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Naruto smiled fondly as the crowd of cheering villagers swarmed around him, he couldn't help but find some happiness in the fact that things were finally beginning to go his way, although he could have done without his favourite orange and black jumpsuit that Jiraiya bought him being ripped and torn so badly it was barely clinging to his frame.

Looking up, Naruto's eyes scanned the entire massive crowd of villagers as his head moved slowly from right to left, it was as he almost came to an end of his turn of the head that he caught sight of something he knew was going to happen.

An Anbu decked in a cream cloak appeared behind Shikaku Naru and began whispering something in his ear. Naruto didn't need to hear it, he already knew what it was about and as Shikaku disappeared with the Anbu – who he noted was a captain thanks to the cream cloak – Naruto waved off his adoring 'fans' and turned to his sensei who was just a few feet behind him and began making his way over to him.

“Kakashi-sensei.” The blonde Jinchuuriki called to his spiky silver haired teacher, who was decked out in standard Konoha Jonin garb with a dark blue facemask and his Hitai-ate slanted down covering over his Sharingan eye.

Kakashi looked up just as Naruto rached him and met his students deep blue eyes with his own uncovered eye, “Yo, Naruto!” He greeted with a raised hand.

Naruto nodded in return, his eyes focused and completely serious, something that Kakashi was rather surprised by because he had expected his excitable student to be jumping around exuberantly at the moment.

“Can you take me to wherever the Council meeting will be held? I've got something I need to do.” Naruto inquired of his sensei.

Kakashi usually would have turned away such a question, he knew that the elders would be meeting with the Daimyō in order to require funding to rebuild the village, and if he was right, for Danzo to attempt to seize the reigns of Hokage. Intruding on such a meeting would be a reason for a very harsh punishment, but seeing his students complete seriousness, Kakashi sighed and nodded his agreement as he gave in to his student.

“Mah mah, sure Naruto, but we'll need to leave right now if you're wanting to get to the meeting on time.” Kakashi replied.

Naruto was a little surprised by Kakashi figuring him out so quickly, but squashed the urge, his teacher was he famous Copy-nin afterall.

“Right, I'm ready to go whenever.” The blonde genin stated in return.

Kakashi nodded and beckoned Naruto to follow him as he leapt into the foliage of the large tree filled forest just a few feet away, Naruto following in after him with a powerful leap not a second later and both sensei and student began to bound through the tree's towards their destination.


In the hideout housing the Gedo Mazo, the few remaining upper tier agents of  Akatsuki gathered to figure out there next move.

"So, Naruto managed to defeat Pain?" asked Tobi, a spiky black haired man wearing an orange spiral mask with one eye hole and a black cloak with red clouds. Zetsu a half white, half black monster like man shaped like a venus fly trap with green hair and gleaming yellow eyes filled with hunger nodded in reply. "Huh. I'm actually a little surprised. I knew there was a slim chance for this result, but I didn't actually expect it to happen. What about the Hokage?" The un-official leader of Akatsuki continued to question.

"They're still deciding who it is going to be. If Tsunade does not awaken and retain the position, Danzo will most likely seize the position." responded Zetsu.

Tobi's eye lit up at the thought of that turn of events, it would be perfect for his plans, "Konan is not coming back, I'll deal with her when the time comes. But we'll need another pawn to sync up with the Gedo Mazo."

Tobi paused for a moment, as he contemplated his next move before turning to Kisame a short blue haired man with blue skin and pasing resemblance to a shark, leaning nonchalantly against the leg of the Gedo Maze, "Kisame, you go after the eight tailed beast that Sasuke failed to retrieve. I need to go track him down before he throws a wrench in my plans. Zetsu, you continue monitoring the events in Konoha, confirm who became the Hokage. Come find me when you're done." Tobi ordered.

When Madara first heard word of the Five Kage Summit that was to take place in the Land of Iron – thanks to his spying in Kumogakure - he was only worried about the Five Major Countries imposing sanctions and other trivial but annoying interventions against Akatsuki. This would contain their movements and activities, but that would not be a problem for him thanks to the power of his eye. The final stages of his plans only requiring the capture of the two remaining bijuu – The Hachibi and the Kyuubi - outside his control. Naruto's elimination of his greatest Aces, made it more imperative that he get to him now, before he became and even bigger thorn in his side. The time for sitting back in the shadows had come to an end.

The footsteps of Kisame echoed as he got up and began walking to the exit of the large dark cave that housed the Gedo Mazo.

"What are you going to do now?" asked Zetsu.

"Initiate the start of something spectacular." replied the masked man as a spiral contortion materialized in front of him, time and space warping to his will as he vanished to another point in the vast lands of the world.


“We plan to continuing working with other countries against the threat posed by Akatsuki." Homura, an older grey haired spectacled man dressed in flowing white and blue robes stated clearly to the council and the Fire Daimyō.

"After what has happened to Konoha...Hi no Kuni will put every effort into helping rebuild the village from this latest attack. We'll first have to come up with a budget...and considering the strain on the other countries...I suppose we should be thankful that the people of this village are still standing." One of the councillors concluded with a nod.

"...There is something else we should consider first...who will be the next Hokage?" Danzo interjected with the subject everyone in the room was teetering nervously around. Danzo was an old black haied man, his face covered almost entirely in bandages and a had a large blazing star shaped scar on his chin, the old elder of Konoha was wearing his own flowing black robe with white clothing seen underneath.

'So, It's come to this huh?' Shikaku, the father of Shikimaru dressed in his own standard Jonin garb questioned within the confines of his mind.

Everyone in the large furnished council room fell silent, except the Fire Daimyō that is, "Couldn't we just wait for Tsunade to awaken? I am sure the matter will fix itself eventually."

Koharu, the final member of the Sandaime Hokage's Genin team voiced her opinion. "My lord, Tsunade is still in a coma, we can't decide on a plan for the village of when she will wake up. Besides, the destruction of Konoha was partially her fault." The old woman pointed out.

The Fire Daimyō sighed as he leaned back into his seat, fanning himself. "I'd choose Jiraiya, I liked him, but he's gone now…"

Seeing Danzo was about to speak again, Shikaku intervened, clearly seeing the schemes of the old war hawk. "I nominate Kakashi Hatake."

The Fire Daimyō seemed impressed. "Oho, the son of the Shiroi Kiba (White Fang), eh? Why not? What do all of you think?" Murmurs and whispers went around the council chambers talking about the situation.

"He's well known, strong and respected that's true but he's very young."

"Minato was even younger."

A councilman turned to Shikaku. "Who was his teacher?"

Shikaku replied in a calm demeanour, everything was swaying in his favour. "The Yondaime Hokage."

The Fire Daimyō seemed impressed again. "Ah, Kakashi who was taught by the Fourth Hokage taught by Jiraiya who was taught by the Sandaime…it is a fine selection!" The old noble added with a smile.

"The Third Hokage's teachings have as good as destroyed the village! The leader of Akatsuki, Pain, was once Jiraiya's pupil!" Everyone turned to Danzo who seemed to have opposed the idea, his one visibly eye opened and narrowed into glaring slits anger coursing through him at the very thought of more of that pathetic windbag's teachings winning favor over his.

“What kind of Hokage do we need now?” Danzo asked aloud as the stolen Sharingan eye of Shisui Uchiha flared to life behind the bandages covering the hidden eye and prepared to use it to influence the daimyō, “One who can put an end to this wretched situation, who can bring change to the ninja world and reinforce the laws that govern us, that man is me!” The old warhawk declared as he stood up to emphasize the dramatic effect of his statement.

Before debate could continue though and before Danzo could utilize his Jutsu, the doors banged open harshly against the stone walls cutting them all off.

“Over my maggot filled corpse, will I ever allow you to become Hokage!” Naruto declared as he strode in confidently the golden bar pupils of Sage Mode shining in his eyes, Kakashi trailing in behind his student supportively.

“Uzumaki, how dare you-” Koharu started angrily, but was cutt off by Naruto.

“Shut up you old bat.” The blonde Genin snapped at her, before turning his attention back to Danzo, “You're one of the reasons this world is so messed up in the first place, you're the reason Pein came into existence and caused him to attack Konoha so harshly, not only that but while our loyal Shinobi fought and bled for our village, you sat safely below ground with a few thousand Anbu to protect you!” Naruto angrily declared as he snarled at Danzo.

Danzo merely smiled mockingly at him, “And where is your proof?” The old war hawk asked.

Stopping his snarling Naruto smiled mockingly right back at Danzo, “I have all the proof I need in here.” Naruto replied as he brandished a small crystal ball from his jacket, “This crystal ball records all happenings in Hokage's office, and it clearly shows you trying to delay my return to help the village, a fact that caused hundreds of deaths from both Civilian and Shinobi alike.” Naruto told his assembled audience as he activated the crystal ball by pushing chakra through it.

The crystal ball flared to life and a short scene played out. A toad sitting on the desk of the Hokage preparing to make it's journey home to warn the other toads and Naruto of pein's attack, only to be punctured straight through the head with a sword from behind, Danzo coming into view as the toad fell to the ground dead before the feed to the crystal ball cut off.

Homura and Koharu looked at each other, worried expressions crossing their faces because the simple fact was that they were allied with Danzo and this simple act could bring them down with the old war hawk. The Fire Daimyō who frowned thoughtfully if not a little disgusted by the traitorous actions to his favourite summoning animal. "Quite. It seemed that the reason why Naruto-kun was sent back later than expected was indeed because of Danzo. Even if Naruto weren't to return, Pein would have attacked.” He mused, “But nonetheless, I think I may have an idea of who is to become the next Hokage." The Fire Daimyō concluded as he began to fan himself happily.

Naruto nodded to the Daimyō before turning back to Danzo, “But first you old cripple, it's time you payed for your crimes, so either surrender peacefully or it's the body bag for you.” Naruto told the older Shinobi, completely serious. Now wasn't the time for his usual stubborn and dopey self, with Tsunade out of commission and Ero-sennin...gone. It was up to him to protect the village. He didn't enjoy killing, hated it in fact, but the fact of the matter is the world would be a better place without certain people in it, and like it or not it was his duty as the future Hokage to defeat or even kill all threats to his village's safety, and even more those who were a threat to the world at large like Danzo was, who threatened to destroy every last shred of peace in the world that his teacher and fellow apprentice Nagato entrusted to him to protect, nurture and grow until the world was at peace, a world that when the time came hopefully everybody would understand each other and a world he would fight to his dying breath to protect.


Void Walker

Fantastic work! Though i have one question... is this a one and done or will there be more later on down the line? Either way great job and best wishes...!