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“Oh my!” Rider gasped, her long, majestic shimmering purple hair flaring behind her in her shock as she looked around at the multitude of muscular blonde teens surrounding her.

She’d had sex with her master once before and his sheer strength, cock size and vitality had left her exhausted for days despite the massive amount of prana he provided her.

But, now? Surrounded by dozens of grinning, buff boys, jacking their massive schlongs and eying her lustfully, Rider felt a sliver of both wanton lust and feat jostle through her.

Even as one grabbed her by her long, luscious purple hair Rider made a half hearted attempt to stop them despite the massive amount of juices sliding about between her full fleshy thighs, “Master, isn’t this a bit much?!” she inquired, although there was no masking the desire she felt. Despite the fact that one master alone had been enough to fuck her unconscious and had continued to use sexy voluptuous, sexy body even while she was unresponsive, waking up hours later to him still rutting her body silly.

“Silly Rider!” one of clones admonished, stepping up to play with her luscious hair, one of her features she knew her master loved to run his fingers through as they lay in bed together after a long day.

That was the only warning she got before he pulled her by the hair he loved so much and bent her over the table. She squealed, as without warning, he used his leash like grip on her hair to pull her back and spear into her with his gargantuan cock, spreading her leaky folds once again far beyond even the likes of the god Poseidon could ever hope to compare.

“Uwaaa…”The normally stoic servant of the mount squealed in utter pleasure. Although her voice was cut short as another clone of her master stepped up and plugged his gargantuan cock into her wide mouth, causing her to gag all over it, spittle splashing against his toned chest.

“Glug, glug!” the beautiful, busty purple haired of the mount gagged all over his massive schlong, her eyes rolling up into her head and spittle flying out over his cock in a spray over each pass into her throat.

Not that the clones minded, as a servant she didn’t need to breath and could handle a much more thorough fucking than most other woman on the planet.

A third clone growled, grabbing on of her bodacious tits in hands, “Hurry the fuck up idiots,!”  he snarled “I want a chance to fuck her silly too dattebayo!” his piece said, he grabbed a lock of her luscious  goddess like hair and wrapped it around his rigid meat, beginning to use it as a jack of aid until his turn came around.

It didn’t matter which clone used her Rider lamented, either way she was in for a long, hard and increasingly hard orgasmic night. Not that she would complain, servicing the master she loved was above all else in the world in her hand.


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