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“Hyah…” Shauna moaned breathily as the younger trained thrust into her forcibly from behind, her taut and supple behind rippled as his groin made contact with it in a powerful rutting force. Her pink spandex training shorts were pooled around her tanned and toned legs, while her sporty crop top had been tore from her shoulders. 

“Ah..” she hissed, both pain and pleasure ripping through her from her skull downwards as the young man behind her took a fistful of her long blue mane of hair and tugged on it like a leash, pulling her up and forcing her to jut her chest upwards into the air, giving him a great view of her large, rounded beasts topped with hard little pinks nipples jiggling and bouncing around on her chest.

His other hand that had been gripping her hip with bruising foce left it for a moment and the blue haired battle girl squealed as he spanked her harshly, the loud ringing smack echoing round them within the cave they were taking shelter in while it was raining outside, “You like that you little slut?” Ash Ketchum sneered into her ear lustfully, forcing her to moanaudibly again when he bit gently on the rim of her ear.

“Yes!” she hurriedly replied, thrusting her toned rear backwards to meet his thrusting hips, his fat cock sending spiking ripples of pleasure through her highly trained form.

When she’d learned of the newcomer on Dewford island having defeated Brawly with ease, she’d been aflush with both denial and rage. She’d raced from the gym, headless of the older surfer gym leader’s warnings of the in coming  storm, the anger festering within her had been too hot to cool with mere words and she’d stormed off to find where Ash Ketchum was, finding him at his camp Brawly had mentioned on the jungle side of the island, right at the beach.

She’d come across the raven haired teen, a few years younger than her alone training with the pokemon he had with him. Despite seeing them though, the Pikachu, the Tailow, the Haunter, the Mightyena and more, Shauna had been confident. Looking back on it, she’d been dismissive and hell’a rude making angry demands if he lost to her, it made it pretty fair of him to demand repurcussions from her if she lost equally - not that she even thought about it, she hadn’t even cared that he’d demanded her body if she lost, too angry and confident in herself.

It was quite humiliating when with the Corpish he just caught earlier in the morning, he absolutely destroyed the Medicham she’d been training for years. And when the storm pulled in, Ash dragged her off to a cave he knew of nearby and had already transferred his camping supplies to before collecting his winnings.

And that was how she found herself bent over, her hair being used as a leash for her like some disobedient puppy Growlithe being fucked silly by the young trainer. Not that Shauna minded at all, she happily allowed the young Pallet Town native his way with her, eagerly meeting his thrusts, drooling form the mouth and begging for more as he fucked pleasure through her.


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