTRA NOTE TO SELF: The grail war begins soon if I’ve got the months right. That means all the babes will be summoned. Actually, Waifu-Medea has already been summoned, drat! She’d be an amazing way to increase my power. Say one thing about the Witch of Betrayal, but she’s damn fucking loyal to those she loves and would rather die in agony than betray them. Fucking ironic innit? Fucking Aphrodite, how dare she do that siht to such a lovely girl like Medea Loli. If I could get onto to godly plain I’d rape that bitch silly and then snap her neck and drain her power for myself.

Fuck it, all my canon knowledge is muddled at the moment. I’m heading for the Fuyuki ocean and getting at least one of those noble phantasms.


The good news was, it didn’t take me all that long in consideration to find one of the Noble Phantasms, Gungnir my senses and instinct told me. The problem was, the mass of Great White sharks that should be nowhere near here, much more massive in size compared to their normal breatheren apparently feeding on the aura of power Gungnir gave off.

Side Note: Fuyuki Bridge was an amazing sight at sundown, the perfect place to take a date one day if I needed to romance anybody. Not that it’s been really a problem so far. This body is only 15, but with the inborn beauty and grace of an apostle/vampire, combined with the top predator animalistic predatory looks my drakon part gave me, I was for all intents and purposes an exodit, extremely buff and dare I say it, desireable specimen for the woman around me. The pheromones I could let loose whenever I waited made it easy to bed normal woman and though amazing at first, got stale when they couldn’t even take half of my newly lengthened cock upon my transformation.

Besides its base abilities, Gugnir also had ties with the ocean and ice because of his ties to his adopted son Loki. Because of that adoption it had gained many powers it shouldn’t have and become a top tier Noble Phantasm. Honestly my senses screamed like crazy that this thing was easily an A+ anti-Fortress/Army Phantasm and Gilgamesh had thrown it away in his fight with Berserkales like it was a toy

Seriously, no sooner had I angered the hundreds of depths of condensed and freezing cold water, did a massive great white bigger than thirty feet swim at me with mouth agape ready to chew me hole. One reinforced fist took care of it though and its head splattered all over, I made sure to gorge myself on its carcas and absorb a surprisingly amount of mana. More than most adult magi had after training for years when they had no access to a family crest. Up there with the 500+ units by my estimate.

Honestly, it was like dealing with a swarm of Megalodon’s, which while cool and will give scientists orgasmic delight when they find these corpses later, is just getting annoying. Each one boosted my mana by a good 500 prana/mana units or more on average, but there were hundreds of them and each one I smacked around and killed, two more took its place.

When all the massive sharks lined up and blocked my view of the magnificent spear/scythe-I’m not exactly sure how to classify it, but it has a lovely and glimmering red boy, clad with a part silver and part crimson scythe on top - I began to get angry.

“All right then,” I murmured in annoyance, my eye twitching. “You’re all getting annoying now, it’s about time I taught you all not to mess with the vampiric dragon that rules over blood!” Saying that with snarl, I exhaled never minding the water, my longues had no need to breath and the water would just add to my attack. I flipped on all my magic circuits and drew on all the magical power within my draconic core - including all the magic that had been added to it from the magi I’d killed and devoured to steal the mana outpower power of their circuits and family units.

They eyed me wearily, obviously sensing my threat as the bigger apex predator in these waters, what with my young, albeit short and incredibly toned body, slitted crimson draconian eyes, arms clad in crimson dragon scales, a massive tail at my rear with scales of the same crimson scales, and massive jutting draconian red wings that lazily waved behind my back keeping my steady.

I inhaled, conjuring all my massive amounts of magical power and compressing it into one focal point. I compressed and I compressed, closing my eyes in concentration, taking an entire four seconds to complete my goal and the my eyes and mouth snapped open and I roared, unleashing my original spell, “Odoryu no Hoko! (Roar of the Blood Dragon King!)”

And they were obliterated, left all in just meaty chunks that I began to sunk in, absorbing their blood, gaining dozens of thousands of units of mana/prana units all to myself. For how could some measily sharks, albeit over thirty feet long stand against the massive, crimson red tornado of blood that I fired at them from my mouth. A tornado big enough to tear the Titanic apart with ease, and each lash of blood within it was much thicker than water and easier to shape, and so the massive tornado was compromised of millions upon millions of thick blood blades that shredded them apart.

Strong as they were after their boosts from absorbing the abcess power Gungnir gave off, they only had size on their side and had not yet gained a magical resistance capable of defending off against my attack, if any at all besides the basics that came with having the ability to use magic at all.

I took a minute to admire my handy work and the fading blood in the water with a prideful grin, before pushing down through the water with my wings, handy things they were, an extra pair of powerful wings that were just as good as if not better than hands. I made my way down over a thousand metres in the water, a point where a normal human would have been crushed to paste and stood before the rock Gungnir was buried upon.

And then I grasped it and pulled, the red and silver scythe easily coming free of the mountain side it was buried in, though the mountain itself crumbled away when the weapon left it. Huh, odd, was it only sustained by Gu,gnir’s absent energy? Well, whatever, I had no time to think as information rapidly piled through my head. The knowledge on the weapon, its power - I even got the feeling that Gungnir was sentient and felt pretty miffed Gilgamesh just tossed him away and was just giving me all the information I needed on its abilities and how to use it.

...Perfect, with this, I might even be able to destroy Heracles a good enough times that I don’t need to worry about him, or at least enough to weaken him enough to drain the rest of his power.

Right, as far as I’m aware, I dat in the middle of the ocean, thousands of feet beneath the depths and casually made my plan. Medea should still be with that asshole guy right now, so I should head to the temple and make up base myself. With all the magical spells and information I inherited from the Family Crest I inherited and the ones I stole that couldn’t reject me thanks to my blood based powers protecting me, I had tons of information on magic and how to use it.

I even have a good idea how to get rid of that piece of shit in the grail and get myself a good wish.Maybe I’ll visit Apocryphia once I’m done here, Jeanne and Atlanta and even the cripple egirl are all total waifu material. That would be a good wish right?

With that decided, I flapped with my wings and hot through the air upwards at breakneck speeds, fast enough to make a torpedo jealous and in moments, burst into the air, leaving a massive 100 foot tall water spout behind and blitzed off faster than the human eye could track in the air towards the  Ryujin Mountain or whatever it was called, where Shirou’s friend Issie lived, it was time to make up a base and draw on the ley lines. It would be hard to make any drain I take permanent so it would be slow going, but at the same time, it’ll be automatica so I can just rest on my laurels, plan and let myself get stronger.

The more magical power I get the more I can use to overload Gungnir into a Broken Phantasm and use him to take out Berserkales. Cuz seriously fuck that guy and his hax. I’m not even sure how his resistance applies to my best bet is to take him down a few times physically, once or twice magically if possible then blow the fuck out of him with a broken Gungnir.


Hypnotising the people at the temple, even the elusive #Issei who seemed to shake it off every now and then wasn’t really a problem. I warded off my new work shop with a ton of Bounded Fields - with my power, I could splurge and go for really full on physical defenses that could hold against even the strongest of attacks and from there I connected concocted a mystic code to absorb mana from the leylines beneath us and absorb it, passing on the purified parts to me that I could permanently add to my reserves and keep the reverse as a back up to fill me up if I ran though.

I made sure to keep it a bit low. For one, I didn’t want to hero’s bursting in/ I was pretty sure I could kill most of them no problem, but Saber and Emiya will be a problem. Saber will be able to stand my physical strength and resist my spells, where as fucking Emiya, you can never tell with that cunt. And in canon we never got a full view of his arsenal. For all I know  he has a weapon that’s especially skilled at killing vampires and dragons, and I’ not even a full dragon yet. And hell, fuck getting the sword rain if he’s capable of it like Miyu-verse Shirou, that thing could stalemate Enuma Elish from Ea as long as Shirou had the mana to keep him going. Indefinitely didn’t have an attack on the level of Enuma Elish to deal with a sword magnitude in over the millions. Seriously, Emiya is perhaps the most dangerous servant above even Gilgamesh to tangle with. 

Though I’d love to ask him if he found the real versions of any of his Noble Phantasms’s like Kanshou and Bakuya, though things were boss.

“Ugh, bored.” I mumbled to myself, idly sliding through the pages of one of my family books that went on and on about dragons. They theorized that if a Drakon had as many prana/mana units as a total million, they’d gain enough magical power to evolve into a dragon. Except a million prana/mana units was a pipe dream...until me.

After gaining Gungnir my total mana and prana capacity was of 450,329 units. Now, with the leylines passively adding to me over the past two days, I’ve grown to 554,457 units. That’s about a thousand units a today, meaning if I stayed in this point like this for a good err...446 days or so I’d reach a million unit, but…”Talk about boring..” Bloody moaned in annoyance. At the very beginning his power had been exhilarating he could do as he pleased, kill anyone he wanted and fuck any girl for the most part that his eyes caught. But after a few weeks it got fucking lame. I mean sure, my life plan should be quasi-immortal at this point, but wasting a good year and a half year, fuck that!

Gungnir’s fucking cool, but I want others weapons. It hadn’t taken much to create a spacial dimension like I’d seen from Fairy Tail to keep the beastly weapon in, and although I could feel both its happiness when I came for it and claimed it as my weapon, I could now constantly feel its discontent at not fighting anything strong, particularly Gilgamesh who tossed it away.  But sorry buddy I just  ain’t that strong yet.  I need a good shield first, preferably one like Avalon that can make me incorporporeal before I try taking that douche on.

He’d sense my nature in but a nanosecond. Say what you will about Gilgamesh’s arrogance, but I’m more or less a new being, a being worth being judged by his almighty seeing eyes and he’ll see the threat I represent. Fuck fighting that guy. I’d much rather make Shirou fight him then jump him from behind and drain his divine blood. I kind of want it, that an actual god’s/ Gilgamesh was the closest to the gods besides themselves and if I devour enough of their blood,  I won’t just be the Odoryu (Blood Dragon King) - I’ll be the Odoryujin (Blood Dragon God King). With the power of a dragon when I evolve and the power of the divine combined as one, I should be safe from all threats even the likes of E.R.T. It may lack a concept of death, but we’ll see how it enjoys me draining it of its life essence over and over and over again, gorging myself upon it and getting stronger and stronger.


It was just an average day when I saw him. Me heading out to grab some groceries and him seemingly heading back from school after a late day considering the sky was turning orange. But he stood out among the popular like a small flickering candle in the darkness

Funny thing, both Apostle’s and dragon-kind were very attuned to magic, and magi who used it constantly developed a sixth sense for sensing it as well. So I has literally three different senses blaring at me in three different ways when we passed him considering I hadn’t seen any magic users since I spied on Rin Tohska and that sweet little ass of hers a few weeks back when I first got here.

I’ve got no chance with that sweet little piece of ass right now, power or not power. I like rough sex, or at least Bloody did, my new namesake, but he nor I was a rapist. And right now I’ve been keeping out of her way just to make sure not to terrify her. I was a being easily on par with servants, stronger than the medium tiers by a decent margin before Np’s were taken into account - if she sensed me she’d probably freeze up in terror. Although, Sakura hadn’t even batted an eye when I walked past her in the street. Seeing her deep, almost black eyes void of emotion except for when Shirou was around made me want to go straight to the Matou mansion and kill Zouken right off. With my powers over blood, he stood no chance against me. I could destroy all of his worms, including the one in Sakura without issue. 

...But as much as it made me feel like a sleazebag, not yet. Not until Rider is summoned.

I wasn’t expecting to pass by Shirou Emiya right on the same path, going in different directions from each other. But it bugged me, he had so much potential and never really got the chance to focus on it. And the urge to help out one of my all time anime hero’s was too much to bear.

“Hey kid,” I stopped him with a pat on the shoulder. 

He turned with a raised eyebrow, because for one, this body was younger than his by a decent margin, I’m around 14 nearly 15 I think and he could be anywhere from 16 to 18 and he had a few inches on me. Still, despite it coming off as a bit disrespectful, the redheaded boy turned to me with a blinding pure, inviting smile on his face, “Hello, how can I help you?”

I almost looked away, he was too bright in a way. Probably in the same vein people viewed Arturia I viewed Shirou. He wasn’t an idiot and he knew were his path’s would most likely lie. He knew his dream was impossible yet would chase it anyway - I couldn’t help but admire someone with a mentality like that, a pure person unlike the rest of us dirty crubs - he was far more like Arturia than he realized, honestly in my own opinion he was despite his current lack of strength and naivety, completely worthy of Caliburn, the sword in the stone, the sword that chooses. “That’s a pretty weak magical signature coming off of you, you must only have a couple magic circuits huh.” He tensed suddenly at the word magic, but I touched his shoulder and ran a pulse of my magic through his body, examining it was structural grasp - I’m nowhere near as good at it as he is or will be, but ever since I woke up in this body I’ve used it constantly to analyze everything and anything. It was actually pretty useful when it could tell you the weak spots or bones and such on a human or beast’s body, made it so much more useful in a fight once I got the hang of it.

But I’ve got nothing of this guy who can literally read the entire history of a weapon or shield and replicate it himself while recreating it. That was something near the level of true magic and despite my massive power, I couldn’t perform any of that and actually was heading in a completely different direction.

He tensed up, golden eyes narrowing into slits and his grasp on his bag strap tightening, “You’re a magician?” he hissed warily, his free hand clenched into a fist and I could see the faint green lines glowing under his clothes as he began to reinforce himself to the limit. Shirou was pretty much a peak human and with this skill in Reinforcement, trained for hours each day with just one jury rigged nerve circuit, he was beyond mastery with it, beyond anyone I’d seen or heard about. 

Mine wasn’t even half as good. I had to let loose a whistle of impression, “Nice Reinforcement you got there buddy!”I complimented patting him on the shoulder, “And a magiciain is a user of one of the true magicks buddy, others would either be a magi who works as a proper mage, or guys like me, a mage who just uses magic and doesn’t hope to enter the root.”

He relaxed a bit but let loose a decent sound, looking kind of both confused that I didn’t attack him and confused on my explanation, I sighed, “Look, any magic a human can replicat with technology is considered just normal magic, like flight, it used to be true magic but now cuz humans can fly on planes it isn’t considered one anymore,” I explained, “True Magic is shit like creating an explosion big enough to level an island with the Blue or opening gateways to other dimensions and shit with the 2nd True Magic, far beyond any random shmuck can do and all shit loser bask in jealousy off.”

“Oh, that kinda explains a lot, though doesn’t really change much,” Shirou replied, then his eyes narrowed out and the dull green lines of his reinforcement shone over his body again. Damn, I had to hold back a whistle, if this was his mastery with a shitty, jury rigged half assed nerve circuit, what must his skills using his actual circuits be like? Now with all the information I gained with the family crests I’d taken and Bloody’s memories, I’ve got to say it’s impressive, far beyond most could ever take it, 3rd rate my ass. He’s decently a 2nd rate with this alone - he could kick the crap out of the lower tier Church Exterminator’s without problem with reinforcement of this level, “It doesn’t explain why you singled me out though.” he asked, although there was no heat behind it.

Ah Shirou, ever the hero and ever the one willing to give people the chance. I hope I’m around long enough here to see you get a good ending, the bad endings you got in the novels always me me wanna cry like a little bitch, like most people, though you could do to be a little less obstinate and think outside the box in regards to your dream.

“I could sense that crappy ass circuit you made,” I pointed out, “I was wondering why you would chance crippling yourself turning a nerve into a circuit instead of using the fully functional 27 decent quality ones, alothugh de-active at the moment littering you.”

“What? The old man never said anything about that!” Shirou blurted in shock.

Surprise, surprise Kiritsugu. You’re badass true, but you fuck up everything. “Know what buddy?” I said, lifting my palm, crackling red energy zapping off my palm like lightning, he eyed it with wide eyes and took a step back but I was a bit too fast for him, “you’ll thank me for this later. You’ll have so much more magic to use without hurting yourself like that and with that crazy ass Avalon shield inside you, it’ll probably heal them up form their atrophied state.” Then I thrust my palm into the older teens chest, swept him off his feet in one motion and crashed him into the ground. E didn’t scream as red lightning zapped across and through his body, kudos to him, this shirt hurt, I can remember who I was before Bloody became part of me crying like a little bitch, granted I was 3 years old.

“W-what are you doing?” He gritted through his teeth, glaring up at me through shining golden eyes as his circuits lit up, blinding cyan energy criss crossing across his body as they awoke.

“Waking up your real circuits so you don’t need to nearly kill yourself making ones out of nerves every day, you’ll thank me for this later as said,” I told him before an idea came to mind. I summoned Gungnir to my hand, the big crimson and red scythe almost as tall as me and held it up for him to view properly even as his eyes widened in fright, “Use your structural Grasp on this weapon, my Gungnir, it’ll be a great help to you in the future, memorize everything you can, from the last wielder, to me, get all the information you can and you may just survive what’s coming with a happy ending.

“F-fine!” Shirou grunted and I smirked happily. His eyes glowed a brighter glow and he watched over the signature weapon of Odino, God of the Norse, Allfather, taking in its powers and its history even as he trembled and forced himself to not cry out in pain.

Sorry buddy, I mentally lamented as his eyes began to slow close after a good minute or so. He done well, but this wasn’t something he should stay awake for. The pain and overload of energy and information from Gungnir was too much for even him and he promptly, passed out,

I stood back and admired the body with a grib, cyan green lines of power disappearing from his body. There should be a little while before the Grail War starts. With access to his full circuits and the minor healing of Avalon, if he uses the circuits constantly he should be able to boost the unit intake of his circuits.

“So long hero,” I called back with a wave over my shoulder and made my way off. Although, before I did, I tapped my foot and set up an aversion Boundary Field to keep the normies away for now. It’s too far away from the Matou or Tohsaka households for them to sense, and Kirei wouldn’t come up this way. So unless Gilgamesh comes here on open of his strolls, he shouldn’t care. And Gilgamesh would be far more interested in me than the unoncscious Shirou.

The question would be, would I anger him with my Tribrid status? Underneath all the arrogance, Gilgamesh does have a love for humanity above the gods after all. Or would the fact that I have Gungnir drive him into a rage, or maybe even amuse him in the same way Iskander wanted to conquer his kingdom and take his treasures? Time will tell.

But I’m not ready to face Gilgamesh yet. ‘M nowhere near close to mastering the poqwea of Gungnir despite having the fighting portion down due to the memories enclosed in the Magical Crests I’ve stolen.

“Time will tell….Huh,” Bloody gazed at the night sky, determination flickering in in now glowing orbs. He’d just have to take Gilgamesh down. This was a world he longed for, bot as the normal Mathew and now myself, Bloody.

Maybe I should go fishing for some of those extra Noble Phantansms’s they’d be a decent boost. But I don’t know, I think mastering Gungnir with all the abilities it comes with, both from its time forged around or before Gilgamesh’s era and the abilities it gained while being wielded by Odin.


“Huh,” Bloody commented to himself, taking in the pitiful figure before him as the rain fell down on both of them. Matting his shaggy. Long blonde hair, more like a lions mane and her, the petite beautiful girl with stunning lilac hair in rather revealing clothes, soaked to the bone from the falling rain. She leaned against the tree’s, eyes half glazed and open, panting deeply almost in pain.

Huh, Medea Lily. The hell is she doing summoned. Did that Blonde idiot fucking screw things up already? But I suppose I could work with this, with her ability, any serious injury from a servant being a familiar and made of magic would heal me right up. With how massive my mana capacity is now, having grown another couple thousands in the past week or so, it should be no problem for me with her hanging in back to outlast Heracles. And that would be such an epic fight!

I’m not scared of pain at all. The memories of the boy whom inhabited this body first before he almost died and left room for Bloody to take residence and control - he’d undergone countless painful tortures since he as a toddler, pain was like an old friend to him. I shivered at the thought, it would be like two titans battling it out. The unstoppable vs the immovable.

But first…

“Huh…” I hummed, making my way over, grocery bag in hand and moved to crouch in front of her with curios blue eyes, “What the heck is a servant doing all the way out here? And hell, why have you been summoned, the next war isn’t for another fifty or so years by this point.”

“...Curses….” the young, gorgeous lilac woman muttered venomously, “Of course after that buffon of a man and what awaits me when I return to the throne, no other than another stupid man would find me moments from death.”

I smiled at her wyrly, “You know Medea..” I began, smirking when her eyes flew open in shock, “Not all us her are like that loser Jason you were forced to love by a whore god.”

She hissed, “You dare take the god of loves name in vain?” she shot back in bewilderment, violet eyes wide with both fright and form what I could smell, intrigue.

“The gods don’t frighten me much,” I laughed, “Their power is miniscule in this era and with the way I’m going, it won’t be long before I surpass that slut and her buddies up on Olympus.”

Her eyes were so wide at my proclamation, it looked like they were going to pop out of her sockets,”Blasphemous...impossible!” She hissed, her years turning fearful and feebly looking around as if a bolt of gargantuan lightning would smite me down any moment.

I grinned, “Don’t believe me? Just take a gander at this then.” It was lucky I’ve got multiple bounded fields that keep excess power from being detected outside the very limits of the temple, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to do this without letting everyone know about me, and my power. I mentally unshackled the grips I had on my power and I channeled it, condensed it into my form and unleashed it until a black and crimson aura swirled wildly around my form, gushing around fast enough that the winds it picked up were enough to bend the trees, crack the tiles of the ground and almost flow Medea Lily flying if she didn’t have a firm grip on the big tree she had been leaning on. Although, the harsh winds definitely gave me a good peak at her young, substantial cleavage and lovely, luscious lithe legs.

When I clamped down on my aura and looked at her, she gaped at me with eyes wide of wonder, “How...how can a human from this age be so powerful?” the indigo beauty wondered aloud, “I’ve never seen a mortal being with as much pure power except for Heracles!”

Hooh, that was good to know. Berserkales was so powerful even with his reason taken away. And no story ever spoke of him having magical power besides some odd ones like casting lightning bolts and wind, what with being the son of Zeus and such so for him to have magical inborn power that was a match for mine after draining hundreds of magi of their power, taking their magical crests and draining their power as well, draining all matters of creatures I came across, like those hundreds of giant sharks that each had more prana/mana than the majority of mages, complete with me being a tribrid of human/apostle/Drakon, well it was no wonder he was such a beast.

Put him in the caster class, but give him a bow and a club as well and he’d probably be one of the strongest servants ever. Right up there wit Wise old Gil during the fight in Fate/Go against Tiamat.

I crouched down in front of Medea and grinned, her look of wonderment turning wary when I allowed my apostle and drakonic nature to show through a bit, my eyes bleeding crimson and pupils turning into slits, “Let’s just say that my family wasn’t the nicest of people and were desperate to create the ultimate magic user,” My grin turned wistiful, “Suffice to say, they succeeded and now I’m a tribrid, a chimera if you, will, created with three different creatures. Myself the human to make up one third, a rather dead apostle to make up another third and finally my very skeleton, blonde, muscle and more were combined with that of a Black Drakon my family unearthed.”

“Mortal or god...neither ever changes do they?” Medea sighed sadly, looking up at the rain splattering across her porcelean skin, running down her face in a way that made her almost seem like she was crying, “What horrible things they do to one another, will we ever be free to live out lives as we please?”

It obviously didn’t escape her notice that I was barely that much taller than her, so I was a young man, not full grown. But tears seriously shouldn’t brand such a beautiful face.

I leaned over and before she could do anything, I tousled her hair gently. Sorry, servant or not, with how powerful I’ve become it’s gonna take someone like Saber or Berserkales to contend with me physically. I’m almost halfway to the evolution point into a dragon and my strength as an apostle increases the more blood I devour and I’ve devoured a lot of blood. It just so happens that because of my unique nature I can devour magic power as well.

She flinched slightly, but relaxed realising if I wanted, I could snap her in half as easily as any human woman. She was already physically weak as a Caster, never mind with how drained of mana she is right now. When Saber was in a similar state, she couldn’t even lift Excalibur and by all rights it isn’t a very heavy sword. Ilya can wield it in Prisma, a ten or 12 or so year old girl.

“As much as I’d hate to see a gorgeous girl like you disappearing, I began with a wistful, sad done, looking her in the eyes just to show her how much it hurt cuz god damn was this girl cute! Waifu material for sure, “I’m not  master, I don’t have command seals. And there’s only one thing I can do to give you mana to help you stay, but I highly doubt you’ll be up for it.”

And that really fucking hurt. I sighed sadly. She’s like a gorgeous little pixie and the thought of cucking that jackass asshole Jason sounds like a great, godly...no dragonly plan to me!

She smiled such a beautiful smile then I had to look way, it was that bright. She weakly lifted my arms, to to show her bare arm under her near see through witch loathing, and to my shock, I found three blood dread tatti;s littering around her wrist in the image of mystic staves., “Not quite, wirth my Noble Phanatasm, Rule Breaker, I was able to sever the connection to my slimeball of a previous master and reduce his existence to ash.”

The only disappointment I could feel a bit  out about was the fact that I wasn’t there to drain him and his companions of their magic and loot their stuff. He sounded like a pretty rich guy and I was still getting by on a low amount of cash and hypnotism.’

Gonna have to get her to show me where his labs are and I’ll rob him blind.

But what drew me from my vengeful thoughts and shocked me, was the, was the three red tattoo tags signaying her a master. Rule Breaker. I’ve read about it. A dagger with the ability to sever all magical contracts and she’ used it on herself, to gain freedom.

I shivered as  felt the welt chill on my shoulders from my feet and she was must freezing as well, spirit or not. “Hey, I know this is crazy and you probably don’t want another one after you lost baster, “I rabbled a bit before grinning, “But how about you become my servant. I’ve hpy a ton of  prana and that’s an understatement, with me you don’t need to worry about mana exhaustion at all, so will you become my partner in this grail war instead?

Lily sighed in defeat, then looked up at him determinately. I sighed, knowing what she wanted, focusing magic into my palm and pointing it to her, “I degree,”  I egan the chant, 2

My will creates your body, and your sword creates my destiny” I intoned loudly, allowing the thick, rigid atmosphere of my mana to disperse into the air in thick tendrils of black energy.

“My will creates your body, and your sword creates my destiny, “I breathed deeply, “ IF you heed the Grail’s can and obey my will and reason…”As I intooned those words a large sphere of crimson energy shone around myself before dissipating

“Then answer me!” I demanded, “Do so and I shall entrust my destiny to your sword!”

Becoming lighter with each breath and sun turning a lovely rosy color, Medea Lily stood with a wide grin on her face and place her delicate hand atop one of my own, “On my owner as Caster  I accept you as my master, Bloody!”

There was a massive red plume smokescreen made of prana that kicked up the moment we exchanged our vows, but the moment they dispersed, Lily stood before me, almost as tall as myself, skin virgant and lilac hair luscious and shimmering.

“...Yeah, looks like we are..”I hummed curiously, looking at my arm where a tribal line started around my arm twisted around like a band design through to the other list. At least it looks cool. Kinda edgy looking but I dan deal with it.

A strong grip on my shirt grabbed me and I looked to find Media Lily smiling flirtatiously at me, “You know you planned for the tantric ritual to saveme ,” She pointed out impishly and I felt no need to character, “i think it’s high time I reward such a giving man as yourself.t

And then we were gone, me landing on a familiar black quality bed. My doubled that I spent quite a bit of cash on it. I had no time to claim though as soft lips were on mine trailing against my won rough teenage ones, forcing me to part my lips. But I wouldn’t stay idly, I met her tongue with my own and we engaged in a fierce tongue duel that I ultimately one, my tongue pining hers at the bottom of her own mouth were I wiggled and toggled here and there on her pink togan with his eack. 

Lully still standing up, pilled on my leg, tugging my jeans  get off and leaving me bare from the crowth down, my huge, fat mahood swelling up behind her till I could see it behind her head that was leading down to place feather light kisses down my chaw and then chest.

“Ugh,”I moaned lightly at the feel of her feather soft slips.

She was almost to my bottoms and I could feel her unfastening my belt before I let the pleasure flee from my mind and took full control, sitting up fully I grabbed her legs bore ber the entire weight life it was child’s play,  and with my strength it was childs please to give her a short, easy toss onto the bed and have her at my mercy.

Kneeling up. I gyt above her body and moved her white sash top away revealing her pert, round pearl white tippys tippsied with small pink nipples Delicios, they were overflowing in my hand as she mewled beneath me and I took two rough handfuls. Just imagining what she’;d be like as fully grown babe had me shivering. Jason was a total fool for giving this un and she was gonna be all mine.

And if David did turn up in this world, I’ll take out Brionic right away, go max power and blow him away like the trash he is, The fool has no idea who he’s dealing with

“Oh bLoody you’re such an animal,” She squealed as I plucked and pulled at her nipples. Shriting, moaning and jerking from all sides. But it wasn’t enough. I want to see more.

Grabbing her hip,  I pulled her around to till her head until it was was on the couch then I raised my fat cock and laid  it over her slim, belly, relishing in the semi frightened look she gave me. It told me just how much bigger than Jason I was just from that reaction alone. I can’t wait to see him in a Grail and rub it in his face how I cucked the assholsih cunt like her deserved. I tugged and torqued on her nipples, making her squeal, arch her liethe black and let shiny clear juices shoot forth all over the couch.

She squealed the in pleasure, the little lily witch and I couldn’t handle anyw anymore waiting. I wanted to claim her virginity for myself, before that filfthy, loser pig Jason ever got the chance to. With my mighty apostle enhanced draconic strength I tore her white sheer dress in two and present her nude, lithe and nubile tbody to my vision, all tan and sparkling skin, shining like the night sky from little glitters that went over her body.

I couldn’t hold back. Grasping her legs, “Be ready, it’ll hurt a bit,” I told her before thrusting forward and impaling the small petite princess on my huge cock. Draconian cock/ It towered over tench inches I bet that limp dick cuck Jason could never hope to compete with this, not with a young as I am with plenty of growing to do.

She moaned in pain but I kissed the tears away and then at her Medea Lily’s urging, I began to rock into once, twice, thrice slowly until she started to pain, traces of her woman’s blood disappearing and all that was left was the little princess moaning beneath me as I picked up speed and began to jack hammer my fat, hybrid cock into her unused royal pussy and ruin it for any man but be, especially Jason. 

2I’ gonna shape this lovely little pussy to the shape of my ock alone!” I hissed dirtily and the girl squeal squealed naughtily, wrapping her legs around me and pulling her into her, urging e on to go faster and harder. So I did.

Once times, five times, twenty limes, one hundred times, I lost count of how many pevil breaking thrusts I made into the young lilac haired princess nor for how long I made her mine, but eventually I felt it coming even as a rolled her up into a ball over my shoulders in the matting press and jackhammered her silly, amd squeals and splittle leaving her lips, her tongue dancing wildly and limp from her mouth as she came and came over and over again on my mighty turbid cock, and the ay her eyes rolled up into the back of her head her tongue out, giving me that goofy fucked silly look. I’d only I could record such a picture for my own convenience.

When I came, I ripped out of the young svelte princess and watched as she squealed like a broken, branded pig that was just stuck, eyes made with pleasure, scratching at everything in the distance and anywhere around her, every part of sexy royal body spasming as I left her room, her pussy humping down one ayfer another squirting batch after batch of his powerful virile seed. She’d be lucky if she didn’t end up pregnant after the completely mind fucking and complete body domination he gave the girl.

She would just be the first. Caste class or not, she was still a servant. But now it was time to make plans for my conquests.

Shinjihad to die and I had to steal the book of False Atonement. With it, I could get into the Matou Household with easy kill seawood like the worm he was and then completely annihilate connected to Zoken’s soul and blood with my control of blood and Sakura was free. But not for free, I wanted her to transfer the command seals to me for Rider so I can get m second Waifu. Honestly, not many others appealed to me in the girls for this route. Sakura was too pro shirou an I don’t want to cuck him at all, I like him. Archer - Emiya was the problem if he told Rin too much there was no chance of him getting her on his side, so she’ll just have to go bye bye alongside her 40 natural circuits and 30 family circuits. It’ll will give me a good few thousand mana/prana capacity boost and access to the Jewel sword. With Shoru’s magic already unlocked, it will help him gain the maigc he needs to confront Gilgmesh if I’m not ready in time.

IN the meantime, I’ve got six command seal. Somehow Medea had acquired another three some hapless mage, probably an ally of her precious master. And I’m going to use it to summon a good, hopefully sex Assassi,. Or maybe that one guy from the Fate Go trailers that looks badass with gauntlets and grieves punching on the highway, I wouldn’t getting him to teach me how to fight and if I can get Aruria on my side with the information about the grail and the plan I’m beginning to think of to clear it, with Shirou’s blessing I may be able to gain that was I want To travel to Other Fate multiverses, like Apocrypha and pickup babeslike Atlanta and Jeanne there. That and rescue all those homonculus it kinda pissed me of how many were freaking killed for nothing.

I’ll take much better care of them when they’re my homunculus army, that's for sure.


0 Jordinio 0

You know, I was stone cold drunk, bouncing off the walls when wrote this shit last night. My muse is pathetically dead while sober, but when drunk the first idea that comes to mind I run the fuck with it/ I even made plans for a friend of mine inserting into zancrow's body just as Natsu defeated him and having to bullshit his way on to the good side.