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He couldn’t help but stare. Really anybody would if they had a sensei like his. As her only apprentice he was with her quite a lot, just like now, staying with her for the night while her daughter was out to Kumo on a mission and her husband in Kiri for peace talks. Kushina Uzumaki, the redheaded goddess he called sensei was bent over, humming to herself in her family kitchen, shaking idly from side to side and her tiny, tiny black skirt hiding nothing as  the fleshy globes of her fat round ass wiggled from side to side tauntingly.

Jokuro couldn’t take anymore of this damn teasing! He manned up as he should have the moment he met her and with nobody around, boldly walked up and slapped right dominant hand down atop her bouncy round ass cheek, hard.

“Oh!” Kushina gasped, even as his hand sunk into the fleshly globe and he felt an awe he’d never felt in his twelve years of life.His dick raging harder than it ever had in the short time he’d entered puberty. Kushina eyed him over her shoulder, her violet eyes teasing and a naughty grin on her face, “I was wondering if you were ever going to take the invitation.” she teased.


edgar azcuaga

Hope you can continue it ;3