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Sorry guys had a bit of writers block trying to finish this part, was suuuuper annoying and fought me very step of the way. And it definitely feels a bit clunky.


After letting my maidenless Aerodactyl meet the future mother of his very expensive children, I decided it was about time to go see all my other pokemon.

There was only problem-

"Oh c'mon, stop sulking." I rolled my eyes at Aerodactyl who lay across the ground in total defeat. Even after I explained to him just exactly where Altaria came from and the fact he'd be mating with her, he still didn't budge.

Apparently the fact she didn't care for him at all and found him a disappointment outweighed the fact he'd get to mate with her. Well, I suppose I could get it. A pity lay wasn't at all good for the confidence after all.

Probably, I couldn't tell to be honest I'd never been in that situation.

I'd returned Altaria and Blissey to their pokeballs at least to ease a little of the humiliation he felt without them around to see him sulking.

Aerodactyl refused to look at me from where he lay on the ground, face buried between his wings.

Honestly, he is such a drama queen.

Huffing, I sat on his head as if it were a big rocky boulder. He had a massive head, and didn't even dip at all from my weight.

"You went about it all wrong," I sighed, shaking my head, "I mean, the stupid posing and crap to show off was pretty cringey mate, but that wasn't where you actually screwed up. It was when she rejected you and you got all over dramatic about it and resorted to this…whatever the hell this is."

"…Rooo…" he grumbled underneath me.

"Don't get huffy," I snorted, "Like sure I get it, this was what your first time interacting with a female you can mate with…probably. So it's understandable you were an utter failure at it with no experience, it just doesn't change that you came across pretty pathetically to her, understandable or not reality doesn't care about excuses."

That did it.

His grumbling turned into an angry growl beneath me at my insulting tone and he shook his head aggressively beneath to try and dislodge me as he began to rise up, raising me into the air.

I scoffed and reached down, grabbing him under his massive rocky chin before rolling forward towards the ground and pulling.

A yelp left his massive maw as I dragged him and spun him around with me as I flipped and landed on my feet and smashed him into the ground.

"Aero!?" he sputtered, eyes wide in shock as I planted my foot on his chest to pin him to the ground.

It honestly wouldn't do much if he tried to exert his full strength, but as always the shock of being tossed by a tiny little human shocked him into a stupor. After all, he has no idea he is that much stronger than me because of the way I've tossed him around.

The Dao of Bullshit is truly overpowered.

I leaned on my leg pinning him to the ground and smirked down at him, "What you should have done, is laugh her rejecting you off and not take it so personally," I told him, "At the very least you would have saved some of your self respect, and that's much more attractive than someone who does…whatever the hell you just did."

"…Aero?" he blinked, before cocking his head to the side as if to ask 'Really?'

"Yes," I said bluntly, "Really, someone who has respect for themselves is far more attractive than someone who doesn't, that transcends all race, species and gender. You would have come off way better if you just shrugged it off."

"Ro, ro aero." he shrugged his wings and huffed, letting his head fall back and lay against the tiled floor in defeat.

I have no idea what he meant this time though. Maybe something along the lines of if he only knew beforehand…maybe?

Well, it didn't really matter too much I suppose. The general meaning would roughly amount to the same thing in the end anyway.

"The confidence is a good start though I suppose," I shrugged and took my foot off of him, though he continued just laying there, "Either way, you'll be mating with her later on anyway, so buck up for now and shrug it off. The best thing to do, is improve yourself. Get stronger, make that confidence more real and get some experience with her so next time you run into a female you like, it doesn't turn out like this. Use this experience to make yourself better."

Aerodactly looked up at me, before sighing and kicking his legs and wings out huffily.

Very whiny looking actually.

"Oh get over it," I scoffed and rolled my eyes, "You might have been the strongest in that little cavern, but you were little more than a Poliwag in a well, you didn't understand just how vast the world is and don't know even now. I'll change that quickly."

Now none of this whiny crap.

Crouching down I grabbed him under his back and with a grunt, bodily lifted him up into the air above my head, drawing a yelp from the massive rock and flying type pokemon.

He kicked up a fuss like a whiny brat, but I ignored him in favour of carrying him off. It was time to go see all my other pokemon here at the Viridian City Pokemon Centre.

He'll change his tune after he spends a night with Altaria.



And if he doesn't, well that is what training is for. He's just being huffy because he found himself going from top of the food chain, to the very bottom and nobody found him all that impressive beyond his species.


As I made my way through the Viridian Pokemon Centre, carrying my sulky little virgin of an Aerodactyl above my head I got a few odd looks from the scant amount of others within the hospital for pokemon, mostly from the working Chansey, but there were a few people beyond those that came to see me here as well.

None of them tried to even talk to me though in spite of that, in fact I felt they shied away from me.


I wasn't really going to complain though, while I'd decided to be well...less of a selfish, ignorant cunt after my talk with Surge, and wouldn't have shooed them away, I still have things to do and random people wanting to talk to me would get in the way of that.

It wasn't long before I reached my destination, the secondary building of the Pokemon Centre where the pokemon that were left at Viridian by those the Pokemon Centre sponsored like myself were allowed to roam as they pleased.

'Damn.' I whistled as I overlooked the building from the small hallway junction connecting both the main Pokemon Centre building and it. It was absolutely massive and shaped like a dome.

It was probably around the size of three football fields put together, if not a little more, absolutely gargantuan. It made sense though, pokemon came in all shapes and sizes, and lived in all manners of habitats, so it would need to be at least this big to let them live comfortably.

...Well depending on how many of them were actually there. It was honestly probably pushing it just with my pokemon. It's a good thing I had mostly all my bigger pokemon with me before now.

Humming, I took one hand off of Aerodactyl and balanced him above me with just the other hand, before fishing out my phone and bringing up my pokedex app. The door to the habitat was just like the one the pokeball storage room was sealed behind, though unlike that one registered trainers here with pokemon currently within the habitat, could gain access by presenting their ID as a trainer. It was a state of the art facility that according to Nurse Joy monitored the insides in real time, and if anything were to go wrong, a red alert would not only be sent to the police station and Officer Jenny, but the employed Ace Trainers by the League that protected Viridian City, and of course the Viridian City Gym Leader and his forces.

I paused for a moment, '...How the fuck did Jessie and James ever manage to hold this place up?' I wondered. Putting Giovanni aside, since he would definitely drag his feet if he heard it was Team Rocket behind it, just how were Officer Jenny and the Ace Trainers not alerted?

Did they somehow subvert the system? But, from what I remembered, they didn't really do anything like that and just attacked the joint. Granted, I wouldn't put it past them to be able to actually subvert the system. Jessie, James and Meowth were the most incompetent thieves this world had ever seen, barring Cassidy and Biff maybe.

But they were hyper competent at everything else. They were incredible battlers, incredible at raising pokemon. Expert mechanics, miners, actors, cooks, waiting staff, cleaners, hackers, builders, con artists, escapers, gardeners, infiltrators, fighters and all manner of all professions and abilities. And that wasn't even going into their own personal interests and specializations like Jessie being a qualified nurse and James being a top tier pokeringer and much much more.

And that isn't also going into their absurd loyalty and work ethic. Quite frankly, if it were possible, they would be at the very top of my list of people to recruit to work for me. The amount of boons I would get from them working under me would be absurd. Having all their talents to put to my uses, as well as them increasing the efficiency of looking after my pokemon as a whole....and Meowth being able to translate anything any pokemon said would be absolutely insane.

Not to mention Jessie was absurdly hot.

....I may have resolved to better myself as a person after my epiphany, but baby steps and all that. Rome wasn't built in a day and all that.

'She is damn hot though.' I nodded. And that skirt on those thigh high boots she wore when I saw her back on the day I first arrived here in this world, should have been illegal.

Like Arceus dayum!

Shaking my head and putting the dayum that was Jessie out of mind for the moment, I pressed my phone up against the scanner at the side of the heavy duty security door and waited for a moment as the system worked to process the data.


"Access granted," the scanner chimed in a pleasant voice, "Welcome Jord Odhar."

With a soft hiss, the door unlocked and began sliding open.

Alright,' I nodded and took a breath, before making my way inside, and as soon as I did the door hissed once more and closed tightly behind me. Good system that, I should get one for myself.

That done with, I looked around my new surroundings, and as I did I couldn't help but whistle, both in awe and surprise, "Incredible." I uttered with an astounded blink.

The inside of the massive dome was like that of a massive vivarium. Up above, artificial sunlight streamed down to the world below from a massive spherical construction that rotated slowly. I wasn't sure how though. Perhaps a machine that recreated Sunny Day? Well, that didn't really matter for the moment.

Or well...it did because I want that!

But it wasn't just, the entire place was incredible.

As far as my eye could see were dozens of roving areas of land all in different habitats.

A wide open grassy plain, a wide forest of trees filled with all manner of plant life and berry trees, even just from where I stand I can see an abundance of Oran Berry, Pecha Berry Trees, Cheri Berry trees and more for pokemon to snack upon. In the centre, I could see a massive lake, with multiple large streams wide enough for multiple Gyarados to swim through without issue spreading out across the massive dome vivarium. Small mountainous rocky areas filled with craggy plateaus, swampy marshes filled with murky pools, a small volcano like area and magma pool and even what looked cave system that led into the ground.

And all along the massive walls that made up the inside of the vivarium were all manner of natural terrain, ledges, small tunnels, burrows and such that pokemon could rest or live within easily.

And of course there were pokemon everywhere. A cluster of Nidoran and Nidorino were grazing atop one of the hills on the grassy plain, I could see dozens of flying pokemon like Spearow, pidgey, Pidgeotto and even a few Murkrow and Hoothoot. The most abundant were the water types I could see within the massive lake habitat in the middle and the streams branching out from it.

Huh, neat.

"....Where the hell are my pokemon though?" I wondered. I mean, I could see a few pokemon I had species wise, but I don't actually see any of my specific pokemon.

I'd definitely know if I saw them.

....Most of them.

Some of them I've not exactly interacted with yet.


EmikoIto (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-29 21:17:19 Thanks for the update! Where is jord's pokemon? I hope jord is able to get onto his adventure again soon. I wonder how many pokemon he'll be bringing along? The chapter in itself was good, some grammar mistakes but didn't read as super chunky, I think.
2024-03-29 20:56:50 Thanks for the update! Where is jord's pokemon? I hope jord is able to get onto his adventure again soon. I wonder how many pokemon he'll be bringing along? The chapter in itself was good, some grammar mistakes but didn't read as super clunky, I think.

Thanks for the update! Where is jord's pokemon? I hope jord is able to get onto his adventure again soon. I wonder how many pokemon he'll be bringing along? The chapter in itself was good, some grammar mistakes but didn't read as super clunky, I think.

Nuka Man

Booyah new chapter!!

Daddy Ivan

Nice, quality isn’t that far off honestly. It works well, nice little pep talk and all. Always amusing to see how oblivious he is to how him lugging Aero around would look

Rolando Mejia

I don’t what you talking about author, this chapter did not feel clunky at all. Keep up the good work


Considering Jord is going to Kalos soonish, fingers crossed Jord pays Nurse Joy back for all the stress. Wink wink.


man, cant wait for jord to head to kalos, theres plenty of girls there for him to dick down, hell, he'll probably get a lucario from that one gym leader too, might even be a staple on his team if he can get a mega stone. though iirc the mega evolution lore is that it hurts the pokemon a lot as its forcing evolution

God of Wind 200

Hey if your worried about steeling Pokemon from Ash’s team then you could always have Ash accidentally catch a Pokemon he didn’t want to catch or one that would be happy with Jordon because then you could just trade Ash his future Pokemon now that way or don’t and just keep to canon in the way Ash meets his Pokemon


Hopefully there’s an update soon