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Naruto stepped out of the Silver oval-shaped portal, his left arm now sporting two tattoos, reading Satsuki and Naruko, respectively, across his bicep. He stepped forward out of the portal and smelled the air, breathing in his home world’s scent. It was good to be back!


Kushina was heading to her class at the academy. She was finally getting used to walking in a straight line again. After reaching her classroom she sat beside Kurenai at the desk and looked at the various Kunoichi in the room now looking to her for guidance. They numbered just above thirty. She noticed a few familiar faces, Ino Yamanaka, Hanabi Hyuuga, and Sakura Haruno weren't very much of a surprise to see. Even Ami, the girl who used her superior body strength, gained from bullying, according to her file, to become to entire village's only known expert in using a sledge hammer in battle, or Kurama Yakumo, the Genjustu genius who was cured of her demon problem recently and had to start learning Genjustu again from the ground up, wasn't very surprising.

Ayame Ichiraku, on the other hand, was. She'd left the academy as a student to help her father’s ramen stand, but now his business had stabilized Kushina guessed she was returning to the active Kunoichi roster again after some training to shake off the rust.

Kushina herself had been offered a job to help Kurenai teach the Kunoichi some of her advanced Genjustu by her husband and quickly agreed, it being a good excuse to be out of the house.

Standing up, Kurenai addressed the class loud enough for everyone to hear her, “Okay ladies, I'm going to start off by casting one of my most powerful Genjutsu on all of you. Don't worry, as for the first few hours we'll be focusing on simply dispelling, so the Genjutsu's will be incredibly easy to spot. Your first task will be simply to break it. Here we go!” Kurenai said as she sped through almost half of the twenty five hand-seals for her own version of the Hell Viewing Jutsu.

Before she could start on the other half there was a flash of silver light and Kushina’s son Naruto appeared behind her. She held in a gulp as she heard the door suddenly lock. The girls in the class all turned to look at the new arrival and began focusing their chakra in an attempt to break the Genjutsu that they assumed was there.

Naruto looked at them, wondering why they were chanting “Kai.” and releasing pulses of chakra varying in strength before shrugging and turning to his lover. Kushina sighed as she noticed he was completely naked already, knowing she was going to have to go back to limping again.

Naruto paused, as if in deep though, before he put his hands together, forming a single Kage Bunshin with a cross with his fingers. “In exchange for the ability and any others you think up, I accept." Naruto said, placing his hand on his clone's chest.

Kushina and the girls watched curiously as red chakra traveled from the Naruto’s arm into the clone, who suddenly looked a lot more feral. Red eyes, full claws, pointed teeth, and shaggy hair were the most apparent changes. Glancing down Kushina was rather surprised to find that his cock looked slightly different; almost two dozen small fleshy nubs were spread out along its length. She began to panic at the thought of inside her.


Naruto decided he'd treat himself to a nice welcome back gift. Thinking of the girl he wanted to fuck most at that given second his mind supplied Kushina. He'd been gone for what, a week? That was quite a while to go without a thorough pussy pounding in his humble opinion. So he used the Hirashin seal he put on her ass and appeared in a classroom. Seconds later he realized she was in a class, and judging by the various girls using the Release command, it was a Genjutsu class. Perfect.

Before he could do anything he was pulled into his mind. “The fuck do you want fox? I'm about to be very busy!” Naruto snapped at the giant demon.

Let me take over a Kage Bunshin, I want to pay your mom back for sealing me up for all those years.” Kyuubi said bluntly.

Naruto make an exaggerated thinking pose, “Kushina is mine. Why the hell would I let you out, much less near her?” He demanded.

The ancient being chuckled, “You are... mostly human, and I am a devil of a sort, so I think we can strike up a deal with the devil, so to speak. I know a few Jutsu that will make the more difficult Kunoichi and/or woman from other dimensions cum their brains to mush. I would be willing to give you the knowledge to use these Jutsu and techniques in exchange for fucking that red haired bitch inside out.” Kyuubi's voice rumbled.

“Once, but not with her. You can have another woman or nothing.” Naruto said simply.

Kyuubi growled lowly and was silent for several seconds. “Very well. Even once will be worth it for what I have in store.”


“Naruto, I thought you were on vacati-EEH!!!” Kushina squealed mid-word as her son appeared behind her and all her clothes were shredded in a burst of wind. Naruto absently began groping her breasts as the clone shoved Kurenai down, bending her over the desk, and ripping her dress uniform off before it slammed himself inside her pussy.

“AGHHHH! OH GOD!” Kurenai screamed as she had to fight to stop herself from passing out. A thin line of drool escaped her mouth as the spikes hit almost every nerve, including her G-spot, repeatedly.

“Oh God! Unnn! Make it stop! Make it stop! Make it stop!” She cried, not even aware she was mindlessly repeating herself as the red clone started to thrust in and out of her at a savage pace. Barely fifteen seconds later the clone growled, at itself, oddly enough, and with a final thrust buried itself deep inside her.

Kyuubi smirked as it came. Being trapped in the seal had somehow ruined it's stamina. It took solace in the fact that it may be a quick-shot for the whole session, but it had enough energy to last it for well over several hours and enough tricks to leave her a brain-dead idiot within that time limit. Directing a fraction of it's considerable power downward It turned on a Jutsu it liked to call Endless Supply, and began cumming inside Kurenai like a garden hose turned to max. Not even bothering to stop as it filled her to the brim and then some, it kept fucking it's mutated cock into her clenching hole. Kurenai was too busy moaning from all the pleasure to notice her womb being filled.

It stopped and grabbed Kurenai and lifted her up, whispering in her ear.

Ready for round two, bitch? I’m going to make you my slave by the time I’m done with you!” It said harshly as Kyuubi’s dick shifted, all the small nubs lengthened slightly and began vibrating. Two thin, four inch slime coated tentacles grew from the base of its cock as well before shoving themselves inside her ass, the two tentacles while lubing her ass hole branched off and began exploring and wiggling around, growing longer as they dug deeper, pressing every pleasure zone in her ass she knew, and didn't know she had.

'Round two? Oh God, it’s going to fuck me to death!'


Naruto, in the meantime, was looking at the class. Kurenai and Kushina must have prepared them for anything, as they were still sitting calmly, albeit incredibly red in the face, eyes glued to the screaming, drooling woman, trying to focus their chakra to dispel the illusion they thought they were seeing.

Time to up the difficulty.” Naruto thought as he walked towards them. An amused grin etching its way onto his face as he noticed a good portion of the girls' eyes drifted downward of their own accord to watch the swaying appendage between his legs.

Making another clone it instantly changed into a comfortable looking couch a few feet in front of the first row of desks before Naruto placed a Hiraishin seal on one of the cushions and disappeared in a blur of speed. To the girls attending the class the naked Adonis disappeared and reappeared onto the couch with a very naked and aroused Kushina on his lap.

Caressing the squirming brunette's stomach and sides Naruto turned to the class, “Genjustu I may be,” He lied, deciding to go with the flow, “But can you get rid of me when you have such a massive distraction? Or even a reason NOT to get rid of me?” He asked with a grin. Turning his attention back to his longtime friend, and childhood crush, he cupped her cheek, looking her straight in the eyes, “Especially you, my dear.” He said in a husky whisper. His voice was apparently loud enough for the class to hear, as they shivered almost in unison.

Before Kushina had a chance to retort Naruto lunged forward and captured her lips in a soul searing kiss. While she was distracted by that a burst of wind shredded her clothes just as he grabbed her shapely behind and positioned her on his lap, in what a scarce few of the girls knew as the cowgirl position, his massive cock wedged between her lower cheeks.

Looking over Kushina’s shoulder Naruto noticed a good portion of his audience had dropped their hands and were simply staring at the scene in front of them. “Since most of you seem to have stopped trying to get rid of me,” a few hands raised back up to keep trying as he said this, but most remained down, some farther down than others... “So I suppose I’ll give a hands on sex-ed lesson. Because frankly, they just don't teach it like they used to.”

Lifting the suddenly nervous Kushina up, just enough so his cock tip dragged across her sensitive flesh before stopping against the entrance to her pussy he paused, applying just enough force so the head stayed in place he started talking again. “Now, most Kunoichi either have sex with a close friend, or simply break their own hymen if they still have it at all once they graduate, so it's not a weakness anyone can exploit. Even without the hymen sex can still be painful the first time, albeit to a lesser degree.” Here he stopped and whispered into Kushina’s ear, “Did you miss me? Your wet pussy says you did.”

Pulling her hips down the tip of his cock dug into her, the shaft bending slightly near the middle, not being able to gain entrance to the significantly smaller orifice, before, like a spring, it suddenly slipped inside her. Kushina tensed, but otherwise made no sounds as his cock stretched her pussy lips.

“As you can see by the lack blood, Kushina has already lost her hymen.” She moaned in ecstasy as Naruto slammed her hips down fully, her ass making a clapping sound as her cheeks hit his thighs. Every girl in the class winced at the sound she made.

“I apologize, I’m got larger and I wouldn't have been able to fit inside you unless you relaxed.” He explained.

Kushina nodded, understanding his point. Naruto took this as a go ahead and started thrusting slowly into her. “Now, for your first time the male you're with should go slow and only start moving after you give the okay right after the first penetration.” He explained before making another clone. This one Henge'd into a high rise coffee table right in front of the couch. Naruto leaned Kushina back slowly until her head was resting on the table before he stood up, lifting one of her legs so the class could see her stomach. Several of the sharper eyed girls gasped as they saw a faint, tube shaped bulge on Kushina’s stomach.

“As some of you may know, Kunoichi are built different than your average woman. It's one of the reasons chakra is unlocked so young. Chakra strengthens the body. A Kunoichi's body is quite a bit more resilient than a civilian. So a lot of things that are impossible are otherwise possible. Normally, penetrating the womb would be rather unhealthy. Then again, I’m not a Doctor, so don't quote me, hell I’m not even real.” He grinned as he notices not a one of them was trying to 'dispel' him anymore, to enraptured by the sight in front of them. Being a seal master he was able to 'draw' with his chakra. So he drew a glowing blue diagram, life size and in the correct place, of her reproductive organs on her stomach to illustrate.

“Of course, as ninja you should accept freaky sex is the norm. So womb penetration is both possible,” He paused as his hips jerked forward. The tip of the bulge slipped passed the cervix in the drawing and into the womb area. Kushina moaned loudly, tensing up. The class thought she was in pain, until they saw her body shaking and her toes curling. “And, as you can see, incredibly pleasurable.”

Not waiting till Kushina recovered he gave the class a foxy grin he started bouncing her up and down on his shaft. “And that's the educational section, well... most of it anyway. I'm now going to demonstrate exactly how much punishment a Kunoichi's body can take.” He waited a beat, grin widening. “By fucking our dear Kushina–Chan’s brains out!”


Lord Koenma, I love your pussy!” Kyuubi said. “Twenty six and you're still virgin tight!” It laughed uproariously, its mutated cock still hammering Kurenai’s womb, the twin tentacles had steadily grown and were now a good two feet long, wiggling around in her bowels.

“Please stop! I don't want any more cum in me!” Kurenai cried, tears streaming down her face as her completely raw pussy supplied just as much pleasure as it did pain.

Tell me,” It said as it spanked her ass. “Tell me how much you love my cock!” it said in a dark growl. Kurenai just screamed as she felt the two tentacles in her ass start spinning, moving around faster than ever. Both tentacles pulled out, but one transformed considerably, looking like an exact replica of the mutated cock currently pounding the top of her womb, before it plunged right back into Kurenai’s ass, digging impossibly deep, making her scream at the top of her lungs as it thrust back and forth into her tight ass. Kurenai firmly believed it was going to drag her bowels out with it eventually.

Kyuubi growled as, despite it’s earlier statement, her holes were loosening. “Tighten up you slut!” It demanded. Growling louder as she didn't comply, it raised it’s hand and slapped her ass with all of it’s strength. Kurenai lurched forward, a sharp yelping sound escaping her hoarse throat.

Now that's more like it!” Kyuubi laughed mockingly as she tightened up again. This only lasted for a few minutes as she loosened again. “God dammit! You useless whore! You're not even useful as a proper fuck-toy!” it roared, feeling a need to hit something to work out It's aggression It proceeded to beat her ass red with the palms it it's hands.

Kyuubi was deep in thought as it filled the weakly struggling raven haired woman with another gallon sized load. Slapping her ass wasn't working as well as it did before. It doubted she enjoyed the spanking, as it was doing it hard enough to blister her skin, so it must have been the pain that made her clench oh so deliciously around it's dick.

Kyuubi grinned, unlike It's container's signature grin it was filled with sadistic glee.

Testing It's theory, it raked it's claws along her back, drawing another scream from the woman, and grinned harder as It's theory proved correct; the bitch tightening around him again.

Kyuubi continued doing this, destroying Kurenai’s pussy, filling her with Koenma knew how much of it's tainted sperm, and raking It's claws along her back when she got too loose as it looked up to see what It's container was doing. Kyuubi chuckled; the kid knew how to put on a show, it was willing to admit that much. The eyes of over thirty young girls' were glued to whatever, or whoever, the boy was doing on the other side of the couch. Judging by the blushes, occasional nosebleeds, and universal envious looks they all sported, it was betting he was doing the latter.

Kyuubi's lips twitched in a snarl as It's claws were no longer doing the trick, despite Kurenai’s gash covered back, and all the pain she was probably in, she was still looser than a popular street whore. It thought for a few more seconds, pouring another gallon sized dose of cum into it's bitch helped it think. The grin made a comeback as it thought of another way. What did the humans call it? Ah yes, autoerotic asphyxiation.

Flipping Kurenai over on her stomach Kyuubi reached forward and gripped her throat with both hands, staring into her eyes with it's own gleaming red orbs as It raped her, letting her know who was dominant. Once she averted her gaze downward like a good bitch should it squeezed. Kushina's wide, panic filled eyes shot back up to stare at it, “Please noooo- Her begging tapered off into a rasping hiss as it gripped her throat tighter. Obviously, it had underestimated how much pressure it could apply to her air passage before it robbed her of the ability to speak. On the plus side, her begging for mercy had made it cum again, and her now incredibly tight pussy was quickly coaxing another load out of it's balls barely a minute later.

Kyuubi, content to strangle Kurenai to death, her face turning blue was endlessly amusing to it, and was taken off guard as half it's chakra suddenly disappeared. Apparently, the boy had picked up on it's intent and didn't like the idea. Growling at the boys arrogance he let go of Kurenai’s throat, letting her cough and gasp for air, greedily gulping in large lungful at a time. Kyuubi lamented at the lost tightness, but at least she wasn't street whore loose, yet, while watching her with sadistic amusement. It had another thought and transformed the last tentacle another fully formed, fleshy nub covered cock before it made it slither up her body. Snaking up her stomach it wrapped around her breasts in a figure eight, positioning itself in front of her gasping mouth.

The second she had recovered enough, in Kyuubi's humble opinion anyway, it had the tentacle ram itself into her mouth and down her throat. Kyuubi's let loose a malicious laugh as she actually started clawing at It's tentacle this time. All in vain, of course. Weakened it may be, but It was still the Nine Tailed gods-damned fox. Two of the smaller cords launched out of the long tentacle and wrapped around her wrists as another two appeared and turned into full fledged versions of it’s original cock, placing themselves in Kushina’s hands before they forced her to aim the cocks at her chest and face. Kyuubi chuckled as she began jacking them off without any urging. “Good bitch, you're learning.”

Shortly after that the two cocks in her hands came, and kept cumming, as she was forced to pump them repeatedly they began covering her lithe body in their sickly orange cum. She briefly tried to struggle, but it showed her exactly why her actions were futile as it pulled out of her pussy, only to have the tentacle fucking her throat to wrap around her waist and allowing her head to fall down, letting her see his misshapen cock grow longer and thicker, savoring the new tears forming in her eyes for but an instant before it slammed back into her pussy, hammering into her even harder than before.

That’s right bitch! Let’s start round three!” It said with another soul withering laugh. The tentacle cock in her mouth began to pump faster deep into her sweet cavern before it erupted, flooding her stomach and throat with It's seed in a never ending stream, which began to come back up and leak out of her mouth.

Oh Come on, you stupid fucking whore! Swallow, use your damn mouth properly!” It barked, filling both her lower holes with another load as it spoke, getting off on her eyes rolling into the back of her head, air growing dangerously low.


Naruto groaned, “I'm cumming.” The class watching in highly aroused awe as his hips bucked into the drooling Kushina Uzumaki a few more times, the tip of the bulge in her stomach growing slowly right before their eyes.

The only noise aside from the distant sound of a demon barking commands was Kushina’s heavy breathing. She eventually recovered, her eyes slowly gaining focus and her tongue pulling back into her mouth from where it had lolled out, “I think the rest of the class should get a... hands on lesson, don't you think?” She said seductively.

Naruto grinned, “I couldn't agree more...” he turned towards the class. “Alright girls, lessons over. Anyone with any additional questions or requests for further tutoring should raise their hand now for some... one-on-one instructing.” Every hand in front of him was raised before he could even finish speaking. With a chuckle he concluded, “Wonderful, what a great batch of students I have. Kage Bunshin no Jutsu.”

With those four words half the class was filled with smoke before an almost silent buzz was heard as every clone appeared by each of the girls, one for each.

Two out of every five clones were instantly tackled by the girl they'd chosen, three of the total thirty-nine had to be replaced. Naruto was a proud owner of one very confused pink haired Haruno while the rest of the class was learning at various paces.

Setting the girl down so she could get her bearings he spun the couch around so it was facing the currently occupied teacher’s desk. Picking Sakura back up he locked eyes with the Fox in human form and grinned his signature grin, Kushina getting up and shoving Sakura away into a group of clones which began groping her, almost diving on his cock and lavishing attention on it with her mouth as he leaned back, arms behind his head and legs spread just slightly.


Kyuubi's claws raked across Kurenai’s breasts, not enough to draw blood, but enough to cause the bitch enough pain to tighten up for another load from all of It's numerous appendages slithering inside and outside of her.

It got the sudden urge to look up. Kyuubi's eyes narrowed as it saw the grin It's vessel was sending It's way. Glancing down It saw his former container licking and sucking her son’s cock

Something was wrong, Kyuubi could feel it... but what?

Suddenly the woman below It's vessel darted down onto the floor and between his legs. The boy gripped her head lightly as her head started to bob up and down.

Glaring down at the raven haired girl he'd been fucking all along he could barely pick up what she was saying, “Plsss, Kyu'i-shama... rape meh... mo'. Hur' meh.... mo'!” She slurred almost illegibly.

All consuming rage consumed the demon, his chakra flaring wildly, making Sakura actually scream at the top of her lungs in pain, somehow cumming from the mind-breaking pain she was in as his chakra attacked her insides. Kyuubi drew back It's now foot long clawed hand, preparing to gut the unworthy bitch below him when his chakra was suddenly gone. His tentacles disappeared, disintegrating into nothing, while his cock shrunk back down to Naruto's normal size.

Glancing up at his container one last time he spoke, his voice lacking the demonic double-tone without access to it's power, “Well played child. You are worthy of my power. Try not to wipe out an entire dimension, Kami hates that...” with those parting words the clone evaporated away in a cloud of crimson smoke. Kurenai, her lower half dangling off the desk, fell to the floor with a wet thump, barely breathing and most likely in a coma.



“You... you fooled a demon, tricked a FOX demon, just so he wouldn't touch me.” Kushina slowly, still recovering from the shock as she put the pieces together.

“Damn straight,” Naruto said, lifting her up so she was straddling his lap. “I told you. You. Are. Mine.” He finished firmly, staring into her eyes.

Kushina smiled, she wasn't quite sure why. “Well you taught my class a lesson, granted it wasn't exactly what I wanted to teach, you forced the best Genjutsu Kunoichi in Konoha to retire, or at least take a very long break from active duty, making the Kunoichi name that much more respectable, and you gained even more control over the nine tails chakra, I suppose we could just call it your chakra now. I think you deserve a reward.” She finished seductively, regaining her confidence.

Naruto chuckled as she raised herself up and dropped down, spearing every inch of his cock into her pussy, fucking her hips onto him while her pussy clenched tight around him. He leaned back further, closing his eyes and resting his hands behind his head, the orgasmic cries of the class behind him and the redhead in his lap joined together in a perfect symphony that was the greatest music his ears had ever heard.


Opening his eyes not even fifteen minutes later Naruto couldn't help but chuckle to himself his clones had finished and dispelled, leaving a bunch of unconscious Kunoichi covered in cum. They just couldn't handle that much sex, enthusiasm let them go on longer than they would normally be able too, but they were still teen virgins. His beautiful mother had her forehead resting against his chest as he pumped his hips upwards into her at a gentle steady pace.

Spearing into her one last time he moaned in bliss as he let loose a massive geyser of cum into his mother's waiting pussy. Her stomach started bulging with the amount, joining in the middle, so to speak, with the load she's swallowed earlier, not missing a drop; she went slack, her head resting on his chest fully and let out a soft snore.

Picking her up Naruto laid her across the couch before getting up to put his clothes on. Grabbing his slacks he was about to put them on, a tad disappointed that he was still hard, but all the girls were unconscious. Just as he was about to put his slacks on he heard the door open behind him and a very familiar gasp. Turning around he came face to face with Mikoto Uchiha in nothing but a leather mini-skirt and a low cut white T-shirt.

Her face was one of horror, until she realized the only girl in the condition she was in was Sakura, the rest of the class simply oozing cum out of all three of their holes. Chuckling, Naruto spoke up, “Ahh, Mikoto-chan! As you can see I’m in need of your services.” Turning fully around Mikoto was greeted to a very familiar cock bobbing lightly while Naruto busied himself leering at her heaving breasts, actually managing to make his cock harder. Naruto sat back down on the unoccupied section of the couch and patted his thigh.

Mikoto sighed in the doorway. Due to her unhinged son she was actually registered as a servant of the Uzumaki clan now... She shut the door behind herself, walking inside. At least the perks were pleasurable, if a bit rough.

Naruto leaned his head back once more, one arm resting along the back of the couch while the other stroked Kushina's hair as she snuggled her head against his thigh. Mikoto started off strong, using her breasts and mouth with more skill than even Satsuki had.

'Life is good.' Naruto thought with a wide grin.


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