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Sometimes, Jokuro really couldn't believe the sheer audacity of devils, especially female ones. Did they honestly think that he would happily just accept their offer? After the way they treated him before?

Months ago he'd been approached by the heiress of the Gremory family, the gorgeous and incredibly stacked redhead known as Rias Gremory. She'd come bearing an offer to join her peerage due to the fact that they'd sensed the presence of a dragon on him.

Only, when under her instruction he awakened the Sacred Gear she could sense, it manifested as a Twice Critical.

The busty older girl had snorted, retracted her offer and left laughing and commenting on her own foolishness for getting excited over something so 'plebian' her words, not his.

To make matters worse, she went on to freaking reincarnate the most useless person he'd ever met in his place, Issei Hyoudo, whom turned out to be this generations Red Dragon Emperor.

The sheer rage he'd felt when he learned of that information had come with a surprising change.

The golden gauntlet of his Twice Critical had transformed. It had become a long golden spear filled to the brim with both draconic and holy energy.

The Downfall Dragon Spear.

A glitch in the Sacred Gear System. A Sacred Gear made not by God, but by the Governer of the Fallen Angels, Azazel himself. A Sacred Gear containing the spirit of the Dragon King Fafnir and a great deal of Azazel's own power.

According to Fafnir himself, whom Jokuro had met a few days after manifesting the spears true form, Azazel had accidentally connected the gear to Gods system and it had caused the Sacred Gear to follow the route of other gears and take up residence in human hosts, in this case Jokuro himself.

And then not long later he found out that Issei didn't have the power to even hold his Balance Breaker for more than ten seconds, even with the boost in power the eight pawn pieces he was reincarnated with gave him. Meaning, outside of the gift ability of the Boosted Gear, Issei was useless.

Which led to now.

Jokuro eyed the tiny white haired girl staring at him with cool yellow eyes, her small pink tongue slurping around a large rainbow coloured lolipop.

Rias Gremory wanted to recruit him as her new Rook. Showing off his own Balance Breaker had drawn her in like a fly to honey.

In his defence, he couldn't exactly have let Kokabiel go through with his plans to destroy Kuoh and start the next great war by killing Rias and Sona Sitri. For one, he lived here.

For two, the Sitri peerage had quite a few girls in it that he enjoyed fucking silly. Like Momo, that white haired bodacious babe and Riruka with her bouncy round ass.

Speaking of round asses…

His eyes flickered down, roaming over the small white haired girls boy and taking in the fat curve of her own bodacious ass, it really stood out on her small frame. Railing that fat ass might just be worth joining that red headed cunts peerage. Not to mention that slutty Queen of hers and last he heard she'd reincarnated that busty blue haired excorcist as well.

Koneko apparently caught where his eyes strayed to for she raised an eyebrow before turning slightly, allowing him a good view of her curved rump barely concealed by her pink Kuoh Academy skirt. Using her free hand, she teasingly lifted the hem of her skirt a bit allowing him to catch a glimpse of the upward slope of one of her big ass cheeks, “This is on the table as well.” she told him bluntly.

Do it!” a deep voice resounded in the back of his head, “Just join the bitch, you're strong enough that you'll rule it either way and you can fuck this fat ass little cat right here and now!”

Fafnir was ever so predictable. The dragon was perhaps the biggest pervert he'd met outside of that useless Red Dragon Emperor. But at the very least he was a useful pervert unlike that idiotic wimp Issei.

Fafnir happily taught him all about the supernatural world, his powers, how to get stronger and more. The only thing Jokuro had to do in return, was fuck as many hot girls as possible so Fafnir could live it himself through his host. Well that and claim their panties after fucking them cross eyed.

Jokuro had quite the collection in his apartment.

The benefits truly outweighed the cons. But then, he had a dragons pride and the thought of even being called Rias Gremory's servant on a technicality grated him something fierce. Other than that though and outside of the girls in the peerage there were truly many benefits.

A longer life force for one. The ability to rank up and gain his own peerage was another. Then there was the fact that by becoming the cunts Rook he'd get an instant upgrade to his strength, durability and overall power. Not to mention he'd gain devil magic as well to go alongside the draconic and holy magic he had gained from training with the Downfall Dragon Spear.

The thought of adding the power of darkness gained by being a devil to the holy draconic flames he could already breathe was almost enough to make him salivate as much as bending this fat ass little loli over and making her call him daddy.

Not to mention school was done for the day already so he could take Koneko right here and now without problem if he accepted.

Before he could come to a decision a loud voice interrupted them, “Hey Koneko-chan!” the obnoxious voice of Issei cut in as he rounded the hallway corridor and found them, a wide beaming smile on his face, “I was just looking for you! Wanna hang out?” Though the moment he caught site of Jokuro the brown haired useless pawn grimaced and then sneered at him in contempt.

The stupid virgin had been peeping on the Kendo team the other day, only to find the captain, busty and beautiful Murayama on her hands and knees getting railed doggy style by Jokuro. Not to mention they'd been at odds ever since Jokuro started school here because he'd stopped the idiot from peeping on a few girls he was friends with.

Seeing that dopey face decided it for Jokuro. Just to see the stupid twit's face if nothing else cinched it for him. Stepping forward, the young teen wound an arm around the white haired girls waist and boldly slid his hand down, cupping her large derriere tightly, “I'll join.” he said promptly, smirking at the girl, casting a glance at the brunette pervert.

She glanced back at the pawn before snorting when she obviously realized just why he had decided to accept. Koneko looked at Issei blankly, “No dumbass,” she said blankly, “Go away, I'm about to have sex with this guy.”

Was it wrong that he actually felt his cock harden when the fat assed little loli outright insulted the twit? The thought of bending the bitch over in front of Issei while railing her silly and her insulting and mocking the weakling almost made him shiver in phantom pleasure.

Poor Issei looked crushed.

“W-what!?” Issei croaked in in disbelief, eyes wide and almost devastated. Was that even a hint of tears in the corner of his eyes? “Why?” he asked in that winy voice of his.

That just made Jokuro harder. Cuckolding the piece of trash dragon emperor was a dream come true.

Before Koneko could answer though, Jokuro took things into his own hands. Calling upon his draconic aura, he flared it around them, centering it on Koneko.

Dragons were the top of the food chain of this world. Even the average dragon was easily on par with a high class devil. A high class devil deserving of their rank, who had the power and ability to fight on that level and weren't just born into the ranking like that fat titted bitch Rias.  

And Dragon Kings such as Fafnir were easily on par with the Satan's, never mind Fafnir with Azazel's power included.

While devils had their own charm that led people around them to sin, Dragons had an aura of domination that attracted all around them. The only reason any of the girls around them paid attention to Issei was because of the sliver of traces Ddragi let out after Issei unlocked his Boosted Gear.

But it was a pitiful amount and not even his own. Nowher near the amount Jokuro had learned to harness through mastering his Sacred Gear.

The result?

Koneko's cheeks flushed red and Jokuro could cleanly smell the arousal roused from her brought forth from his aura alone.

Reaching down with his other hand, he grabbed the white haired loli's other fat ass cheek and backed her into the wall, thrusting his hips against hers and forcing her up into the air a bit, making her wrap her luscious creamy legs around his waist to keep her aloft. The bulge at his crotch she was resting on pushing up her skirt over her rounded cheeks and showing her white panties with blue stripes to the world.

Jokuro nearly clucked his tongue at such childish underwear. He much preferred lace that wrapped snugly around a nice pair of ass cheeks. Oh well, it'd do for now, he'd make sure she got the message after he was done using the little slut for his own pleasure.

“Hey!” Issei snarled threateningly, for him anyway. It came off as terrifying as a mewling kitten to Jokuro, “What do you think you're doing to Koneko-chan!” the brown haired wimp ranted.

Jokuro's eyes flashed as he called upon a little bit of magic. Telekenesis, a rather simple magic and the first he learned from Fafnir o hone his control over his own magic. He used it to pull his zipper down and fish out his cock, while at the same time pulling aside the white haired sluts panties.

While he did that, the wielder of the Downfall Dragon Spear turned his attention to the brunette wimp beside him and cast him a sneer, “What do you think I'm doing?” he taunted, “I'm about to break in this little bitch and fuck her cross eyed?”

Koneko let loose a hiss of lust and pleasure as his fat, meaty cock flopped out of his zipper and slapped against her hairless and moist little pussy, a little mewl leaving her pouty little lips, her golden eyes clouded with lust.

A little cat youkai like her had no chance to resist a dragon like him. And that was what he was. The Downfall Dragon Spear had come with a fail safe for Fafnir to escape, but in the end the dragon had become bored with life which was why he'd went along with Azael's asinine plan to begin with. Instead of leaving though, Fafnir had taken the angelic magic of Azazel and fused with Jokuru, he, the dragon and the holy power becoming one and the Downfall Dragon Spear becoming nothing more than a fancy, albeit powerful weapon. Having been the vessel of such power for as long as it had it had become a weapon on par with any of the holy swords.

He was no Sacred Gear Wielder. He wasn't even fully human any more. What Jokuro was, was the Downfall Dragon.

“You!” Issei hissed in rage, eyes flashing green briefly and drawing Jokuro from his thoughts, “Boosted Gear!” he called out. There was a red flash and upon his arm the famed gauntlet of Ddraig materialized on his arm.

Boost!” Ddraig's deep and powerful voice reverberated from the gauntlet.

“I'll kill you!” Issei snarled at the boy now grinding against the moaning little neko.

Issei shot forward, closing the distance between them almost as quick as an Olympic runner. Pathetic really considering he'd been boosted by 8 Pawn pieces when he became a devil and had been training for months since then, yet even after doubling his speed he was still not even as fast as a peak, non magically enhanced human.

Jokuro snorted, his eyes flashing gold and sclera turning black for a split second before Issei found himself slammed into the wall beside them and bright golden cuffs of energy slammed into his arms and legs pinning him to the wall. He screamed in pain as the holy energy burnt into him and held him tight, the gauntlet dissolving from his arm.

Simply pathetic.

He eyed Issei one last time before smirking, “Oh, one last thing!” he realized with a jovial tone. His eyes flashed again and another golden band of holy energy appeared around his neck and forced his head around to make him stare right at Jokuro and Koneko.

Just in time to see Jokuro line up his fat cock with Koneko's tiny little slit and slam home in one powerful thrust.

“Nyaaaaaa!” Koneko mewled loudly, eyes rolling up into the back of her head. He marvelled at the tightness around his cock, tighter than anything he'd ever felt and the way his hand sunk into her fat rounded ass cheeks as she pressed into him. “So big! Nyaaa!”

Jokuuo was just so glad devils didn't have hymens. Which was actually kind of obvious when you thought about it, why would devil's have anything to do with purity?

“Koneko-chan!” Issei screamed, voice full of despair.

But she wasn't listening. Her eyes rolled up into the back of her head and all she could do was scream as Jokruo began to hammer into her, thrust after thrust, her fat ass cheeks rippling underneath her in his hand as he railed the little bitch silly.

He eyed her bouncing little teats under her shirt and instead of removing a hand from her delightful ass, he instead flashed his eyes once again and the buttons of her shirt were torn from her, her shirt ripped open from the force and displaying her pale little torso to the world, her little tits jiggling under the white and blue stripped bra she wore to go with her panties.

“Fuck she's so tight Issei!” Jokruo gloated with a laugh, forcing the boy to continue to look on as he defiled the little neko of whom the brown haired boy had hoped to get into his harem and shattering his dreams forever, especially with the way her little stomach bulged outwards from the huge tube like bulge travelling from her pelvis up the middle of her stomach, moving up and down and stretching her little belly outwards with each of his harsh thrusts.

“Bastard!” Issei screamed hoarsely, tears pouring from his eyes like the little bitch he was.

Jokuro just laughed while he continued to fuck the white haired loli senseless, “Get a good look you useless excuse for a dragon emperor!” he roared mockingly, not even once pausing in his thrusts, not even as the wall shook and cracked beneath the power of his hips and cock, “I'm gonna take them all after her! That blue haired excorcist, that cow Akeno and finally that up jumped cunt Rias! Every single one of them I'll make into my own little slut!” he gloated with a mocking laugh.

And as he continued to fuck Koneko like the little slut she was, all Issei could do was look on in despair and envy and wish it were him in his shoes. Not that a little bitch like the useless dragon emperor ever deserved to his his limp little dick in a sweet neko pussy like this!

Or any other for that matter!

Yes, this was only the beginning for the Gremory peerage.



Well this was an extremely pleasant surprise! I love how utterly casual Koneko is here and no doubt the other girls will be. I will most certainly be commissioning the next piece in the near future. I have to say, that "this is on the table" line was absolutely fantastic.