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 I'm not sure if I wrote this or not actually. but you guys can have at it.

Had it not been for the contraception jutsu she had placed on herself earlier, she had no doubt that she would be pregnant right now.

Kushina strolled through the streets of Konoha with a bounce in her step. She was in pretty good spirits; she had just made the resolve to use her massive sex appeal to her advantage. Due to her competitive streak she also suspected that she could probably land more sex than her son. As she thought, it didn’t take her very long before she got attention from some horny teenagers, four of them to be exact.

“Isn’t that Kushina Uzumaki?”

“The Hokage’s wife? Yeah, God damn she’s hot!”

“Hey, don’t let the Hokage hear you say that.”

“Yeah, he’d kill you.”

“If I got a chance with her, I’d take the risk.”

“Haha, yeah me too.”

“Me three, I’d like to fuck her silly and have her scream my name”

They weren’t speaking very loudly, but she could hear the conversation quite clearly. She smirked to herself and was actually quite turned on by the things they said about her, the four boys didn’t know what was about to hit them. Kushina turned around and looked at the foursome, all of a sudden, they looked pretty nervous.

“Shit did she hear us?” One of the boys mumbled.

“Fuck, I don’t know.” Another said.

“Hey.” Kushina said, happily as she approached. “What are you boys up to?” her tone slightly teasing.

“N-Not much” One of the boys said.

“Just admiring the view.” A cockier boy said. He looked to be about 15 years old with black hair, green eyes, slightly tanned skin and a mischevious smile. Kushina thought he was quite handsome and clearly pretty full of himself, she had already decided that he was her favourite out of the group.

“Oh, and what views that?” Kushina said coyly.

“That obscene body of yours” The boy replied.

Kushina was quite surprised this boy would be so bold.

“Y-Yeah, you’re a real hotty Kushina-sama.” Another one of the boys said.

“Yeah, every woman in the village is jealous of you.” The previously nervous boy said.

Seemingly all the boys got much bolder after hearing how the black haired boy spoke to her.

“Hmm, is that so?” Kushina said, feigning innocence. “Maybe you boys would like to show me a good time then.” It was more of a statement than a question “How about it?”.

“H-Hell yeah, we’d love too!” one of the boys said.

“So where to Kushina-san?” said the dark haired boy, boldly placing his hand on her exposed, curvacious hip.


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