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Jokuro grinned to himself as he followed his new Jonin sensei. His eyes locked intently upon her full swaying rear end that was only covered by a pair of thin black shorts stretched taught across the delightfully large globes, the teasing sight of her ass only made all the more enticing by her long swaying red hair swishing back and forth behind her.

Who could have thought that even though he was the rookie of the year and way ahead of the rest in his class, that he would be apprenticed to Kushina Namikaze of all people. The wife of the Yondaime and overall one of the strongest ninja in the village, kunoichi or not.

But damn she was fine. He’d been annoyed as hell that the graduation exam had been postponed for all ages until they reached 13. It intruded upon his ambition of building the sexiest harem in the world, made up of the greatest beauties the shinobi world had to offer. But he’d managed to tame his annoyance thankfully when he’d ran into Anko Mitarashi one day and tricked her into a high-stakes game of poker. He shivered to himself remembering the feel of her tight and warm pussy as he fucked her silly. She had been his hottest conquest to date, all the rest being girls in his class that admired him for his rookie of the year status. The couldn’t compare at all to Anko.

He was broken out of his daydreams of fucking Anko by his sensei finally declaring that they’d arrived at their destination. It was a cabin of some sort, not big but by no means small and situated in a clearing in the middle of the woods offset from the training grounds.

“Well come on in then Jokuro.” The redheaded Jonin told him with a grin, flashing him a bright smile. Jokuro quirked an eyebrow as he saw her open the door, a seal flashing across the front door and it interested him enough to inquire about it.

“Oh this?” Kushina replied as she shut the door behind them when they entered, the seal flashing once again on the door as it closed. “It’s just a privacy seal that I use so that those pesky annoying Anbu out and about aren’t always in about my business.” She explained, gesturing for him to follow behind her into the one big room of the cabin.

All in all, it was really just a big bedroom. There was a fireplace over by the front wall, but other than that it was kinda sparse. A fur rug in front of the fire place, a couch over by the side wall and finally a large bed situated in the middle of the room with a lamp situated atop the bedside table that was already lit and illuminating the cabin.

“This is a cabin I had built a while ago so I could crash here after training instead of having to head on the long journey home when I was exhausted.” She stated next as she sat her fine ass down on the bed, bouncing slightly from what he noted to be some very well working mattress springs.

She gestured to the couch sitting facing her on the bed and Jokuro adhered to it. Finally getting another good look at her front since he first spotted her in his class to pick him up. She was only wearing a Jonin vest over her torso and he couldn’t help but allow his eyes to linger on her large straining bust, a deep well of cleavage visible from the unzipped part of the vest and he could even make out just a hint of black lacy fabric which he guessed to be her bra.

Kushina caught his lingering stare and grinned at him when he finally met her eyes after a few moments, “Like those do ya?” She teased. Kushina was a prankster in her youth, and she never quite outgrew that habit. To emphasize that point, she pointedly shook her chest just a tad and forced her cleavage to wobble dangerously in her vest, almost looking ready to pop right out.

Jokuro grinned back at her after watching her jiggling cleavage for a few moments, “One of the best pair I’ve ever got a glimpse of sensei.” He replied boldly.

Kushina chuckled at the reply, “You’re a bold one, that’s good. I was dreading that you were gonna be some stuttering little wimp or one of those stick up the ass types like the Hyuuga or Uchiha.” She leaned back a bit, and Jokuro couldn’t help but notice her zipper strain harder to contain her large bust, “So tell me about yourself, your dreams and the like.” She told him.

Jokuro cocked an eyebrow once again, “Like how sensei?” He asked. He wasn’t quite sure what she wanted to know really.

Kushnina hmm’d for a moment before starting to talk again, “I’ve seen Kakashi’s way of team introductions so let’s go kinda like that, I’ll even start off.” She answered before continued, “My name’s Kushina Namikaze, I like lots of things like pranking and generally having fun, I dislike arrogant twits like the Hyuuga and Uchiha and I like to cook for a hobby, and my dream? Well it was to be Hokage once upon a time but nowadays I just take days as they come and hope to break away from any boring things that swing my way.” That and maybe have a decent orgasm now and then. Honestly, she had no idea Minato was so lacking in the size department when she married him. Granted it probably wouldn’t have been as much a problem if he wasn’t always afraid he’d hurt her or something - god dammit she was an Uzumaki!

Jokuro nodded in understanding and grinned, wondering just what she’d think of his dreams for the future? “Well sensei the names Jokuro and I like sexy women, I dislike naked guys and my hobby is fucking sexy women senseless and making them scream my name. My dream for the future? It’s to build the world sexiest harem.” He said it all the while grinning at her wildly, not an ounce of hesitation in his reply.

Kushina felt her eyes go wide and her mouth drop open in complete bewilderment before she could stop herself. Really? Her apprentice could make Jiraiya’s perversion tame in comparison and she couldn’t help but chuckle at the thought. The seduction training at the academy was probably a dream come true for her student and was probably how he pulled so much tail to begin with if his confidence was anything to go by.

Now why couldn’t Minato just have a bit of that passion when it came to their sex life? Fucking sexy women silly indeed.

An idea suddenly came to mind and she inwardly chuckled. And people were beginning to say she’d finally put her prankster past behind her? Not likely.

She leaned further suddenly and gave her student a coy look, pressing her arms into the side of her bosom and making her breasts swell up all the further to the point where they looked like they were just about ready to burst from her vest, her lacy black bra in clear view of her student. “What about me Jokuro? Do you plan to fuck me silly and induct me into your harem?” Kushina teasingly purred out. This would be amusing, if his boasting about his hobbies were mindless then he’d probably pop a nut right here and then. Even then he still probably would. She was sexy as they came and she knew it. And as a Kunoichi she had no problem exploiting her beauty.

Jokuro swallowed heavily as he felt his manhood swell further to life than it already had been from staring at her swaying ass earlier. Was she serious? Was she just teasing? Either way the thought of taking the Hokage’s wife from behind right here and now was seriously turning him on. Best wing at and follow the game for now though, just incase.

He forced a grin onto his face and pointed at her, “You’re already on a bed sensei, all that’s in the way is your clothes so why don’t you lose em and I’ll make you feel what being fucked silly feels like.” The young genin replied tauntingly.

Well that was bolder than she ever expected a fresh genin to talk. But nonetheless Kushina continued to grin. She hadn’t had this much fun in ages, and her new apprentice’s vulgar language amused her to no end.

The busty redhead teasingly lowered her zipper down slowly, allowing more and more of her expansive cleavage to slip into view, barely constrained by her rather flimsy black lace bra, “Are you sure you can handle a woman like me~?” She teasingly purred. Was he really that confident in his sexual prowess already at that age that he thought he could fuck her hard enough that she’d be rendered stupid? She wasn’t new to the vulgar speech herself, she could tell he was under-hinting that he would fuck her so hard she’d be fucked stupid. Was he really that gifted in sex at his age?

Jokuro felt his mouth begin to water at his sensei’s amazing tits. He’d seen Tsunade Senju around the village and even the looks at her cleavage he’d had couldn’t compare to the amazingly large orbs on his new sensei’s bust.

Hearing her question, he only grinned. He’d fucked Anko Mitarashi into submission. There was no woman he couldn’t handle in bed. “I don’t just think I can, I know I can sensei.” He replied without hesitation, “In fact, never mind just handling you sensei, I’ll dominate you and make you scream my name.” He finished brazenly rubbing at the very large bulge running down from his crotch and down past his thigh.

Kushina would admit silently to herself that the sheer gall of her new student really turned her on to a degree. That sort of sexual confidence was something sorely lacking in his life. She’d give him his chance, she supposed, to entice her into bed with him. As she slowly lowered the zipper on her jonin vest and allowed her large tits to bounce freely only encased by her bra, the redhead’s eyes fell upon the bulge he was rubbing at and she couldn’t help but lick her lips slightly at the size of it. The bulge ran from his crotch down past his thigh easy, god how big was his cock?

Kushina licked her lips as she gazed at the long and thick bulge her new student was sporting, “You’ve definitely got the cock for it, that’s for sure.” The busty redhead replied. She sat up straight and smirked as she saw his eyes lock onto her bouncing bosom, her lacy black bra barely able to hold back the large mounds.

Jokuro smirked at her, meeting her eyes after taking another good look at her awesome tits. God he couldn’t wait to get his hands on those puppies, “Damn right I do sensei, 6 inches limp and a full fucking 10 inches when hard but you’re so hot I’m betting I’ll hit a good 11 inches from how sexy you are.” He stated with a smug, arrogant grin. And as if to emphasize his point, he gripped his cock at the base through his pants and positioned it so that it pushed harshly against the fabric confining it, his pants for all intents and purpose looking like he had a sword or spear stuffed down them.

The busty redhead's eyes widened. She felt a shudder run down her spine, and her panties flood with arousal. God did she wanna get fucked – quirking her lips she cupped her arms under her breasts and made the large mounds swell up and make her cleavage even deeper. “The question is, what are you gonna do with it?” Kushina asked, her voice husky and her eyes smokey with lust.

Jokuro merely grinned, patting is obscenely large bulge. “It's more a question what you're doin' sensei.” He replied, “You're gonna drop those pants of yours so you're in nothing but your bra and panties and then your gonna come over here and give me a lapdance.” He practically ordered.

Kushina felt herself shiver again. She loved a man who could take charge in the bedroom. Almost unconsciously she stood up and unclipped her pants, allowing them to pool at her feet and reveal her black lace panties and full hips.

Jokuro grinned arrogantly, still rubbing at his clothed cock, “That's it sensei, now come over and give your new master a nice, sexy lapdance.” He ordered again.

Kushina smiled teasingly at him in reply. Gliding over on her feet, her full womanly hips swaying enticingly from side to side and her huge tits jiggling with each step within their black lace prison. “Yes, Jokuro-sama.” She purred back and It felt right. She'd wanted to be dominated in bed since she was a teenager, now she was finally going to get the senseless fucking she craved.


edgar azcuaga

Hope you can continue it ;3