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Kushina groaned, how did it come to this? Well she knew really, but she couldn't actually believe it had gotten to this point. She'd only agreed to the stupid bet because she was an S-rank Kunoichi, and her students were mere newly graduated genin. Granted, she had the rookie of the year on her team, along with two other exceptional students, but still. She really must be slipping.

The busty redhead cast her eyes down at what she was wearing and had to mentally shaking her head. She pretty much asked for this with that she was wearing, she should have known better than to push her luck and tease them with a free strip show if they managed to get the bells off of her in any way.

The outfit she wore was one she picked out in her teens and to this day still wore, even as a wife and mother. Admittedly, her body had become even more voluptuous after her pregnancy, but it wasn't like she cared about other's opinions. The outfit was designed for maximum movement efficiency and comfort.

Black leggings stretched up over her full, lean legs right up to mid-thigh. Pair of black spandex shorts that looked more like they were painted on her full, lush posterior. Black thong strappings trailed up her womanly hips over the shorts, because why not go for the full effect? It was the jacket that drew most attention though. An orange crop jacket that only reached the tip of her stomach, and was unzipped nearly halfway allowing a deep well of cleavage from her large breasts to be shown to the world, peeks of her black lace bra shown with every movement she made.

But in her defence, hiding in the shadows and listening to her thee genin gush about how hot she was had flattered her something fierce, it had been a long time since her husband had complimented her and even longer still since he'd fucked her, well not that he'd ever really fucked her. And the way the rookie of the year, Jokuro Nikos had bragged to the other two, little more than followers to him had bragged about how one of these days he was gonna fuck her silly and paint her eyelids shut with his cum had turned her on to no end. Why couldn't her husband have half the sex drive this kid had? She had a good mind to let him take her home and prove himself to her.

So she'd flounced and she' teased. She'd bent over showing her spilling cleavage to the boys, preening over the way they near drooled at her tits and promised them that if they got the bells she'd perform a strip show for them, get good and naked and let them have as long a look at her big heavy tits as long as they wanted.

It was a good thing this was her families own training ground and seals kept anybody she didn't want intruding from getting in, otherwise no doubt this would get back to her husband.

“Woo!” Jokuro cheered, breaking her from her thoughts, “Get on it with sensei I wanna see those fat tits of yours!”

Kushina shook her head and had to smirk at the sheer audacity of this kid, she reminded him so much of herself when she was younger. Maybe that was why she was kind of drawn to him a little bit, the confidence and gung ho attitude to go after whatever he wanted.

The other two, Kano and Hachiro had given up after an hour of her beating them down, too exhausted and hurt to continue onwards. Jokuro on the other hand had chased her like a man possessed, she'd limited her strength quite a bit, but it was still enough to smash small boulders, yet no matter how many times she'd beaten him down, he'd stared right at her tits and got right back up again and attacked like an animal.

Eventually, she'd tried to pull a practical joke like Kakashi usually did with his teams, let him get close and get a touch to the bells but that was all. Instead, he'd sunk one of his hands into one of her large breasts before doing something with chakra that sent pleasure shooting down her spine, stunning her long enough for him to get the bells.

And so here they were, her standing in front of her genin, all three of them sitting across the large bench she'd had commissioned for sitting on for a rest.

“Yeah sensei, please!” Kano pleaded with a shout,, eyes vibrant and clasping his hands together.

She smirked coyly at the three young teens, “Well I'm a woman of her word,” the redhead responded, lifting her hand up to her neck before grasping the zipper of her jacket and began pulling it down oh so slowly downwards.

The busty redhead teasingly lowered her zipper down slowly, allowing more and more of her mountain like cleavage to fall into view, loosely contained by her flimsy black lace bra, “Well boys what do you think?” She teasingly purred as the zipper met at the bottom before her jacket pulled apart and she allowed to to fall to the floor, leaving her standing in front of the three young teens in her overstuffed bra and clinging tight spandex shorts.

“Oh my god!” Hachiro gasped, leaning back with eyes full of awe.

Kushina almost chuckled as Kano followed behind him with a stupefied look on his face – but Jokuro stole the show and her attention, raising his hand and waving it through the air excitedly, throwing himself up to his feet, “Woot! Look at those tits man!” he cheered, “Man I'd love to get my dick between those!”

Oh my, Kushina felt her face heat up and a small pit of arousal flourish in her stomach. She actually kinda wanted to let him get his dick between her tits just from the sheer enthusiasm he showed. She wished her husband showed even a tenth of the lust for her this boy did.

Before she could say anything though, Jokuro continued, holding up a finger and swivelling it around, “Turn around sensei, let's see that ass!” he all but demanded.

And so dominant too. Kushina couldn't help but throw the young boy a wink, before turning around and bending over, showing off the full curves of her bouncy round ass and the way her spandex shorts just clung to each fully rounded cheek. She hooked her fingers at the top and slowly began to peel them off.


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