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The 72 Demon pillars of the underworld. A collection of demon nobility that led the demonic armies of hell against heaven. The loyal followers of the ancient and powerful Lucifer.

They were a collection of histories worst. The very creators of sin. Those who indulged in it day in and day out until their very skins were seeped with their own debauchery.

They were oh so loyal – at the very least, until the realized what the war was costing them. There were no real changes of heart, the devils did not suddenly grow to become compassionate for the other races. They still stole, they still killed and they still very much raped and pillaged till their hearts content.

It was just they realized, if they followed Lucier to the end, there was a very high chance that none of them would be able to indulge in their sins as they so loved to embrace.

There was a great division in the 72 pillars. The old and new devil factions tore into each other with a ferocity unseen in their own enemies. Clash after clash, all for the pleasurable delights of their sins.

The old devil faction were those so lost in their sins of wrath and pride that they could not stop, they could not pull back. They could not allow for peace with the other factions. They lusted for their decimation.

The new devil faction were those of the devil species that had yet to lose themselves in their vices – yet blanched at the idea of throwing their lives away for a master that did not care and lose the ability to indulge within their vices.


The once threw way war became a four way split. Heaven, the Fallen, the old devil faction led by Lucifer and the newly risen new devil faction. It was a four way stalemate that was not broken even with the rise of super devils such as Sirzechs Gremory and Ajuka Astaroth.

Inside every group however, there is always an anomaly. And for the 72 pillars, that anomaly was the devil house of Aiperos. Like all devils, they were beings who longed to sin – but unlike others devils, held steadfast to a code. A code of loyalty, of valiance, of chivalry and more.

They were the closest the devil species as a whole had to the valiant humans known as  'knights'. One of the largest and strongest families of devils, the heir of the family granted the title of Prince by the lord of devils, Lucifer himself for their steadfast loyalty to him and him alone even if they did not believe in his ideals.

One from the Aiperos house could not keep with his loyalty any longer though. With his bride to be fighting for the other side, Hashirama soon to be titled The Gallant was split between his code as a knight and the love for his beloved bride, Mito of the Gremory.

He chose the love of his life and turned against his clan. The very strongest of his clan, he slaughtered the ever loyal knightly devils down to the last and turned the tides of the very war himself.

It could almost be considered ironic that his soon to be daughter would eventually fall in love with and marry the descendant of the famous Arturian knight – Lancelot of the Lake. The wielder of the legendary blackened and demonic holy sword, Arondight.

But this was not the story of their epic love. Nor is it even about the gallant adventures of Hashirama himself. No, this story follows the tale of the result of their union. Their son.

The half breed who would change the world, forever.

This is the story, of Naruto Aiperos.


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