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“You know,” Jokuro commented. His voice casual and not betraying a hint of emotion even as one hand grasped tightly onto the big, bouncy ass cheeks of the limping little loli beside him., “I hate the wimp and all, hate all the cheap easy boosts he got, all the stupidly perverted dues ex machina he got to win any fights he was in, but even I have to admit this might be a bit harsh.” She was lucky he went easy on her for now and for the durability her rook evil piece gave her, otherwise she’d have a lot more problems than a limp.

He’d literally shattered the wall he fucked her against.

“He’s near useless.” Koneko shot back, her voice monotone and golden eyes not betraying any emotion. A glove was on her hand, using it to grasp a  tight wire made of draconic light energy. It was just as well, regular holy energy would hurt her badly, but the mutated and empowered draconic light Jokuro had as the Downfall Dragon was amplified to the tenth degree, devil’s wouldn’t stand a chance against it.

Normal ones at least.

Issei let out a loud pitiful whimper as Koneko gave a harsh pull and dragged him along. E’d lost all strength in his body and was dragged uncaringly through the school, over the floors like a useless sack of meat.


What the hell was going on here? Why was Koneko-chan acting so mean? Why did she have sex with that damn handsome prick? Who the fuck did he think he was?

I’m going to fucking kill you! You damn handsome!” Not only had he been fucking the beauty Muryuama that he’d been crushing on for over a year, but now he took cute little Koneko from him as well?

Buchou would show him! There’s no way she’d let her precious pawn, namely him suffer such injustice! It had to be a spell he put on Koneko and he and beautiful Akeno’s would kick this pricks ass!

He conveniently, or more like refused to remember the way he man handled Kokabiel the previous night.


The wire of draconic light led a few feet back to the Red Dragon Emperor himself, wrapped tightly around his neck like a collar one would buy for a dog.

The only reason Issei hadn’t just flat out died was because despite how much of a freaking weakling he was. He was still part dragon due to when he gave his arm to Ddraig.

And that was another thing Jokuro just couldn’t stand! Why did he get the draconic energy sucked out every few days? Why not let it build up? It would enhance his physical abilities to the level of a rook easily. Sure he’d turn into a dragon, but it was simple to return to human form and become a human slash dragon hybrid.

That was what Jokuro was.

Issei could have become a dragon with the Boosted Gear to power him up further. His magic power would sky rocket and he’d be able to do so much more. But no, instead of taking the draconic energy and allowing his power to swell up, he stuck with that little grape sized core of power he had.

Absolutely pathetic.

Still, even if the draconic energy was minor, it and the Boosted Gear were enough to let Issei resist it to a small degree.

Not that it did him much good Jokuro thought, leaning down and capturing the surprised white haired loli’s mouth in a deep ravaging, almost raping kiss. It did him no good because Issei was still so distraught that Jokuro had cuckolded him quite violently and Koneko all but confirmed Issei was useless to them.

Koneko moaned into his mouth, his other hand reaching her chest to pinch her nipple through her shirt harshly. “Nya! Nya! Nya!” she moaned and mewled into him like a cat.


Her nether regions hurt. She’d never felt anything like it before. It hurt like hell, but a good hurt. She limped with pride and her thoughts turned to that huge meaty cock as it plundered her small body. The way his hands roughly groped her her backside, hard enough to sink in to the skin and leave bruises, the way he fondled her bubbly rear end as if he owned it.

She moaned into the kiss, if it could even be called that. Her pussy was dripping. The black lace panties she wore to entice the man who owned her jiggly round ass soaked through.

And to think he’d forced the useless pervert to watch! It was so...rad. He was such a cool stud, putting that useless pervert in his place.

To be honest she wouldn’t have minded him being a pervert. Akeno was a heavy one and she loved her like an older sister. But unlike Akeno, Issei was a useless pervert and a cowardly one at that.

He’d had so many chances to have ant of the girls in the peerage and he failed to man up. Even when Akeno literally got naked on top and imitated riding him like a horse, he only froze up, blushed, bled from the nose and passed out pathetically.

Nothing like Jokuro who just took what he wanted. He made her feel like a little kitty trying to appease her owner.

And his weakness was pathetic.Even with the Boosted Gear, he needed to boost like ten times just to fight against the foes they did. Babies held more magical power than Issei even being boosted by 8 Pawn pieces. Human babies at that.

The pieces responded to the power of the one being reincarnated. They multiplied what was already there. For his magic to be multiplied by one pawn, then further with the next and further and further with each piece. Simply put, a normal human with average magic reserves would have more than Rias herself did.

Issei’s only redeeming quality was being born with the Boosted Gear. Why didn’t they just take it from him and let him die? Was it just Rias’ inherent sin of Greed that refused to give up what was hers? Seriously, once Jokuro got boosted when he reincarnated, they could use that device they got when they saved Asia and raided the church. Take the Boosted Gear from the useless brown haired shit and give it to Jokuro, with it he could probably take on Great Red!


He’d have to find out why she did that. Was she some type of yokai before she got reincarnated? A nekomata maybe? Too bad she wasn’t a Nekoshou, there were apparently only two left in the world and he’d seen a wanted picture of the older sister, Kuroka.

Now there was a shapely little sex kitten he’d love to make mewl beneath him. He’d absolutely ruin that bitch. Oh the fun he’d have turning her luscious and beautiful midnight black hair white with his thick creamy cum.

Issei moaned like the little bitch he was as Jokuro pulled back and left an obscene trail of thick spittle connected to Koneko’s mouth. And obscene trail of thick spittle that the little slutty bitch sucked up and swallowed dutifully.

His cock throbbed once again. He wanted to rut this little bitch right here on top of Issei really cement his dominance. He was horny once again, so his morals got a little switch off.

Of course, Fafnir didn’t help at all.

Do it! Do it! Do it!” the golden dragon hollered with a vicious and gleeful laugh. “Get my revenge for me! That fucking red prick they call an emperor fucking destroyed my territory with that fuck face white prick rival of his! Do you have any idea how much panties of mine destroyed! Thousands! Maybe millions!” Though hidden behind those words were pain, the source of which the dragon had only informed him of once and never wanted to speak of the tragic events again.

Ah poor Fafnir, he really hated the emperors. After that, apparently he tried to get his revenge, but while a powerful dragon king, he was just outclassed by the emperors and was beaten after putting up a good fight. 

It wasn’t just the panties they destroyed. And, he really didn’t want to think of what panties were like back then. It was an entire mountain range Fafnir called home. As a dragon Fafnir embraced their hoarding instinct. He’d collected legendary items, enough gold to buy a country and even more tragic was that he’d taken in hundreds of orphaned yokai, devil’s, fallen angel’s and more.

Then the red and white dragon emperors appeared over the mountain range and before Fafnir could even try to protect his precious hoard, since he was out on a relaxing flight. The orphaned children of all different species, all who looked to Fafnir as a father, parent and guardian.

They were all obliterated when the red and white dragon emperors let loose their power.

Oh how Fafnir hated them. And since they became one, that hated flowed through Jokuro and it just made him want to hurt Issei all the more. They’d never gotten along, but he’d never felt this malicious desire to destroy everything he loved.

A poke on the shoulder from Koneko brought him back from his musings. If he wasn’t focused on destroying everything Issei loved right now he would have back handed the little bitch for daring to touch her betters without his approval first

He looked forward and saw, “Ah, we’re here.” A smirk of evil glee made its way on to Jokuro’s face as he looked at the door leading to their little club. 

What was it called again? Occult Research Club or some other bullshit right?

Koneko walked forward dragging Issei along with her. His hand left her ass and he once again almost hit the girl. How dare she move away from his groping? He withheld his rage though. For now.

Next time, he was going to fucking split her fat ass, anally rape the shit out of her and leave her hanging from the school flag pole for everyone to see. Maybe let some of the lesser beings, i.e the students fuck her gaped ass if they had the nerve for it, not that they’d get much out of it with how wide her ass would be split open by his draconic cock.

Being part dragon came with such amazing perks, the power, the money, the women. Dragon’s were the best of the best.


Rias would not admit, even to herself that she was a tad nervous. She didn’t feel guilty of course about what happened in the first place, why should she? It was her right as a superior being. Or so she thought.

Why didn’t it occur to her that his Sacred Gear was in its dormant state? Jokuro was average looking, more or less since he didn’t even try. Granted, for a boy in the same year as Koneko he was tall and muscular, but he was no great looker normally. Although, seeing him dressed up the previous night when he came out of his Scale Male after defeating Kokabiel she had to admit with the gelled up hair, the tank top to show off his muscles, his piercing eyes and muscular build. He got her quite hot under the caller and she furiously masturbated to the thought of him all night long.

Not even a hint of her precious knight in draconic armour, Issei that spirited her away from the marriage she never wanted.

He was all she could think about. And Now with Xenovia the wieldier of Durandal in her peerage, their collective strength would be enough to reincarnate someone of his power where previously she would have failed.

She already knew which piece to give him. The Rook. It would suit his physically pleasing form all the more. She’d seen him punch a building a demolish it,  and that was when he was in his base form. she almost salivated at the thought of how physically powerful he’d be in his full Scale Male once he was reincarnated into her Rook.

Her chair was practically flooded with her pussy juices. 

The door opened and she practically jumped from her seat, but maintained herself. She had to keep herself in control, show no weakness.

First to enter was Koneko. But to her disbelief, the girl was a mess. Her shirt was torn, hair wild and missing its usual cat hair clip, one of her socks along with a shoe were missing and on her hand was a glove attached to a glowing golden wire of some kind.

“Huh,” she blinked in disbelief as Koneko tugged on the wire, or leash as it were and Issei fell into the room, dragged behind Koneko like a pathetic piece of trash.

Nothing unusual there she supposed.

And there he was. Strong, powerful, tall. Only in the pants and shirt of the school, missing the blazer. Three buttons were undone to show off a powerfully muscled collarbone and around his neck hung a black chain, and attached to it was a small golden stud that pointed downwards like a small spear.

The dormant form of his weapon. The Downfall Spear. It was a powerful weapon in of itself, even in its dormant state she could feel the holy draconic magic it had bathed itself in due to its previous resident Fafnir. It had become a weapon that could meet the true Excalibur blow to blow.

His eyes were now a piercing red. She remembered them being when the met him during their first debacle when she learned what she thought was Twice Critical as his Sacred Gear.

Granted, now that she knew what had awaited her. She might have just taken him even as a Twice Critical user instead. Even as a human, getting one boost he’d still outclass Issei.

His used used to be pure black, but once again she could see the influence of Fafnir within him. The golden streaks running through his hair. Honestly, if she didn’t already know him, she’d think him a son of Azazel from the picture she’d seen of the Fallen Angel leader.

In the end, all she could think at this moment and time. Was that he was a way better catch than Issei and what a hunk!


Koneko pushed the door open and casually walked in, Issei wimpering behind her as he was dragged in.

Jokuro walked in behind her and paused when he entered and the door closed behind him. He almost smirked at the way it did. Telekinesis, the most basic of magics. Trying to appear grandiose to him, eh? How pitiful.

But he let that thought stray as he saw her. Beheld her in all her beautiful splendor. How arrogant she didn’t even have any of her other little slaves to help her.

The princess, the red haired ruin princess. Rias Gremory sat behind a large ornate desk, beautiful green eyes sparkling with many an emotion. He could see the uncaring bitch behind her mask easily these days, seeing right past her pitiful mask of kindness. How could he not after that day?

Only a Twice Critical? I thought for sure you had a powerful gear what a waste!” The red headed beauty, the crush who haunted his thoughts at night snarled, “Get out of my you stupid little piece of trash, I have no need of a weakling like you in my peerage.” A slap resounded throughout the school hall. A slap for someone beneath her, a princess disciplining one beneath her for the audacity of taking up her time.

Then came the rage that triggered inside of him that made him the dragon he was today

Oh but how wrong the bitch was. Hell, she should learn her place. Even those with a Twice Critical still held a dragon within. And either way, Twice Critical was an amazing Sacred Gear, Jokuro wouldn’t mind grabbing one for himself.

The ability to double anything once? All physical power and aspects? The length of a sword? Or just himself in general. In his base form, Jokuro could have defeated Riser Phenex from what he saw with little trouble. In his draconic form, all of his power aspects multiplied by a near likeness of five. Well not multiplied, but that was it simplified for him. But his golden scale male, the combination of his human potential, holy dragon power and the Downfall Spear made him  force that could crush Kokabiel with ease.

Jokuro estimated he was at least on Azazel’s level if Fafnir’s estimations were anything to go by. If he had a Twice Critical he could double his power and even overtake most on the top ten scale of the world.

And to think, he’d only been training with his powers for a few months. And he was about to get another boosted thanks to the beautiful bitch in front of him.

“Hello Jokuro,” Rias greeted him with a beautific almost angelic smile. He was not convinced. “How have you been?” the red haired devil princess asked.

He narrowed his eyes, his power fluctuating a bit and enough to set the tone of the meeting as the red haired bitch flinched back in fear of the superior predator before her.

“Let’s just get this farce over with shall we?” He retorted with a near hiss, “We both know why I’m here so get on with it before I get violent, I’m not here to get pleasant with a selfish bitch like you.”

“Now now,” Rias chided, but he could see the flicker of fear in those beautiful green eyes, “Is that any way to speak to your new king?”

His fist clenched. Itn was only Fafnir holding him back that stopped him from punching her fucking head from her shoulders.

Stupid bitch pushing her luck.

Fine then, he’d play her damn game.

“Not much of a king,” Jokuro replied casually, “Though I admit, giving me the Loli and her fat little ass was a good piece offering as far as treating went.”

At that moment a loud thud and scream of pain rang through the air as Koneko used her rook enhanced strength to pull the leash holding Issei and swing him, sending him flying into the corner of the room.

Where he belonged in Jokuro’s opinion.

“Ah, I was just making the stupid horny dog go lie in the corner,” Koneko commented, limping over to the couch with a wince, her fat ass wobbling under her skirt with every step, “And my ass is yours to do with as you please, since you’re so rad.” Those emotionless golden eyes seemed to lack anything within. But Jokuro had the instinct of both fallen angel and dragon.

He could practically smell the devotion he fucked into her earlier. That was going to be fun to play with.

Rias crossed one arm under her bust, pressing up her impressive tits. He could even see the lace of her black bra through the gaps in the buttons. They were impressive, he had to admit. In the other, she held a red rook chess piece that swirled with a dark energy.

“So which one do you want then?” the redhead asked shamelessly. Ignoring the cry of disbelief from the downed pervert in the corner.

Jokuro smirked and stepped forward. One hand shot forth and grabbed her by the nipple, he could see it clearly defined through her shirt and had just waited for the opportunity. Lightning magic tinged through his fingers into her nippple through her shirt.

And she wailed. Arousal flooded the doom, she shuddered, falling against, “Oh satan!” the redhead moaned in pleasure as the lightning triggered a sudden orgasm through her.

Jokuro smirked. Fallen Angel’s were creatures of seduction and Dragons were creatures of domination and force. A combination of their magic, some of the most powerful sources at that was enough to make almost any girl’s body react lustfully to them.

The first time was always the best. The way the didn’t understand until the dam burst and the shot their wet pleasure juices everywhere.

“Why didn’t I get that?” Koneko commented casually, although she eyed Rias up a little jelously..

Jokuro smirked at her, even as he pushed the redhead uncaringly and made her stand back up even on shaky legs. “Because I was in love with that fat ass of yours the moment I saw it,” he told her, and almost laughed as she preened and shook her fat little ass invitingly from the couch, “Later, once I’m done with this bitch here.”

Rias was panting deeply, her thighs soaked and face red, “My Satan I was not expecting that,” she breathed out. She looked at him and her eyes became hungry, “No more waiting, let’s do this! I can’t wait any longer.”

Before Jokuro could say anything else she stepped forward and pressed the rook piece to his chest. Well not too fast for him to react or anything, she moved like a snail in his eyes If she tried to attack him there he would have ripped her in half with his bare hands.

In the name of Rias Gremory, Heiress of the great demon Gremory, master of the demon armies, I command thee Jokuro Nikos, rise once more as my Rook!” the redhead declared loudly.

Black and red energy swirled around the room. It swelled outwards from Rias towards Jokuro, pushing at him. Prodding. He could feel it trying to merge with his magic. For a brief moment the instinct of his magic hit him. The Fallen Angel part wanted to crush the demonic power and kill Rias. The dragon side was outraged that some lesser being wanted to make it their servant and wanted to destroy her and everything she loved.

But he pushed them down, forced them to submit. He was in charge around these parts. He allowed the magic within, and the devil power joined with the reluctant power of fallen angel and dragon.

He felt it almost immediately. The swelling of his power. It wasn’t much in the grand scheme, but his power grew by almost a quarter of his total. His body strengthened, becoming stronger, more durable.

And he lost control. It was too much. His old instinct, his power, his rage at the girl, his lust for her. And with the newly added devil power and instinctive greed. He wanted her, now!

“There we go!” Rias declared happily, “From now on you live your life for m-”She never got to finish.

One hand lashed out and grabbed her by the hair. Rias screamed in pain as he dragged her forward, but was silenced as his mouth forced itself against hers. His tongue barged its way into her mouth without preamble and wrapped around her own, forcing it into submission. 

The redhead moaned into his mouth as he ripped her top open with his other hand, the buttons going everywhere and began to harshly molest her tits, sparks of lightning running through his fingers with each rough grope of his fingers sinking into her bouncy round tits only contained by her lacy black bra that would have a tough time surviving his powerful fingers.

It was a wonder he hadn’t ripped it off her yet.

“Mou,” Koneko actually pouted off to the side. Pouted! “I want to join in to! It’s not fair for buchou to get fucked only and own the stupid dog in the corner.”

Jokuro pulled back from Rias a draconic grin on his face. He looked at Koneko, “Bend over that couch and show me that fat ass bitch!” he demanded.

“Yes Sir!” Koneko obeyed, slipping around on her knees and ignoring the ache of her pussy again, painful or not, she wanted that fat schlong up her tight fuck hole one more.

“W-what?” Rias muttered stupefied. It was going so fast. She was so horny, so wet but she could barely keep up with what was going on.

“Shut up bitch,” Jokuro gave her a back hand for speaking up, “Know your role and shut your mouth whore.” he ordered. Reaching down, slipped his hand under the red haired princess’ skirt and sank both of his hands into her own bouncy round ass. Not as bouncy as the white haired loli’s but it was much bigger thanks to the red heads more taller and voluptuous form and it felt deliciously soft all the same.

Picking her up he made his way over to his white haired loli butt slutt and dropped the redhead beside her. Koneko looked back at him expectantly, wiggling her round black lace covered rear end at him and he gave her a powerful spank that resounded throughout the room.

He dragged Rias by the hair and made her present herself to him just like Koneko, bent over the couch and her fat ass in full view. Like Koneko she wore black lace panties, though hers had a little ribbon on them as if her ass was a present.

And it was, for him alone. Or until he got tired of her at least. A dark thought passed through his head, tying her up in the male bathrooms and letting any guy have a crack at her pussy, a yen a fuck. But no, she was all his for now.

“Well get to it bitch! Show something good!” He barked at the red haired girl pointing at Koneko wiggling her round ass before giving the red head a spank caked in pleasureable lightning that made her cry out like a shameful hour.

He heard the useless dragon emperor crying tied up in the corner, but he didn’t care. All he had eyes for right now were the fat asses of the two sluts he was about to fuck the shit out of.


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