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Naruto woke up and turned his clock off as the alarm blared at the crack of nine o’clock in the morning. Getting out of bed, grabbing a quick shower, he went upstairs for a quick bite of toast and a glass of tea while Kushina made some waffles in nothing but a kitchen apron. He heard the waffles pop out of the toaster and walked over to Kushina as she bent over to reach for them. He easily slid his cock between her plump ass cheeks and laid his hand over hers as he pressed against her.

“Did I ever mention how much I love seeing your ass in the morning after we fuck in your room?” Naruto said as he dry humped her ass. Kushina giggled and pulled the waffles out and placed them on a plate.

“I bet, you haven’t let me come downstairs for five days since we had that incident with the clone machine.” She said, her voice like music to his ears before he pulled his cock from her warm cheeks.

“Yeah, that reminds me. Temari was stolen by the clones at, I think, around four a.m. So they've been fucking her for about four or five hours. I’ll go get her out of there after I eat so you can wash her off.”

“Thanks, the cum those clones shoot on her tastes almost as good as yours. Far too thin for my tastes though.” She said as Naruto was quickly pushed towards his stairs as Kushina lost her patience.

“Bring her upstairs, I get to clean her myself this time!” She yelled at the top of the stair case.

Three minutes later Naruto was hauling up an unconscious and cream glazed Temari, who was too tired to try and fight him or have sex with him. Naruto handed her over to Kushina and they carried her up the stairs, Kushina holding her legs and Naruto held her arms, his dick somehow managing to find its way to her mouth as it was open as she passed out. Shrugging and taking advantage of the opportunity he concentrated on bobbing her head up and down with subtle thrusts of his hips as they carried her up the stairs until they reached his mother’s bathroom.

“Now go downstairs and get dressed, Mikoto and her son Sasuke are going to come over today. So try to not look like an exhibitionist.” She said as she pulled Temari into the shower.

Naruto raised an eyebrow and pointed towards his cock. Kushina, from plenty of practice, knew he was close to cumming and almost tackled him, greedily suckling at him as hard as she could. Naruto grunted, both from being knocked off balance and the wonderful pleasure his mother's mouth could bring. He sighed soon enough, holding his redhead's mouth in place as he filled her stomach, pulling back after a few spurts so she could taste the rest and, knowing her, play with it in her mouth.

After Kushina got up, swirling his cum around her mouth with a delighted little hum, just as Naruto predicted, she turned her attention towards Temari's limp form. Naruto took that as his cue to go, even if he really wanted to just climb in with her.

He'd just finished throwing on some sweat pants when he heard a knock at the door and walked over. On the other side of the front door was a twenty something raven haired, red eyed woman. She was wearing a red jacket over a white shirt and jeans standing before him holding a police badge.

“Can I help you, Officer... Yuhi?” Naruto said slowly, looking at the bit of metal she was holding at him with a spike of nervousness.

“Responding to noise complaints from your neighbors, they said they heard a woman screaming out loud repeatedly over the past few days from these premises. Do you object to me looking around?” The officer said, her tone one of no-nonsense business, very professional.

“A bit yeah…” Naruto replied, only to receive a harsh glare.

“Then I’ll come back with a CSI team and a warrant to examine the entire house.” She countered, her alluring ruby red eyes narrowing.

Naruto waved his hands in surrender, “A-ah! I don't mean to get in the way of the investigation, it's just that my mom's in the shower and I just got out of one. Please, come in. Just give her fifteen minutes or so before you start on the upstairs please.” He said in explanation for his shirtless state. The woman nodded in acceptance and immediately headed for the stairs down to the basement. Naruto panicked as she descended down the steps and quickly moved to follow her.

“Is this your room?” The detective asked, blushing lightly as she obviously smelled the sex in the air, even from the room with a closed door, from Temari’s five hour session with the clones.

“Yes.” He answered, flinching as she opened the door and walked in. She tensed, for good reason, as she caught sight of the only remaining clone pouting as he mopped up the cum from the clones and Temari off the floor.

It turned, hearing her gasp at his completely naked state, it's glowing cock limp. The clone yelped as she drew her sidearm and took aim, only for Naruto to jump on her and put her in a sleeper hold from behind. The clone quickly snatched the gun out of her hand before she could get a shot off.

Naruto, struggling with her surprising strength, resorting to jumping on his bed, landing on her and pinning her as best as he could. He held the sleeper hold as well as he could, and spent the very long seconds appreciating his wrestling coach for teaching it to him as Kurenai started to stop struggling and at once just went limp. He slowly released the hold and waited ready to fight back in case she was faking it. She didn’t attack him, so he cautiously poked her ass. She didn’t twitch so he turned her around and, after seeing her closed eyes and chest rise and fall as she breathed backed up slowly.

“Okay, okay, we just assaulted a police officer!” Naruto’s clone said shakily, near hysterics as adrenaline wore off and the consequences began playing in his head.

“Calm down! Keep her held down here, I’ll get some stuff from mom’s old toy stash.” Naruto said in a similar panic, he would have sent the clone upstairs but for the fact that the clones dispelled more than ten feet from the machine that made them.

The clone nodded, keeping a close watch on the woman as Naruto hurried upstairs. The shower was still running as he got to his mom’s room. He opened the closet and found her sex toy stash, taking some silk ropes, a pair of fur cuffs and a ring gag. He hurried back down and saw that Kurenai was still on the bed with the clone keeping a watchful eye, still highly nervous looking.

Working together they tied her legs together with the silk, clipped her wrists together behind her back, and put the ring gag on her mouth after a bit of trial and error.

The clone suddenly groaned, his erection demanding attention now that he saw her all done up. “I gotta fuck something man, I had to wait four hours to just touch Temari, only for you to show up, get the rest to dispel, and stick me on mop duty!”

Naruto turned, and quickly ran the numbers in his head, calculating splash distance and how little skin Ms. Yuhi had exposed. The clone never saw the right hook coming and was a splash of thin cummy liquid before he could react.

Naruto quickly turned and carried the woman over his shoulder. He distantly heard the shower turn off as he reached the living room and set the raven haired woman of the law on the couch. He was, thankfully, able to resist copping a feel, since when he set her down he saw she was wide awake and incredibly pissed.

Naruto cringed, breathing a sigh of relief as he turned his attention towards his mother coming down the stairs. “Mom, Temari! You could not have better timing. We have a problem, big one, I don't know what to do and I think I'm freaking out a little!” He blurted rapidly as he attempted to dash over towards the two, only to end up stumbling.

Kushina, the wise mother she was, didn't hesitate to cram her son's head in her cleavage. “Shh baby, relax. We'll sort through this, just calm down.” She cooed.

When Naruto had calmed down, though too highstrung still get an erection from her wonderful motorboating, he pulled back and began explaining. “The police got called from the orgasms I gave you throughout this week. She was going to come back with a warrant if I didn't let her in, but she instantly went downstairs and found one of the clones cleaning up in my room. She pulled and gun on it and I... uh... put her in a sleeper hold.” He admitted sheepishly.

Kushina sighed before turning to the police officer and gestured for Temari come into the room. The surprise in Kurenai's eyes at seeing the girl was plain to see as the woman eyed up the younger girl, noticing none of the normal kidnapping signs, instead only seeing a happy and content look.

Kushina took Naruto's hand and pulled him out of the room as Temari started to explain what happened.

Naruto was set down on the couch by Kushina, who immediately pulled his sweat pants off and wrapped her hand around his cock, succeeding in circling the entire length as it was, for once, actually limp.

“Don’t worry Naruto, once Temari explains what happened we can set this all right, but first you need to relax, so let’s calm you down.” She said as she pumped her hand up and down on his limp shaft while she licked and kissed the head, her other hand rising up to lightly massage his balls.

Naruto, despite being incredibly nervous about the police officer in the room next door grew hard as she worked her magic on him. As soon as he reached full mast she put her hands on his hips and descended onto his cock, making long strokes with nothing but her mouth and throat.

Naruto, already being on edge, came almost immediately, bucking as she sucked a mouthful of cum out of his cock and pulling off his shaft.

He sighed contently, “Okay… I’m good, let’s go talk to this cop.” He said, his eyes tracking a lone drop of cum that had trailed down her lips before he tongue snaked out to greedily eat it.

They entered the room just in time to see Temari finish explaining to Kurenai. “So I live here now of my own free will, I get free food and a house. Not to mention the sex is amazing, those clones just make me forget about everything when I’m fucking them.”

“I am really sorry about knocking you out, Officer.” Naruto said sheepishly as he walked around behind her and undid her cuffs. Kurenai reached down and untied her feet herself before getting out of the chair and grabbing her jacket from Kushina.

“So everything is okay?” Temari asked nervously. “I really do enjoy it here.” She added.

The red eyed woman sighed before turning to the group, “I’ll take care of this, just... try to keep in touch with your family so they don’t follow up on this again.” Kurenai explained as she walked up the stairs with Kushina behind her.

“Okay, since that's all taken care of.”  Naruto said slowly, feeling a surge of relief, accompanied by a great deal of arousal. Reaching over he grabbed Temari's towel and yanked it off.

“Oh yeah!” Temari groaned as Naruto shoved his cock into her waiting pussy and began to pump in and out of her wet cunt like a piston, amazed at how she was still tight for him, as if her pussy never got loosened from the clones fucking her for hours, several times a day on good days.

“I need to put some new cum in the machine or the clones stop spawning.” Temari slurred lightly as drool leaked out of her mouth. Naruto nodded and reluctantly stopped fucking her pussy.

She got off and started to suck his cock. Her pussy and his rapid pace had already gotten him close, and she was no slouch when it came to oral skills, but the only problem came when he began cumming. Temari had become so addicted she lost herself in the taste and nearly swallowed it all. Eventually, against his every instinct, Naruto pushed her head back to shoot the last spurt onto her lips. Even still, when she walked over to the machine only a few drops were left. Thankfully that was enough, and when she dropped off the sample she actually ran back over to him and jumped onto his cock.

“Oh fuck yes!” She screamed in orgasm.

Slightly more than an hour later Naruto pumped into the by then half awake pigtailed blonde one last time before he felt himself tense up and pulled out to spray her with his cum all over her chest and belly. Sighing contently he went over to the clone machine and made sure that it was turned off. His sexy mother was very adamant that Temari got a chance to rest without clones pounding her into oblivion.

He walked upstairs after putting his pants back on, just in case the officer was still there. He was at the top of the stairs when Kushina opened the door and Tayuya walked into the room. He missed her when she came by to help move things into her friend’s new apartment and forgot how attractive she was now that he saw her as a woman and not his sister.

She had her light red hair tied back in a ponytail, a rarity for her, and wore a pair of torn up jeans and a tight white sleeveless shirt that emphasized her busty tits. He walked up to her and gripped her in a hug, mashing her tits into his chest, lifting her off the ground.

“Tayuya! I haven’t seen you in forever.” He said dramatically as he let her down. She laughed and shifted her arms to cross her chest as she though he wouldn’t notices him see her try to move her tits around in her shirt as they itched from his hug.

“Glad to see you’re excited to see me for once, prick.” She countered with a grin as she walked past him and went downstairs to her room.

“WHAT THE HELL!” Her loud yell could be heard several seconds later.

Naruto ran downstairs, worried the clone machine had turned on again, only to see Tayuya staring wide eyed at the sight of Temari passed out naked on his bed.

“Can't you keep your conquests under the cover dumbass?” She seethed, glaring at her brother, though she was a tomato red from the fierce blush she had on her face as she shoved past him and back up the stairs. Naruto winced as she stomped up the steps and moved to follow her, leaving Temari alone to sleep.

Hours later, after successfully calming his sister down, Naruto went downstairs to sleep and passed out watching a movie with Temari in the couch bed in front of his entertainment center.

Tayuya wearing a short dark blue bathrobe that ended short of her thighs slowly walked down the stairs and snuck past Naruto and his girlfriend, whose name he and Kushina had yet to tell her. She was annoyed at having to come back down here now after forgetting her wallet. She'd tossed it onto the dresser in Naruto’s room before she spotted the unconscious woman on his bed.

She'd retrieved her wallet from the dresser when she heard footsteps behind her. “Hey Naruto, just getting my wallet I’ll be out of here soo-” She shoved the wallet into her pocket and turned around, only to freeze at seeing five identical naked Naruto clones standing before her. She backed up, but it wasn't far enough as they all took a step to her and grabbed her arms and legs and put a hand over her mouth before violently tossing her on the bed; one of the five clones took her robe off and gagged her with it as the other four held her down, leaving her in her red bra and a black with red trim lace G-string panties. The clone that gagged her walked over to the dresser and reached into a drawer, pulling out several familiar lengths of silk ropes, fur cuffs and the ring gag that had been used to bind Kurenai.

The clones holding her legs grabbed the ropes and with the fifth’s help tied them to the bed posts one by one, spreading her long tan legs open as if she was inviting them to fuck her covered pussy as she screamed into her gag. Upwards, four of them cuffed one of her wrists and pulled her arms above her head on the bed. Tayuya shifted, trying to worm free, only making her breasts jut out even more which excited the Naruto clones, who all paused to stare at her full tits. Their hands worked faster, even though they weren't looking, and when she was fully restrained they all reached for the globes they were staring at.

She screamed, the sound coming out muffled as the plug on the gag was still in place. Suddenly the door opened and Naruto, as naked and erect as his clones, walked in and stopped at seeing Tayuya tied up and gagged on his bed.

“What that hell is going on here?” Naruto demanded a clone that was retying the rope on her ankle.

The clone turned to look at his original, unable to ignore the command. “We're going to fuck her.” It answered, as if it was obvious to him already.

Naruto’s left eye twitched as he glared at the clone. “No one will be fucking her...” He said firmly.

Tayuya looked at him hopefully, causing a memory to play In Naruto's head if just a little earlier.

Naruto was standing in the kitchen with Kushina as Temari was still asleep.

“Naruto, I want you to break Tayuya in. I don’t care how; I just want you to unlock the sex addict in her like you did for me. She needs to stop suppressing herself and enjoy getting fucked hard.”

“That’s a little sudden…” Naruto looked at his lover, he had already planned on trying to work Tayuya to want his dick like Kushina, Mikoto, Shizune, Ino, and Temari did, but was surprised at seeing the scary glint in her eye and almost swore he saw images of him sexually dominating Tayuya in her eye. Kushina crawled under the covers of the table just as Tayuya walked down the stairs and sat in the seat Kushina was just in.

“Naruto, if I’m going to come back I don’t want you to be walking around naked and shit after fucking your girlfriend, and for shits sake try to cover her naked ass up after you do her!” The younger redhead of the family demanded.

Naruto gripped the table as it shook, seemingly causing it from Tayuya's perspective.

She looked at him and scoffed. “No need to get your panties in a wad, I just don’t want to walk in to seeing you fucking her. That would be so god damn weird.” She grumbled, crossing her arms and shaking her head.

Naruto just lowered his head to the table and groaned as he banged his hand against the wooden surface.

“Okay I’ll fucking leave you alone. Fuckin' baby.” Tayuya scoffed again at him as he shook in his chair.

Five minutes later Kushina crawled out from under the table with cum dribbling down her lips and onto her chin.

“I’ll get right on that tomorrow, I’m going to watch Live Free or Diehard with Temari tonight, she has yet to see the awesomeness of John McClane.” Naruto accepted, and Kushina begrudgingly allowed this since as it was getting late.

Naruto cut himself from the memory of his mother’s talk about what to do with Tayuya he looked at her begging eyes and smirked, remembering how she degraded him as their mother sucked his cock under the table.

“...But me.” He finished his declared as he grabbed a pair of scissors from a table behind him and cut the thing straps holding her G-string together. He almost gently grabbed the cut end and lowered it, slowly revealing them to exam her nice tight pussy lips.

“Wow, you must not get laid often sis. Must be your attitude that sends people away, even with a body like yours.” Naruto snickered as he climbed onto the bed and showed Tayuya his monster of a dick. Or at least his personal one, since she'd seen five already; though one could argue she was too shocked seeing five of her naked brother she hadn't been measuring or even really paying attention earlier.

Tayuya's muffled, “OH MY GOD!” seemed to suggest the latter as he positioned himself over her like a conquering hero.

“Now Tayuya, I think you need this more than I do. After all you are part of the family.” Naruto said as his cock touched her pussy, Tayuya’s scream was loud enough for him to hear but while he heard her terrified voice he saw her pussy immediately getting moist and wet at the imminent fucking it was about to receive.

“Man you must have been aching to have it if you’re getting this wet by having my cock just touch your cunt. Don’t worry.” Naruto said as he laid down on top of her to whisper into her ear.

“I’ll take good care of you.”


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