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“My lord this cock is so big,” Kushina cooed. Her soft white hands clad in soapy bubbles running along the massive schlong pointing straight up at her even with the owner of said cock sitting casually on a stool.

Jokuro sneered, reaching forward to grab her tit through the tiny pink bikini she wore, the little than stripes that ran over her shoulders, her nipples and connected through her ass cheeks to cover her pussy like a thong. “How obscene!” he snarled, “You’re such a slut, sitting here nearly naked playing with my cock, the cock of a teen not even in highschool yet while your husband is literally in the house.”

He pinched her nipple hard, pulling at it through her bikini, stretching her obscenely large breast while he pulled. Kushina moaned, a slutty almost vapidly stupid smile on her face as she looked at him with loving, slutty violet eyes, “Ah it feels so good!” she moaned wantonly.

Jokuro merely sneered and pulled her tit harder, pulling her forward till her tits hd his fat cock slapped between the suddy mounds of bouncy flesh. “Shut up bitch, I want a titty fuck right now, so get to it.” he snarled lustfully, using his other hand to lay a punishing spank over her next breast, once again bringing a moan of masochistic pain from the redhead milf.

He grasped her by the shoulders and was about to start rutting the hell out of those awesome tits of hers. Oh how Issei and Tsukune had cried like little bitches when he showed them the recording of him fucking both this slutty milf and her slutty daughter at the same time. They were probably wanking off this very minute to the recording, trying to get a little nut off with their baby beta dicks.

He was about to rut when there was a knock at the door, “Kushina,” Minato Namikaze, Kushina’s husband called through the door, his voice soft and gentle, “Is everything okay, you’ve been in there for over a half hour now.”

Well of course they had Jokuro wanted to retort. After seeing the slutty milf in her bikini, he’d made her show off for him, dance around, wiggle those obscene curves of hers for him. Then they started getting the soap out and Kushina lathered everything u, from her ass, to her tits and finally his fat cock..

“Everything’s just dandy baby,” Kushina called through the door in reply, even as she lay her head down a bit and gave the fat purple head of his thick cock a gently kiss, “I’m just enjoying a nice relaxing bath, it’s been ages since I’ve had this much comfort.”

She squeezed her shoulders together,forming a tight embrace of large round boobs around his thick meaty rod, slowly she began to wank her titties up and down his cock, pleasure began to tingle through his dick and Jokuro couldn’t keep the smirk off of his face with her tits wrapped around his cock, her face full of devotion and her husband just outside the door.

“Okay then,I hope you enjoy it honey,” Minato continued, “I’m going to meet up with Fugaku for a buisness plan, is there anything you need while I’m out?” the blonde asked, helpful and kind nature shining through.

Oooh, Fugaku Uchiha. That led to some interesting thoughts. His wife for one, Mikoto as build just like Kushina, a fat ass, fat tit milf with midnight black hair and dark eyes that just reeked of a disappointing sex life. And his daughter, Sasuki the best friend of his blonde haired slut Naruko. A proidgy and real perfect nadeshiko beauty. He’d love to add them to his collection of girls,his harem. The hamre Issei would literally sell his soul to the devil to obtain.

“Nope! I can’t think of anything, I’ve got everything I’d ever want right here and now,” Kushina replied absently, not even turning her attention to her husband, instead all the big titted milf’s attention was on was him, her tits going up and down over and over, pleasure rising through his cock as those smooth, warm and soft tits wanked over his dick, “Have a little fun with Fugaku while you’re out honey, have a guys night, you deserve it.” she said almost lovingly, but her eyes were focused on his alone.

“That’s a great idea babe!” Minato gushed in excitement, “I could even invite the other guys like Shukaku and Inoichi, have a great big get together and have some fun in a guys night alone!”

Jokuro grunted a bit as he felt the tension in his stomach pushing. It was almost time, he couldn’t hold it for much longer.

“You should tell Mikoto and Satsuki to head over here while you’re out,” Kushina called through the door again ‘helpfully’, I’ve come across this rare gem of a game I’m sure they’d love to play.”

“Alright honey I will!” Minato called, even as Kushina leaned down and kissed the jed head of his dick, sucking powerfully with a loud resounding slurp, “Bye my love!” Minato’s call was barely heard over the sound of his slutty busty wife slurping at Jokuro’s cock head.

Second later they heard the front door open and then shut. And he couldn’t hold it any more. Grabbing the busty red headed milf by the hair he pulled her back harshly, almost ripping some hair from the roots he was so rough, she only moaned again in pained pleasure.

With one hand on her hair keeping her in place, his other flew to his rod and he began to jerk off harsh and fast. He was already on his last point, seconds away. He looked over the slutty devoted milf, her tits shiny with soap and violet eyes peering up at him lustfully and he couldn’t hold it any more.

“Here it comes bitch!” he grunted, “Take all my cum you slutty whore!” he demeaned her,

Then he sprayed. It was like a fire hose, a white water jet of power that sprayed out with enough force to push Kushia back slightly from the shock of the impact. IN moments her tits were covered in his white seed and her face was next. It only took seconds, but in those seconds she was absolutely covered in his white seed.

“How’d ya like that bitch?” Jokuro grinned down at the cum coated mif.

She looked up at him, violet eyes almost glued shut by his sperm, but managing to peer out slightly with narrowed. And all she asked was: “More please?”


edgar azcuaga

Hope you can continue it ;3