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"Just how long have they been planning this?" Mei couldn't help but wonder in abject shock.

"Decades, more even," Daiki sighed, running a hand through his spiky hair, "They've been in the background fanning the flames of war between us all for ages. They want to keep us weak and against each other for when they're ready to put their plans into action. And it's why the Mist and Leaf specifically were targeted."

Her brows furrowed, "I could understand the Leaf, you have always espoused for peace between us, but why us? We've been long known as the Bloody Mist for a reason."

"Because of Yagura," Daiki shrugged, making her blink, "While personally I'm not too fond of the guy because he still forced my buddy to submit to him, he was in general a peace loving guy right? And he wanted to push for peace. If he ever got the chance, we would have most likely been allied already. And with us allied, the Sand wouldn't have dared push things like they have now, making for a three way alliance between three of the great five nations. It would cow both Cloud and Stone into submission and we would have been free as an alliance to grow stronger over time without interruptions."

"I see…." Mei bit her lip, her thoughts racing, "But because they wanted us weak for their plans, they couldn't allow that. So instead, they targeted Yagura and put him under some form of Genjutsu and made him do the complete opposite and destroy everything he'd been building up instead."

It was all beginning to make a vast amount of more sense now. And it brought a horrible pit to her stomach.

"It was the same reason why they targeted the Leaf as well and released the Kyuubi," Daiki added, "Someone attacked the previous Jinchuuriki when she was giving birth, when her seal was at the weakest and unleashed the Kyuubi. In the process of fighting them off and resealing the Kyuubi, the Yondaime died and we took a lot of losses in the process, not only only to the infrastructure of the village, but a lot of people too."

"They were behind the Kyuubi attack and the death of the Yondaime Hokage?" while she wasn't as surprised as she would have been due to the earlier revelations, it was still incredibly shocking to learn.

Minato Namikaze was a genius among geniuses. And monstrously power. Capable of killing a thousand Iwa shinobi in mere moments with his fabled Flying Thunder God jutsu. People thought of him as the second coming of Hashirama Senju and thought that if he were allowed to reach his prime, it would be all but impossible for the Leaf to be defeated even if the other four great shinobi villages allied against them.

He was one of the few men in the history of the shinobi to gain a flee on sight order. To think the Akatsuki were behind his death as well as the manipulation of Yagura.

It showed just how insidious they truly were, how far their reach went. And it brought another question to her mind.

"You said this was all pre planned to keep us weak in preparation for when they put their plan into motion," Mei swallowed, "Do you know when they plan to do so?"

"They've already started," Daiki replied, to her absolute horror, "They've already gotten their hands on the Five Tails, not that the stupid rock humpers have noticed, they don't give a fuck about their Jinchuuriki and haven't noticed he's been taken."

Oh…that was not good, not good at all. "I see, so is this the reason behind why you want an alliance?" Mei asked, as more and more things began to click into place, "Not only for the possible back up, but for the simple reason of making sure you don't have to worry about the rest of us when you try to deal with them."

"Admittedly, yeah," Daiki laughed a little bit, and it was actually a little comforting that he was still casual about things with such a discussion. It meant he had a plan of sorts, perhaps multiple, "We still have some time though, while they're moving right now, they won't start going all out in full force for another two years or so going by the information I've managed to gather, assuming nobody spooks them into action before then."

Two years huh?

"All things considered, not a whole lot of time," Mei grimaced, "You can't even guarantee a force capable of quashing an S-class shinobi in ten years without committing an absurd amount of forces, never mind two. With out current lacking manpower, I can't guarantee anyone but myself being capable of dealing with even one of their ranks, and should I have to fight two it's unlikely I'll win."

Especially if they were monsters like Kisame, and considering Daiki had name dropped Orochimaru as a previous member, then for sure each of them had to be monsters in their own right.

And she could definitely see why Daiki advised her not to send her people after the Rokubi Jinchuuriki. If they brought him, or even just the Bijuu back. It would paint a target on the village.

With none of the Bijuu currently within the village, it would mean a lot of the Akatsuki's attention would be focused elsewhere other than them,

And they definitely couldn't deal with an assault from multiple S-class shinobi as they were right now, it would be the end of the Hidden Mist.

"That's fine, you alone are more than worth the alliance," Daiki winked, "Besides, it'll be in our best interests to help you recover your strength. And we'll be adding two S-rank shinobi to our ranks within the next two years, three if you don't already count Kakashi. Possibly four if another one works out right. And at least a bunch of Elite Jonin tier if I have anything to say about it."

"Not counting yourself?" Mei replied, raising an eyebrow at him. While trying her best to contain her won shock at the casual listing of such a thing. Putting the matter of Hatake Kakashi aside, that would still be two S-class he was confident about, with a possible third. And a confidence in multiplier Elite Jonin level ninja.

"Nah, I'm already S-class for sure," he laughed, "But yeah as far as that level goes we have me, old man Sarutobi, old man Danzo who I'll give a boot up the ass if he drags his feet again, Jiraiya, Gai who can hit on that level with the Eight Gates and I'll be dragging Tsunade back as well. So that's Five definite S-class levels, six once we get Tsunade back. And assuming everything works out to plan, that'll bring us to ten S-class ninja in the Leaf alone. And eleven with you included, that is again assuming you accept the alliance."

So nine S-class without a doubt in his mind at least, from the Leaf. Another possible one.

That…was quite the force.

If he was to believed, and Mei actually did believe the young man. Then the Leaf had already began to recover from the loss of the Yondaime and then some. Admittedly, Sarutobi Hiruzen was getting on in age, as was the Shimura Danzo, but neither were close to the age of that old gnome of a fence sitter Onoki, so she didn't doubt they would be combat ready when needed.

From that stand point alone, allying with the Leaf was the best bet. Taking refuge under the wings of a titan until they recovered their own strength would be a great way to protect the village.

And that of course wasn't taking into account that if the Akatsuki were successful then they would be destroyed anyway. So it was in their best interests to join hands with the Leaf.

"Before I give you my answer Daiki-kun, is there any other world shattering revelation you want to drop on me?" she smiled prettily at him.

"Well, beyond helping you guys recover, helping you it if you're in trouble and getting those swords back for you guys, there is one thing else," Daiki turned around and slid off of her table, casually walking around it, "This isn't an offer for the Mist Village though, it's an offer to sweeten the deal from me to you."

"Oh?" she hummed in curiosity, even as he walked around to stand directly behind her. She couldn't feel his chakra at all, but her physical senses were well honed enough to feel his movements behind her.

He placed his hands gently on her shoulders, before sliding them down her front and clasping his hands together over her chest, and she shivered as she felt the boys lips touch the back of her ear, "How would you like eternal youth?" he whispered into her ear, as if hiding a great secret that only she was meant to overhear even though they were the only ones within the room.


'Eternal youth!?' she blinked rapidly. That was the offer he was giving her? "You have the power to do that?" Mei asked, voice low, almost a whisper in of itself as she was caught up in the boys pace.

"I don't have the power to give immortality, but eternal youth is well within my power thanks to those idiots at the Village of Artisans and the Sanbi," he continued, "My dojutsu is called the Shinkugan, and one of the abilities it has is to turn chakra into pure life force, which I can not only use on myself, but give to others. With the absurd amount of chakra I have as a jinchuuriki, I can create an absurd amount of life force. As I am right now, without focusing on it much, I'm generating roughly twenty years worth of life force per month passively for myself. But I can do so much more given time and the right incentive."

Mei swallowed heavily.

That….that was something alright. That went way beyond mere incentive. Did…did he know she'd been worrying about her age? That she was a complete christmas cake left on the shelf that no man would ever want? Doomed to be forever alone and never find a man to love her?

"And you're offering…eternal youth to me if I agree to the alliance with the Leaf?" Mei replied, unable to hide the tremble in the voice. Excitement? Awe? Shock?

She could not tell.

"Well, it would be a shame after all for your gorgeous looks to be lost to time," Daiki chuckled in her ear, and it made her shiver, "I'm gonna be really blunt Mei, do you know the first thing I thought when I walked into this room and saw you leaning against that desk?"

"No," she licked her lips, "Tell me."

"I wanted to bend you over it and fuck you silly," a gasp left her throat at his bold, crass words, "I wanted to make you scream my name until those gorgeous green eyes of yours rolled up into the back of your skull. And I still want to do it right now."

Mei felt the heat rising on her cheeks, and even lower down as her heart pounded within her chest. Never had she heard words like this directed at herself. Never had she had anyone talk to her like this. Never had a man shown such interest in her. Never had a man ever made her feel like this. Never had a man so boldly spoken his desire towards her. Never had a man so openly desired her, and wanted her in the way that she had so desperately wanted them to.

Daiki's hands unfastened and he grabbed her by the arm, pulling her up and then spinning her around. She could have stopped him easily, she didn't though and allowed the young, handsome Leaf boy to pin her against her desk. He looked down at her, eyes alight with heat and want, a smirk on his lips, as she looked up at him. Her own eyes wide with shock. Her lips slightly parted. Her heart racing. Her skin tingling with anticipation. The heat inside her building and burning hot, desire shook her body.

"Ara ara, bend me over my desk huh?" the purr that came from her lips, was all instinct. Her hands came up and she looked them behind the boys neck, her decision was made before this offer came about, and with it on the table, and in this situation, everything she wanted being offered to her? Everything she could ever dream of? There was no way she could say no, "Maybe we can talk more about than our date~"

And then his lips were over hers, the young ravenous shinobi of the Leaf, pinning her against her desk as he conquered her lips with his own.



Let’s go!


Thanks for the chapter t

Shubham Gupta

Thanks for the chapter


Is his 'eternal youth' ability innate to the shinkugan or is that something he created? I might need to reread this story tbh

0 Jordinio 0

His passive one is a creation of his own, but the ability to turn chakra into life force is an ability of his eyes yeah.


Noice noice. Time to take that cake off the shelf and into his lap


I'm interested to read whether or not daiki will have any other stops other than whirlpool, before heading back. Also, what is his plan to stop the crush? Or will he solely be focusing on keeping the hokage alive? The mist deal is done and dusted; hopefully daiki will hit the road again soon! Thanks for the update!

Joshua Leahy

Mei really did deserve better. Great work!


Wonder how Anko is going to take this. 🤣

Derek Palm

Kind of insane that chapter 50 of this fic came out February of 2023 and over a year later we still aren't at chapter 60

Daddy Ivan

Cracks me up how everyone around him was worried about him being seduced but failed to consider the opposite alternative. Looking forward to more


oh yeah, cant wait to see a good chapter about mei getting railed, so few ever decide to do anything with her, anko, or kurenai, such a shame

Connor Behan

I need more!!! please don't leave me hanging I need that lemony goodness!